View Full Version : [WRC] Safari Rally Kenya 2024

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Andre Oliveira
4th March 2024, 13:07

4th March 2024, 14:48
Not doing it this year for various reasons, but a more than capable replacement with Gordon sitting alongside Minesh, he’s looking forward to the Safari experience.

Road books only a week late so far…

Kedong being reversed with a few changes, and Sleeping Warrior starting a few km later and a different final section, so less distance over the lava field. Everything else pretty much the same.

4th March 2024, 16:28
Snorkels allowed for Rally1 cars this year - will we see them?

Right at the start of the long rains, could get very interesting. End of last year was affected by a “super” El Niño so has huge amounts of rain, this is likely to affect the rain patterns the early part of 2024.

6th March 2024, 06:54
Kenya can be tricky when it rains. The road base is not particularly hard and the volcanic soils are weak and break easily.

Hopefully the event organizers aren't forced to shorten sections, or worse still cancel any. We need to a good fight this year. Toyota have been way too dominant there recently and their rumoured suspension improvements may turn the event further still their way.

6th March 2024, 15:02
Kenya can be tricky when it rains. The road base is not particularly hard and the volcanic soils are weak and break easily.

Hopefully the event organizers aren't forced to shorten sections, or worse still cancel any. We need to a good fight this year. Toyota have been way too dominant there recently and their rumoured suspension improvements may turn the event further still their way.

A lot of the roads are over bedrock, and when dry the soil dries rock hard in most place and it also dries really quickly.
I’ve been waiting for a proper muddy Safari since I first did it in 2014, the last few years have had a taste on a stage or two but it can get a lot lot worse. Bring it on :)

8th March 2024, 07:14
Word coming out of well placed sources is that all three Toyota Yaris set to tackle this year's Safari will have snorkels mounted.

Additional detail will see roof air vents installed facing backwards, ostensibly to avoid dust being sprayed directly into the cockpit.

8th March 2024, 08:26
I think all teams Will be running them because rally’s gonna run during wet season.

8th March 2024, 10:32
I think all teams Will be running them because rally’s gonna run during wet season.

That doesn’t mean it’ll be wet though…. I’m sure they will be easily removable in service.

10th March 2024, 11:51
Hyundai tested the snorkel


Fast Eddie WRC
10th March 2024, 18:09
Hyundai tested the snorkel [/url]

Looks neater side-on...


11th March 2024, 18:45
Msport also snorkel testing


19th March 2024, 15:24
Any news happening?

Current weather forecast is showing roughly 60% chance of Thunderstorms Friday afternoon as well as Saturday .& Sunday :D

Andre Oliveira
20th March 2024, 14:46

22nd March 2024, 06:54
Solberg & Greensmith cars arrived

22nd March 2024, 13:26

Think they’ll be chuffing lucky to drive from Mombasa in 8 hours….

22nd March 2024, 13:44
Latest view of service Park:


A complete mess. Service Park not set up and also the media tents not up. No Internet services either . This is in Naivasha at the KWS Training center where we host the rally drivers park and Parc ferme. By this time we have everything in place. Service providers haven't been paid up to now..what a mess.

Event director has quit.

Oh dear….

22nd March 2024, 14:03
Maybe they are already trying the new ,,cost reduction'' organising :D

Toyota's recce cars don't arrive on time, boat delayed, but they don't worry yet and are sure it will be ok. (Dirtfish)

22nd March 2024, 14:40
Maybe they are already trying the new ,,cost reduction'' organising :D

Toyota's recce cars don't arrive on time, boat delayed, but they don't worry yet and are sure it will be ok. (Dirtfish)

My friend in Kenya who drives “enthusiastically” can just about do Mombasa to Nairobi in 8 hours. It is a terrible road with terrible traffic. And that’s if he doesn’t get stopped by police.

In a truck, even a quick one…. not a chance.

22nd March 2024, 16:21
Is there a significance of the 8 hours or are you just saying it's ambitious? They aren't needed until Monday AM.

22nd March 2024, 17:03
Is there a significance of the 8 hours or are you just saying it's ambitious? They aren't needed until Monday AM.

That’s the quote from Toyota on the dirtfish article.

Recce starts Monday 7am and is 45 mins from service.

22nd March 2024, 17:20
You can still give the truck 24 hours even if the port functions take 24 hours. No panic.

22nd March 2024, 19:17
Even if the recce cars won't be there on time, I'm 100% sure that there are already 3 EVO's ,,ready to recce''.. it won't change a thing at the O/A results for Toyo drivers.

24th March 2024, 06:16
What a joke if all this is true


Jarek Z
24th March 2024, 11:45
Interesting livery:
https://scontent.fktw4-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/434174801_802970091857578_7772463838646560284_n.jp g?_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=px7G50aKh-AAX8Umt-p&_nc_ht=scontent.fktw4-1.fna&oh=00_AfB9ZoAnMmP8gev5HCrDebAuX3yCCsMbS_3Td84PYirX pw&oe=6604D40F

24th March 2024, 14:57
What a joke if all this is true


Yes this seems to be pretty much what is happening. But the (alleged!) corruption has been going on for years.

Event Director has been reinstated this morning though.

24th March 2024, 17:59
So if Kenya were to be dropped and we’d have Paraguay instead that means that maybe just maybe for the first time since 2019, we might just see a South-American double header…

24th March 2024, 22:08
Few more details in this video from a few days ago

24th March 2024, 22:37
Bit long, but one of the better kitchen table videos of the last 5 years

25th March 2024, 06:52
Things doesn't look good for Safari Rally if things that are being mentioned in this video are somehow true.

25th March 2024, 07:31

25th March 2024, 08:45

And definitely more rain to come.. Amazing. Best spot on the road is first I think, isnt it

25th March 2024, 09:01
It will be a lottery mixed with wise driving. Dont think road position would make a lot of difference.

25th March 2024, 09:19
Pajari getting stuck at recce


25th March 2024, 09:49
First on the road isn’t great creating ruts for others to follow.
Great conditions, wish I was doing it. But it also dries very very quickly too.

25th March 2024, 09:57
It will be a lottery mixed with wise driving. Dont think road position would make a lot of difference.

Its gonna be about finishing once again

25th March 2024, 09:57
Pajari getting stuck at recce


Which stage is this?

25th March 2024, 10:21
Which stage is this?

Most of today’s recce is the Saturday stages on Soysambu (which is Soysambu, Elementeita s as if Sleepibg Warrior).
I would guess the first stage as its got more black cotton than the rest. Not sure what the river crossings will be looking like.

Currently hail in Naivasha.

Fast Eddie WRC
25th March 2024, 10:53

25th March 2024, 11:18
Assume that was the WRC2 test yesterday - this is near Oserian. Shows just how quickly the conditions can change.

Jarek Z
25th March 2024, 11:25
Latest photos from Kajto:


https://scontent-waw2-2.cdninstagram.com/v/t39.30808-6/431578217_956943265801173_7686292712889155103_n.jp g?_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=18de74&_nc_ohc=glMGnmIu69sAX-wrfho&_nc_ht=scontent-waw2-2.cdninstagram.com&edm=AM6HXa8EAAAA&oh=00_AfBWr11n6xyw79XpWOxoTytfyDOESBySOE-Fr98CQi0_Kw&oe=6605341A

https://scontent-waw2-2.cdninstagram.com/v/t39.30808-6/433880263_956348025860697_4011850496170024139_n.jp g?_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=18de74&_nc_ohc=8cQ2BGcqYjAAX84c1SR&_nc_ht=scontent-waw2-2.cdninstagram.com&edm=AM6HXa8EAAAA&oh=00_AfBo4c-qGl7RGgRRLDNy-UengEKmBPGb51sam7Yqy_xanQ&oe=66068596

25th March 2024, 11:58
Today in Naivasha


25th March 2024, 12:17
Pajari getting stuck at recce


Pajari is not on the entry list at the top of the thread. I am a bit puzzled...

25th March 2024, 12:44
Pajari is not on the entry list at the top of the thread. I am a bit puzzled...

Possibly doing recce only? Quite a few crews have just done recce the last few years.

Fast Eddie WRC
25th March 2024, 14:09
Kalle's PET was very wet in places.

Great POV onboard though.



25th March 2024, 16:18
Its gonna be about finishing once again

Isnt it always?

25th March 2024, 16:46
Just had a message from Minesh.
Recce of Sleeping Warrior was full of drama with lots of crews having issues. He broke his steering rack so only got one run through it. Says there’s not that much mud around.

Jarek Z
26th March 2024, 10:31
Short onboard from Kajto. Sometimes it's even hard to see any road:

https://scontent-waw2-2.cdninstagram.com/o1/v/t16/f1/m82/5A4DBB9D52C441756ED1319FD18A5CAE_video_dashinit.mp 4?efg=eyJ2ZW5jb2RlX3RhZyI6InZ0c192b2RfdXJsZ2VuLmNs aXBzLnVua25vd24tQzMuMTI4MC5kYXNoX2Jhc2VsaW5lXzFfdj EifQ&_nc_ht=scontent-waw2-2.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=108&vs=971865387703150_1168865349&_nc_vs=HBksFQIYT2lnX3hwdl9yZWVsc19wZXJtYW5lbnRfcHJ vZC81QTREQkI5RDUyQzQ0MTc1NkVEMTMxOUZEMThBNUNBRV92a WRlb19kYXNoaW5pdC5tcDQVAALIAQAVAhg6cGFzc3Rocm91Z2h fZXZlcnN0b3JlL0dQdEU1eG00Y1pvT1U1RUNBQ1MzSGhhQ0VVZ GJicV9FQUFBRhUCAsgBACgAGAAbAYgHdXNlX29pbAExFQAAJpS WnuiZ5IdAFQIoAkMzLBdATlEGJN0vGxgSZGFzaF9iYXNlbGluZ V8xX3YxEQB1AAA%3D&ccb=9-4&oh=00_AfAUVH4AvfPQqbq6PDudSowE6N9ESEzyDRZR5N7IaeuP RQ&oe=66043106&_nc_sid=1d576d&_nc_rid=b6238fcf49

Fast Eddie WRC
26th March 2024, 10:51


26th March 2024, 10:58
Recce interviews by Dirtfish https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ejk174QUBiI

26th March 2024, 12:23
Short onboard from Kajto. Sometimes it's even hard to see any road:

https://scontent-waw2-2.cdninstagram.com/o1/v/t16/f1/m82/5A4DBB9D52C441756ED1319FD18A5CAE_video_dashinit.mp 4?efg=eyJ2ZW5jb2RlX3RhZyI6InZ0c192b2RfdXJsZ2VuLmNs aXBzLnVua25vd24tQzMuMTI4MC5kYXNoX2Jhc2VsaW5lXzFfdj EifQ&_nc_ht=scontent-waw2-2.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=108&vs=971865387703150_1168865349&_nc_vs=HBksFQIYT2lnX3hwdl9yZWVsc19wZXJtYW5lbnRfcHJ vZC81QTREQkI5RDUyQzQ0MTc1NkVEMTMxOUZEMThBNUNBRV92a WRlb19kYXNoaW5pdC5tcDQVAALIAQAVAhg6cGFzc3Rocm91Z2h fZXZlcnN0b3JlL0dQdEU1eG00Y1pvT1U1RUNBQ1MzSGhhQ0VVZ GJicV9FQUFBRhUCAsgBACgAGAAbAYgHdXNlX29pbAExFQAAJpS WnuiZ5IdAFQIoAkMzLBdATlEGJN0vGxgSZGFzaF9iYXNlbGluZ V8xX3YxEQB1AAA%3D&ccb=9-4&oh=00_AfAUVH4AvfPQqbq6PDudSowE6N9ESEzyDRZR5N7IaeuP RQ&oe=66043106&_nc_sid=1d576d&_nc_rid=b6238fcf49

That test is the only vehicles using that for the whole year, it has only been used for the test the last few years. Do not really comparable to the rest of the roads.

26th March 2024, 12:26

26th March 2024, 13:32
Recce interviews by Dirtfish https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ejk174QUBiI

As usual the national event competitors going on about how they’re doing the WRC event. Pathetic. They’re doing half of the WRC event.

Fast Eddie WRC
26th March 2024, 14:20
Kalle's thoughts & answers on SRK 2024:


27th March 2024, 03:36
Shakedown in 2 hours

Here is the link https://www.youtube.com/live/Z57ibzYTUQI?si=bL24BRxZT2BtwB1c

27th March 2024, 05:36
Morning guys. SD has started...

27th March 2024, 05:50
Toyota using the new mirrors now. If you can call them mirrors. You can barely see them

27th March 2024, 05:50
Quite boring so far, I would say...

27th March 2024, 05:56
Oliver went straight on in first junction left...

27th March 2024, 05:56
What was that Oliver? You could see the the turn miles ahead

27th March 2024, 05:58
What was that Oliver? You could see the the turn miles ahead

Missed the breaking point

27th March 2024, 06:19
Katsuta going back to service to change steering rack.

27th March 2024, 07:18
Tänak took Cyril for a ride https://x.com/otttanak/status/1772906529290654112?s=46&t=AWria8OgC1kV5QC61vX5Xg

Fast Eddie WRC
27th March 2024, 10:53

27th March 2024, 12:45

27th March 2024, 13:33
Cant wait for Friday! Neuville surprised me with his pace today, but as we know, it doesnt quite matter.

27th March 2024, 13:45
It's time to see if Hyundai has done something significant against the i20's fragility. Last 2 years there were all Toyota podiums, the year before 2 Toyota and 1 Hyundai in 3rd place. My guess is no and it will be another Toyota win, but let's see.

27th March 2024, 16:37
Tänak took Cyril for a ride https://x.com/otttanak/status/1772906529290654112?s=46&t=AWria8OgC1kV5QC61vX5Xg

“That was beyond imagination,” the Frenchman exclaimed. “That’s the only thing I can say. I simply don't get how they can anticipate what corner is coming, that's mind-blowing. I've been doing some stuff in my life, I've been very privileged to do some amazing stuff, but that's just on another level.

“That experience, that crazy feeling that we have had, that is something which is totally unique in the world.”


Fast Eddie WRC
27th March 2024, 17:06
Toyota, Kings of Safari Rally, even made a new design for the returning snorkel...


27th March 2024, 19:47
Toyota, Kings of Safari Rally, even made a new design for the returning snorkel...

Obviously too much ,,free'' money to spend the budget :D
But ofcourse, this pipe take tens of engineers and staff to make this snorkel happen..

On the other hand, Skoda took some local sewage pipes with zip-ties and made it work :D

27th March 2024, 22:08
Read an article on wrcwings the other day showing how the snorkels affect the aero, especially the rear.
Malcolm Wilson said on Nicky Grist’s video that its mainly for the fesh-fesh rather than water.
Does anyone know if they can be fitted/removed by the crews on the road sections, or only in service?

27th March 2024, 22:23
Current weather forecast:
Thursday - Partly cloudy. 24% chance of rain.
Friday - Generally clear. 48% chance of rain.
Saturday - Thunderstorms developing in afternoon. 79% chance of rain.
Sunday - Thunderstorms developing in afternoon. 50% chance of rain.

28th March 2024, 08:07
Read an article on wrcwings the other day showing how the snorkels affect the aero, especially the rear.
Malcolm Wilson said on Nicky Grist’s video that its mainly for the fesh-fesh rather than water.
Does anyone know if they can be fitted/removed by the crews on the road sections, or only in service?
to me it looks like the toyota one could seriously impede the airflow to the rear spoiler.

but perhaps it can create extra downforce in the center due to its shape.

28th March 2024, 09:23

28th March 2024, 09:24
to me it looks like the toyota one could seriously impede the airflow to the rear spoiler.

but perhaps it can create extra downforce in the center due to its shape.

Toyota’s one is very clever, where the air from the air vent is entering the snorkel and is re-pressurising the whole system.

28th March 2024, 09:34
First stage of the rally will be live soon, looking forward to it

28th March 2024, 09:45
Not so bad for a super special stage, quite long with 4,5 kms. Some spectacular images.

Fast Eddie WRC
28th March 2024, 09:46
Mistakes are easy to make it seems.

28th March 2024, 09:47
Locals providing some entertainment

28th March 2024, 10:15
Mistakes are easy to make it seems.

It’s a tricky little stage, it doesn’t look like it from the outside but there’s lots of tightening corners and bends after crests, we had a small off in 2022 which cost 15-20 seconds. And of course nasty banks on the inside so must avoid cutting.

28th March 2024, 10:28
It’s a tricky little stage, it doesn’t look like it from the outside but there’s lots of tightening corners and bends after crests, we had a small off in 2022 which cost 15-20 seconds. And of course nasty banks on the inside so must avoid cutting.

Lack of physical referenses...

28th March 2024, 10:32
Besttime for Neuville, just 0,1 in front of Tanak, with Kalle in third 0,8 behind

28th March 2024, 10:33
They don't show the rest of Rally2 cars, why is that?:mad:

28th March 2024, 10:41
They don't show the rest of Rally2 cars, why is that?:mad:

SS 1 will continue at rally.tv after the "tv slot" is over.

28th March 2024, 10:43
This is my SS1 pacenotes from last year

28th March 2024, 10:44
SS 1 will continue at rally.tv after the "tv slot" is over.
Yes, they showed them after all

Fast Eddie WRC
28th March 2024, 10:50
Greensmith fastest WRC2 runner.

28th March 2024, 11:02
Greensmith fastest WRC2 runner.

He had some advantage as a later runner due to cleaning but good run by Gus

28th March 2024, 11:09
Minesh off on first bend :(

28th March 2024, 11:19
Would it be better for Neuville (and Evans, I guess) to open the road on dry surface or with some mud? Normally in a gravel rally, the first on the road would hope for some rain to lower the sweeping effect, but in Safari?

28th March 2024, 11:41
This is my SS1 pacenotes from last year

Thanks, that's interesting. I imagine, that when you do the recce, you will write everything down with a pencil. When do you have the time to type this into a computer? I have always had the impression that co drivers read from the handwritten sheets.

28th March 2024, 12:16
Thanks, that's interesting. I imagine, that when you do the recce, you will write everything down with a pencil. When do you have the time to type this into a computer? I have always had the impression that co drivers read from the handwritten sheets.

That was typed up from previous year hence the amendments written on it.
I prefer to have typed notes as my hand writing is rubbish :p
I take my mobile printer and spare pacenote paper to type up after recce. Got templates etc all arranged so doesn’t take me that long. But think I’d be the only one doing it.

Only slight issue with this one is 2022 the lanes were A (left) and B (right), but they swapped it round for 2023 so A was the right… I had made up a set of notes for starting on each lane.

28th March 2024, 12:20
Also national cars have the option to recce yesterday afternoon, so might’ve had the chance to do it then, but usually better to do it in the morning before the start.

I gave Gordon a copy of my notes to hopefully make recce easier for them, but he did rewrite in his own writing. Each codriver has their own way of doing things and own preferences.

28th March 2024, 12:40
Would it be better for Neuville (and Evans, I guess) to open the road on dry surface or with some mud? Normally in a gravel rally, the first on the road would hope for some rain to lower the sweeping effect, but in Safari?

I dont know, but there could be some advantage for them, if they will do the stage before the rain. They could have this kind of luck.. Otherwise, its maybe better to be dry

28th March 2024, 12:49

Safari Rally to be extended to 5 days

The government is planning to extend the World Rally Championship (WRC) Safari Rally from a three-day sporting event to five days.

President William Samoei Ruto directed the Ministry of Sports to work with the International Automobile Federation (FIA) and the WRC to make this a reality.

"I think it is time to consider the request by drivers to return the rally to the five days it used to be," said President Ruto.

Andre Oliveira
28th March 2024, 13:35
That's good news.

28th March 2024, 14:07
That's good news.

More and more difficult for the fans to follow..

28th March 2024, 14:07
Doesn't everyone want to bring costs down?!

28th March 2024, 14:24
Vohra has cage damaged in the roll, so game over unfortunately :(

Expensive few km…

28th March 2024, 14:46
Doesn't everyone want to bring costs down?!

There’ll be other shorter sprint events as well, so should hopefully not cost much more overall. And might open up more stages in other areas. Done some brilliant ones around Nanyuki just over the equator.

Also it’s 4 days just now, so ‘only’ one extra day. And maybe/probably an extra recce day.

28th March 2024, 15:31
And... can't see SS1 from this morning on rally.tv, it just does a loading animation. I can only get the live stream, which is a Sweden replay.


28th March 2024, 16:59
And... can't see SS1 from this morning on rally.tv, it just does a loading animation. I can only get the live stream, which is a Sweden replay.


yeah, had the same problem today, whatever they did to the app since Sweden made it worse. At the end I had to refer to airplay and that worked...

Jarek Z
28th March 2024, 17:09
Doesn't everyone want to bring costs down?!

Yes, and attract more competitors?

Jarek Z
28th March 2024, 18:15
Beautiful pictures from Nico Meyer:




28th March 2024, 23:42
My pacenotes from last year’s SS2/5 Loldia (junctions missing on notes as we broke down on recce when I was going to add them in correct place…)

Last year’s Pirelli tyre guide for teams:

Friday weather forecast:
Afternoon showers. 40% chance of rain. 26C.

Some sections of black cotton in Kedong, but not really any in Loldia or Geothermal.

I really like Loldia. Very twisty and technical, lots of really bumpy sections, some fast open parts and the section around the hill is very loose (lots of uphill/downhill hairpins) and will probably sweep quite a lot for following cars. Not one to be first on the road. Some zebra around but not that common to see them in this one.

29th March 2024, 03:54
Seems really rough for the cars alreafy from the beginning and rear ends pouncing a lot..

29th March 2024, 04:00
Nice split by Adrian

Rally Hokkaido
29th March 2024, 04:02
Good afternoon from Japan. Looking forward to an eventful Safari...as it always is!

29th March 2024, 04:03
Neuville really on it and you could see it also from outside cameras

29th March 2024, 04:06
Evans losing a lot to Neuville at the end.. +9

Rally Hokkaido
29th March 2024, 04:07
Neuville really on it and you could see it also from outside cameras

Yes, made quite a gap over Evans on this stage.

29th March 2024, 04:13
Tänak broke the car already?

29th March 2024, 04:16
Hyundais really close pace wise and all three complaining about under steer

29th March 2024, 04:17
Who else is running 1 spare? Honestly, It is just stupid to carry 1 spare instead of 2... Kedong is always full of punctures

29th March 2024, 04:22
Tänak broke the car already?

I hope he was speaking figuratively and the car is not actually FWD

29th March 2024, 04:26
I hope he was speaking figuratively and the car is not actually FWD

I got the same impression and I think he would have lost a lot if he would have FWD only

29th March 2024, 04:28
And would have been much angrier at the end..

29th March 2024, 04:33
I got the same impression and I think he would have lost a lot if he would have FWD only

Must have been something as he lost about 5 seconds during last 2 sections to Lappi.

29th March 2024, 04:46
All the drivers seemingly ill-at-ease with their set-ups. What is going on ???

29th March 2024, 04:50
Yes, and attract more competitors?

Absolutely. An entry list of 23 cars (excluding nationals) is poor. Will be extremely difficult for WRC TV to fill an hour. It’s supposed to be the biggest motorsport event in the whole continent……

29th March 2024, 04:52
Impressive time from Diego Domínguez, only a tenth behind Ciamin on his first WRC2 full stage.

29th March 2024, 05:03
Really strong from Greensmith sofar

29th March 2024, 05:15
I Think I saw when Thierry got a puncture

Yeah they now showed the replay

29th March 2024, 05:19
All ok for Tanak

He has always something to complain about. Gonna find out at the end of the stage

29th March 2024, 05:20
Fastest FWD since Xara kitcar

29th March 2024, 05:23
Amazing wrc+ interview quality once again :D

29th March 2024, 05:23
And now interview cuts out lol

29th March 2024, 05:24
He always have something to say:D

29th March 2024, 05:24
Fastest FWD since Xara kitcar
it's not the first time tanak has "problems" that normally should set him back minutes, and still drives fastest times.
perhaps it's mind games he's trying.

29th March 2024, 05:24
Lappi even faster at second split

29th March 2024, 05:24
And now interview cuts out lol

They are trying to silence him 🤣

29th March 2024, 05:25
Amazing wrc+ interview quality once again :D

Cannot really understand, they charge 120 euros from each client and cannot afford even one Starlink terminal?

29th March 2024, 05:26
Lappi like puts another gear second stage ina row in second half

29th March 2024, 05:28
Lappi taking the lead

29th March 2024, 05:29
it's not the first time tanak has "problems" that normally should set him back minutes, and still drives fastest times.
perhaps it's mind games he's trying.

Jesus guys here

He said at the end of the fist stage “feels like front wheel drive” and he meant that grip is just so low

Often times I see here users generating all kinds of stuff out of Tänaks comments

29th March 2024, 05:30
Katsutas time indicates theres a big cleanimng effect

29th March 2024, 05:32
Kalle fastest trough

29th March 2024, 05:32

29th March 2024, 05:37
Jesus this broadcast is killing me

29th March 2024, 05:38
Solberg stopped to change a puncture, loosing about two minutes

29th March 2024, 05:43
SS3 has got to be the least risk of punctures the whole event……

29th March 2024, 05:49
Jesus guys here

He said at the end of the fist stage “feels like front wheel drive” and he meant that grip is just so low

Often times I see here users generating all kinds of stuff out of Tänaks comments
all I see is what is on the ewrc site: "Generally low grip, somehow really struggling. Only front wheel drive, very hard at the moment, car is not working at all."

29th March 2024, 05:54
Well, seems no replay of this morning's first stage on rally.tv for me. Did Evans and Neuville have issues to be 25-30 seconds down, or is it just cleaning?

29th March 2024, 05:58
Tundo had puncture also, it took him almost six minutes to change it

29th March 2024, 06:02
Thierry and Martijn with masks and goggles in the car:)

29th March 2024, 06:02
If Neuville will get trough this stage with no big lost I will be surprised

29th March 2024, 06:17
Good job by Neuville

29th March 2024, 06:22
Tanak and Kalle flying in there

29th March 2024, 06:32
Kalle in another world

29th March 2024, 06:32
What a run by Kalle

29th March 2024, 06:32
Epic drive from Rovanperä, unhuman pace.

29th March 2024, 06:36
Oh wow. Even admitted it was a big push. Understandable the gap then to others

29th March 2024, 06:36
Morning guys, bank holiday here so taking it easy. Have I missed anything? :D

29th March 2024, 06:40
Rather uneventful morning. Do they have some fesh-fesh sections this year?

29th March 2024, 06:41
Solberg 2nd puncture (for the loop).

29th March 2024, 06:42
Oliver has to shape up a bit... :( :(

29th March 2024, 06:44
Gus's good pace made him stressed maybe :D

29th March 2024, 06:46
Rather uneventful morning. Do they have some fesh-fesh sections this year?

No they got rid of the section in this stage after all the complaints 2 years ago.

Maybe a few small bits tomorrow.

29th March 2024, 06:49
Any split times for you on WRC.com, live timing?

29th March 2024, 06:51
Munster drive is a joke, 2,32 sec/km slower is a lot.

29th March 2024, 06:53
Is 45s a lot here? Like If Evans and Neuville are in the game.. I think they are. They could be first on the road tomorrow which is so important because rain often comes for later runners. But ofc we are just on midday now

29th March 2024, 06:57
Minesh lost 17 mins in Geothermal with two punctures :(

29th March 2024, 07:24
Is 45s a lot here? Like If Evans and Neuville are in the game.. I think they are. They could be first on the road tomorrow which is so important because rain often comes for later runners. But ofc we are just on midday now

Depends, on what game they take part.

29th March 2024, 07:41
Having the same problem. No splits at all

29th March 2024, 07:46

29th March 2024, 07:48
That is really magical picture

29th March 2024, 07:57
Kedong red flagged for last 2 cars, hope Nikhil is ok. Waiting for more info.

29th March 2024, 08:15
Gus's good pace made him stressed maybe :D

He needs to handle such things. It´s a long rally, and he should apply that in his thoughts.

29th March 2024, 09:28
Second loop is running, Hyundai managed to deliver brand new car for Neuville:)

29th March 2024, 09:30

29th March 2024, 09:38
Looks like a lot of understeer for Evans.

29th March 2024, 09:40
Looks like a lot of understeer for Evans.
Good time tough

29th March 2024, 09:42
Knew its gonna happen with Lappi. Look how he throwed the car like a madman

29th March 2024, 09:44
damn.. Lappi that's not ,,how to wingman..''

29th March 2024, 09:46
Tanak complaining again, same problem as in morning he says

29th March 2024, 09:47
How come they didn’t have mechanics for Tänak in the service?

What the

29th March 2024, 09:50
That was little weird but not the first time sonething like that has happened

29th March 2024, 09:50
Number of mechanics is limited and it seems all they spared had to work on Neuville's car. That's interesting as it didn't look that bad.

29th March 2024, 09:56

29th March 2024, 09:57
Seems the Toyotas have found the sweet spot now

1-2-3 in the stage

29th March 2024, 10:03

29th March 2024, 10:04

Please tell me that rain will come

29th March 2024, 10:43
Big clouds on the Neuville's onboard, is this in the direction to Kedong?

29th March 2024, 10:44
They were saying its starting to rain in Kedong stage

29th March 2024, 10:45
They were saying its starting to rain in Kedong stage

They are always saying this but in the end there is nothing

29th March 2024, 10:45
Nikhil (car 36) rolled in Kedong, notes were 1km, 3L into Hairpin R. But lost the brakes on the 3L, big roll with an 11g impact so he got a free helicopter ride back to service. Both ok though.

29th March 2024, 10:45
If the clouds we are seeing are in Kedong stage, then it is proper rain

29th March 2024, 10:46
Starting to rain in Kedong, getting info from near finish (which is by far from start either).

Kedong is east of Geothermal.

29th March 2024, 10:50
Thierry ha a "big moment" on this one

29th March 2024, 10:51
Tänak stopped

Lol my god this season sucks

29th March 2024, 10:51
Tänak done. :/

29th March 2024, 10:52
Tanak championship hopes could be in jeopardy already

29th March 2024, 10:52

29th March 2024, 10:52
Third rally, third mistake

29th March 2024, 10:53
Third rally, third mistake

TBH, it seems he hit rock on the line which either threw him off or broke something. I wouldn't say it was a mistake.

29th March 2024, 10:54
so that's only 1 hyundai left.

29th March 2024, 10:54
Third rally, third mistake

Not sure about the mistake here.

29th March 2024, 10:54
Third rally, third mistake

There was nothing he could do there

29th March 2024, 10:55
TBH, it seems he hit rock on the line which either threw him off or broke something. I wouldn't say it was a mistake.

Was it there when Adrien came trough? Evans had it in notes

29th March 2024, 10:55
Time to retire and stop this agony which has been going on since 2020

29th March 2024, 10:55
It was not a mistake, just very unlucky

29th March 2024, 10:56
I'm getting Meeke flashbacks, with Tanak.

29th March 2024, 10:56
i don't even see what tanak has hit?

29th March 2024, 10:57
He came into the corner differently than the others, bit of similar unluck like Neuville in Greece.

29th March 2024, 10:57
Hyundai can't hack it in Africa.

29th March 2024, 10:58
Tanak helping Neuville early in the season with getting WDC..

29th March 2024, 10:59
i don't even see what tanak has hit?

Rock in the middle of the road lifted the car. Cant turn the car when its in the air. Maybe it survived the impact but unfortunately there was a bank outside of the corner which broke the steering

29th March 2024, 10:59
Also starting really in the back in Croatia isnt good for him

29th March 2024, 11:00
It's hard to tell whether Tanak came in at different angle/speed when all onboards are different. For me it's not a mistake, certainly not an obvious one. Would need to compare onboards and telemetry

29th March 2024, 11:00
the only thing i see that is big enough is the dark stone on the left, but that means he also hit the "10" sign and cut way too much.
or am i missing something?

29th March 2024, 11:01
Rain was increasing at Kedong but has stopped now.

29th March 2024, 11:03
the only thing i see that is big enough is the dark stone on the left, but that means he also hit the "10" sign and cut way too much.
or am i missing something?

No, rock was rather closer to the right wheel. You can clearly see it

29th March 2024, 11:05
No, rock was rather closer to the right wheel. You can clearly see it

Yes.. And because of the compression the front of the car was really low

29th March 2024, 11:09
Very good stagetime for Greg Munster

29th March 2024, 11:11
Time to retire and stop this agony which has been going on since 2020

Imagine if he’d stayed with Toyota…big shame.

29th March 2024, 11:22
Time to retire and stop this agony which has been going on since 2020

I was just thinking this.

Tanak has to give in or really go back to Toyota.

Neuville will either put the towel in due to Hyundai OR the fact WRC is becoming a mess and no real vision insight...

Hyundai needs some new blood.

29th March 2024, 11:25
Pfff someone tell Tänak it's 2024, not 2014 :s

29th March 2024, 11:26
the only thing i see that is big enough is the dark stone on the left, but that means he also hit the "10" sign and cut way too much.
or am i missing something?

It's the fold in the road not any rocks.

29th March 2024, 11:26
Imagine if he’d stayed with Toyota…big shame.
He would have been multiple champion. But perhaps we wouldn't have seen rovanpera at toyota then.

29th March 2024, 11:31
Are you guys forgetting all the times he broke the Yaris too?

29th March 2024, 11:31
Tänak would be already 5x World Champion if staying at Toyota. He and his manager were greedy and got more money from Hyundai.

29th March 2024, 11:33
I think there is no point of starting this ,, what if.. staying in Toyota'' story for 50th time..

29th March 2024, 11:38
It is mainly dry..

29th March 2024, 11:51
Good run on last stage for Neuville

29th March 2024, 11:54
Kalle only one with green numbers on splits compared to Thierry

29th March 2024, 12:09
And he is taking 6 on 6 in besttimes

29th March 2024, 12:09
Well, that position change is handy for Evans. If he has the close battle with Neuville we've seen so far this year, another notch of running order will help.

29th March 2024, 12:11
seems silly that kalle still pushes when he has a minute lead and nr2 and 3 are his teammates.

29th March 2024, 12:39
Dominguez with some kind of a problem?

29th March 2024, 12:39
Tänak explaining what happened


29th March 2024, 12:51
Lappi telling that gearbox just exploded:(

29th March 2024, 13:06
Hello guys. Has the rally finished already?
Big no.
Wait until Sunday afternoon instead of doing the silly speculations at this stage of the rally. Please!

29th March 2024, 13:19
Minesh through to end the day, lost a lot of time this morning but steadily gaining it back on the class leader. Just needs to avoid issues and will move up.

29th March 2024, 13:33
Minesh through to end the day, lost a lot of time this morning but steadily gaining it back on the class leader. Just needs to avoid issues and will move up.
I am sorry, but who is Minesh and why is he important for this forum?

29th March 2024, 13:53

29th March 2024, 13:54
I am sorry, but who is Minesh and why is he important for this forum?


Car number 37

29th March 2024, 14:23
Hello guys. Has the rally finished already?
Big no.
Wait until Sunday afternoon instead of doing the silly speculations at this stage of the rally. Please!

Go and say it to Tänak and Lappi :)

29th March 2024, 14:26
seems silly that kalle still pushes when he has a minute lead and nr2 and 3 are his teammates.

I don't think he is pushing. You saw him pushing on the first loop on the same stage, he was 19sec faster than Evans and 26sec faster than Neuville. Not 5.7 and 4.4. He is just that good that he is fastest even when "cruising".

29th March 2024, 14:28
Go and say it to Tänak and Lappi :)

Are they out for whole rally? Haven´t been following afternoon...

29th March 2024, 14:46
I am sorry, but who is Minesh and why is he important for this forum?

He is driving in the WRC Safari Rally which is a dream for many on here.
You don’t have to read it if you don’t want to, just like you probably don’t want to hear about Serderidis.
There’s more to rallying than the top 8 entries.

29th March 2024, 14:49
SuperRally, Lappi +30min, Tänak +20min.. must be a mission for Serderidis :)

29th March 2024, 15:04
Nikhil (car 36) rolled in Kedong, notes were 1km, 3L into Hairpin R. But lost the brakes on the 3L, big roll with an 11g impact so he got a free helicopter ride back to service. Both ok though.

Great to hear they're OK! I've seen the pictures of their damaged car on ewrc and it looked rough :/

29th March 2024, 15:17
nature took over in Safari rally :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=niWQEYkXQTw

29th March 2024, 15:33
As expected, seems like Hyundai isn't more robust than it used to... Good day for Neuville as he kept close to Evans and Katsuta, but seeing what happened with Tanak and Lappi, he has to hope his i20 is the lucky one.
Kalle on another level, but in rallies like Safari you can never be sure of a win.

29th March 2024, 15:36
80% chance of showers overnight
91% chance of thunderstorms tomorrow

29th March 2024, 15:55
Third year of these cars and still such problems.. argh.

Sound really ,,promising'' for them.

About Lappi's and other Hyundais..

The casing exploded,” he said. “We know the transmission is the weak point of this car. It’s not been developed and validated properly.
All they can do is drive at 80%.

Seems like Tanak's manu points don't matter..


29th March 2024, 16:09
SuperRally, Lappi +30min, Tänak +20min.. must be a mission for Serderidis :)

Only in Leg 2!

29th March 2024, 16:29
Why is this day so long, I cant wait until tomorrow. Something tells me that there won't be Toyota TOP 3.

29th March 2024, 16:37
Why is this day so long, I cant wait until tomorrow. Something tells me that there won't be Toyota TOP 3.

I'd expect Neuville to overhaul Katsuta now there's only one place difference in their road order.

29th March 2024, 16:40
I'd expect Neuville to overhaul Katsuta now there's only one place difference in their road order.

Well, gearbox permitting.

29th March 2024, 17:07
Third year of these cars and still such problems.. argh.

Sound really ,,promising'' for them.

About Lappi's and other Hyundais..

Seems like Tanak's manu points don't matter..

They should have said it before the rally. I would have made different Pickems