View Full Version : Question Time Official Thread

19th May 2007, 21:31
Anyone here a fan of Question Time? I love it on a thursday night!

I was thinking if there are enough regulars who watch it, maybe we could discuss the show after?

The worst part of the show is that it seems if you say anything negative about the government, you will get a round of applause. It's quite sad really. Sometimes I wonder about the audience, in that you see them all clapping at one persons speech, then the next minute, someone else makes another good speech, arguing against what the guy they've just been clapping at, and you see them clapping and nodding their heads in agreement :dozey:

Still, 1hr of Question Time does seem to fly by!!


20th May 2007, 00:05
I always watch it when I can (I'm often playing gigs on Thursdays), and I do find it very enjoyable and informative.

20th May 2007, 13:13
Can you explain what it is? Is it like a forum type show where people voice their political opinions? Because Question time is aired here, but it is actual question time from both houses of Federal government.

20th May 2007, 15:35
Can you explain what it is? Is it like a forum type show where people voice their political opinions? Because Question time is aired here, but it is actual question time from both houses of Federal government.
Question Time is very simple. There are five panel guests, one from each of the three major parties in Britain, one opinionated non-politician, and a newspaper columnist, author or other celebrity rounding out the five. This panel sits around the chairman, who is an absolutely brilliant man, and the panel take questions from the audience. The audience numbers about two hundred, and anyone can apply for a ticket. The panel members have no idea in advance what the questions will be.

I would very happily join in a discussion, raphael123, about Question Time, because like you, I am a devoted fan. But I would like to put in a plug for an even better show which follows directly after Question Time, and that is This Week. This Week is so fresh and different in its approach to politics, that it has become a "must-see" in the Gannex household. It is the only programme I religiously watch every single week. I propose that the discussion of Question Time be, instead, a discussion of both Question Time and This Week and I urge any British forum member who hasn't seen it to tune into it directly after Question Time on Thursday evenings. Television at its very best!!!

20th May 2007, 18:35
Awesome Gannex - I'll be sure to watch it this Thursday. Usually, I have to be up by 6am every morning, so by the time Question Time finishes, which is midnight here (in Wales - not BBC England unfortunately), it means I would only get 5hrs sleep, but I'll find a way round it I'm sure ;)