View Full Version : The most annoyin things !!

18th May 2007, 01:51
How're lads havnt been on this in a while .... but i jus taught i'd star a thread about the most annoying things in the world ... ha ... well her's a few of mine wont list too many , i'll leave some for you's

when ya step on the lid bit of a yougart carton in ur bear feet .... when people dont take the plastic cover stuff off new fone's screen's and stuff ... when ya make toast and ya knock it off the table and it always lands on the buttered side .... when ya loose the remote off the telly , can't find it anywhere but its in ur pocket ... when ya say to ur mother ther's nuthin ta eat and she says there's loads like bread and fruit .....

right thats a few of mine .... add a few more if ya's wish



Brown, Jon Brow
18th May 2007, 14:52
Average to poor spelling ;)
