View Full Version : 2022 - Race 5 Miami

24th April 2022, 22:52
New venue. In Miami. Who knows what to expect? Just hope the race goes off - there is a lawsuit from some residents saying they will have PTSD if the race goes forward (must be Mercedes fans).

They have filed a lawsuit trying to stop the race. The judge is waiting for the city to issue permits to allow the race to go forward before hearing the case.

A judge has told a group of Miami Gardens residents that they must produce evidence of why the upcoming Miami Grand Prix would mean they’d “suffer actual injury” from noise levels.

24th April 2022, 22:54
The judge did rule

The Miami Grand Prix racing event is moving forward as scheduled after a judge declined to grant relief to neighbors who claim they could suffer hearing damage, cardiac complications, and a generally unpleasant weekend amid the roar of Formula 1 cars near their homes.

Judge also told them they should consider just staying inside that weekend or wear earplugs.


27th April 2022, 21:56
I hope they can inject some of the Miami atmosphere into the track. The location is just kinda meh and would have been so much better if they could have managed to get it near some of the wealthy play den locations.

It looks like the track might be a good mix of turns though. Though it's flat and the terrain sucks, the mix of turns along with the new track surface might make for some really interesting setup options. The monster straights of course don't want much downforce, but there is enough tight stuff that it might make up the top speed deficits by setting it up for more downforce. Either way I hope this is a track that has potential to remain long term, and at least compare somewhat to COTA in level of racing quality. I know that's a big ask for a new track, but it wasn't really that long ago that COTA came to life, and they did a great job.

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5th May 2022, 02:45
Will be a 20-30% chance of rain each day in Miami. Could be a Sochi moment on Sunday.

Btw, the Miami Grand Prix has sold out at 240,000 tickets sold for the Sunday race. The organizers are already planning on expanding capacity in future races.

5th May 2022, 15:34
In the past i was exited when it could rain. Today i only expect safety cars, red flags and races stopped prematurely.

6th May 2022, 01:24
In the past i was exited when it could rain. Today i only expect safety cars, red flags and races stopped prematurely.

I hope it doesn't end up that way at all tracks, but with current safety protocols it seems to be going more that way. I always liked a race with changing conditions myself, but so many of the new tracks don't leave much room for error.

The fake marina at Miami is just lame. They could have at least packed it full of offshore boats since there are so many in that area. They have an area that has a lot of history in offshore racing boats, and is known as "Thunderboat Alley" and other such names. Some wild machinery came out of that area.

6th May 2022, 19:58
I don't want to speak prematurely but Merc are looking a bit better in FP1 IMO.
Could they have got a handle on their issues and finally be competative this weekend.. or will they still be a second off the pace come Q3?

A 3 way battle would be nirvana....

7th May 2022, 11:15
Lewis should be a lot faster without all the jewellery .

7th May 2022, 14:10
Lewis should be a lot faster without all the jewellery .

I thought I read someplace that he was prepared to sit out this weekend if they didn't let him wear it. Can't see Merc being very impressed with his petulant antics. Has he backtracked?

8th May 2022, 03:07
I thought I read someplace that he was prepared to sit out this weekend if they didn't let him wear it. Can't see Merc being very impressed with his petulant antics. Has he backtracked?

No, formula 1 rolled over and gave him waivers for his jewelry.

“I got an exemption here,” Hamilton explained after today’s qualifying session. He made it clear he does not intend this to be a temporary arrangement, adding: “I’ll get [an] exemption for the rest of the year.”

8th May 2022, 03:49
I'll have to dig again, but I saw news that Lewis removed all but the welded in nose stud, and was given a deadline by the FIA on that. Several sources reported that he removed all that he could.

Personally I think it's just a distraction and if the rule exists they should enforce it. It exists only for safety reasons, and if Lewis thinks that he is above the regs tell him to go pack sand. I'd have no problems if they just don't allow him to race. It's petty crap like this that sets a poor example for other drivers and makes him feel like he is above the regs.

As for qually, a fairly good session overall, with Ferrari keeping the upper hand but it seemed ever so slightly. Without the bobble Max might have got close to Leclerc, but I don't think he would have had a better time. Either way it's clear that Ferrari and RB are still the class of the field.

The swap in performance between Lewis and George makes me wonder if the car just runs that fine on a knife edge that the slightest setup issue makes the car hard to drive. It's not normal to see that much of a swing between the two cars and drivers on a team, and this is now two races it's happened. Either way, it seemed tough for Lewis to get up there to P6, and maybe George will do better with race pace and make up some positions. But Merc still seem to be in trouble either way.

I'm sure Valtteri is grinning ear to ear being ahead of Lewis in the Merc, and he put in a really solid performance to do it. The AR seemed decent, but that was unexpected. Then again, having both AT cars in the top 10 wasn't something I expected either. Norris made a good showing of the cars potential, and I hate to say it but I'm losing hope for Danny Ric, things just aren't working for him at the moment.

The track seemed to be getting faster and faster, so the race might give us some solid lap times. It still seems to have some tricky sections, and mistakes will be easy to make. It looks like it has the potential to be an interesting race.

8th May 2022, 14:29
I'll have to dig again, but I saw news that Lewis removed all but the welded in nose stud, and was given a deadline by the FIA on that. Several sources reported that he removed all that he could.

Personally I think it's just a distraction and if the rule exists they should enforce it. It exists only for safety reasons, and if Lewis thinks that he is above the regs tell him to go pack sand. I'd have no problems if they just don't allow him to race. It's petty crap like this that sets a poor example for other drivers and makes him feel like he is above the regs.

As for qually, a fairly good session overall, with Ferrari keeping the upper hand but it seemed ever so slightly. Without the bobble Max might have got close to Leclerc, but I don't think he would have had a better time. Either way it's clear that Ferrari and RB are still the class of the field.

The swap in performance between Lewis and George makes me wonder if the car just runs that fine on a knife edge that the slightest setup issue makes the car hard to drive. It's not normal to see that much of a swing between the two cars and drivers on a team, and this is now two races it's happened. Either way, it seemed tough for Lewis to get up there to P6, and maybe George will do better with race pace and make up some positions. But Merc still seem to be in trouble either way.

I'm sure Valtteri is grinning ear to ear being ahead of Lewis in the Merc, and he put in a really solid performance to do it. The AR seemed decent, but that was unexpected. Then again, having both AT cars in the top 10 wasn't something I expected either. Norris made a good showing of the cars potential, and I hate to say it but I'm losing hope for Danny Ric, things just aren't working for him at the moment.

The track seemed to be getting faster and faster, so the race might give us some solid lap times. It still seems to have some tricky sections, and mistakes will be easy to make. It looks like it has the potential to be an interesting race.


The Merc went from looking like they had made a big step forward in P2 to absolutely nowhere in P3 then back to around where they were before in Qualy. Also as the track rubbered in they seemed to get worse instead of better, it's bizarre indeed... and they still don't seem to have a handle on where their main issue lies which is quite unexpected for a team that has produced such a dominant car for so many years. I guess losing some key engineers must have hurt them and the budget cap will not have helped either.

Has to be one of the lowest grip tracks I've seen in many years, the layout is also a bit meh, which is a disappointment... With grip so low off the racing line I'm expecting a race of attrition with a few crashes for those brave enough to attempt moves for anything other than big mistakes by their opponents.

Might pass on watching this one live but hopefully it will be better than I'm expecting. I think I'm expecting LeClerc to comfortably take this one barring any big errors. Will either be snorefest boring or utterly chaotic. :)

8th May 2022, 15:47
I expect many safety car periods , and perhaps a surprise podium .

Utter mayhem could be approaching , and I hope nobody gets hurt .

8th May 2022, 19:13
I expect many safety car periods , and perhaps a surprise podium .

Utter mayhem could be approaching , and I hope nobody gets hurt .

With the cars at the front so close, a new track, and a green track from the rain, you are probably right.

The long race strategy could be interesting with the track starting from green as well.

It's only a few more minutes and we'll start finding out.....

8th May 2022, 20:22
This track makes Jeddah look good...What a random lay-out.

8th May 2022, 21:35
This track makes Jeddah look good...What a random lay-out.

There was a method to their madness - it was meant to challenge a car in all aspects.

Pretty clean race compared to practice. Enjoyable race with 10 lap shootout. There were some good battles in the midfield.

I feel sorry for Mick - should have had points. Albon sneaks in and gets points for Williams.

The only annoying thing was the old guy they had doing color analysis for F1. He couldn't keep up and was lost half the time.

N. Jones
9th May 2022, 00:19
Crap track, complete boring weekend. Good racing as always for this year.
I hope we never come back. "New Monaco" HAHAHAHAHAHA!

9th May 2022, 02:10
I didn't think it was a bad race at all. Though the track isn't great to look at, it seemed to test the car and setup aspect fairly well, and we saw some good racing through the field. Things got a bit crazy and messy back in the pack some with a lot of contact and such, but really the one red flag was kind of a freak of miscalculation and not the type of thing I was expecting.

With the timing of the red flag it let a few drivers benefit from the long stints on hard tires, and it woke the race up all through the pack really. For a couple laps I thought Leclerc might get Max, and thought for sure Sergio would get Sainz. Bottas did well to hang in there as long as he did, but as usual race pace and pressure often get the best of him. George manages another top 5 in the Merc, who seemed to be the 3rd best car again this weekend.

I think the variety of the track caught quite a few drivers out with mistakes, and with the cars only being able to compromise to a certain point on setups that is a good thing IMHO. Seven different manufacturers in the points this race. That's not bad at all!

ETA: I just have to ask, how many other people are aware of the background of Willy T. Ribbs? I'd have to assume those of us in the US know of him, but I'm not sure people in other countries do.

Mia 01
9th May 2022, 10:38
I liked the race, very good race from George!

9th May 2022, 10:39
Track needs more places to overtake, and loose the slow tecnical section.
But I guess they will adjust the carpark track for next year.

9th May 2022, 10:50
Well I decided to watch it live in the end.. and tbh it was well worth it.
Brundles pitwalk trying to interview various 'stars' that he didn't know (and they him), wrongly identifying them and also being snubbed right left and centre, had my brother and I in stitches. Funniest one yet. Worth the watch if you didn't see it..

Race had more overtakes and mistakes than I expected, still not sure how Lando and Gasly came into contact and who was most to blame but it certainly livened up the remainder of the race.

Not sure why Lewis was pissed at his team for them asking if he wanted to pit for softs during the safety car then for them making the 'wrong decision' All he had to do was ask when those round about him had stopped and what tyres they were on... I'm pretty sure the Lewis of old would have asked that question instead of throwing it back at them. He seems to just be going through the motions when there is no title in sight.

Stark contrast to Russell being situationally aware and previously suggesting they stay out for as long as possible for the chance of a safety car.. which paid off for him. Fortunate perhaps but it shows you can also influence your own luck by actually being fully involved.

I was surprised at Max being able to get past Charles and staying ahead... running lower downforce usually narrows the peak performance window due to higher tyre deg but it was Charles who looked to suffer from that the most. Turned out to be a very tactical battle at the front with two differing setup approaches. Ferrari look to have the better car for qualy but Red Bull the superior race car yet again... Monaco will no doubt favour Ferrari but the more I see, the more I'm leaning towards RB to catch and pass Ferrari in the points very soon... and Max to also catch Charles if they get their still questionable reliability properly sorted.

Still not a fan of the track but it turned out to be a better race than I imagined. 6.5/10

9th May 2022, 11:01
ETA: I just have to ask, how many other people are aware of the background of Willy T. Ribbs? I'd have to assume those of us in the US know of him, but I'm not sure people in other countries do.

I know him, but only because I used to follow IndyCar quite closely (I even met him at the Indy 500 in 2009). Even so, I got to admit that until yesterday, I wasn't aware he had tested an F1 car for Brabham in the 1980s. My friends, who only watch F1, have no idea who he is.

9th May 2022, 11:14
I know him, but only because I used to follow IndyCar quite closely (I even met him at the Indy 500 in 2009). Even so, I got to admit that until yesterday, I wasn't aware he had tested an F1 car for Brabham in the 1980s. My friends, who only watch F1, have no idea who he is.

I vaguely knew the name but knew next to nothing about him, my older brother did though... and also knew he'd tested Brabhams F1 car.

Talking of which.. Sainz's eyes totally on stalks after Ribbs's very cliche'd post race interview also had us both laughing. :D

N. Jones
9th May 2022, 14:23
I forgot about this -

They had a fake marina! What a joke.

9th May 2022, 14:52
I vaguely knew the name but knew next to nothing about him, my older brother did though... and also knew he'd tested Brabhams F1 car.

Talking of which.. Sainz's eyes totally on stalks after Ribbs's very cliche'd post race interview also had us both laughing. :D

Like gm99 , I used to watch Indy back in Willy's time , so I knew of him , too , but , if anyone watched the Austin race a couple of years ago , they did a big focus piece on him , so we all should know of his fame .

That moment where he spoke with Charles "Chuck" Leclerc , and the look that "Chuck" had on his face when Willy started with that was classic .

By the way , can we lose Danica , or at least try to keep her from talking ? She has absolutely no idea about F1 , and consequently asks the most general and basic questions that tend to shock those being interviewed for a moment before they can answer .
Do your homework , girl , or stay home .

9th May 2022, 15:02
I forgot about this -

They had a fake marina! What a joke.

Yeah , I know what you're saying !
They could have made that water a lot more realistic if they had some sort of projectors underneath , so it would have looked like it was moving like real water does .

And , I thought they really missed a trick because they didn't put any edging on it , so the water just ended , so it didn't look real at all .

It obviously needs to be much bigger next year as well because nobody would park boats that big in a wharf that small .

And , those didn't look like real mermaids either .

9th May 2022, 20:18
The fake marina, yeah it was fairly lame. From what I understand though that section commanded some big bucks for tickets.

I didn't get to see the Brundle pit walk or hear any of the Danica commentary, as I watched on F1TV and didn't watch the network coverage. I've seen other races with Danica on commentary and didn't think she was bad, but it seems in general that people are divided on her as a commentator.

I was a bit perplexed about the radio chatter between Lewis and the team as well. He seemed clear he didn't want to lose track position, but then acted like the team steered him the wrong direction. Either you have confidence in car pace or you don't, and he has been very vocal in the past about his desires, even when the team didn't go along with them. I guess it's just frustration building, but he doesn't help them in the long run.

I had forgotten about the Austin segment they did on Willy T. Ribbs. I just found the timing interesting, as Lewis has been involved in a study about people of color in F1 and related things. He could learn about real adversity from someone like Willy T. and others that had a much harder path of acceptance into the various racing sports. For anyone interested there is a Netflix series called "Race" about the Bubba Wallace hurdles in recent years, and it goes into some of the history of African Americans in US motosport. I thought it was an interesting series.

At any rate, Miami was better than I expected. I really hope Merc or another team get more into the fight at the front, but for now the Ferrari vs RB battle looks as tight as Merc vs RB last year. As the cars develop I hope it gets even better.

9th May 2022, 22:02
I had forgotten about the Austin segment they did on Willy T. Ribbs. I just found the timing interesting, as Lewis has been involved in a study about people of color in F1 and related things. He could learn about real adversity from someone like Willy T. and others that had a much harder path of acceptance into the various racing sports.

TBH, what do you know about Hamilton's situation and what adversity he faced to make a comment like that?
Everything else you said was fine, but that really rubbed me the wrong way.
Trust me, the man experienced some real adversity throughout his life and none more than once he entered F1.
In many ways, he has (and has had to carry) a similar demeanor to Ribbs in pretending all the things don't get to him.

9th May 2022, 23:45
TBH, what do you know about Hamilton's situation and what adversity he faced to make a comment like that?
Everything else you said was fine, but that really rubbed me the wrong way.
Trust me, the man experienced some real adversity throughout his life and none more than once he entered F1.
In many ways, he has (and has had to carry) a similar demeanor to Ribbs in pretending all the things don't get to him.

So it's assumed that I know nothing of what Lewis has faced but should "trust you" to know his struggles? They are well documented and he's been open about the struggles being a man of color moving through the ranks.

But I've seen first hand the differences in racism in the US as opposed to the UK, as well as being old enough and having lived in areas of racial tension. Beyond that I've known about Willy T. well before he was a big name, and the history of racism in the area he grew up. I'll be more than happy to stand by my comment.