View Full Version : Heinny 0.0 theory

1st March 2024, 12:45
The Trophy Wife's theory might spell trouble for Max , so I thought I'd bring it back to light just before the first qualifying .

First , there were two Rosbergs , racing through the streets of Monaco, advertising 0.0 , just before Nico quit the sport .
That started it .

Then , Danny Ric rode a scooter for Heinny 0.0 , then quit the fastest team , almost ending his career .

Then Sergio Perez rode the same scooter and quit driving quickly enough to be anywhere close to his team-mate .

But now , if she's right about this , it could spell big trouble for Max , as she's just seem him doing a commercial spot for the very same career scuttling brand of non-alcoholic beer .

Words of wisdom from the wise , wise woman just moments ago :
"If you value your career in motorsport , don't don't drink and drive !"

We'll see how this all works out , but I sure wouldn't want to be Max right now .

11th March 2024, 19:20
I forgot about this thread.... with the title I thought it might be a spammer! :laugh:

But I think Trophy Wife has it wrong this time either way. Nothing seems to slow Max down.

13th March 2024, 12:42
I forgot about this thread.... with the title I thought it might be a spammer! :laugh:

But I think Trophy Wife has it wrong this time either way. Nothing seems to slow Max down.

You just wait , Shifter .
All is not well in the Bull camp , and Max might find himself with 0.0 chance of winning if it all goes south .

She sees things we mere mortals don't .

24th March 2024, 13:21
Well , well , well , look what just happened .
Max went down in flames , just as she warned he would .

No podium at all for the Bulls this time out .
Perhaps the curse is even stronger than she imagined .

N. Jones
24th March 2024, 13:24
She might just be right!
Max is Doomed!!

28th March 2024, 15:18
Well, well. With the recent FGP and Trophy Wife coming out on top, I'm starting to think this whole beer advertising thing is just a cover up for something more sinister.

I suspect Bagwan has voodoo dolls of both Max and his RB20. Waiting until the race was running to inflict damage was a smart call Bagwan, and one many didn't see coming.

But yes everyone..... we need to comb the FGP rules concerning witchcraft. You heard it here first!

28th March 2024, 17:53
Well, well. With the recent FGP and Trophy Wife coming out on top, I'm starting to think this whole beer advertising thing is just a cover up for something more sinister.

I suspect Bagwan has voodoo dolls of both Max and his RB20. Waiting until the race was running to inflict damage was a smart call Bagwan, and one many didn't see coming.

But yes everyone..... we need to comb the FGP rules concerning witchcraft. You heard it here first!

Beware , Air , meddling with the JuJu could mess with your Mojo .

28th March 2024, 19:18
I know the cookies and keeping your wife happy are always temptations Bagwan. But similar to the Christian Horner dirt, temptations should be avoided if they get you in trouble. And similar to the CH media, once the dirt has been exposed, it's hard to scrub it off!

I'm preparing the press releases now... Bagwan and witchcraft in F1 influencing FGP!

29th March 2024, 11:43
I know the cookies and keeping your wife happy are always temptations Bagwan. But similar to the Christian Horner dirt, temptations should be avoided if they get you in trouble. And similar to the CH media, once the dirt has been exposed, it's hard to scrub it off!

I'm preparing the press releases now... Bagwan and witchcraft in F1 influencing FGP!

Pretty shifty , Shifter , trying to incinerate that the bagwan has any influence at all over the Trophy wife or the curse she seems to have uncovered .
I will admit freely , that I am tempted by her cookies all the time .

As far as I know , she's never had Christian Horner anywhere near her cookies , so that's all just fake dirt .
Dirt isn't even an ingredient in any of her recipes , fake or not .

I warned you , Air , sully the biscuit and you risk the wrath .

10th April 2024, 17:36
Sure , I know what you're all thinking .
Where was the bad luck for Max ? He had 0.0 trouble .

Max might have had a freebee this time , but did you see how it whacked the Honey Badger out on the first lap ?

Powerful stuff , and not to be trifled with .