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16th March 2008, 15:39
hey all

16th March 2008, 23:18
Obviously, the F1 result was pretty sweet from a Brit point of view. But I enjoyed watching Lewis (plus Nico, Heikki, Kazuki Nakajima, Nelson Piquet jnr and Timo Glock too) in GP2 in the last couple of years a lot more than seeing them in F1, though, simply because in GP2 you get a decent race with overtaking and stuff. When you get a result like today's F1, it's a case of 'nice result, shame about the action'.

And of course it's a good reminder of why bike racing is far superior :)

17th March 2008, 04:25
^^ :d

17th March 2008, 06:54
Lucky there were so many crashes, it almost made it interesting! Now we have our annual post Aus F1 GP debate about how crap/unlucky Mark Webber is. Oh how we love to nobble our own here down under. :rolleyes:

17th March 2008, 08:09
Has everyone noticed pickem result from race 10 days ago? F1 announced the result of yesterday's race :)

17th March 2008, 19:13
On a different note I have to apologise to anyone riding a scooter that gets stuck behind me. I always move out of the way of bikes to let them pass when I'm driving but have got so p****d off with little ****s with ******* L plates not even raising a hand to say thanks that I have decided to never move out the way of anything that looks like it's got anything less than a 125 engine. Seriously how hard can it be to just acknowledge the fact that I've gone out of my way to let people overtake me safely? So this evening I had a big grin on my face as I kept some t***er behind me for a good mile or so.

BTW I still move out of the way for bigger bikes, nearly all of them have good manners.

18th March 2008, 04:29
I have the opposite problem on my scooter, I get cars waddling along at 40kph, and really getting in my way. I just round em up and give them a polite wave,(that's the one finger wave), :D

18th March 2008, 11:17
Since the beginning of the season, I am happy that we have some new members, but, I must say it has been a little lonely here on the forum. I have often been lazy, by checking the forum, reading the posts and not logging in. Come on all, the more posts, the more opinions, the better the forum gets. I will be here every day, but must admit that when I log in and my post is the last, from yesterday, I feel like there are tumbleweeds blowing down the street :D

18th March 2008, 13:31
Agreed, John. It's a shame it's so quiet.

Admittedly, I've not written a great deal for a while myself - am doing a course with work which finishes in June and takes up a bit of my evenings, and attempting to organise my karting season too amongst other things.

The alternate opinion is that people mostly only make noise when they're complaining (see F1 board :p - they hate everything!), and we've not got much to complain about at present (a few more bikes on the main MotoGP grid, that's about it?) - just getting on and enjoying the racing!

18th March 2008, 18:04
We're always saying that the racing is so good we often don'ty have a lot to write about purely because we all agree that it's fantastic. Much as I like you guys I'd much rather have a quiet forum and good racing than vice versa

19th March 2008, 11:19
ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :dozey: zzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZ :D

19th March 2008, 11:32
Agreed, John. It's a shame it's so quiet.

Admittedly, I've not written a great deal for a while myself - am doing a course with work which finishes in June and takes up a bit of my evenings, and attempting to organise my karting season too amongst other things.

The alternate opinion is that people mostly only make noise when they're complaining (see F1 board :p - they hate everything!), and we've not got much to complain about at present (a few more bikes on the main MotoGP grid, that's about it?) - just getting on and enjoying the racing!

I think one of the problems is the 'lack of stories' - Motorcycling is very rarely in the general press and media- hence the lack of stories and the lack of discussion. There are always stories to report, but they very rarely are. Same thing with WRC, WTCC, for example go on the BBC Sport Motorsport webpage - all F1 stories - updated daily; the other Motorsport is left, only updated sporadically.

19th March 2008, 11:34
There is hardly ever anything in the papers here in Queensland about bike racing.. so you could be right..

19th March 2008, 12:07
I will just have to find the stories and get this forum pumping :D Look out motorsport media, maxu is on the job :laugh:

19th March 2008, 19:44

Aii I miss that machine :( It's absolutely my favourite one, the sound, the drift, the speed it's incredible..

I mean the RC211V uh :p

19th March 2008, 20:33
In case anyone cares I've changed my 'letting scooters overtake' rule because I saw a girl on a scooter who had really cute eyes so had to let her have space :D I don't care if it sounds shallow, they're my rules and I'll do what I want :p :

20th March 2008, 07:19
In case anyone cares I've changed my 'letting scooters overtake' rule because I saw a girl on a scooter who had really cute eyes so had to let her have space :D I don't care if it sounds shallow, they're my rules and I'll do what I want :p :

Men!!! :) Would you have done the same thing for a fellow with "cute eyes" :)

I hope she waved and or at least winked at you for doing that for her..

20th March 2008, 08:49
Just pretend it was chivalry. ;)
I try to let most riders past except Harley riders, though they usually just muscle their way past anyway. :rolleyes:
It is certainly quiet round here lately. I've been guilty also, struggling to find the time to get on and last year if I missed a few days I had hours of reading to catch up on, today only about 4 threads. I'll have to try harder to make more time methinks.

20th March 2008, 09:22
I think everyone gets caught up in their own issues, and it makes it hard to find the time to post. I had the same problem late last year, I just got caught up with work and neglected the forum. I must say, at least all the regulars seem to be lurking about, and a lot of new names popping up here and there. I am sure as the year goes on, there will be more to chat about. And Jan, I would be a sucker and make way for beautiful eyes, and smile, and tush, and, well you know. Sorry Roby, but I can't see any dude being cute, despite my signature :D

20th March 2008, 09:44
And Jan, I would be a sucker and make way for beautiful eyes, and smile, and tush, and, well you know. Sorry Roby, but I can't see any dude being cute, despite my signature :D

I don't know...I can think of a few cute dudes!! ;)

Its ok about your sig I understand!! ;)

20th March 2008, 09:46
Just pretend it was chivalry. ;)
I try to let most riders past except Harley riders, though they usually just muscle their way past anyway. :rolleyes:
It is certainly quiet round here lately. I've been guilty also, struggling to find the time to get on and last year if I missed a few days I had hours of reading to catch up on, today only about 4 threads. I'll have to try harder to make more time methinks.

Chivalry!! Pleeeeeze... :)
You guys are soooo funny!!! LOL...

Harleys are usually caled Cattle Dogs here, as they are usually on the back of a ute!! :rolleyes:

20th March 2008, 09:48
This is way left field here, but, have any of you watched Underbelly ? I have downloaded up to episode 9, and I am waiting for episode 10,11 and 12 to finish downloading. If you are not aware, Underbelly is an Aussie TV show, (no, it's nothing like neighbors or home and away), but a story of the underworld, gang scene in Melbourne, Australia. I must say that I was surprised by it, mainly because of the nudity,(I am not complaining mind you), the sexual content, the obscene language and the violence. I think it is great, that a tv production company had the coconuts to show it how it is. :up: If you watch it,or, have watched it, let me know what you think.

20th March 2008, 10:08
This is way left field here, but, have any of you watched Underbelly ? I have downloaded up to episode 9, and I am waiting for episode 10,11 and 12 to finish downloading. If you are not aware, Underbelly is an Aussie TV show, (no, it's nothing like neighbors or home and away), but a story of the underworld, gang scene in Melbourne, Australia. I must say that I was surprised by it, mainly because of the nudity,(I am not complaining mind you), the sexual content, the obscene language and the violence. I think it is great, that a tv production company had the coconuts to show it how it is. :up: If you watch it,or, have watched it, let me know what you think.

Its shown here in Queensland. I have been watching as I have a friend in Victoria who can't watch it!!! ;)

Its actually got me hooked!! I even bought the bloody book!!

20th March 2008, 10:20
I wasn't aware there was a book. I must say that I am hooked also. It's better than watching these lame reality shows.

20th March 2008, 10:46
I wasn't aware there was a book. I must say that I am hooked also. It's better than watching these lame reality shows.

THose reality shows are awful aren't they? I don't watch them at all. Actually I don't really watch that much TV at all. I would rather read a book.. or talk on the computer..

jim mcglinchey
20th March 2008, 10:58
This is way left field here, but, have any of you watched Underbelly ? I have downloaded up to episode 9, and I am waiting for episode 10,11 and 12 to finish downloading. If you are not aware, Underbelly is an Aussie TV show, (no, it's nothing like neighbors or home and away), but a story of the underworld, gang scene in Melbourne, Australia. I must say that I was surprised by it, mainly because of the nudity,(I am not complaining mind you), the sexual content, the obscene language and the violence. I think it is great, that a tv production company had the coconuts to show it how it is. :up: If you watch it,or, have watched it, let me know what you think.

Never heard of it but its sounds verrry interesting, bit like Aus's answer to The Sopranos? Do you remember an aussie TV drama from the early '90s John, called The Great Bookie Robbery? Classic!

20th March 2008, 11:23
I can't remember that one..

20th March 2008, 14:30
Never heard of it but its sounds verrry interesting, bit like Aus's answer to The Sopranos? Do you remember an aussie TV drama from the early '90s John, called The Great Bookie Robbery? Classic!

I remember the name, but cannot recall the plot, but, I will try to find it through P2P :D I am always looking for something to watch, due to the lack of English TV here and the saturation of BS reality programs. I hate these shows with a passion. I don't watch much telly, but, my wife and I love to curl up on the couch, (that's Sofa for the Yanks :D ) and watch a documentry, be it animals, science etc, etc, after a hard days work. I love watching old tv shows from the 50's,60's and 70's, so I am online trying to find them when I have some free time. Some of these shows are hilarious, and some of them would be banned from tv these days.

20th March 2008, 22:53
Do you remember Kingswood Country. Its still on Fox here but I don't think it could go on Free to Air ..The way Ted refers to his son in law...

21st March 2008, 04:57
I used to love Kingswood country, great show. "Your not taking the Kingswood, I just polished the dipstick" :laugh: I would love to see this show again. I thought it was similar in some ways to a British show called 'Love Thy Neighbor' also a great show, and most likely banned now. I think the world is too sensitive these days.

21st March 2008, 06:04
Yes... Pickle me Grandmother.. Its the ..

Someone should blow (insert anything)....up!!

Love thy neighbour was great too.

One of my very favourite shows is / was Quincey MD!! I loved Quincey and Sam!! Its on Fox now, last week when I was home sick from work I got to watch it again. It was wonderful..recouperative therapy!! ;)

21st March 2008, 10:50
I think todays tv could learn a lot from tv shows from the past, they were more simple, and without all this political correctness that spoils tv these days IMO.

21st March 2008, 11:40
Political correctness goes too far some times doesn't it??

I think most people are adult? enough to know where the line is onmost things..

It certainly has curtailedalot of the activities / Jokes in my office these days!!

21st March 2008, 13:22
Yeah, I know what you mean. I am guilty of making the odd sexist, or racist joke in the past, but, when I have made them, most of the time people realise that I am just kidding, and know that I am nor racist, or sexist. I despise people that are racist, sexist or descriminate. I will take the piss out of anyone if I have the chance :laugh: I love to see people laughing, sometimes I must laugh at myself, for all the stupid things I do. I think people take things too seriously sometimes.

27th March 2008, 20:43
What did you say? You wanted a Rossi helmet? :p


28th March 2008, 14:02
I don't care what kind of sponsorship arrangement AGV have with Rossi, it has been absolute value for money for them. I bet there are thousands of Rossi fans who have multiple helmets for the different designs.
Incidently, both my helmets (road - Mladin rep, and dirt) are AGV's. They just seem to fit my headshape whereas a Suomy I couldn't even get over my forehead when I wanted a Bayliss rep.

28th March 2008, 14:02
Corny, from your sig, Barros ?

28th March 2008, 14:04
That's who I thought too, John.

28th March 2008, 14:34
yes, Barros :D

29th March 2008, 02:18
I have one Rossi helmet..No bike!! :(

Lots of diecast replicas though... :rolleyes:

Now I know what that sig was all about... I couldn't think of who it could be.. :dozey:

30th March 2008, 06:22
I miss Mr Bean, (Barros) in Motogp. A very under-rated rider IMO.

30th March 2008, 06:48
I miss Mr Bean, (Barros) in Motogp. A very under-rated rider IMO.

Mr Bean!!!! :D

30th March 2008, 07:36
The wife thinks he looks a bit like Mr Bean.

30th March 2008, 12:09
He does a bit..

30th March 2008, 17:52
And Loris is an Umpa Lumpa from Willy Wonka And The Chocolate factory :D

30th March 2008, 22:30
Does she have a look alike for Dovi?? Some one nice I hope!!

31st March 2008, 04:47
I will ask her tonight after work.

31st March 2008, 13:04
It's been a while since I posted in here and in here I usually post about videogames

At Jerez Dorna and Capcom announced that Capcom has got the rights for MotoGP games on all platforms. Capcom's MotoGP 2008 will be for the Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, PC, PS2 and mobiles

also in videogames, SBK 08 website went live a while back, graphically the game looks way better than 07 and from what I read they are adding a more sim features like working with an engineer and pit crew to set up your bike


2nd April 2008, 03:36
I maybe one of regular visitor of Official Website thread, We may need to put this Tech3 website also in case it's their official website

Team Tech3 : http://teamtech3.fr/

2nd April 2008, 10:31
it is their official website.

also some others that could be added
http://www.kawasaki-racingteam.eu/ is sort of a main page that links to all of their teams.
and some that need to be edited
World SBK no longer has a separate website for its videos.
the World Endurance website is http://www.fimendurance.com
In germany http://www.dmsb.de/ is the german motor federation (for both cars and bikes) , not the superbike site
Randy De Puniet no longer has a website
Honda's 2008 version website is http://world.honda.com/MotoGP/
http://www.yamahamotogp.com/ is Yamaha's press website, their website for the puplic is http://www.yamaha-racing.com and Yamaha Italia in WorldSBK also uses this website as an english version
The Pramac d'Antin website (called Team Alice for this season) is http://www.aliceteam.com though http://www.dantin-pramac.com will re-direct you

2nd April 2008, 10:55
Some Randy :eek: info available here..


2nd April 2008, 12:11
Motorcycles are cool. That is a pretty straightforward fact. Some cars are pretty cool but not as cool as bikes. Is it possible to make a car as cool as a bike? Yes. This is how. :D


2nd April 2008, 12:39
ah... a Smartuki

here's its website http://www.smartuki.com

I'm not sure if the Campagna T-Rex is considered a car but its powered by motorcycle engines, the latest by Kawasaki's 1400cc ZX14R engine.

here is it's website http://www.t-rexvehicles.com

the site also has a video of fifth gear's Tiff Needell testing it.

2nd April 2008, 12:56
Thanks for that ChrisS. The T-Rex, whilst ungainly, looks like a lot of fun and Tiff's pretty cool for an old guy. He can drive a bit too!

3rd April 2008, 06:25
Relating to dilemma which one do you prefer between bike or car racing, is hard choice.

This weekend F1 and superbike might fall on the same time zone. I will make sure to watch the start of them both, the rest of it stay tuned on Superbike.
unless Biaggi falls again. :D

3rd April 2008, 09:17
Cars are better. My mate got blown off his Bandit in the wind, I can safely say that I have never been blown out of my car. Also he always turns up to places wet and freezing cold, the roof and heater in my car make sure it doesn't happen to me :D And there is nothing cool about dressing up like an S+M gimp and drinking orange juice :p :

9th April 2008, 02:58
Hi all, I am packing up all my stuff, and moving to Perth, (Australia). My ma is 77 now, and wants me to be around, so the wife and I decided we should go. It will take us about 3 or 4 months to get everything sorted,so I might not be here as regular as usual for a short time. The biggest hassle for me is sitting all the driving exams to get all my license's back, I had car/motorcycle/truck/bus etc before I came to China, but it has been 6 years, so I will have to start squatting for the knowledge tests. I hope that when I get there, I will find work quickly, as I want to save some cash for the pilgrimage to Phillip Island for the MotoGp.

9th April 2008, 05:09
Hi all, I am packing up all my stuff, and moving to Perth, (Australia). My ma is 77 now, and wants me to be around, so the wife and I decided we should go. It will take us about 3 or 4 months to get everything sorted,so I might not be here as regular as usual for a short time. The biggest hassle for me is sitting all the driving exams to get all my license's back, I had car/motorcycle/truck/bus etc before I came to China, but it has been 6 years, so I will have to start squatting for the knowledge tests. I hope that when I get there, I will find work quickly, as I want to save some cash for the pilgrimage to Phillip Island for the MotoGp.

Wow! I was feeling really bad for you with after last weekend and the trouble you had trying to view SBKs but that will be a thing of the past soon. Good luck to you both. You "squat" for tests over there? ;)

9th April 2008, 13:56
Good luck John. I hope everything works out for you guys and the move goes smoothly. Hopefully you don't have a lot of stuff to haul over with you.

9th April 2008, 14:16
Cheers for the well wishes. My biggest problem will be my cat "Monkeyboy" , I just hope that we can take him with us, as I raised him from one week old, bottle fed him. He really thinks we are mum and dad. I am sure it should be fine, we will get a certificate of clean health from the vet, though I know he will be quarantined for a while when we get there. I must start selling off some of my belongings, as I can't take everything with me. I love traveling, but I hate moving.
chac47, I meant to say Swatting, but yes, you squat for everything over here :D

9th April 2008, 18:09
I am about to set off for OZ, after being here for 6 years. I think a lot has changed in this time. I think it will be so different when I get there. I miss my BBQ's though, so that will be something to look forward to.

9th April 2008, 22:20
You will probably find a few things change. I'm sure your Mum is going to love having you both back here.

Monkeyboy will probably have to stay in quaratine for awhile but that gives you time to settle in somewhere too.

It shouldn't take you long to swat for those license exams, I guess its like riding a bike!! You don't really forget!

Did you live in Perth before, I thought you were in Penrith.

Anyway not long and you can have a Bundy!! :p :

Have a safe trip.

Now you'll find all those things you haven't been able to locate for ages, just when you are going to pack up!! You'll also discover just how much "stuff " you really do have!!

Have fun..

10th April 2008, 00:12
Cheers Roby, I have already discovered that I have too much stuff. As for the license, I got suspended for 6 months about 10 years ago, and sat for all the exams in one day,(bike,car,truck etc) and passed them all with no drama's. I must read up on the new rules though. Perth is the only place in Oz that I have not been to. My mother moved there from Penrith about 4 years ago, so, It will be a totally new experience for me. I can't wait to get there and find all the foods that I have missed while over here. I think the first thing I will enjoy is a hamburger with the lot from a corner fish and chip shop. I can only get Mc plastic burgers here. I am sure my Monkeyboy will be fine, he is used to traveling and moving, though I think the plane might freak him out a bit.

11th April 2008, 17:29
My first own made movie of Valencia 06.. Please give me your critics :D

11th April 2008, 20:58
Cheers Roby, I have already discovered that I have too much stuff.

I thought that for an Aussie 'stuff' just meant barbecues, crates of beer, Utes and hats with corkc in. :p :

12th April 2008, 01:37
You forgot the thongs, stubbies and the blue singlet :D

12th April 2008, 03:02
You forgot the thongs, stubbies and the blue singlet :D

Should we explain what Thongs are??? ;)

12th April 2008, 03:42
I thought that for an Aussie 'stuff' just meant barbecues, crates of beer, Utes and hats with corkc in. :p :
Pretty much. It's lucky for us that we all have Kangaroos for pets to carry a lot of that stuff around for us!

jim mcglinchey
12th April 2008, 20:44
Has anyone a link for the Hopper - Lorenzo interface on Fridays FP?

14th April 2008, 17:25
Hi all, I missed the weekend Motogp action, and everything else, as my router packed it in. We tried all weekend to get online, but we had dramas all weekend. It turns out that our cat,(Monkeyboy) had gotten behind our computer desk and knocked out the plug to the router, just enough so that when you looked at the plugs, looked OK, but he had bumped the power plug just enough to stop the power getting through. It was a bit strange, as I would get online for a few minutes, then it would cut out. This happened all weekend, I was really P'd off I missed the 3rd race, (I have missed all 3 by the way). Good news though, I have found a way to watch motogp live over the net for free, so I will try it out next round. My router is now working, so I will be here every day again. I will still have a crappy signature though :D

14th April 2008, 21:53
Monkeyboy was monkeying around!! :D That was lame wasn't it!!

I'm liking all these sigs though.. :D

15th April 2008, 00:39
Sky only broadcast the 250 and Motogp so I haven't seen the 125. I rang Sky prior to the broadcast as I could see that the time shown wasn't long enough for all races and asked what was going on, but I just got into one of those circular arguments that makes you want to :s mash: something.
Highlights shown the next day tagged 5min of the 125 race at the end, useless.
Imagine what would happen if rugby fans were expecting to see three games and only two were shown in their entirety and the third game 5mins of highlights the next day. Ok that's my rant for the day.

15th April 2008, 11:00
You can well imagine what would happen if they did that to the Rugby!!

You live in NZ and I'm in Oz but I reckon it would be the exact same thing...

..........a bloody riot!!! It would be like the end of the world wouldn't it!!

23rd April 2008, 05:30
Wow, I can't believe this thread has slipped so far down the page. I will bring it back up with a true, and rather embarrassing story about something that happened to me a couple of days ago.
I live on the 8th floor of an apartment block, and I have a tiny little garage to park my motorbike, (scooter), on the ground floor. My little garage has suddenly become infested with cochroaches, the little buggers have gotten into some boxes that I have stored in there. I park my bike in there every night and hang my bike helmet from the handle bars. Two days ago, I jumped on my bike, put my helmet on and took off for work. Being a foreigner here, many people will stare at me, as many of them have never seen a foreigner before, but I am used to it now. I rode my bike to the traffic lights, about 400 metres from my home, and waited at the red light. Of course, many Chinese riders pulled up at the lights beside me, and they stared at the strange foreigner,as they usually do. While I had a dozen or so Chinese staring at me, at least a dozen cochroaches crawled out of my helmet, all over my face and down my back. You should have seen the look on the people watching me. It must have looked like something out of a horror movie. I was embarrassed to say the least, and gunned my little bike to get the hell out of there. When I told the missus what had happened, she nearly wet her pants laughing. I am off to buy some bug spray :D

23rd April 2008, 11:40
Pity you didn't have a camera with you!!! LOL...

jim mcglinchey
23rd April 2008, 13:21
I keep my helmet in a cardboard box in the garage and Ive noticed some huge house spiders there, I'll have to remeber to give it a shake before going for a ride.

27th April 2008, 19:22
That was Assen.. Quit boring SBK races really, but the Supersport race was good..

27th April 2008, 19:28
The SBK races were not boring for me, I really enjoy this championship. The Supersport was so great.

For me, MotoGP is most of the time boring with only 18 riders and no suspense at all in the races.

27th April 2008, 20:49
So has anyone else been getting Database errors for the last couple of days on the forums? Seems sorted out now, thankfully.

27th April 2008, 21:39
So has anyone else been getting Database errors for the last couple of days on the forums? Seems sorted out now, thankfully.

I was away for the long weekend and when I tried to get on here last night I got that error message!!
I thought that you had all packed up and moved while I was away!!

27th April 2008, 21:40
The SBK races were not boring for me, I really enjoy this championship. The Supersport was so great.

For me, MotoGP is most of the time boring with only 18 riders and no suspense at all in the races.

Poor Roby didn't do very well this race at all...
Broken cable kept him out of SuperpOle andthen the race it self wasn't very good..

But next race!!

MotoGP is ok so far this year, there has been some good raing, unlike last year when it was so very boring..

27th April 2008, 23:05
Yeah the forum was down and Mark (who runs the show) was away on holiday for a while - all sorted now.

For those of you on Facebook, there is a group on there called Motorsportforums where you can get hold of people if there's a problem and the forum goes down.

28th April 2008, 06:48
Poor Roby didn't do very well this race at all...
Broken cable kept him out of SuperpOle andthen the race it self wasn't very good..

But next race!!

MotoGP is ok so far this year, there has been some good raing, unlike last year when it was so very boring..

Yes, he had much bad luck until now this year. I am sorry to say this to you, but he is only 19th in the standings with two 10th places as a best result, so the speed is not there too. Rolfo deserves off course more and hopefully it will be better in Monza.

28th April 2008, 21:58
Yes it hasn't ben a good year so far for poor Roby, but things are surely to get better.

Its ok I'll still support him even if he comes in last every race.

28th April 2008, 21:58
Yeah the forum was down and Mark (who runs the show) was away on holiday for a while - all sorted now.

For those of you on Facebook, there is a group on there called Motorsportforums where you can get hold of people if there's a problem and the forum goes down.

Good to know. I'm on Facebook so I will check it out.

jim mcglinchey
3rd May 2008, 08:56
" Its a really, really stupid waste of time trying to predict motorbike races"

Nice one by Toby Moody. Thats why I dont bother with pickems.

3rd May 2008, 12:45
I don't think it's stupid to predict the races, though, I am stupid at predicting races, just look at the fantasy league results.

3rd May 2008, 15:08
or your signature bettings :p

4th May 2008, 12:08
or your signature bettings :p

Well at least this signature isn't too bad!!!

4th May 2008, 12:11

4th May 2008, 12:18
Did you get to watch the race??

4th May 2008, 12:22
Sure did. Though, I thought there would be more of a fight for the win in Motogp, so the race did seem a bit of a let down. The 250 race was great, especially Takahashi's ride with a broken foot, have to feel sorry for the guy with the effort he put in and have the engine cut out 2 corners from the finish.

4th May 2008, 12:28
Me too!

As I am a Dovi fan and he was Dovi 's team mate from last year I have been following him this year, as I can tell you I was so upset for him!!

At leats he did bring it home for some points.. Poor bugger..

6th May 2008, 11:25
I was thinking today, (rare, I know :D ) about how the championship is progressing, I got to thinking, What makes a true champion ? Example, If I win the title, and the next year I fold ? If I win the title, but never win a race ? Casey won the title last year, but, does he have the goods to follow it up ? I think we have already seen what Jorge is made of, and Dani has certainly proved a point or two, Rossi, well, what can you say, his record speaks for itself. Nicky has won it, but I would not consider him a true champ, not because he didn't earn the title, but, I feel that he is not in the same league as Rossi, Pedrosa, Lorenzo, or Stoner. Perhaps this is a little left field, but, it begs to be answered. Any thoughts?

6th May 2008, 16:56
Well Rossi, Hayden and Stoner have won the MotoGP world championship and that makes them true world champions.

You can always find things to knock the champion down
Rossi:"He was riding the HRC factory bike, Michelin tyres are made to suit Rossi and Yamaha"
Hayden: "He was lucky because Yamaha broke down"
Stoner: "He had a bike with 25bhp more and the best tyres"

The truth is that all of them went out there did what was needed, overcame everything their opponents threw at them and walked away as #1

Pedrosa, Lorenzo, they show promise and have talent but that isn't all that is needed to become a champion. Remember Biaggi in 1998? He looked set to become a champion, 10 years later and while his talent is unquestionable he still hasn't won a championship and he is out of GP

6th May 2008, 17:28
to be honest, I think Pedrosa might end the same as Max Biaggi.. He can only win when he's had a good off at the start, and you never see him making a overtakingsmanouvre on somebody.. He might be (on of) the best on purely riding laps, but I think he misses some things to get a championship..

7th May 2008, 02:01
I think what I am trying to say, is, Hayden is a plodder. He works away, (not taking anything away from him, as hard work gets the job done), and fights hard to get his results, Rossi, Pedrosa, and Lorenzo, seem to ride beyond that, even when the bike is not up to spec, they seem to pull that little extra out. The same could be said for Stoner last year, all the Ducati boys struggled, but he just got into it and took the Championship. Perhaps the bike suited Casey last year, but why would the others struggle so much ? Rossi can ride a bike with a problem, and make it look good. Biaggi, would falter and complain at the slightest problem with the bike, where as some riders are able to ride around the problems, and just get on with it. There are many factors to consider I know, but when you see a rider race with broken feet, and finish 4th, or you see a rider finish in the top 5 or 6 on a bike that you know is not up to speed, you must ask, how much is the bike, and how much is just sheer rider effort.

7th May 2008, 14:23
One of the journalists in 'Faster' said it best "Anyone who can ride a motorcycle well enough to qualify for a motogp grid is a hero". Everyone out there (even Westy) is doing something none of us could come close to doing. So they have all shown the ability to go out there and ride beyond what should be possible. So if over a season you're able to score more points than anyone else on the grid, regardless of how many wins you have, or how many times you run away with a race, or how many times you can repeat the effort, you are a real world champion.

7th May 2008, 16:08
Fair enough, I will have to agree. I think some riders seem larger than life, but, sometimes the little man plodding away, can be the hidden jewel.

7th May 2008, 18:11
is it possible for me to change my pickems?

7th May 2008, 19:56
is it possible for me to change my pickems?

Yep, you just do it as if you were doing it for the first time and it overwrites the previous ones.

8th May 2008, 17:50
but it's double in now :p

13th May 2008, 04:34
I think what I am trying to say, is, Hayden is a plodder. He works away, (not taking anything away from him, as hard work gets the job done), and fights hard to get his results, Rossi, Pedrosa, and Lorenzo, seem to ride beyond that, even when the bike is not up to spec, they seem to pull that little extra out. The same could be said for Stoner last year, all the Ducati boys struggled, but he just got into it and took the Championship. Perhaps the bike suited Casey last year, but why would the others struggle so much ? Rossi can ride a bike with a problem, and make it look good. Biaggi, would falter and complain at the slightest problem with the bike, where as some riders are able to ride around the problems, and just get on with it. There are many factors to consider I know, but when you see a rider race with broken feet, and finish 4th, or you see a rider finish in the top 5 or 6 on a bike that you know is not up to speed, you must ask, how much is the bike, and how much is just sheer rider effort.

Hayden isn't a plodder but he lacks that edge of raw speed to win lots of races that very few other riders actually have. He's your Mr consistent type of rider who is capable of delivering fairly consistent top 5's though that may dimish with the influx of new talent coming through. Still, he's an enormously talented guy.

One of the journalists in 'Faster' said it best "Anyone who can ride a motorcycle well enough to qualify for a motogp grid is a hero". Everyone out there (even Westy) is doing something none of us could come close to doing. So they have all shown the ability to go out there and ride beyond what should be possible. So if over a season you're able to score more points than anyone else on the grid, regardless of how many wins you have, or how many times you run away with a race, or how many times you can repeat the effort, you are a real world champion.

That is a sensational statement which I can really appreciate even more after Monday. Yesterday I had a ride day at Phillip Island on my Kwak which is a brilliant experience. However, it really hits home just how fast all these guys at a World Championship level really are. I got rounded up by one of the instructors from the Australian (Californian) Superbike School and it is unbelieveable to see just how fast it is possible to steer a bike around a track. They are all incredible if I could ride as quick as the slowest guy in supersport, I'd think I was king of the world.

14th May 2008, 05:35
Firstly let me say sorry for being gone for so long, I've had alot of things going on lately, including buying a new computer and struggling without an internet connection. Anyway, I'm here now and hopefully I'll be able to stop by more often. :)

Secondly, hooray for this thread, it's past the 600 posts mark. :bounce:

Thirdly, very disappointed by the lack of recent grid girl photos (and rider photos for the ladies). :(



14th May 2008, 11:41
What lovely ear rings they have!! ;)

14th May 2008, 11:44
Didn't notice them :D

14th May 2008, 12:29
How could you not notice them...

They are very large and there are two of them!!

14th May 2008, 18:15
What lovely ear rings they have!! ;)

They have ear rings? :eek:

26th May 2008, 16:05

27th May 2008, 00:26
They have ear rings? :eek:

It's a good thing there are some girls here to point these things out to you all.... :)

Fancy not noticing the ear rings :rolleyes:

27th May 2008, 08:54
I was distracted by their...........ummmmm...............boobs :D

27th May 2008, 09:56
I think perhaps so were the 2 chaps behind them in the picture!! :D

27th May 2008, 12:02
It's funny that no-one picked up on the real reason I picked that first picture. Look closely, look past the boobs (I know, it's hard to do :laugh :) , look just to the left of the girl's head, see which rider's name and number is on the wall? Remember, the war is never ending. ;)

27th May 2008, 12:06
I didn't notice the 100 in the first picture, but I did notice the 34 on the fence in the second one.

# 34 for Dovi although its #4 now!

27th May 2008, 12:52
What am I to deduce from all this ? Dovi has hot girls being photographed in front of his pit, and Rossi appears to be gay :D

27th May 2008, 14:29
I think the #34 would have to be Kevin Schwantz's reserved spot with a minimum 3 hot chicks to keep it warm til he arrives! And interesting to note that even a switch of allegiance to Honda by the Hodge still can't sway Matt to tolerate him. :)

27th May 2008, 22:48
I'm still struggling to see any blokes or numbers.

28th May 2008, 03:05
I'm still struggling to see any blokes or numbers.

They aren't THAT big!!! :)

28th May 2008, 12:05
I'm still struggling to see any blokes or numbers.

Why do you WANT to see blokes Jan ? Are you hiding something from us :laugh:

29th May 2008, 11:55
Once again, I can see tumble weeds blowing past in the forum :D Where is everyone ?

29th May 2008, 21:35
They aren't THAT big!!! :)

It's the red you see, distracts the eye. I'm not some dirty perv you know :p :

John, I have no idea how to answer that :laugh: If I'm hiding anything from you then I'm pretty sure I don't know about it myself :D

29th May 2008, 23:29
Hello, I'm back - been a busy few weeks for me and will continue for a few more. Work-work is quite hectic and am doing a college course to go along with it which is just wrapping up by July, boxing that off at the min.

Also quite busy outside of work, travelling the length of the country to race karts at the weekend, have a uni reunion next weekend and other such things...

And Jan - are Exeter up to League 2 now then? :) I was at Wembley on Monday to watch my hometown club - the one and only Stockport County - win promotion to League 1 :D

30th May 2008, 17:26
Once again, I can see tumble weeds blowing past in the forum :D Where is everyone ?

I made a few posts about some quite big developments in national championships but not many seem to care about that

30th May 2008, 19:30
And Jan - are Exeter up to League 2 now then? :) I was at Wembley on Monday to watch my hometown club - the one and only Stockport County - win promotion to League 1 :D

Yup. Five years after relegation Exeter are back in the league. With any luck we'll join you in L1 next season. Far more likely that we'll be lucky to remain in League 2 and I'd be chuffed with a solid mid-table performance.

jim mcglinchey
9th June 2008, 19:29
Whats all this about Ducatis GP9? If the cockin' thing is up and running at this early stage in the season, and theres no change of formula for next year, why isnt it called the GP8 and why isnt Stoner racing on it? Theres some serious misinfo being peddled, I believe.

9th June 2008, 22:18
well Valentino, your livery for Italy didn't help you! :D

9th June 2008, 22:55
Neither did the linesman from what I heard ;)

Well done Corny, I've already decided that I'll follow Holland at the European Championship seeing as England chose not to compete. Sadly I think that the Germans will win, although I can't stand to see Michael Ballack, he's more punchable than 'Gorgeous George' Lorenzo.

The Phantom
11th June 2008, 05:18
Whats all this about Ducatis GP9? If the cockin' thing is up and running at this early stage in the season, and theres no change of formula for next year, why isnt it called the GP8 and why isnt Stoner racing on it? Theres some serious misinfo being peddled, I believe.

Livio Suppo reckons they won't race it this year.

It has a carbon fibre chassis, I imagine there's a bit of work to be done to make it work properly. Stoner is to ride it soon as Guereschi (sp?) is fast but not fast enough.

11th June 2008, 10:47
Whats all this about Ducatis GP9? If the cockin' thing is up and running at this early stage in the season, and theres no change of formula for next year, why isnt it called the GP8 and why isnt Stoner racing on it? Theres some serious misinfo being peddled, I believe.

I believe it is designed by ex F1 designer Alan Jenkins.
Carbon fibre, that could be expensive, especially if it is hard to ride.

19th June 2008, 20:57

A blondewaswhipper-snippering heryard and
accidentally cut off the tailof her cat,
which washiding in thegrass.
She rushed her cat, along with the tail over
to Woolworths!


Woolworthsis the largest retailer in Australia.!!!

26th June 2008, 10:47
Doh, missed the pickems. Forgot, as I usually pick on Thursday night. Oh well, I never do that well in pickems anyway :laugh:

26th June 2008, 11:31
I gave up on pickems a while back as I was never on the forum enough. Even though I'm a regular again I still can't be bothered, mostly because I'm rubbish :D

26th June 2008, 12:03
Actually in my workday one or twice I try to visit forum. Luckily I like almost all categories of racing although I don't have enough knowledge on all of them.

While searching around at various sub forum, comes to mind to make pickem here, but already closed. The rest of it I didn't post too much just because being busy with workstuff and life.

26th June 2008, 23:21
I gave up on pickems a while back as I was never on the forum enough. Even though I'm a regular again I still can't be bothered, mostly because I'm rubbish :D

And I'm just as bad!! :dozey: Hopeless is a word that springs to mind!!

27th June 2008, 09:41
I gave up on pickems a while back as I was never on the forum enough. Even though I'm a regular again I still can't be bothered, mostly because I'm rubbish :D
And I missed it this week because stinkin Assen runs a day earlier than everywhere else (which I should've known). Bugger.

27th June 2008, 10:23
I made my pickem yesterday, today is free to visit team's website, Jir.

Never miss it off.

Probably this round the only chance I can beat you :D

27th June 2008, 14:50
Hello!? Yes im out there!

29th June 2008, 04:23
Hi all, I am getting all packed up to return to Oz for the first time in 7 years. It is a hard time saying goodbye to the many friends that I have made here. The worst part is saying goodbye to the many children that I teach. I will miss it here, but I want to be with my mother at this time, as she is 76 now, and having trouble getting around. My wife and I will go to Perth Australia to be with her, and I will show my wife some of Australia. I may return here in the future, but must now find some work in Oz. I may be missing from the forums for a month or two, but I will be back once I am settled. It is like a family here, so I must get back here ASAP. Take care all, and enjoy the racing.

29th June 2008, 04:39
@ John.. Have a safe trip back to Australia.

Your Mum is a lucky lady to have such a wonderfull son.

Good luck and don't forget to "come back "

29th June 2008, 04:40
Hello!? Yes im out there!

:s mokin: Far out??

29th June 2008, 09:33
All the best John. Have a safe trip and all the best on the job front though I think Perth is a pretty good place for a look. Of course, after the job hunting, a search for a Kwak ZX14 would be next on the list wouldn't it? ;)

jim mcglinchey
2nd July 2008, 07:50
Am I mistaken or do they not use tyre warmers on the MotoGP grid anymore? and surely Rossis first left-hander spill at Assen wouldve been avoided if they had.

2nd July 2008, 08:56
Rossi used freon to get his tires warmed.

2nd July 2008, 08:58
Am I mistaken or do they not use tyre warmers on the MotoGP grid anymore? and surely Rossis first left-hander spill at Assen wouldve been avoided if they had.
Rossi used freon to get his tires warmed.

2nd July 2008, 17:29

In my boredom I stumbled into the F1 forum :laugh: Now I'm in about 3 different arguments with one bloke who has the impression that Hakkinen, Senna and Fangio were all a bit rubbish. The crazy ramblings of this thread are much more soothing :s mokin:

2nd July 2008, 17:36

Vale? :o Yes, Vale! :D

2nd July 2008, 17:50
I didn't think Vale was that way ;)

3rd July 2008, 11:40
He only did it for a dare :p : and besides, it might have been a tranny :laugh:

3rd July 2008, 14:56
Is there a troll in our midst ?

3rd July 2008, 16:57
Is there a troll in our midst ?

I didn't think the girl with Rossi looks that bad ;) :p :

3rd July 2008, 17:15

3rd July 2008, 17:30
I think Pat has his finger on the red button right now :)

4th July 2008, 11:53
The poor girl may have been drowning and good kind hearted Vale was only giving her CPR!! :rolleyes:

4th July 2008, 12:56
To perform CPR correctly, he needs to learn to work the chest area more :D

5th July 2008, 05:03
He was working up to it, didn't want to scare the poor near drowned young lady, being the gentleman he is!!

Gosh thats lame!! :rolleyes:

5th July 2008, 10:55
She said her name was Uccio.


5th July 2008, 11:34
She said her name was Uccio.


http://valentinorossi.myfreeforum.org/images/smiles/lotsofsmilies/sign10.gif (javascript:emoticon(' :s ign5:'))
Surely he could feel the difference!!

The Phantom
5th July 2008, 13:01
OK gentlemen... and lady... back to our regularly scheduled programming.

Scott Redding would LOVE this pic!!!


5th July 2008, 15:43
OK gentlemen... and lady... back to our regularly scheduled programming.

That's a picture of a bike :eek: Since when have bikes been 'regular scheduling' in this thread? ;) :p :

5th July 2008, 16:04
It's bizarre, not a grid girl in sight :) At this rate, it will turn into a thread about motorcycle racing.

6th July 2008, 08:08
http://valentinorossi.myfreeforum.org/images/smiles/lotsofsmilies/sign10.gif (javascript:emoticon(' :s ign5:'))
Surely he could feel the difference!!
It's amazing the lengths Uccio will go to to keep by Vale! :D

The Phantom
6th July 2008, 16:05
That's a picture of a bike :eek: Since when have bikes been 'regular scheduling' in this thread?

It's bizarre, not a grid girl in sight

Well, I knew it would take some heavy shock tactics, but Ninja of course can't get his eyes off that photo :p

Anyway, back to your regularly scheduled viewing!





7th July 2008, 08:59
Well, I knew it would take some heavy shock tactics, but Ninja of course can't get his eyes off that photo :p

I'm not sure what to make of that statement. :confused: Anyways, that's some quality viewing Phantom. Nice to see Marco and Westy at least competitive in the grid girl stakes!

7th July 2008, 10:46
I like her sunglasses ;) :cheese:

7th July 2008, 11:22
I think Pat has his finger on the red button right now :)
It looks to me as pink button than red. ;)

7th July 2008, 22:46
I think Pat has his finger on the red button right now :)

I haven't had any complaints yet about "inappropriate content" :p so cannot be bothered at present. Since it's also from a link, it's not a simple matter of drawing a comedy star over it either.

And besides, it's a nipple. When has a nipple ever harmed anyone?

7th July 2008, 23:10
And besides, it's a nipple. When has a nipple ever harmed anyone?

It gets really cold over here in Canada

7th July 2008, 23:32
It gets really cold over here in Canada

Mmm, glass cutting weather ;)

16th July 2008, 13:12
Folks, I'm off to a music festival (Latitude in Suffolk, for anyone interested) tomorrow so won't be around to do any moderating, commenting, League points or Pickems points for this weekend's action til at least Monday night/probably Tuesday when I get back. I'll have a lot of races to watch when I return as MotoGP, WSB and BSB are on!

One of the other mods may pop their head in from time to time.

Anyway, please behave yourselves in my absence! :)


16th July 2008, 13:34
Anyone decent worth watching there Pat? Have fun but not too much fun seeing as the rest of us can't. :)

16th July 2008, 13:39
http://www.latitudefestival.co.uk/info/ for the lineup - it's a mix of music, stand-up comedy, literature, film and a few other things. Quite interesting.

16th July 2008, 13:48
You keen to see anyone in particular? Ross Noble's a funny bugger and I've heard a bit of Rich Hall as well. Not too much in the way of bands I recognised that looked of interest to me but then it's the new discoveries you make from those festivals that makes em worthwhile.

16th July 2008, 14:05
Of the bands, probably Interpol and Elbow are the big ones, along with Guillemots and Grinderman (Nick Cave's side-project band). There's a fair few others who I got into through an ex-girlfriend and would never have heard of otherwise... But yeah there are still a fair few there I don't know much about.

On the comedy front, I go to a lot of stand-up so know many of the acts quite well - I've seen Ross Noble twice before (he lives 50/50 in UK and Oz), along with Rich Hall, Bill Bailey, Omid Djalili and my all-time favourite comedian Stewart Lee who is better-known as the co-writer of the 'controversial' musical Jerry Springer: The Opera.

It's a very good line-up - more obscure than Leeds Festival which I usually go to, but will be a good trip!

17th July 2008, 00:23
This is definitely my last post before I depart to my festival.

I have a feeling that things are going to be simply lovely on here in my absence... :)

17th July 2008, 07:20
We hope so ;)

That must be a lovely festival.

17th July 2008, 10:57
Is he gone yet........

17th July 2008, 11:03
This is definitely my last post before I depart to my festival.

I have a feeling that things are going to be simply lovely on here in my absence... :)

Has he gone yet... ;) :D

17th July 2008, 11:42
Has he gone yet... ;) :D
Didn't you know you are talking about second-person singular :rolleyes: :)

17th July 2008, 13:38
Has he gone yet...

Reckon so. Does that mean that we can start swearing, arguing, using personal attacks and posting nudey pictures? :cheese: ;) :p :

17th July 2008, 15:06
I realise this topic is mostly about girls but we did also talk about video games on occasions.

A few days ago at E3 Capcom anaunced that MotoGP )8 will also feature 125cc 250cc alongside MotoGP


17th July 2008, 20:03
who said it's not busy in Assen, after the qualifying session (!) ? :p


17th July 2008, 21:16
Reckon so. Does that mean that we can start swearing, arguing, using personal attacks and posting nudey pictures? :cheese: ;) :p :

While the cat's away... ;)

17th July 2008, 21:17
who said it's not busy in Assen, after the qualifying session (!) ? :p


And to think that some people complain about the numbers of people at Phillip Island!! :confused:

18th July 2008, 05:46
While the cat's away... ;)
Does it terribly frighten you and afraid of it? :)

18th July 2008, 08:33
I can handle it!! I think.... :D

18th July 2008, 10:29
I can handle it!! I think.... :D
good if so, I hope you are not trying to entertain yourself. :)

18th July 2008, 10:36
good if so, I hope you are not trying to entertain yourself. :)

No need for that... ;) ;) ;) ;)

24th July 2008, 10:14

OUCH!! :blackeye:

24th July 2008, 23:44
Three days to go, and I will be back in OZ. Still packing my suitcase. We just bought a new laptop, so we can use the net on the move. I will be heading for Perth, the only place in OZ that I have never been to. It should be great. Any other forum members living in WA ?

25th July 2008, 10:08
Three days to go, and I will be back in OZ. Still packing my suitcase. We just bought a new laptop, so we can use the net on the move. I will be heading for Perth, the only place in OZ that I have never been to. It should be great. Any other forum members living in WA ?
Been there once but I don't think that counts. :) Hope it's warmer than Melbourne at the moment. I hate Winter. :mad:

25th July 2008, 11:51
No need for that... ;) ;) ;) ;)
Only to make sure that everyone is okay. :)

25th July 2008, 14:43
hey all....

25th July 2008, 21:04
Hi there Harsha, long time no see mate. Good to see you back :up:

26th July 2008, 04:23
Three days to go, and I will be back in OZ. Still packing my suitcase. We just bought a new laptop, so we can use the net on the move. I will be heading for Perth, the only place in OZ that I have never been to. It should be great. Any other forum members living in WA ?

No, not me..Sunny Queensland for me!! Although the last few days, anyone would think we were living in Melbourne!! Its been cold, rainning and windy! Good practice weather for Phillip Island!! :rolleyes:

With the Games coming up and all the coverage there will be on the TV etc..you will think you are still in China :)

Have a safe flight..

26th July 2008, 04:24
Been there once but I don't think that counts. :) Hope it's warmer than Melbourne at the moment. I hate Winter. :mad:

I hate winter too!!! :mad:

26th July 2008, 09:00
Maybe John could use some ellbow sliders?


26th July 2008, 11:17
Great shot!! Did you take that..

26th July 2008, 11:36
Hi there Harsha, long time no see mate. Good to see you back :up:

thanks... :up:

will just be lurking around the forum every now and again...ain't as free as i used to be

26th July 2008, 12:24
Great shot!! Did you take that..
No it's from crash.net :p

26th July 2008, 12:29
I thought you might have been a great photographer, I wish I was...

26th July 2008, 12:34
Well, my father was.. But Assen is useless for making photo's, so our shots have never been great

28th July 2008, 05:52
I thought you might have been a great photographer, I wish I was...
Being a photographer wouldn't be a bad choice I think. ;)

The Phantom
30th July 2008, 15:03

30th July 2008, 21:37

Aw...The poor things there was no chairs for them to sit on!!

The Phantom
31st July 2008, 03:54
Must... resist... temptation... to... respond... :devil:

31st July 2008, 11:18
Must... resist... temptation... to... respond...

This isn't a fasting month ... they are fine :)

31st July 2008, 21:29
Not fasting month, they have been fasting for a year by the looks of things, the poor dears!! Need a good feed and some suitable clothing, a trip to a good clothing store for some full outfits instead of having to obvisouly share pieces of clothing... ;)

1st August 2008, 10:27
I am happy you changed your orientation properly. :)

2nd August 2008, 06:10
I am happy you changed your orientation properly. :)

Oh no.. I still prefer boys / men... ;)

4th August 2008, 05:56
Oh no.. I still prefer boys / men... ;) Generally women have better responsibility to perform a job than men. :)

4th August 2008, 19:36

Look how the crowd goes when Rossi comes.. amazing

4th August 2008, 19:49
and again :p


7th August 2008, 01:09
Hi all. Well, I am in Perth (OZ) now, and have settled in. I wanted to watch the WSBK on the weekend, like I usually did in China, but, when I went to watch it, it told me that it is not available in my region. How do you all watch the WSBK here in OZ ?
I just landed a new job as a customer service/sales rep for a large Ice Cream Company here in Perth,(the wife is licking her lips at the thought of getting freebie ice cream), and I will be checking out the Motorcycle shops in ther next couple of weeks, so that I can get back to riding again. I am looking at buying a ZZR600, or a bike similar to this. I want the bike to be comfortable for a pillion, economical, reliable, and also capable of riding long distance without crippling me. I did want to buy another ZZR1100, but, with the price of fuel as it is, as well as little chance to use the power of the 1100 these days, I thought that a 600 would be enough to fill the role. I am hoping that I can ride from Perth to Sydney/Melbourne next year and take in the Motogp or the WSBK rounds,(depending on when I can get away), which should be a nice but long ride. I am already feeling the benefits of breathing fresh air for a change, as I am not coughing all the time like I was in China. Well, the Olympics are getting started, Luo Dan and I will be watching, and I will be cheering on the Aussies, as well as the Chinese. I think we should have WSBK as an Olympic sport, that would be really cool. Anyhow, hope you are all well, and I will be here as much as I can. Maxu05/John

7th August 2008, 09:53
Glad to hear you're safe and well in Aus, John. A ZZR600 is a fine choice for a bike - any more than 600cc's is a waste ;) . Riding from Perth to Melbourne would be pretty daunting though I reckon. We drove from Melbourne to Kalgoorlie then Esperance once and it was about 30 hours straight! And the run of about 145km without a bend wasn't particularly exciting, and that was in a car! :eek: Oh well, the trade off for being so far from Melbourne is better weather and a more relaxed lifestyle. All the best, hope you enjoy it. :up:

7th August 2008, 10:01
Hey John, good to hear you settled in.

I think races are available on demand 2 days later in the US and Oz so if you can watch them like that if you can wait a while

If you cant you can try using a european proxy server

7th August 2008, 10:18
Glad to hear you all arrived safe and sound.

Riding from Perth to Melbourne is a very long way, one would get a sore behind!! Remember you are home in Oz now lots of wide open spaces, lots of distance between cities!! :p :

I watch the Super bikes on Foxtel,that way I get my Magee fix too!! ;) .

7th August 2008, 11:46
we should have cricket as a olympic sport :cheese:

7th August 2008, 13:36
we should have cricket as a olympic sport :cheese:

Being English, I'd rather we didn't ;) :p :

Nice to hear you've settled in John, at least with a 6 you get to thrash the pants off the thing :D

The Phantom
9th August 2008, 00:16
Welcome back John.

Given your criteria for a bike, I reckon you'd be far better off on a VFR750 (1994-1997, known as 4th Gen) than a ZZR600 - torquier, more comfortable for both rider and pillion, excellent build quality and resale. And FUN! The motor is bulletproof, the only thing that may give problems is the reg/rec which can fail, but I can give you info on beefing that up.

I have two and was one of the two founding members of http://www.ozvfr.net, so I may be a bit biased :) but they really are brilliant bikes.

9th August 2008, 06:42
Being English, I'd rather we didn't ;) :p :

Nice to hear you've settled in John, at least with a 6 you get to thrash the pants off the thing :D

England seem to doing pretty well in this test match and they actually haven't done that badly in the series to be down 2-0...they've dominated the first test and they did reasonably well to set a competitive target in the third..

9th August 2008, 12:15
England seem to doing pretty well in this test match and they actually haven't done that badly in the series to be down 2-0...they've dominated the first test and they did reasonably well to set a competitive target in the third..

The series is already over though and I wonder how much of this test is us playing well and how much it is SA just not caring :D

19th August 2008, 11:05
Hey John, hope you're settling back into the Aussie way of life. Hopefully you fare better in Perth than a friend of mine did you got robbed twice within a week of moving there and then had his girlfriend up a leave him not long afterwards. He did what anyone would do, blamed the entire city of Perth for ruining his life, packed up what was left of his belongings (and ego) and moved back to Melbourne. :laugh:

Anyway, just thought I pop in a say hi, you may or may not have noticed that I stop by (at the moment I tend to just post my pickems) when I can but I've been busy. I went to the US a few weeks back to take in the X Games which was cool, I got to catch up with a few friends which was nice and generally enjoy a couple of days off. I've also just thrown a killer 5th birthday party for my god-daughter which even if I say so myself was the best 5th birthday party ever. :D

Oh and finally let me say (cause no-one else will), well done Joan Olive, yet another podium, that first win is coming. :)

22nd August 2008, 12:51
Ah, red cordial and fairy bread does make for a pretty wild time! :D Glad to hear you're doing well Matt. Hope you had nothing to do with Nicky Hayden's crash at the X Games though. There was talk of flying debris possibly causing the incident... :s tareup:

22nd August 2008, 18:31

how about this :p

22nd August 2008, 20:29

or about this, I was probably more nervous at that lap than I was on my exams... :D

28th August 2008, 18:44
I'm bored so here's some grid girls




1st September 2008, 08:12
They are much more interesting than the racing lately. For a Stoner and Kwak fan anyway. ;) Think I'll have a Marlboro and a drink of Monster...

1st September 2008, 11:22
They are much more interesting than the racing lately. For a Stoner and Kwak fan anyway. ;) Think I'll have a Marlboro and a drink of Monster...

Since you mentioned Stoner and Marlboro. I came across this the other day.


Stoner is criticised for his team's association with tobacco products. I'm a non-smoker and but I always found the ban of tobacco advertising to be silly.

Also Ducati only had Marlboro logos in Qatar so images the bike covered in Marlboro logos are not that common.

2nd September 2008, 10:57
I'm bored so here's some grid girls




Surely these bike teams earn enought to get these poor kids some clothes that actually fit them..

Imagine :eek: standing about all day holding your breath....

2nd September 2008, 11:28
Since you mentioned Stoner and Marlboro. I came across this the other day.


Stoner is criticised for his team's association with tobacco products. I'm a non-smoker and but I always found the ban of tobacco advertising to be silly.

Also Ducati only had Marlboro logos in Qatar so images the bike covered in Marlboro logos are not that common.

I'm very much of the same opinion as you ChrisS. At least on the banning of cigarette advertising in sport anyway because I can't see a logo/sign really encouraging anything as opposed to glamourous tv/magazine ads. Peer pressure is the biggest factor anyway I reckon.
And why would they have a go at Stoner? Marlboro isn't his personal sponsor but a team sponsor. As if the lad has the power to dictate who the teams sponsor is. He's not Rossi. ;)

2nd September 2008, 11:44
And why would they have a go at Stoner?

I can only assume it's because they're morons.

3rd September 2008, 08:25
Provided the alternate can be easily found when cigarette product went out altogether, then to ban its advertising and their involvement in the sport can be understandable. Nonetheless cigarettes have their interest sponsoring sport more than any product. To give financial back up while there is not any space to introduce their name is obviously a disadvantage. Marlboro have strongly built their image on the red of Ducati or Ferrari, it automates advertising tobacco only with the color.

It is not fully authority of rider like Rossi to determine what sponsor the team will work with, but rather Yamaha basically has their policy to take everybody in the team involved as they believe such thing will produce the finest result day in day out, and the fact already proved so. :)

10th September 2008, 09:48
Yes, I'm still out here :D wondering if the Large Hadron Collider will find the secrets to the beginnings of the universe, I think it has been started but I can't find any updates on the internet. Anyone know how long this first run is to be?

10th September 2008, 10:02
Yes, I'm still out here :D wondering if the Large Hadron Collider will find the secrets to the beginnings of the universe, I think it has been started but I can't find any updates on the internet. Anyone know how long this first run is to be?

Think it was just a test that went fine. The real s*** goes down in late October.

10th September 2008, 10:09
Thanks for info. I was watching a programme on Nat Geo or somewhere about it's construction - amazing. I hope they get some results to justify the billions of dollars it has cost.

16th September 2008, 14:47
Hi all. I hope that you are all well. I have been looking in from time to time to see how the forum is going, but, I am a little surprised by the cost and poor quality of the internet service in Oz since I have been back in Australia. In China, I payed around $250.00 (Aussie dollars) for 1 years service, no MB/GB limit, just un-interupted service. Since I have been back, I have used my mothers connection, and last month, I had to pay $297:OO for 1 month :s hock:
I really feel that Aussies are being ripped off big time.
I will try to find a better plan for the net, of course, but, with limits on how many mb/gb, your system processes, it will always be a scam IMO.
I am working hard with my new job, and the wife, (Luo Dan, Helen) is fitting in with the Aussie lingo and all. I have many things to do yet, (buy a new car, motorcycle, house, visit all the relatives on the Eastern side of Oz), so, it will be some time before I really feel settled. I will try to log in and contribute more, as things free up, but I will be checking in the best I can. With the Motogp championship almost decided, I just hope that we see some closer battles in the remaining races to come. Take care all, and I will see you in the forum soon.

16th September 2008, 17:11
I will try to find a better plan for the net, of course, but, with limits on how many mb/gb, your system processes, it will always be a scam IMO.

Damn straight!! I pay for an 'up to 8GB' sonnection speed but on every test I've done it's never shown above 4 and usually closer to 3. I knew when I got the contract that this would be the case and to be honest I don't need the extra speed, it's just annoying that I can't pay for a 4gig connection :(

16th September 2008, 18:14
Damn straight!! I pay for an 'up to 8GB' sonnection speed but on every test I've done it's never shown above 4 and usually closer to 3. I knew when I got the contract that this would be the case and to be honest I don't need the extra speed, it's just annoying that I can't pay for a 4gig connection :(

Wow even at 3GB you mast have the fastest internet ever :p I think you mean Mb not Gb

I dont think there are download limits anymore in the UK. NTL used to have 1GB daily limit 3-4 years back but not any more. With Virgin's 20Mb connection I used to download about 5GB a day and went up to 25GB on rare occasions and never had a problem.

As for speeds.When I signed up with NTL in 2004 1.5Mb connection was the max. It got upgraded to 3Mb then 6Mb 10Mb and finally 20Mb and then it stayed there (Though speedtests of the 20Mb connection never shown me more than 12). Apparently they need to put down new wires if they want to take the speed higher (places like Japan, S Korea, France Germany have 100Mb connections).

16th September 2008, 21:43
All I know is that I pay too much a month for the net!! :mad:

Telstra could improve their services... :)

@ John glad to hear you and your wife are settling in.

17th September 2008, 08:40
Wow even at 3GB you mast have the fastest internet ever :p I think you mean Mb not Gb

Computer speak not my strong point :D Too many bytes and pointless use of long words to confuse and everything seems to be explained in some weird language that's only for special people that understand. I had a nightmare connecting my xBox to my wireless network because the troubleshooting didn't make sense beyond the eays steps that I already knew :mark:

jim mcglinchey
28th September 2008, 13:10
What is it with people like Ghostwalker and the other strangers who never contribute to the bike racing forum but are in there as soon as the next pickems comes up?!!

28th September 2008, 17:05
Just after the chance of a pickems win and I think that bikes is one of the least subscribed to. Some of us contribute to forum (sort of ;) ) but don't do pickems so evens out a bit.

9th October 2008, 23:54
What is it with people like Ghostwalker and the other strangers who never contribute to the bike racing forum but are in there as soon as the next pickems comes up?!!
I post here and I am somehow winning the pickems at the moment (that was probably the kiss of death) :laugh:

Anyway just a quick note to say hi, I'm still around. I am currently in line for a new job, I can't say too much other than it is within the MotoGP world. I really love my current job with Honda but there is a bit of a corporate shuffle going on at the moment so I may be getting moved to another area within the company, most likely away from racing. But a friend put me in contact with a guy who works for a big company heavily involved in racing and if I get the job it would see me travel to every GP. Exciting hey, let's hope I get it (or if not my new Honda job is more exciting than what's be rumored). :)

10th October 2008, 05:14
Sounds great!! Every GP!!!


Would you be in need of someone to help with your luggage in Australia!! :)

11th October 2008, 19:13
I've been to Intermot today.. Anyone interested in pictures?

12th October 2008, 00:02
I've been to Intermot today.. Anyone interested in pictures?
I am!

Bathurst is on today. 6 hours of glued to the tv (even if it is 4 wheels). Go Holden!

12th October 2008, 19:28
Weird but fun:


of course Michael Schumacher is Germany's most populair motorcycle racer already :p


no Yamaha hasn't forgotten that Vale has got his championship:


12th October 2008, 19:34
Suzuki doesn't know which bike to use in next year's WSBK, this one or the GSX-R


I would loooove to see Jorge wearing this helmet!!!


GSXR 2009


I loove this bike


That's it Ninja, of course I've got more, but these are the most interesting ones I guess

15th October 2008, 09:18
Awesome, thanks Corny. The Zook is a bit boring I reckon but the Aprilia is sexy as. Did ya get any shots of the BMW superbike? The little Suzuki looks like their concept MotoGP bike to try lure Pedrosa away from Honda!

15th October 2008, 10:14
Yeah, that Aprilia was awesome, Max will be riding it next year!