View Full Version : Small boy kills big pig

27th May 2007, 20:19

That pig is scary big :crazy:

27th May 2007, 20:23
But still didn't need to be killed, IMO.

27th May 2007, 20:33
I hope you don't eat any animals in your lifetime Eki. Tbh for an 11 year old to track an animal of that size for that long IS an achievement. Funnily enough I watched some nomadic Africans today on TV hunting. I'm sure most people wouldn't bat an eyelid at that.

27th May 2007, 20:35
I hope you don't eat any animals in your lifetime Eki. Tbh for an 11 year old to track an animal of that size for that long IS an achievement. Funnily enough I watched some nomadic Africans today on TV hunting. I'm sure most people wouldn't bat an eyelid at that.
Did they have supermarkets where they could get meat specially produced to be eaten? For people who have that privilege I see no need to go hunt wild animals.

Ian McC
27th May 2007, 20:36
It's bloody huge!

"It feels really good," Jamison said. "It's a good accomplishment. I probably won't ever kill anything else that big."

I think his parents are teaching him the wrong things :rolleyes:

27th May 2007, 20:52
Did they have supermarkets where they could get meat specially produced to be eaten? For people who have that privilege I see no need to go hunt wild animals.
Perhaps some people derive enjoyment out of it? Why must you be interested in motorsport. Don't you know that this causes the needless release of CO2 into the atmosphere? :eek:

27th May 2007, 21:16
Perhaps some people derive enjoyment out of it? Why must you be interested in motorsport. Don't you know that this causes the needless release of CO2 into the atmosphere? :eek:
Did you have to remind me and make me feel bad about it? Anyways, I can't understand how anyone can enjoy killing.

27th May 2007, 21:34
I don't agree with killing stuff for the sake of it... I find it a bit disturbing really. I feel sorry for this huge pig. :(

27th May 2007, 22:16
My only question is what the hell are they going to do with it now? I mean they could eat it, but something of that size could never be esten in one go. You'd need an industrial size freezer or something :s

27th May 2007, 22:24
erm... what's the point of killing something for fun? where's the fun? :s

28th May 2007, 01:32
Did you have to remind me and make me feel bad about it? Anyways, I can't understand how anyone can enjoy killing.
Eki, go on a hunting trip, kill something. cook it and then eat it and see how you feel then.

I've killed things before and eaten them. Only guinea fowl and pheasant though if I'm honest. But the feeling of satisfaction I got by killing and preparing my meal all by myself is something that will live with me forever.

As Richard Hammond of his adrenalin rush after doing the running of the bulls in Pamplona. "it's the caveman running from the sabre tooth tiger". That's the feeling people get when they hunt something. Just for the record I'm very very much against hunting something down just for it's skin or to mount it on your wall but to hunt something down to eat it is just fine by me. What right do people who walk into Sainsbury's or Tesco and pick up a steak have to criticise this boy without knowing if he went hunting for food or not. Do you eat eggs that come from battery hens where the hens are treated like **** and left to live in apalling conditions? Have you eaten Veal and do you know the conditions these poor animals live in just for you to have a tender cut of meat?

I've never heard so much self righteous twaddle in my life.

28th May 2007, 02:08
My only question is what the hell are they going to do with it now? I mean they could eat it, but something of that size could never be esten in one go. You'd need an industrial size freezer or something :s

Here they hunt moose which are way bigger than that (1400 pounds for you imperial people). People take to a butcher to get some parts to freeze and to make sausage. Some families do that and eat it through the whole year (and still give some away to friends).

I don't really see the difference between grabbind some steaks at the supermarket and going hunting yourself (besides the risk, but that's something else; I guess we won't criticize taking risks in a site where we talk about enjoying motorsport).

Ian McC
28th May 2007, 03:12
I don't agree with killing stuff for the sake of it... I find it a bit disturbing really. I feel sorry for this huge pig. :(

people never learn :(

28th May 2007, 04:33
Did they have supermarkets where they could get meat specially produced to be eaten? For people who have that privilege I see no need to go hunt wild animals.

I used to date this girl who didn't like the fact that I hunted. She would say things like the above. Sometimes it's hard for me not to laugh when people say things like this. But I have to wonder if people actually think about what they're saying before they say it sometimes.

When you say "meat specially produced to be eaten", do you mean manic depressive animals that commit suicide... or do you mean captive farm animals, shot so full of growth hormones and antibiotics that I'm amazed every human meat eater hasn't grown a third arm or developed cancer? Actual meat is not "produced". All of it comes from some two or four legged creature that either has his head bashed in, gets his throat cut or takes a bullet to the heart.

When Bessie is walking through the slaughter house and sees her old pal Marge take a knife to the neck, how is that any better than at least getting a running start, and in a boar's case, a "fighting" chance?

When I hunted, wild boars were my favorites too. Like the kid, I hunted with a pistol as well. So you pretty much had to get up close & personal to do the deed... sometimes crawling on your stomach to get within 15 or 20 yards. So if you screwed up or missed your shot, Mr. Russian Boar and his pals got their chance to eat you, instead of the other way around. Now, Mr. Javelina is a different sort of pig. He probably won't eat you... at least not all at once. He's more into chewing on you for a bit, and making you regret that you disturbed his nap... buried under the leaves that you stepped on. Barnyard hogs, on the other hand, have the guy, who they thought was their lifelong buddy, walk up to them and put a .22 hollowpoint into their brains. "Meat specially produced to be eaten", eh? :dozey:

As big as that thing is, who knows what the meat will taste like. But I read the story somewhere else, and the family seemed to have every intention of eating it. My rule was, if I wasn't going to dress it out, I wouldn't shoot it. But wild boars in this area (and where the kid killed his hog) feed on acorns. Anyone who likes ham and sausage, none is any better than a wild boar fattened on acorns.

28th May 2007, 05:25
My only question is what the hell are they going to do with it now? I mean they could eat it, but something of that size could never be esten in one go. You'd need an industrial size freezer or something :s

In another article I read on this said the pig would be made into sausage, about 700 pounds of sausage. I don't have a problem with hunting, but a 11 year old walking around with a .50 caliber handgun does make me wonder how good an idea this is.

28th May 2007, 05:55
but a 11 year old walking around with a .50 caliber handgun does make me wonder how good an idea this is.

Why? If using a handgun, one probably wouldn't hunt a wild boar with anything smaller than a .44 Magnum. The chest and vital organ area on boars is protected by a heavy layer of cartilage and gristle or scar tissue. I once saw a 12 gauge slug do nothing more than bounce off a large boar (maybe 350 pounds) at close range. To get this large, I imagine this hog would have had one helluva chest plate and would have laughed at a .44 Magnum... especially since the .50 didn't do much. I didn't read about where his shot placement was, but I believe I read that it took the kid 8 shots to bring this monster down. Unless you get under the chest plate, you're basically shooting something with a natural bullet proof vest.

This kid wasn't exactly "little" - he clearly hasn't missed too many meals. But I am somewhat surprised that he could handle a .50 caliber revolver. And that he shot it 8 times? That's quite a wrist busting handcannon for even a big adult male.

28th May 2007, 06:13
mmmmmm... Sausages. :lips:

28th May 2007, 06:58
I used to date this girl who didn't like the fact that I hunted. She would say things like the above. Sometimes it's hard for me not to laugh when people say things like this. But I have to wonder if people actually think about what they're saying before they say it sometimes.

When you say "meat specially produced to be eaten", do you mean manic depressive animals that commit suicide... or do you mean captive farm animals, shot so full of growth hormones and antibiotics that I'm amazed every human meat eater hasn't grown a third arm or developed cancer? Actual meat is not "produced". All of it comes from some two or four legged creature that either has his head bashed in, gets his throat cut or takes a bullet to the heart.

When Bessie is walking through the slaughter house and sees her old pal Marge take a knife to the neck, how is that any better than at least getting a running start, and in a boar's case, a "fighting" chance?

When I hunted, wild boars were my favorites too. Like the kid, I hunted with a pistol as well. So you pretty much had to get up close & personal to do the deed... sometimes crawling on your stomach to get within 15 or 20 yards. So if you screwed up or missed your shot, Mr. Russian Boar and his pals got their chance to eat you, instead of the other way around. Now, Mr. Javelina is a different sort of pig. He probably won't eat you... at least not all at once. He's more into chewing on you for a bit, and making you regret that you disturbed his nap... buried under the leaves that you stepped on. Barnyard hogs, on the other hand, have the guy, who they thought was their lifelong buddy, walk up to them and put a .22 hollowpoint into their brains. "Meat specially produced to be eaten", eh? :dozey:

As big as that thing is, who knows what the meat will taste like. But I read the story somewhere else, and the family seemed to have every intention of eating it. My rule was, if I wasn't going to dress it out, I wouldn't shoot it. But wild boars in this area (and where the kid killed his hog) feed on acorns. Anyone who likes ham and sausage, none is any better than a wild boar fattened on acorns.

You forgot my favorite.

Sudden severe electric shock leading to death and or rupture of the heart, blood vessels in the brain and some other organs. I'll never forget the series of images of watching my uncle use his shock prod on a 350 lbs farm hog. Arguably this method is the most humane way to kill the animal as there is no need for fear or for the animal to be pinned and it is about 99.5% effective (better rate than most of the other methods). But believe me, there is nothing humane about mass agricultural food production.

I have no problem with hunting. Man has eliminated most of the natural predators as well as destabilized the habitat. We've seen tens of thousands of Deer literally starve to death over a period of 2 years sometimes passing on genetic defects to offspring due to overgrazing around here.

To all the anti-hunting people. The kid hunted a boar, a big boar at that. You have to have a lot of tracking skills, determination, bravery, and patience (boar will charge you and a boar that big isn't going down with one shot as soon as you pull the trigger the first time you have a reasonable chance of being mamed or worse). As for the validity of the story, I'm not a small person, and I am comfortable with guns from a shooting perspective, last time I fired a .50 cal handgun as a large adult male it had a wicked kick, the thought of firing off 8 quick rounds with accuracy surprises me.

I'm not a hunter but I have friends and family that are. People that hunt for the pure sport of it (trophy hunters that only want the trophy for instance) disgust me. I can respect people that hunt for the enjoyment and intend to fully utilize the animal. This family intends to use as much as the animal as possible, I'm sad to see such an impressive beast give up its life but this is the order of things as it were and I don't have a problem with it.

But really, too all the self righteous anti-hunting people that still eat meat, go to a slaughter house someday, it will change how you look at things.

28th May 2007, 08:27
When you say "meat specially produced to be eaten", do you mean manic depressive animals that commit suicide... or do you mean captive farm animals, shot so full of growth hormones and antibiotics that I'm amazed every human meat eater hasn't grown a third arm or developed cancer?
No, I mean animals that are taken care for and fed for some time and then they take care and feed you for awhile. It's a "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" deal (unfortunately farm animals aren't these days often taken that well care of since people want to maximize their profit). What have you done for wild animals except killed them so that they should feed you? Even if you kill wild animals for food, I don't think it's something to brag about. I don't see butchers on front page news bragging how they just killed the biggest cow ever.

28th May 2007, 08:47
I would rather have seen a video of that pig alive than see a picture of the animal dead.

The problem I have with hunting is that:

A) In the western world it is NOT necessary to hunt your own food. We have evolved our civilisation well beyond that point. In a very real sense we "manufacture" our food by breeding animals for food. There are problems enough with inhumane animal farming without adding the slaughter of wild animals to the list.

B) The excuse that it takes great skill to track an animal does not override the fact that the animal does not need to be killed at the end of the hunt. You can do all the tracking and what-not and take a video or picture of the animal instead of shooting it. The hunter gets his "kill" along with proof and the animal gets to live. Why blow it's head off with a high powered weapon?

Sometimes wild animals need to be shot. Ferral animals are a problem the world over and these animals need to be culled as they damage the environment that they never should have been in, in the first place. But hunting and culling are two very different things. Sometimes hunters satisfy their bloodlust by combining the two and I have no problem with that, though I donlt understand this need to kill something.

In this case, that pig did not need to be shot. I'm sure the kid could have obtained all the pork sausages he could eat at the supermarket. I find it disturbing that a child is even in that position and has developed a lust for killing a such a young age.

Let me pose a question to all the pro-hunters. Do you agree with the Japanese whaling practices? I'm assuming that you do. After all, what's the difference between shooting a pig with a gun or shooting a whale with a harpoon?

28th May 2007, 09:19
B) The excuse that it takes great skill to track an animal does not override the fact that the animal does not need to be killed at the end of the hunt. You can do all the tracking and what-not and take a video or picture of the animal instead of shooting it.

True. I remember when I saw an otter in the wild for the first and only time in my life. It came about 5 meters to me before turning away. I didn't need to kill it to feel good about it.

28th May 2007, 09:45
No, I mean animals that are taken care for and fed for some time and then they take care and feed you for awhile. It's a "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" deal (unfortunately farm animals aren't these days often taken that well care of since people want to maximize their profit). What have you done for wild animals except killed them so that they should feed you? Even if you kill wild animals for food, I don't think it's something to brag about. I don't see butchers on front page news bragging how they just killed the biggest cow ever.

If you have a drug problem you know we're always here to talk about it with you and help you through this tough time. I can only assume that you do have a drug problem when I see you post something as preposterous as that. There is no way that a sheep is getting from us what we get from it and you must be smoking something pretty potent to be seeing things that way.

Hawkmoon. There is a big difference between whaling and hunting a pig. The japanese are hunting something that is endangered and I will never agree with the hunting of endangered species. That includes hunting Otters Eki......

L5 I think you made the point best. Hawkmoon, I find it enormously hilarious that you call keeping tens of thousands of chickens in sheds in close proximity and pumping them full of hormones, "civilised" while a person going out and "manufacturing" his own food naturally and organically with his own gun is something savage. Funny! Really funny!

28th May 2007, 10:59
Hawkmoon. There is a big difference between whaling and hunting a pig. The japanese are hunting something that is endangered and I will never agree with the hunting of endangered species. That includes hunting Otters Eki......

No Daniel, there's no difference. Whales are only endangered because humans hunted them into that state. The fact that pigs aren't doesn't mean that the motives behind them being hunted are any different.

L5 I think you made the point best. Hawkmoon, I find it enormously hilarious that you call keeping tens of thousands of chickens in sheds in close proximity and pumping them full of hormones, "civilised" while a person going out and "manufacturing" his own food naturally and organically with his own gun is something savage. Funny! Really funny!

Daniel, western civilisation has evolved to the point that hunting and gathering is no longer necessary for subsistence. Hunting today is nothing more than sport and it's a "sport" that I have a problem with.

I stated that there are enough problems with the way we keep domestic animals without adding inflicting pain on wild animals as well. I agree that there is nothing civilised with some farming practices.

People choose to go hunting. They don't need to do it. They do it because they enjoy killing animals. It's something that I don't think I will ever understand.

28th May 2007, 11:12
Hawkmoon. I demand you stop the suffering of animals now. Stop eating meat and get your iron and protein from tablets or plants.

You don't need to eat meat. You choose to eat meat.

Hawkmoon, get a grip. There are tribes in Africa, Asia and South American that still regularly hunt down animals and kill them. That's their way of life and they enjoy the fact that this is their life. Is their way of life wrong? Should they accept your interpretation of the "western" style of life and move to a city, hold down a job, buy food from a supermarket, develop alcohol and drug problems or should they live life the way they want to and respect the land and the animals that allow them to live this way rather than rape and pillage as us "civilised" westerners do?

I said I don't agree with whaling so don't try and make it sound like I do. Farming and hunting must always be done in a sustainable manner. If you don't like hunting I hope you've never gone hunting for fish with bait and a rod. I really hope you never do this or that you've never gone into woolworths and buy wild fish that was hunted and caught and prepared for you.

Hunting is NOT sport. Hunting is going out and killing something so you can eat it. Sport shooting is going out and shooting something for it's tusks, horns, other ornamental apendages or just for the sake of it and leaving it there to rot. Hunting is no different to going to Woolworths and picking up that bright red rubbish they try to pass off as Beef (beef should be a deep red colour if it's been hung for long enough) except for the fact that it's more satisfying. Think of it like taking your car to the garage or fixing it yourself. It's the fact that the human race has devolved into a race of wimpy namby pamby people who cry when they break a nail and can't stomach the harsh reality that for us to eat stuff that stuff has to die and it's not as easy and clean as picking an apple from a tree.

28th May 2007, 11:39
No Daniel, there's no difference. Whales are only endangered because humans hunted them into that state. The fact that pigs aren't doesn't mean that the motives behind them being hunted are any different.

Daniel, western civilisation has evolved to the point that hunting and gathering is no longer necessary for subsistence. Hunting today is nothing more than sport and it's a "sport" that I have a problem with.

I stated that there are enough problems with the way we keep domestic animals without adding inflicting pain on wild animals as well. I agree that there is nothing civilised with some farming practices.

People choose to go hunting. They don't need to do it. They do it because they enjoy killing animals. It's something that I don't think I will ever understand.

Hunting is also one of the ways that wildlife population like deer and boar are controlled here. I guess it would be better to let populations grow out of control and have hunger and disease threaten the beast, not to mention the people that will be killed by hitting deer with their cars. I don't know about Australia, but here deer and pigs are everywhere. My wife's ex hit a deer last year and was luckily OK. I came within a few feet of hitting a big buck myself last month.

There is a huge difference between an endangered species and licensed hunting that helps maintain healthy wildlife populations.

28th May 2007, 12:22
OK Daniel, if you make a distinction between hunting and sport shooting, that's fine. I don't, so we'll have to agree to disagree on that one.

I think were going to end up arguing in circles but answer me this. What is it, exactly, that you find enjoyable about killing animals? You don't need to do it for food and you can stalk and animal without killing it so why does the animal need to die?

28th May 2007, 12:26
Please respond to my post in full and don't skirt around issues that I bring up :)

28th May 2007, 12:48
Hunting is also one of the ways that wildlife population like deer and boar are controlled here. I guess it would be better to let populations grow out of control and have hunger and disease threaten the beast, not to mention the people that will be killed by hitting deer with their cars.
At the same time people kill wolves, bears, etc that would normally keep the deer and boar populations in check.

28th May 2007, 12:58
But they would just kill your pet dogs and sheep and we can't have that now can we? ;)

For the record, i don't mind people hunting to keep certain species in check, but if done for a sport seems bit unfair if done with equipment other than rocks , and if done to quench one's thirst for blood i'd suggest going paintballing or computer games instead.

28th May 2007, 12:59
But they would kill just your pet dogs and sheep and we can't have that now can we? ;)
Not if they have enough deers and boars to eat. I'm sure they'd prefer a tender deer or a juicy pig over a bony dog.

28th May 2007, 13:05
OK.... :)

Hawkmoon. I demand you stop the suffering of animals now. Stop eating meat and get your iron and protein from tablets or plants.

You don't need to eat meat. You choose to eat meat.

We all do things we don't need to do, including eating meat. I have no problem with eating meat and love a good burger. :p

Hawkmoon, get a grip. There are tribes in Africa, Asia and South American that still regularly hunt down animals and kill them. That's their way of life and they enjoy the fact that this is their life. Is their way of life wrong? Should they accept your interpretation of the "western" style of life and move to a city, hold down a job, buy food from a supermarket, develop alcohol and drug problems or should they live life the way they want to and respect the land and the animals that allow them to live this way rather than rape and pillage as us "civilised" westerners do?

These folk are doing it out of need, not enjoyment. I'm willing to bet that if there was a Woolworths in the Amazon it would do good business. Hunting is a chore and if you don't have to do it to survive, you don't.

I said I don't agree with whaling so don't try and make it sound like I do. Farming and hunting must always be done in a sustainable manner. If you don't like hunting I hope you've never gone hunting for fish with bait and a rod. I really hope you never do this or that you've never gone into woolworths and buy wild fish that was hunted and caught and prepared for you.

No, I don't go fishing and find it interesting that it's not considered a blood sport which I think it clearly is.

You say you don't agree with whaling because they are endangered yet they are only endangered because we hunted them to that point. If they weren't endangered would you have a problem with it? Should we only stop shooting things when they become endangered?

Hunting is NOT sport. Hunting is going out and killing something so you can eat it. Sport shooting is going out and shooting something for it's tusks, horns, other ornamental apendages or just for the sake of it and leaving it there to rot. Hunting is no different to going to Woolworths and picking up that bright red rubbish they try to pass off as Beef (beef should be a deep red colour if it's been hung for long enough) except for the fact that it's more satisfying. Think of it like taking your car to the garage or fixing it yourself. It's the fact that the human race has devolved into a race of wimpy namby pamby people who cry when they break a nail and can't stomach the harsh reality that for us to eat stuff that stuff has to die and it's not as easy and clean as picking an apple from a tree.

Semantics, Daniel. It's the end justifying the means. How is it any more noble to kill an animal for food that you could get from a butcher than it is to kill one for a trophy?

How's that? :D

28th May 2007, 13:38
I have no problem with people hunting, I do have a real problem with an 11 year old boy running around with a .50 callibre pistol though :\

28th May 2007, 14:12
But they would just kill your pet dogs and sheep and we can't have that now can we? ;)

For the record, i don't mind people hunting to keep certain species in check, but if done for a sport seems bit unfair if done with equipment other than rocks , and if done to quench one's thirst for blood i'd suggest going paintballing or computer games instead.
I agree ;) It's been suggested that the boy is "bloodthirsty" and none of us can say whether or not he is. Firstly as people have pointed out that pig had a good chance of killing the boy so it is as he said an "achievement" and as there aren't many things bigger than it around he isn't going to kill anything bigger.

I don't go out and kill things just for fun or because I'm bored. I go online and kill other people. It's a lot more fun and a lot less messy. I love paintball too! But give me the chance to go hunting for a nice meal and I like to do that too on occasion but it's something I can take or leave to be honest.

I wonder how many people would be outraged had they seen this young boy catch a record sized fish :mark: I mean a fish would have just been swimming around all big and then he could have caught it and killed it. But strangely enough this wouldn't have raised any eyebrows as fishing and killing wild fish is totally acceptable. Double standards perhaps?

28th May 2007, 14:16
OK.... :)

We all do things we don't need to do, including eating meat. I have no problem with eating meat and love a good burger. :p

These folk are doing it out of need, not enjoyment. I'm willing to bet that if there was a Woolworths in the Amazon it would do good business. Hunting is a chore and if you don't have to do it to survive, you don't.

No, I don't go fishing and find it interesting that it's not considered a blood sport which I think it clearly is.

You say you don't agree with whaling because they are endangered yet they are only endangered because we hunted them to that point. If they weren't endangered would you have a problem with it? Should we only stop shooting things when they become endangered?

Semantics, Daniel. It's the end justifying the means. How is it any more noble to kill an animal for food that you could get from a butcher than it is to kill one for a trophy?

How's that? :D

I didn't suggest that there was some kind of inherent nobility in hunting your own food. I simply said it is more satisfying for some people to do it themselves rather than picking up a piece of meat in a foam container with cling film over it. As I said before some people would prefer to fix their own car than to have someone else doing it as that gives them a great sense of satisfaction. I for one will seldom buy a photo when I can probably go out and take a photo that is just as good if not better than some of the crap out there. That gives me a sense of satisfaction which buying something just wouldn't. In a sense it IS more noble to kill something for food rather than just as a trophy because killing for a trophy is wasteful whereas killing for food is resourceful.

You say that we all do things that we don't need to do. Some people listen to Kylie Minogue. Personally I think she's unecessary but that doesn't mean that I think people who listen to Kylie are wrong or that they should stop doing that. It's their thing and while I don't like it, it has minimal impact upon me and it's their choice.

Hunting is a chore. Then why do these people do it? :mark: You'll find a lot of people living in normal brick and mortar houses with supermarkets nearby do it all over the world. Why did this boy trek for 3 hours through hilly terrain when he could have just played a computer game or gone to a supermarket to get a pork sausage? Jeez I wonder why......

I fail to see the difference of going out into the wild and finding a pig and shooting it or going up to it with a prod and electrocuting the hell out of it. Net result is the same either way yet at least this pig had a chance to fight back.......

28th May 2007, 14:16
Somehow I always cannot see the point when people are against hunting and in the same time eat burgers from McDonalds. Which one is more cruel to an animal, live whole life in captivity and end up being a burger or live life in natural conditions and end up being a game stew?

Shooting a bird from the forest is the most ecological way of getting food. No, it is not necessary, but it is ecological. Growing animals in the farms isn't. I honestly don't know a single man who goes hunting just because they enjoy killing. That would be just plain stupid. I know that they hunt because that is something their fathers and grandfathers used to do.

Animals hunt other animals as well, you know. And last time I checked human was an animal too...

28th May 2007, 16:03
Here they hunt moose which are way bigger than that (1400 pounds for you imperial people). People take to a butcher to get some parts to freeze and to make sausage. Some families do that and eat it through the whole year (and still give some away to friends).


Similarily, I have a good friend who goes on an annual deer hunt. Him and his two friends may spend an entire day finding, tracking and taking down a single deer. They gut the beast in the woods (the innards and non-edible parts are left for the coyetes, wovles, bears... to finnish off), haul (by human power... no quads) the carcass out and bring it to a local butcher to cut up. One deer produces enough meat for several families for a year. Heck, I still have some chops in the freezer :D .

There are almost no restrictions on deer hunting around these parts. It is the only realistic way to keep the populations in check. Man has encroached upon the wild habitat to the point where the numbers of natural predators (wolves, bears) have dwindled. Without the annual deer hunt there would be an over-population of deer, which would in turn affect the rest of the ecosystem :mark: .

I'm not sure, however, why this Aussie fellow killed this pig...? Yes, I agree that it was an impressive feat, but it sounds like he did it simply for pleasure, and got some kind of perverse enjoyment from it :s

28th May 2007, 16:47
I have no problem with people hunting, I do have a real problem with an 11 year old boy running around with a .50 callibre pistol though :\

Why, Carl? As far as outside observers are concerned, what does it matter whether it's a .50, a .45 or a .44? Where I live, it is illegal to hunt big game, if using handgun ammunition, with anything smaller than a .38 - and no one actually hunts with a .38. The smallest practical handgun caliber for hunting is the .44 Magnum. I use a .45 AutoMag, simply because I prefer automatics over the increased recoil inherent in revolvers. With all due respect to you, Carl... my guess is people only have a "problem" with the .50 because they think of this as a military caliber, and believe there to be something "more deadly or dangerous", versus a .44 Magnum or .45 Magnum. If I saw a kid in the woods with a big hand cannon, I'd figure he was just another hunter. If I saw a kid (alone) ANYWHERE with a Glock .40 or 9mm, I might prepare myself for a problem with him. One is for hunting, one is not.

Daniel has done an amazing job of making each point that I would have made. Bravisimo, Daniel! So I leave the floor to him. And I would only reinforce his point about hunting for meat vs. sport hunting. Sport hunting includes animals which are basically inedible, or not typically eaten. Personally, I don't agree with that sort of hunting. But whether I agree with that category or not, there is a real difference.

28th May 2007, 16:52
Somehow I always cannot see the point when people are against hunting and in the same time eat burgers from McDonalds. Which one is more cruel to an animal, live whole life in captivity and end up being a burger or live life in natural conditions and end up being a game stew?

Shooting a bird from the forest is the most ecological way of getting food. No, it is not necessary, but it is ecological. Growing animals in the farms isn't. I honestly don't know a single man who goes hunting just because they enjoy killing. That would be just plain stupid. I know that they hunt because that is something their fathers and grandfathers used to do.

Animals hunt other animals as well, you know. And last time I checked human was an animal too...
There are so many people nowadays that there aren't enough wild animals to feed us and the farm animals wouldn't live long without humans anyway. As long as farm animals are well taken care off and given a decent life I don't mind too much (sadly they most often aren't these days because people try to maximize their profits).

28th May 2007, 16:54
Why, Carl? As far as outside observers are concerned, what does it matter whether it's a .50, a .45 or a .44?
I'd guess that Carl mostly objects giving a firearm to an 11 year old child, not the size of the gun.

28th May 2007, 17:12
How is it any more noble to kill an animal for food that you could get from a butcher than it is to kill one for a trophy?

How's that? :D

Noble? The primary reason many people eat wild meat is that it tastes better. And especially in the Appalachians, there are still people who rely on gardens and wild game. They live much as they did in the 1930's. Contrary to popular world belief, not every American has a Walmart next door to their home, which they load up their 1.9 kids to visit, in their 14 mpg SUV. Many hunters support poverty programs such as Hunters For The Hungry. So, it's not noble, but it is sometimes necessary.

Trophy animals (in the strictest sense) are seldom killed for meat. The aim and goal is to preserve the head... maybe a tender loin (at most), but often the rest is left for scavengers. So that meat is wasted. From my upbringing to my current profession, waste is something of a sin.

BTW, I'm not sure where you live, but what butcher shop sells (actual) wild boar meat? The online shops that sell "wild" boar meat are usually just selling the meat from captured ferral pigs. And if anyone would like to see the capture techniques for them... let's just say that many of the piglets end up with 3 legs in the end. I hunt (or I use to), but I don't/can't eat veal. I've seen too many veal operations over the years. Go figure...

28th May 2007, 17:18
I'd guess that Carl mostly objects giving a firearm to an 11 year old child, not the size of the gun.

I see. I believe he was being supervised by his father and a guide though.

Kids from hunting families in the southern U.S. have usually taken their first deer by 10 or 11. It's not unusual for an 11 year old to hunt here.

28th May 2007, 17:31
Let me pose a question to all the pro-hunters. Do you agree with the Japanese whaling practices? I'm assuming that you do. After all, what's the difference between shooting a pig with a gun or shooting a whale with a harpoon?

This a a presumptive and disingenuous question. Personally, I don't agree with exotic sport hunting, whale hunting or "captive" preserve hunting either.

28th May 2007, 19:23
well if you shoot it and eat it - I don't have a problem with the exception of al quedas. However what I tell most people that want a fish why I go fly fishing is the a 14 incher is much better to eat than a 36 incher. How do I equate to this. Would you rather eat a 20 yr old or a 70 year old?? I would have photographed the big monster and shot one of his siblings. But a long as we love veal all bets are off regarding hunting and fur coats.

28th May 2007, 19:39
...with the exception of al quedas. ...


28th May 2007, 19:59
well if you shoot it and eat it - I don't have a problem with the exception of al quedas. However what I tell most people that want a fish why I go fly fishing is the a 14 incher is much better to eat than a 36 incher. How do I equate to this. Would you rather eat a 20 yr old or a 70 year old?? I would have photographed the big monster and shot one of his siblings. But a long as we love veal all bets are off regarding hunting and fur coats.
Very much agree fousto. Younger animals are usually a lot juicier :) Definitely agree that the smaller fish tend to be the tastier :)

28th May 2007, 20:11
They just showed on TV the Simpsons episode where Homer, Moe and Barney took Bart deer hunting to "make him straight". Bart said, "I don't know. Three men alone in the woods. Seems kind of gay".

Brown, Jon Brow
28th May 2007, 20:39
Eki, go on a hunting trip, kill something. cook it and then eat it and see how you feel then.

I've killed things before and eaten them. Only guinea fowl and pheasant though if I'm honest. But the feeling of satisfaction I got by killing and preparing my meal all by myself is something that will live with me forever.

As Richard Hammond of his adrenalin rush after doing the running of the bulls in Pamplona. "it's the caveman running from the sabre tooth tiger". That's the feeling people get when they hunt something.

I've never heard so much self righteous twaddle in my life.

Wow :eek: I actually agree with Daniel on a topic. Why shouldn't someone be allowed to do something because you don't like it? Hunting that animal has no direct detrimental effect on any on another human life.

When you say "meat specially produced to be eaten", do you mean manic depressive animals that commit suicide... or do you mean captive farm animals, shot so full of growth hormones and antibiotics that I'm amazed every human meat eater hasn't grown a third arm or developed cancer? Actual meat is not "produced". All of it comes from some two or four legged creature that either has his head bashed in, gets his throat cut or takes a bullet to the heart.

I don't know what you are talking about here. :confused: It is total gibberish. Or at least it is for farming in the UK.

28th May 2007, 20:45
They just showed on TV the Simpsons episode where Homer, Moe and Barney took Bart deer hunting to "make him straight". Bart said, "I don't know. Three men alone in the woods. Seems kind of gay".
Here they've got the Simpsons episode where Bart develops a thing for drumming and they have the White Stripes on it.

I can't believe that you're now trying to bring the whole "gay" thing into it...... wonders will never cease......

28th May 2007, 20:48
Well, isn't hunting considered to be one of the last safe havens for "real" men? ;)

28th May 2007, 20:54
All the meat that this wild boar provides should allow a number of Eki's humanely farmed piggys to enjoy life a little longer. I'm sure the little piggys are hoping that alot more 11 year olds go boar hunting.

28th May 2007, 21:02
All the meat that this wild boar provides should allow a number of Eki's humanely farmed piggys to enjoy life a little longer. I'm sure the little piggys are hoping that alot more 11 year olds go boar hunting.
I don't think so. Few farmers keep pigs as pets. They want to make profit. The longer they keep their pigs, the more they eat and the less they make money.

28th May 2007, 21:04
I don't know what you are talking about here. :confused: It is total gibberish. Or at least it is for farming in the UK.

Well, my family has been in farming since the late 1800's in this area. But go ahead and tell me how farming and slaughter operations work.

28th May 2007, 21:05
Ok, quite a few interesting and valid points here, I own a high spec air rifle and consider myself a responsible shooter. I often help the local farmers with pest control, I certainly dont get any sick thrills from killing things, ie, bloodlust although I do enjoy the satisfaction of the perfect one shot/one kill which I strive for, the satisfaction of me calculating the perfect shot.. marksmanship, while at the same time Im helping the farmer improve his yields. I guess its something that must be difficult to understand if you've been brought up in a sanitised and politically correct environment.

I never shoot anything that isnt a pest, In our neighbourhood, infact throughout Britain generally, we have un-naturaly high magpie No's , they eat the songbirds eggs and kill their young so naturally I am happy to try and give the songbirds a chance to increase their dwindling numbers. Im also happy to despatch the grey squrrels which were introduced to Europe fairly recently (in eco-system terms) and have all but wiped out the native red spieces.

In effect Im trying to redress the balance we (as mankind) upset of our native speices and help the songbird numbers whos natural habitats have also been destroyed through new farming method/techniques and disproportionate magpie numbers. Its not the long term answer but certainly helps meanwhile.

I generally shoot targets to remain a competant shot and Im currently teaching my 8 year old son the basics on gun safety and marksmanship under close supervision which should serve him well for the future.... if he's a survivor of Armagedon. :D

Brown, Jon Brow
28th May 2007, 21:13
Well, my family has been in farming since the late 1800's in this area. But go ahead and tell me how farming and slaughter operations work.

Well of my brothers animals aren't filled up with drugs for a start. Yes, they are given some injections, but no more than you would give a new born baby. They are given high vitamin animal feed but I fail to see how this would give people cancer. :confused:

28th May 2007, 21:33
... In our neighbourhood, infact throughout Britain generally, we have un-naturaly high magpie No's , they eat the songbirds eggs and kill their young so naturally I am happy to try and give the songbirds a chance to increase their dwindling numbers. ...

Wanna come by 'round here and peg a few? Our city is experiencing a similar surge in the magpie population but the city administrators are chosing to do nothing about it :mark:

28th May 2007, 21:34
They inject babies in the UK with the same substances that animals are given?

And to be clear, I don't know what supplements, growth hormones or growth promotants are allowed in the UK. I own no land nor animals in the UK. But I do know that UK beef has been banned in the EU, and some U.S. beef has been banned in the UK and EU. That suggests to me that the meat industry on whole may have a few concerns. If you feel safe with the chemical doctoring that goes on with the meat and fish supply, more power to you.

28th May 2007, 21:38
They inject babies in the UK with the same substances that animals are given?

And to be clear, I don't know what supplements, growth hormones or growth promotants are allowed in the UK. I own no land nor animals in the UK. But I do know that UK beef has been banned in the EU, and some U.S. beef has been banned in the UK and EU. That suggests to me that the meat industry on whole may have a few concerns. If you feel safe with the chemical doctoring that goes on with the meat and fish supply, more power to you.
The banned UK beef was because of the mad cow disease. Growth hormones and genetically engineered food products are forbidden in the whole of EU.

28th May 2007, 21:45
Well of my brothers animals aren't filled up with drugs for a start. Yes, they are given some injections, but no more than you would give a new born baby. They are given high vitamin animal feed but I fail to see how this would give people cancer. :confused:

Good for him. Last I checked a lot of the feed used in mass agriculture contains all sorts of goodies, UK included. From artificially manipulated protein stock. The grains in the feed are produced from high levels of fertilizers and pesticides. They put all sorts of goodies like sodium and potassium in the food to increase their mass and try to boost muscle accumulation. A lot of the feeds also include some levels of basic immune boosters and or anti-biotics as well.

I don't think so. Few farmers keep pigs as pets. They want to make profit. The longer they keep their pigs, the more they eat and the less they make money.

Depends on the farming strategy. Most times a 6 year hog will make a bigger proffit then a 2 year hog. Unless on a very small farm the pigs will be kept in small pins with barely enough room to turn around as they are fed around the clock and forced to live in mud compromised of their own excrement.

Good times...

28th May 2007, 21:47
The banned UK beef was because of the mad cow disease. Growth hormones and genetically engineered food products are forbidden in the whole of EU.

And hoof and mouth...

Proteins are still heavily used in the feed stock even if there aren't growth hormones being used...

Brown, Jon Brow
28th May 2007, 21:48
They inject babies in the UK with the same substances that animals are given?

And to be clear, I don't know what supplements, growth hormones or growth promotants are allowed in the UK. I own no land nor animals in the UK. But I do know that UK beef has been banned in the EU, and some U.S. beef has been banned in the UK and EU. That suggests to me that the meat industry on whole may have a few concerns. If you feel safe with the chemical doctoring that goes on with the meat and fish supply, more power to you.

Didn't say that babies and animals are injected with the same substances, animals are injected with substances designed for animals.

My brother doesn't grow beef, but chemicals used for farming animals, generally help improve the health of the animals, otherwise they wouldn't do it. A healthy animals is a tastier one. I don't get what is so good about organic food. I'd prefer my vegetables to be big and have been sprayed with chemicals, rather than being as shriveled up as a pensioners genitals and have been p****d on by a slug.

28th May 2007, 22:02
Depends on the farming strategy. Most times a 6 year hog will make a bigger proffit then a 2 year hog.
True, but at some point they stop growing or becoming tastier. Otherwise the farmers would let their pigs die of old age. Distillers get more money from 12 year old whiskey, but farmers probably won't get more money from pigs who have died of old age.

28th May 2007, 22:18
Didn't say that babies and animals are injected with the same substances, animals are injected with substances designed for animals.

My brother doesn't grow beef, but chemicals used for farming animals, generally help improve the health of the animals, otherwise they wouldn't do it. A healthy animals is a tastier one.

How do you know? Ever eaten a sick cow? Seriously, have you ever seen a veal calf? See if you can find a farm that raises them. And then come back and tell me that they are "healthy". I've always had a strong stomach. But the first time I saw a dark pen area with several of them contained and being force fed, I had to go outside and throw up. It was like a bad scene out of a sick sci-fi movie. But to each his own.

I don't get what is so good about organic food. I'd prefer my vegetables to be big and have been sprayed with chemicals,

So having that sixth finger will make holding that extra large ear of corn sooo much easier. :D

rather than being as shriveled up as a pensioners genitals and have been p****d on by a slug.

Maybe the pensioners should use some of these "miracle grow" formulas on their shriveled members? Hey, don't laugh. I may have thought of a good, get-rich-quick scheme. Are you in it with me?

28th May 2007, 22:27
True, but at some point they stop growing or becoming tastier. Otherwise the farmers would let their pigs die of old age. Distillers get more money from 12 year old whiskey, but farmers probably won't get more money from pigs who have died of old age.

You are both correct. It all comes down to strategy. Some stock is kept primarily for breeding. You don't sell those until their off-spring yield falls to an unacceptable level. Others are kept for sale or slaughter. With cattle, the sale periods vary. If they're being sold to another breeder, a yearling to two years old is typical. If it's for meat, it goes more on the estimated weight of the animal, more so than JUST age.

29th May 2007, 09:17
Why, Carl? As far as outside observers are concerned, what does it matter whether it's a .50, a .45 or a .44?

If I'm totally honest, the callibre doesn't really matter, the age of the shooter is more of a distrubing factor to me, not the size of his weapon ( no pun intended).

I guess I'd feel different if I was brought up where gun culture was part of everyday life, where it's perfectly normal for a 5 year old child to be given a gun to shoot deer, and where every now and then a pi$$ed-off-with-life 16/18 year old, who has probably shot his first deer at the age of 5 or 6, walks around his school/local mall and kills anything that moves until he runs out of ammo.

29th May 2007, 09:30
If I'm totally honest, the callibre doesn't really matter, the age of the shooter is more of a distrubing factor to me, not the size of his weapon ( no pun intended).

I guess I'd feel different if I was brought up where gun culture was part of everyday life, where it's perfectly normal for a 5 year old child to be given a gun to shoot deer, and where every now and then a pi$$ed-off-with-life 16/18 year old, who has probably shot his first deer at the age of 5 or 6, walks around his school/local mall and kills anything that moves until he runs out of ammo.
They said on the radio here yesterday that they had granted a gun license to a 10 month old baby in the US. His father had bought him a shotgun as a present and he needed a license for it.

29th May 2007, 16:06
They said on the radio here yesterday that they had granted a gun license to a 10 month old baby in the US. His father had bought him a shotgun as a present and he needed a license for it.
I wonder if you'd be so opposed to this if this had happened in a country that wasn't part of your axis of evil......... Eki's doesn't have imbalanced opinions. He has chips on both shoulders.....

29th May 2007, 16:55
RIP Big Pig.

29th May 2007, 17:22
Don't you start now!!!! :angryfire

P.S can I ask for extra bacon on my pizza when I get home? All this talk of pig is making me hungry for piggy meat!

Hazell B
29th May 2007, 20:17
And to be clear, I don't know what supplements, growth hormones or growth promotants are allowed in the UK. I own no land nor animals in the UK. But I do know that UK beef has been banned in the EU, and some U.S. beef has been banned in the UK and EU.

Besides the BSE reasoning, beef products weren't traded between countries because of the anthelmintics used by each not being licenced in either country. That means, in plain old English, we used drugs to de-worm our cattle that the US do not and vice versa. I think it's still the case, but can't remember as we've had a raft of new wormers allowed for equine use that the US have been using years.

I eat boar often. Large boar taste downright nasty, while youngsters are the most delicious pork you can get. I doubt the monster shot by this lad will be anything but tough and bitter to eat.

30th May 2007, 00:53
Did you have to remind me and make me feel bad about it? Anyways, I can't understand how anyone can enjoy killing.

I know when I hunt I am killing a defenseless creature, but I do not think about that when I pull the tigger. I hunt for food. I hunt deer. And unlike most people, I hunt for food as the main reason to hunt, not the rack that sits on top of its head. Plus, it benefits the poor in my town as my parents and I usually donate half the meat from the animal to the local food shelter.

30th May 2007, 02:16
If I'm totally honest, the callibre doesn't really matter, the age of the shooter is more of a distrubing factor to me, not the size of his weapon ( no pun intended).

Thanks for clarifying. I understand the logic behind that.

I guess I'd feel different if I was brought up where gun culture was part of everyday life, where it's perfectly normal for a 5 year old child to be given a gun to shoot deer, and where every now and then a pi$$ed-off-with-life 16/18 year old, who has probably shot his first deer at the age of 5 or 6, walks around his school/local mall and kills anything that moves until he runs out of ammo.

I'd say you're probably off on your average age of normality, but I think I see the point you're trying to make. And I don't agree with that point. Kids who are brought up in a (true) "hunting culture", as you might put it, I would say are much LESS likely to be school yard shooters. These kids usually have fathers (a family member on the endangered species list in the U.S.), who train them in the safe use of firearms and actually spend time with their kids. You learn to respect the power of the firearm and the inherent danger in what you're doing. It's the kids who don't know who their daddies are (but mommy brings home lots of "uncles"), participate in few if any after school activities, have few friends and spend most of their free time in front of a computer screen, conversing with other dope smoking, gender confused malcontents and shooting virtual people as fast as they can, that I would worry about.

I don't know what hunters are like over there. But generally speaking, hunters in the U.S. are much more in tune with, and respectful of, nature and the environment than the average Joe.

Other than being overweight, I'd say the kid who shot this hog is someone who has himself fairly "together"... as much as 11 year olds can be "together". It's the kids that wear black eye makeup, have pierced lips and noses and play that goofy "the world is out to get me" music that I would keep a close eye on. Anyone who hunts knows that you spend more time than anything watching leaves blow in the wind, birds chirp and animals you AREN'T going to shoot walk around you.

Brown, Jon Brow
30th May 2007, 13:22
It's the kids that wear black eye makeup, have pierced lips and noses and play that goofy "the world is out to get me" music that I would keep a close eye on.

And the ones that wear classic Reeboks / or knackered Converse, tracky bottoms tucked in socks and run around council estates pretending they are gangsters. ;)

30th May 2007, 22:50
I didn't think a boy shooting a pig was worth the news. I didn't think denying a boy shooting a pig was worth the news. And I CERTAINLY don't think a boy insisting he shot a pig is worth the news. Who cares? What has this world come to? Aren't there any important things to report anymore? Doesn't it require more accuracy and skill to kill a tiny pig than a big one?


30th May 2007, 22:56
I didn't think a boy shooting a pig was worth the news. I didn't think denying a boy shooting a pig was worth the news. And I CERTAINLY don't think a boy insisting he shot a pig is worth the news. What has this world come to? Aren't there any important things to report anymore?


Now I understand why you hate America but are so poorly informed.

Looking at FoxNews for actual meaningful news....

I can't think of an anaology to describe how poor of an idea that is.

30th May 2007, 22:59
Now I understand why you hate America but are so poorly informed.

Looking at FoxNews for actual meaningful news....

I can't think of an anaology to describe how poor of an idea that is.
That would be part of the truth if I actually hated America, I just don't understand it.

31st May 2007, 20:18
That would be part of the truth if I actually hated America, I just don't understand it.

Reading FoxNews certainly isn't going to help...

31st May 2007, 22:32
Reading FoxNews certainly isn't going to help...
I know, but it's strangely entertaining. What worries me is that there might be people out there who take FoxNews seriously.

1st June 2007, 00:36
You people take something like this too serious. Did you even look at that pig? That thing is freaking huge. It is enormous. I wold have loved to shoot that thing. Who really cares what age that person was. If he was 12 or 112. That pig was huge. I saw that and said wow, but you guys/girls saw that kid is the next mass shooter. Come on. Why does eveyone have to be so serious? Can't you have some fun. Look at that pic and say cool.

1st June 2007, 07:37
I didn't think a boy shooting a pig was worth the news. I didn't think denying a boy shooting a pig was worth the news. And I CERTAINLY don't think a boy insisting he shot a pig is worth the news. Who cares? What has this world come to? Aren't there any important things to report anymore? Doesn't it require more accuracy and skill to kill a tiny pig than a big one?


It was the SIZE of the pig that made it news. The largest wild pig known before that was one the called Hogzilla that was hunted in southern Georgia a few years ago. It was estimated at 800 pounds. This one is 250 pounds bigger.

1st June 2007, 11:59
It was the SIZE of the pig that made it news. The largest wild pig known before that was one the called Hogzilla that was hunted in southern Georgia a few years ago. It was estimated at 800 pounds. This one is 250 pounds bigger.
Then why not just shoot him with a tranquilizer gun, weigh him on an industrial or a truck scale and release him back to the wilderness. THAT would require some effort and be news.

1st June 2007, 12:29
Stop trolling Eki.

1st June 2007, 17:40
... I wold have loved to shoot that thing. ...


3rd June 2007, 23:25
Good point eki

the moral to this story is "Don't let you Pig roam"

4th June 2007, 00:26
That would be part of the truth if I actually hated America, I just don't understand it.

Well, hell... neither do I - and I've lived here for my entire adult life.

That a dead Hollyweird hooker had a baby, where the baby's father could have been any one of a hundred or more men, and that made the national (actually WORLD) news, confused me. That a live Hollyweird hooker, who stays stoned or drunk much of the time, is supposed to do jail time for her crimes in a couple of days, and that makes the news... that also confuses me. Our President sounds like a learning disabled baby with a speech impediment, and I actually voted for the sumbeach (the first time) - imagine my state of confusion.

American open wheel formula car racing split in two over a decade ago. But if you add Champ Car World Series with the IRL, you still don't have the equal of CART. Explain that one to me.

And speaking of pigs, Rosie O'Donnel is not a street person on welfare. She gets a pay check to do whatever it is that she does. How? Why? Explain that one to me.

So yes, this is the land of confusion.

And I wouldn't live anywhere else. Your mileage may vary... :dozey: