View Full Version : Hamilton... getting cocky?

27th May 2007, 18:49
I love seeing a british driver finally up there. Its great for F1.
I also like Lewis. Watched him in GP2. But today before the race he said that he didnt want to be amongst the 'monkeys' at the back!!! monkeys? Kimi is no monkey and he was there. Same goes for DC. This lad better watch himself as one day he will be with the so called monkeys. Imagine if a driver called him a monkey?

donKey jote
27th May 2007, 18:52
maybe he meant donkeys :p

27th May 2007, 21:01
Do we know for certain that Coulthard is not a monkey? I mean, is there DNA evidence to back that up? But if he was including Rubens, I also take issue with that. Rubens is a chicken, not a monkey! To be fair, Lewis should have said the monkeys and Chicken Man.

27th May 2007, 21:11
That probably wasnt the best comment Lewis could of said, but racers are racers. They want to win, the guys in slower cars at the back dont want to be there either. I'm sure they'd be much rather at the front of the grid.

DC a monkey, that no way to talk of the Scottish I tell ya. ;)

27th May 2007, 21:25
Lewis is playfully cocky. He comes across well.

27th May 2007, 21:27
poor comment but it will sort itself out on the track. I couldn't have been racial because I don't know if there is a "White Monkey"

27th May 2007, 22:26
Lewis wasn't being insulting, just a cheeky comment.

Doesn't matter if its F1 or touring cars, its best to be at the front instead of midfield where you can be compromised and get bashed about.

Valve Bounce
27th May 2007, 22:32
Confucious says: "Better being an ape at the front than monkey at the back."

Ape gets to banana first.

Ian McC
27th May 2007, 23:00
Confucious says: "Better being an ape at the front than monkey at the back."

Ape gets to banana first.

Right :rolleyes: I bet Confucious never knew anything about queuing :p :

27th May 2007, 23:07
poor comment but it will sort itself out on the track. I couldn't have been racial because I don't know if there is a "White Monkey"

One thing I'll say for DC, he is ALWAYS well groomed. :D

27th May 2007, 23:27
I don't think he's intentially cocky, but I can definately see why people think he is. He's definately very confident!

Ian McC
27th May 2007, 23:29
One thing I'll say for DC, he is ALWAYS well groomed. :D


Can't see that speaking in a Scottish accent!!

Valve Bounce
28th May 2007, 00:06
Then there: Blessed is the Ape, for he shall run rings around the Monkeys.

28th May 2007, 01:37
maybe he meant donkeys :p

Maybe he thought about calling them Donkeys and thought better of it for fear of being mis-heard and being quoted as calling them "Honkeys" (which is a Jefferson's reference to those who remember that show... :p : )

28th May 2007, 06:54
Getting cocky?

28th May 2007, 07:22
One thing I'll say for DC, he is ALWAYS well groomed. :D

Ahaha! Thanks for the laugh! That is one damn funny looking monkey! Now someone quick, photoshop the monkey into one of the slower cars...LOL

28th May 2007, 08:31
maybe he meant donkeys :p
Monkeys and donkeys are basically same :D

28th May 2007, 08:38
I love seeing a british driver finally up there. Its great for F1.
I also like Lewis. Watched him in GP2. But today before the race he said that he didnt want to be amongst the 'monkeys' at the back!!! monkeys? Kimi is no monkey and he was there. Same goes for DC. This lad better watch himself as one day he will be with the so called monkeys. Imagine if a driver called him a monkey?
Why should make correlation to Kimi and DC, He wasn't referring to anyone else.

28th May 2007, 09:57
because i didnt want to name all drvers but in my opinion kimi and dc were 2 of the better drivers at the back

Why should make correlation to Kimi and DC, He wasn't referring to anyone else.

28th May 2007, 10:07
because i didnt want to name all drvers but in my opinion kimi and dc were 2 of the better drivers at the back
If they are better what are they doing at the back? :)

28th May 2007, 10:08
Getting cocky?

My thoughts exactly. Great driver, but he seems exceptionally cocky for someone so young.

28th May 2007, 10:42
I can only suggest you not to easily judge a driver by taking such statement (provided true) too deep, it's more about optimism and trying to make the team confidently spirited about winning.

Valve Bounce
28th May 2007, 10:45
If they are better what are they doing at the back? :)

Just bad luck la!!

28th May 2007, 10:50
Kimi is so boring, he never says much
Lewis is a cocky so-and-so, he should keep his mouth shut
we want more overtaking
my god did you see that move Alonso pulled on Massa , almost took them both off
I want this, now I've got it I want that instead

there really is no pleasing most people is there

28th May 2007, 10:51
Just bad luck la!!

la' la' la'

There is essential to explain something than luckiness

Valve Bounce
28th May 2007, 13:10
la' la' la'

There is essential to explain something than luckiness

OK, so the armco gave one guy a kiss while the other guy didn't do so ell in quals. But Chinese always say that it is luck - whether good or bad depends on what happens.

28th May 2007, 14:25
My thoughts exactly. Great driver, but he seems exceptionally cocky for someone so young.

He is very arrogant and now, because of his whining, the team is investigated. Can't stand be beaten by a World Champion, that I call arogance. :angry:

Valve Bounce
28th May 2007, 14:45
He is very arrogant and now, because of his whining, the team is investigated. Can't stand be beaten by a World Champion, that I call arogance. :angry:

Investigated?? Can we have a LINK PLEASE

Sorry, never mind. Just checked another thread and ioan has provided a link. Now that investigation would make somebody really mad.

28th May 2007, 15:15
I am a Ferrari fan this year, but if Massa wins thank to disqualification, I'd be disgusted. If only Fernando is penalised, I'd be even more disgusted.
Thumbs down FIA and Hamilton! :vomit:

28th May 2007, 15:50
But Chinese always say that it is luck - whether good or bad depends on what happens.
alright :)

28th May 2007, 15:53
Lewis is playfully cocky. He comes across well.

Agreed. I've always thought that he was well-spoken.

28th May 2007, 16:21
I've been thinking about he is well spoken too :)

28th May 2007, 17:54
One thing I'll say for DC, he is ALWAYS well groomed. :D

**** that looks like Joan Rivers !!!!!

29th May 2007, 11:49
He is very arrogant and now, because of his whining, the team is investigated. Can't stand be beaten by a World Champion, that I call arogance. :angry:

He is arrogant. I would compare him to Senna. Brilliant, but arrogant.

BUT I don't think it was thanks to him that McLaren are being investigated.

29th May 2007, 12:58
I love seeing a british driver finally up there. Its great for F1.
I also like Lewis. Watched him in GP2. But today before the race he said that he didnt want to be amongst the 'monkeys' at the back!!! monkeys? Kimi is no monkey and he was there. Same goes for DC. This lad better watch himself as one day he will be with the so called monkeys. Imagine if a driver called him a monkey?

Ouch did that hurt. Stop being so sensitive, really. Lewis is one of the more entertaining people still when interviewed and saying stuff like that is amusing. He did not really mean they are monkeys. It is an expression like, get a life...

29th May 2007, 13:15
after the way he was held up on that final flying lap, monkey is too nice a term me thinks.

get over it people. Whats wrong with a young driver, brimming with confidence, making a few off the cuff comments.

I think a few of you want to come down my local boozer if you get upset about this sort of comment :laugh:

29th May 2007, 13:19
I have to admit, I thought at the press conference after the race that he was a bit full of himself. I remember him saying, "...both me and Alonso are extremely quick..." . Ok, he is indeed quick, no doubt. But I've often heard people saying how 'modest' or 'shy' he is. Seems like that has quickly changed. I still think he's a fantastic driver but I didn't like the way Steve Ryder wouldn't shut up about him after the race. Anyway, this is the first GP I watched (Monaco) since the first round and I have a bit of catching up to do.

29th May 2007, 14:38
His arrogance could prove his downhill. I remember that last year in GP 2 he biuilt an enormous gap in the championship and almost lost all in the end.

29th May 2007, 15:05
Already he kissed the wall more than 5 times in Monaco, but he has been lucky he had a strong car and it was his day. I am wondering the time he will be on his downhill?! Hope he will not be among those Monkeys?!!

29th May 2007, 21:40
Every driver will have a few bad moments in a racing career; it is how they emerge afterwards that becomes important. Lewis's off-hand comments now will certainly be used as ammunition against him when that time comes. (And it will come one day).

If he has the strength of character to face up to the criticism then he'll do just fine. If, on the other hand, he hasn't..?

29th May 2007, 21:52
But I've often heard people saying how 'modest' or 'shy' he is.

Perhaps he's starting to believe everything that's written in the papers!

29th May 2007, 21:56
Lewis is cocky, rather than arrogant. Arrogance, to me, is an unpleasant characteristic, but cockiness is quite charming and endearing. Lewis is like Muhammed Ali or Valentino Rossi in that sense.

29th May 2007, 23:37
One thing is for sure regardless of his intent. If the monkeys in the back were offended, they will show it in the next drivers meeting. Remember when Billy Johnson called everyone else on the Olympic Downhill race nosepickers in the back. Of course nlike Hamilton, he went out and won the race, but that another thread entirely.

Valve Bounce
29th May 2007, 23:55
One thing is for sure regardless of his intent. If the monkeys in the back were offended, they will show it in the next drivers meeting. Remember when Billy Johnson called everyone else on the Olympic Downhill race nosepickers in the back. Of course nlike Hamilton, he went out and won the race, but that another thread entirely.

Then there was the time Michel Mouton enterred Pikes Peak and the men laughed and made fun of her before the race. She thrashed them going up, then challenged them to race her coming down, and the men chickened out. I always love that story.

30th May 2007, 01:27
**** that looks like Joan Rivers !!!!!

oh my...it does!


30th May 2007, 07:23
Lewis is cocky, rather than arrogant. Arrogance, to me, is an unpleasant characteristic, but cockiness is quite charming and endearing. Lewis is like Muhammed Ali or Valentino Rossi in that sense.

You might also add a bit of frustration IF RD is orchestrating his race finishes as claimed by the FIA and in other posts. He probably feels that he has been loyal to RD and busted his butt in order to get an F1 drive. Now that he's here he might feel that he is not allowed to win despite having the ability????

I expect he'll be dropping more hints in the future if this is true.

30th May 2007, 13:15
He is very arrogant and now, because of his whining, the team is investigated. Can't stand be beaten by a World Champion, that I call arogance. :angry:
youre right!!!!......i think hes read too much about Ayrtons attitude toward Prosty and how Ayrton was viewed as arrogant and cocky when he entered f1........for sure he has a feeling that he is the reincarnation of Ayrton, and im sure i read a few years ago that he decided on an almost identical coloured helmet as Ayrtons as a tribute to his favourite driver, but recently we hear that he only chose yellow so that his ol man could see him anywhere within eyesight on the circuit!!!!...yeah....right....Ron had better watch out, as the same useless man-management he employed with Ayrton and Alain is about to rear its ugly and unsporting head yet again between Fernando and young Lewboy!!!!!......what a travesty that tricky mickey decided to QUIT at the end of 06......but shuey knew he was already a beaten man with Fernando out on track as has been proved since 05, and schuey was watching Lewboy last season in gp2 and obviously lost his bottle at the prospect of Lewboy stepping up to f1......Fernando isnt fazed by his teammate at all as his 2 McLaren victories and first pole for the team show.....obviously these are results Lewboy would like to have beaten Fernando to for the prestige within the McLaren team and the fact that they would have really stuck the pipe up Fernandos arse had it happened in reverse......i like Lewboy very much and hes had a great first 5 races, but since mid- 04 i been saying Fernando is the best driver out there since Ayrton.....its gonna be good to watch this season but Fernandos class is starting to show as he gets to grips with the b/stones and his 22......i think Lewboy was feeling more at home in Woking and you know what they say.....familiarity breeds contempt!!!!!.....Lewis is finding out just how much tougher f1 is gonna be for him than gp2......mid season last year i said Kimi would be some kind of idiot to leave McLaren for Ferrrrrrrrrarrrrrrrri....dont like to blow my own trumpet but..............note to Ron......stfu wiv da Ronspeak you idiot!!!!!!......Lewboy standin on the podium with a face like a smacked arse and a bit o Ronspeak and BINGO!!!!!!!.....in comes mad max like the charge of the light brigade......if they get docked points for this then me old pal Ron and i are likely to fall out bigt time!!!!! what a FIA(sco)!!!!!!!!!!

30th May 2007, 13:24
I love seeing a british driver finally up there. Its great for F1.
I also like Lewis. Watched him in GP2. But today before the race he said that he didnt want to be amongst the 'monkeys' at the back!!! monkeys? Kimi is no monkey and he was there. Same goes for DC. This lad better watch himself as one day he will be with the so called monkeys. Imagine if a driver called him a monkey?
not a clever comment at all......he wanna be careful dem monkeys dont drop dem banana skin alllll over da place and he slip up....if ya knows wot i mean

30th May 2007, 13:59
youre right!!!!......i think hes read too much about Ayrtons attitude toward Prosty and how Ayrton was viewed as arrogant and cocky when he entered f1........for sure he has a feeling that he is the reincarnation of Ayrton, and im sure i read a few years ago that he decided on an almost identical coloured helmet as Ayrtons as a tribute to his favourite driver, but recently we hear that he only chose yellow so that his ol man could see him anywhere within eyesight on the circuit!!!!...yeah....right....Ron had better watch out, as the same useless man-management he employed with Ayrton and Alain is about to rear its ugly and unsporting head yet again between Fernando and young Lewboy!!!!!......what a travesty that tricky mickey decided to QUIT at the end of 06......but shuey knew he was already a beaten man with Fernando out on track as has been proved since 05, and schuey was watching Lewboy last season in gp2 and obviously lost his bottle at the prospect of Lewboy stepping up to f1......Fernando isnt fazed by his teammate at all as his 2 McLaren victories and first pole for the team show.....obviously these are results Lewboy would like to have beaten Fernando to for the prestige within the McLaren team and the fact that they would have really stuck the pipe up Fernandos arse had it happened in reverse......i like Lewboy very much and hes had a great first 5 races, but since mid- 04 i been saying Fernando is the best driver out there since Ayrton.....its gonna be good to watch this season but Fernandos class is starting to show as he gets to grips with the b/stones and his 22......i think Lewboy was feeling more at home in Woking and you know what they say.....familiarity breeds contempt!!!!!.....Lewis is finding out just how much tougher f1 is gonna be for him than gp2......mid season last year i said Kimi would be some kind of idiot to leave McLaren for Ferrrrrrrrrarrrrrrrri....dont like to blow my own trumpet but..............note to Ron......stfu wiv da Ronspeak you idiot!!!!!!......Lewboy standin on the podium with a face like a smacked arse and a bit o Ronspeak and BINGO!!!!!!!.....in comes mad max like the charge of the light brigade......if they get docked points for this then me old pal Ron and i are likely to fall out bigt time!!!!! what a FIA(sco)!!!!!!!!!!

Good post mate!! Cheers!!! :beer:

30th May 2007, 14:06
Even he want to switch his residence because he won't pay his tax. he said : "... I am looking to change my residence because of too much taxes I would have to pay now staying in UK...."

30th May 2007, 14:34
Kimi is so boring, he never says much
Lewis is a cocky so-and-so, he should keep his mouth shut
we want more overtaking
my god did you see that move Alonso pulled on Massa , almost took them both off
I want this, now I've got it I want that instead

there really is no pleasing most people is there
....its true Kimi is a man of few words, but he did come out with the funniest thing ive heard for years in Brazil when Mart Brundle asked him if he saw Pele presenting schoooey with his lifetime achievement trophy or whateva it was......"No.....I was havin a ****" he said...........man.....we just fell about the place crying with laughter at that 1.....ya gotta love the guy.......Now lets get to Fernandos move on Felipe in Spain......last year at Monza Fernando gets penalized for supposedly blocking FM during qualy and the **** hit the fan with that piece of decidedly dodgy judgement....no lives were at stake but the fia(sco) felt something should be done!!!!!!!!......Now in Spain for the start of the race......Fernando gets off the line well and slots in behind FM and gets the tow down the straight, then whips out from behind and gets HALF A CAR LENGTH in front entering the first part of the right-left flick.....this SHOULD, in the interests of safety and sportsmanship have been deemed to be Fernandos corner!!!!!.....Fernando is in front but can see FM is not going to allow a safe passage toward the second apex.....so Fernando has to straighten up and go off circuit to avoid a certain accident!!!!!...if a car is HALF A CAR LENGTH in front of you and you start banging into his sidepod with your front left tyre, then surely from a safety point of view it is time for you to back off and give up p1, and look for an opportunity to regain it at a later stage!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....had Fernandos right rear gone over FMs left front tyre at the speed they were moving this would have resulted in a serious situation for both drivers and maybe spectators too had they crashed and sent tyres and both cars flying off of the circuit!!!!!!!.....LIVES ARE NOW AT STAKE IN THIS POSSIBLE SITUATION but the fia(sco) decide that this is a "racing incident" and no inquiry is deemed to be necessary.??????!!!!!!!...F1 is a non-contact sport, and with such inconsistency in the marshalling and such blatant stupidity by the fia(sco) we are likely to see dangerous situations such as this return time and time again.........no doubt FM should have been investigated for this first corner incident...but like i say, the fia(sco) couldnt run a piss-up in a pub!!!!!!.....ok....shout back

31st May 2007, 00:50
Then there was the time Michel Mouton enterred Pikes Peak and the men laughed and made fun of her before the race. She thrashed them going up, then challenged them to race her coming down, and the men chickened out. I always love that story.
all thx to the 4wheel drive quattro that nobody else had!!!!

Valve Bounce
31st May 2007, 02:52
all thx to the 4wheel drive quattro that nobody else had!!!!

I think you'll find it takes more than just 4wd to race downhill Pikes Peak. The whole point made here is that they laughed at her before racing up, but they didn't have the balls to race her coming down.

If I was stupid enough to laugh at another competitor in that race, I'd have to back up my stupidity by at least racing her down the hill, even in a Peugeot 403 if necessary, just to show I wasn't chicken.

31st May 2007, 04:14
Then there was the time Michel Mouton enterred Pikes Peak and the men laughed and made fun of her before the race. She thrashed them going up, then challenged them to race her coming down, and the men chickened out. I always love that story.

Hahhaha how good was that!?!?!?! :D

Thinking of Pikes Peak... anyone dare to guess where my screen name originates? ;)

Valve Bounce
31st May 2007, 05:07
Vataanen? (Sorry if my spelling is incorrect)

31st May 2007, 05:13
Lewis is cocky, rather than arrogant. Arrogance, to me, is an unpleasant characteristic, but cockiness is quite charming and endearing. Lewis is like Muhammed Ali or Valentino Rossi in that sense.

These two words are basically same :D

31st May 2007, 05:29
Vataanen? (Sorry if my spelling is incorrect)

hehe it's Vatanen.... or as Ari would say... Vatanenen.

But yes.... we have a winner! ;)

Valve Bounce
31st May 2007, 05:50
These two words are basically same :D

I can't agree with you on this one mate; think of it this way: a person can be arrogant without showing any signs of cockiness whatsoever. All he has to do is look down his nose at the "victim" and then ignore him.

31st May 2007, 05:59
It could have a shade difference, but basically same, both have negative tendency.

Before this thread commenced I have came to conclusion that Hamilton is a well-spoken, polite, and eloquent person.

31st May 2007, 09:28
Hamilton's not "getting cocky". It's just that his media profile is skyrocketing and that is having an effect. There's nothing to prevent the media writing whatever they want, and it being repeated & discussed endlessly on the thousands of F1-related websites, but that has nothing to do with Lewis Hamilton himself.

This piece (http://www.itv-f1.com/Feature.aspx?Type=General&PO_ID=39434) on the ITV website gives a clue to how things work:

The British newspapers stoked the furore by tearing into McLaren’s tactics in their Monday editions.
The Daily Mirror’s assertion that Hamilton, the spectators and F1’s worldwide fanbase were “robbed of honour and pride and honesty and fair play” by the team’s decision typified the press response.
This followed a heated exchange between Dennis and the Daily Express F1 correspondent during Thursday's press conference, when the journalist (speaking for all of Fleet Street) suggested that McLaren was deliberately gagging Lewis from speaking to the media as he walked through the paddock.
Dennis vehemently denied that McLaren issued any such instruction, and said Hamilton had made his own decision to limit his dealings with the press having been subjected to intense media attention in recent months.
The vehemence of the reaction from Fleet Street seems to be a direct result of the simmering feud with the team over access to Lewis.

31st May 2007, 09:44
These two words are basically same :D

No they aren't.

31st May 2007, 10:00
No they aren't.
Yes they are.

I mean they both are used to discredit someone :)

Valve Bounce
31st May 2007, 10:49
It could have a shade difference, but basically same, both have negative tendency.

Before this thread commenced I have came to conclusion that Hamilton is a well-spoken, polite, and eloquent person.

Let's look at it this way: right now he is the Pommie's wonderkind, and they desperately need that after we thrashed them in the Ashes. Then there was the fiasco at the World Cup :rolleyes:

The media have to find a God somewhere and this guy is it!! It sure as hell isn't Collingwood. :p :

31st May 2007, 13:08
Good post mate!! Cheers!!! :beer:
....thx....and cheers fer the beer!!!!!!!!!!!!!

31st May 2007, 13:12
I think you'll find it takes more than just 4wd to race downhill Pikes Peak. The whole point made here is that they laughed at her before racing up, but they didn't have the balls to race her coming down.

If I was stupid enough to laugh at another competitor in that race, I'd have to back up my stupidity by at least racing her down the hill, even in a Peugeot 403 if necessary, just to show I wasn't chicken.
yes....point taken....cant remember what she looks like now but i`da probably gone down with her!!!!! :)

Valve Bounce
31st May 2007, 14:10
yes....point taken....cant remember what she looks like now but i`da probably gone down with her!!!!! :)

Good looker! I'd have followed her down in a VW Beetle. ;)

3rd June 2007, 22:41
At last, a F1 driver with a personality. He can't be racist anyway he mix race, half black & half white he was born from a white woman. He was just joking, if Kimi or Alonso had said it no one here would have mention it.

4th June 2007, 10:49
Let's look at it this way: right now he is the Pommie's wonderkind, and they desperately need that after we thrashed them in the Ashes. Then there was the fiasco at the World Cup :rolleyes:

The media have to find a God somewhere and this guy is it!! It sure as hell isn't Collingwood. :p :

Congrats mate, this get me completely mixed up :D

4th June 2007, 10:51
At last, a F1 driver with a personality. He can't be racist anyway he mix race, half black & half white he was born from a white woman. He was just joking, if Kimi or Alonso had said it no one here would have mention it.
I didn't see at all that he is half white :rolleyes:

btw, wise post :)