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18th May 2007, 14:39
After John Sweeneys report on Scientology...they seem more like a totalitarian sect than a religion...

Thoughts on scientology?

18th May 2007, 15:24
i think its bogus and people who believe in it are beyond gullible... seriously! i believe in religion n all but thats bogus...

race aficionado
18th May 2007, 15:28
My sister is a practicing Scientologist.
My sister is a happy and responsible mother and a successful business woman.
My sister has never tried to "convert' me.
Again, my sister practices what she believes in and is not hurting anybody in the process.
Institutions - religions - organizations - may all have their bad apples that will disrepute them, but seeing Scientology in action with my sister, I have nothing against it.

:s mokin:

18th May 2007, 15:31
Agreed, I respect peoples right to follow a religion, and good on them if it works for them :up: However I don't agree with some of the Church of Scientology's tactics and practices.

race aficionado
18th May 2007, 15:42
Agreed, I respect peoples right to follow a religion, and good on them if it works for them :up: However I don't agree with some of the Church of Scientology's tactics and practices.

I have always found myself being open to others people's beliefs and will even embrace some of them as my own if they touch my soul.
When they try to 'sell" me their ideals I will listen - just as long as they allow me to say thanks, but no thanks and let me be.

:s mokin:

18th May 2007, 21:00
scientology is a perfectly valid belief - well as perfectly valid as believing in angels flapping about in the sky telling god every time you are pleasuring yourself (as if he wouldn't have more important things on his mind)!

Apoligies to Mr. Billy Connelly

Ian McC
18th May 2007, 22:23
My sister is a practicing Scientologist.
My sister is a happy and responsible mother and a successful business woman.
My sister has never tried to "convert' me.
Again, my sister practices what she believes in and is not hurting anybody in the process.
Institutions - religions - organizations - may all have their bad apples that will disrepute them, but seeing Scientology in action with my sister, I have nothing against it.

:s mokin:

Did she make you write that too Race? :p :

race aficionado
19th May 2007, 00:02
Did she make you write that too Race? :p :
Yep, I got hipnotized! :eek:
my dear sister, Travolta and Tom Cruise are out to get me! :bigcry:

:s mokin:

19th May 2007, 21:57
I just can't respect and threat them as a religion if you need to pay for "eternal happiness"
to me the only true religions that get my respect are the one who offer you something and don't want to know your credit car number

race aficionado
19th May 2007, 22:10
also, for the record, I am not in here defending Scientology - as a matter of fact, I don't know much about it - other than the fact that my sister has survived it nicely :p
to each his own - and there is enough for everyone.

:s mokin:

Ian McC
19th May 2007, 22:31
Well it just goes to prove in this day and age despite the advances in science and our understanding people need to believe in something more, in some cases any old rubbish will do :s

20th May 2007, 01:47
Well it just goes to prove in this day and age despite the advances in science and our understanding people need to believe in something more, in some cases any old rubbish will do :s

I don't know enough about it - but I doubt it's any more rubbish than any other 'religion' - muslims, christians, catholics - take your pick.

20th May 2007, 04:00
well as long as they don't blow **** up or hurt people then i really don't care what they do. Scientology kinds of reminds me of learning how to make exotic drinks

could be good

Ian McC
20th May 2007, 10:35
Scientology kinds of reminds me of learning how to make exotic drinks


Quote of the week :D

20th May 2007, 22:57
I got lured into a Scientology building once. A heavily pregnant woman asked me if I wanted a stress test, it was a hot day, I felt bad about saying no and stupidly agreed. At that point I didn't realise it was anything to so with Scientology.

I spent about a total of 2 hours in there in the end, they tried the hard sell to get me to join their courses and I eventually left after buying some literature for about £10 and promising I would ring back in the week to book myself on a course. I gave them my real mobile number figuring they wouldn't actually ring me, but they rang me almost daily at the begining. Now I only get call's every few months, mainly to attend meetings down in London, and they still send me literature through the post. I got something from them last week infact.

From my experiences, I don't like Scientology and I'll never trust a pregnant woman again :p

20th May 2007, 23:34
Scientology is like, so cool, you have to be like a rich celebrity God to be officially a Scientologist. Its just so cool.

Rudy Tamasz
21st May 2007, 08:47
Stay with proven denominations, if you ask me. All those new sects are good for spoilt celebrities like Tom Cruise and Madonna, who are bored to death with anything else.

21st May 2007, 09:25
I don't know enough about it - but I doubt it's any more rubbish than any other 'religion' - muslims, christians, catholics - take your pick.

I thought that Catholics were Christians :p :

21st May 2007, 09:34
I just can't respect and threat them as a religion if you need to pay for "eternal happiness"
to me the only true religions that get my respect are the one who offer you something and don't want to know your credit car number

No such religion exists!

21st May 2007, 11:46
I'm going to tell you a story. Are you sitting comfortably? Right, then I'll begin. Once upon a time (75 million years ago to be more precise) there was an alien galactic ruler named Xenu. Xenu was in charge of all the planets in this part of the galaxy including our own planet Earth, except in those days it was called Teegeeack. Now Xenu had a problem. All of the 76 planets he controlled were over-populated. Each planet had on average 178 billion people. He wanted to get rid of all the overpopulation so he had a plan.

Xenu took over complete control with the help of renegades to defeat the good people and the Loyal Officers. Then with the help of psychiatrists he called in billions of people for income tax inspections where they were instead given injections of alcohol and glycol mixed to paralyse them. Then they were put into space planes that looked exactly like DC8s (except they had rocket motors instead of propellers). These DC8 space planes then flew to planet Earth where the paralysed people were stacked around the bases of volcanoes in their hundreds of billions. When they had finished stacking them around then H-bombs were lowered into the volcanoes.

Xenu then detonated all the H-bombs at the same time and everyone was killed. The story doesn't end there though. Since everyone has a soul (called a "thetan" in this story) then you have to trick souls into not coming back again. So while the hundreds of billions of souls were being blown around by the nuclear winds he had special electronic traps that caught all the souls in electronic beams (the electronic beams were sticky like fly-paper).

After he had captured all these souls he had them packed into boxes and taken to a few huge cinemas. There all the souls had to spend days watching special 3D motion pictures that told them what life should be like and many confusing things. In this film they were shown false pictures and told they were God, The Devil and Christ. In the story this process is called "implanting". When the films ended and the souls left the cinema these souls started to stick together because since they had all seen the same film they thought they were the same people. They clustered in groups of a few thousand. Now because there were only a few living bodies left they stayed as clusters and inhabited these bodies. As for Xenu, the Loyal Officers finally overthrew him and they locked him away in a mountain on one of the planets. He is kept in by a force-field powered by an eternal battery and Xenu is still alive today. That is the end of the story.

And so today everyone is full of these clusters of souls called "body thetans". And if we are to be a free soul then we have to remove all these "body thetans" and pay lots of money to do so. And the only reason people believe in God and Christ was because it was in the film their body thetans saw 75 million years ago. Well what did you think of that story? What? You thought it was a stupid story? Well so do we.

Unfortunately this stupid story is the core belief in the religion known as Scientology. If people knew about this story then most people would never get involved in it. This story is told to you when you reach one of their secret levels called OT III. After that you are supposed to telepathically communicate with these body thetans to make them go away. You have to pay a lot of money to get to this level and do this (or you have to work very hard for the organisation on extremely low pay for many years). We are telling you this story as a warning. If you become involved with Scientology then we would like you to do so with your eyes open and fully aware of the sort of material it contains. Most of the Scientologists that work in their Dianetics centres and so called "Churches" of Scientology do not know this story since they are not allowed to hear it until they reach the secret "upper" levels of Scientology. It may take them many years before they reach this level if they ever do. The ones who do know it are forced to keep it a secret and not tell it to those people who are joining Scientology.

Now you have read this you know their big secret. Don't let us put you off joining though.

21st May 2007, 12:09
Wow. that's much better than he Judeo-Christian story

donKey jote
21st May 2007, 22:40
How could anyone believe such Star Trek :p : ... 75 Million years ago :rotflmao:
Everyone knows Creation was only 6000 years ago, give or take 6 days :p

22nd May 2007, 04:31
How could anyone believe such Star Trek :p : ... 75 Million years ago :rotflmao:

Well, it all makes sense when you realise that R. Ron Hubbard was a sci-fi writier (and not a very successful one at that) before devising this 'religion'* as he realised there is money in it. Quote:

"I'd like to start a religion. That's where the money is!"

*Note: in many countries (Germany, Sweden) Scientology has been banned from branding itself as religion. In Germany it doesn't even have non-profit status.

Hazell B
22nd May 2007, 09:52
I watched the BBC show with John Sweeny and have never seen a more biased, badly made 'factual' show on that channel. He worded everything with so much care to make Scientology look rotten to the core, yet I saw no evidence of him finding anything really wrong at all.

Any group, especially seventeen year old boys, can take a daughter from her mother (perfectly legally) and talk her into not speaking to mum again. Nuns stop contact with their parents often, but somehow Scientology became the reason one girl left home and stopped conecting with her mother. No mention of how good the mother was, no mention of other factors. Just ".... I blame Scientology" being said over and over. :mark:

I watched the show to learn about Scientology and all I saw was a nasty man spilling lines that can't be seen as slander because of his clever wording. All in all I still have no idea what Scientology is :mark:

One thing though, at least they don't believe a virgin gave birth to a man who could rise from the grave after making blind men see ....... that would be just plain silly ;)

22nd May 2007, 10:41
Do you have your head in the sand, i mean come on they are not boy scouts they are a bunch of religious fanatics of the worst kind. Do a little research there is this thing called the internet and Google. :)

22nd May 2007, 17:53
watched the show to learn about Scientology and all I saw was a nasty man spilling lines that can't be seen as slander because of his clever wording. All in all I still have no idea what Scientology is :mark:

Well how about starting by reading the Wikipedia article? Or any Encyclopaedia for that matter..

Don't blmae the BBC documentary, you can't have a civilised discussion about Scientology. These rats put Islamic fundamentalists to shame.

Perhaps you should read this

It's a rather long read, but it is a documented and verified case.

23rd May 2007, 10:06
What they could have done is invited him in and shown him around and been perfectly civil to him. Instead they harrassed him and argued with him. The representative bloke was particularly disgusting. The reporter used the word 'cult' which he didn't like, so fair enough, laugh and say that you don't like the word cult,, but no, he totally lost his temper, then proceeded to harras the reporter at every available opportunity.

These are not the actions of a 'good' organisation.

Hazell B
23rd May 2007, 20:37
What they could have done is invited him in and shown him around and been perfectly civil to him. Instead they harrassed him and argued with him. The representative bloke was particularly disgusting. The reporter used the word 'cult' which he didn't like, so fair enough, laugh and say that you don't like the word cult,, but no, he totally lost his temper, then proceeded to harras the reporter at every available opportunity.

These are not the actions of a 'good' organisation.

Yes, I would have happily gone along with what you're saying there Mark, but we didn't see all the other interviews that were filmed before the Scientologist got annoyed. The BBC had a thing on News 24 admitting they'd had perfectly reasonable communication with the Scientologists for some time before filming began - yet we saw no mention of that. I wondered how much effort Sweeney put into winding them up before getting the footage he wanted .....

I get that Scientology isn't for everyone and most of us would hate such a regimented lifestyle, but I would have liked a factual show that was at least factual.

donKey jote
23rd May 2007, 22:05
Do you have your head in the sand, i mean come on they are not boy scouts they are a bunch of religious fanatics of the worst kind.

I view the boy scouts as a bunch of religious fanatics too :laugh:

24th May 2007, 22:12
Stay with proven denominations, if you ask me.

Somebody should have told that to Jesus!

they harrassed him and argued with him. The reporter used the word 'cult' which he didn't like, so fair enough, laugh and say that you don't like the word cult,, but no, he totally lost his temper, then proceeded to harras the reporter at every available opportunity.

They didn't burn him at the stake or stone him for being a heretic though.

25th May 2007, 01:37
I view the boy scouts as a bunch of religious fanatics too :laugh:

:D i would guess all that gin gan goolie would make anyone suspicious but i think I remember it was the scouts not under some kind off monitoring or surveillance either prior to ww2 as a possible dangerous group ?

25th May 2007, 07:31
Science got explanations and so does religion. Only they differ. The latter is more optimistic since it tells us there is life after death which guides people to act humane. But what about scientology?