View Full Version : 'It's a bit Ginger Beer'

23rd May 2007, 12:40
Top Gear presenter have been reprimanded by the media watchdog Ofcom for call a car "a bit Ginger Beer" :rolleyes:

PC gone made again


TV presenter Jeremy Clarkson has been criticised by the media watchdog Ofcom for using a term which was "capable of giving offence to homosexual people". The Top Gear host described a vehicle on the BBC Two show last July as being "very ginger beer", taken to be rhyming slang for the term "queer".

Ofcom said there was "no justification for using the word in this way".

In December, the BBC complaints unit said there has been "no editorial purpose" for the remarks.

Ofcom said the complaint had been resolved because the BBC had already warned the production team and producers not to repeat the offence.

The regulator decided the use of the word "gay" was not necessarily offensive, but Clarkson's use of the term was "clearly linking the reference to homosexual people".

Clarkson used the phrase during a discussion with the studio audience about the two-seater Daihatsu Copen.


23rd May 2007, 12:46
I wouldn't say it was PC gone mad, but it is a bit of an over-reaction. Everybody knows Clarkson is harmless and says these things in a tongue-in-cheek way. I don't think he actually has any problems with homosexuals. He seems to get on quite well with Stephen Fry anyway.

Brown, Jon Brow
23rd May 2007, 12:59
I bet Clarkson is really upset by that. :laugh:

23rd May 2007, 14:44
if it was in pink, would he have got away with calling it a bit dykeish without offending the dutch?

i really believe the cockney community should revolt against the marginilization of their language in this way.

now, scuse me, I need a Tom.

23rd May 2007, 14:53
Well, tbh, that car does look like it's, um... lacking in testosterone... :erm:

Dave B
23rd May 2007, 15:19
Good grief. Ofcom have actually got off their arses for once. Nice to see, even if they have completely missed the point that the comment was tongue-in-cheek.

Back to sleep now, boys and girls.

Hazell B
23rd May 2007, 19:26
Have to say I don't see why it's PC overkill or an over-reaction. The media covering what I guess was a paragraph basically saying "that's not nice, don't do it again" is simply stirring it again.

Making it an issue as if it's PC madness is the only real problem with PC these days :mark:

23rd May 2007, 19:47
Bloody Clarkson. If I'd have know he said that I would have complained myself. :p I love Copen's, I really wanted one but they dont have any boot so I had to buy a practical car instead. :bigcry:

Clarkson is Clarkson, everyone know's he doesnt mean it. Waste of time and effort on Offcoms part if you ask me.

Ian McC
23rd May 2007, 21:13
Daihatsu? He could of called it far worse! :p :

Storm in a teacup kind of stuff.

23rd May 2007, 23:03
Its a bit Ginger Beer - I read that as "Dear" i.e. expensive. Whats the harm in that? Who are Ofcom to say that Clarkson meant "Queer"? Ofcom clearly know Cockney rhyming slang better than Clarkson - he's a Yorkshireman. Perfectly acceptable in my opinion.

By the way did you hear about the Kaiser Chiefs going for a curry? The waiter asked them what they wanted and they replied....

"Ruby, ruby, ruby, RUBY!!!!!"

24th May 2007, 13:29
Have to say I don't see why it's PC overkill or an over-reaction. The media covering what I guess was a paragraph basically saying "that's not nice, don't do it again" is simply stirring it again.

Making it an issue as if it's PC madness is the only real problem with PC these days :mark:

Exactly. :up:

24th May 2007, 14:18
Storm in a teacup kind of stuff.

What are you insinuating there eh? :mad:

I think Oily can probably decipher this rhyming slang business..

Brown, Jon Brow
24th May 2007, 15:49
I think Oily can probably decipher this rhyming slang business..

I don't know :rolleyes: Oily oaf is a bit of a tommie tanker!

24th May 2007, 16:05
over paid asshats who have nothing better to complain about. Pc people make me want to vomit :grenade: :mad: