View Full Version : Have you ever googled yourself?

17th May 2007, 15:01
I got bored today at Uni so i decided to do something most people with internet access do at one stage... i googled myself...

typed my first name and last name into google and see what comes up

to my surprise i found something that was tragic yet so unbelieveably freaky

I typed my name in and it turns out i was killed in Iraq, as a US Soldier. but the freaky part was that this soldier, who was killed last year, was the same age as me! He was killed late last year and he was twenty, i turned 20 last August. So there is someone on the other side of the world, same age, same name (and i dont have a common name like John Smith etc etc)...

I also play Rugby League in the Sydney Independent Catholic Colleges competition... which is slightly ironic being Australian and a lover of Rugby League, but im not a sydney sider or attended a catholic college

I'm also an actor who was in one movie in the late 1980's and a canadian athelete

oh and i own a cafe in new york...

Wow, im talented

tin-top fan
17th May 2007, 16:14
If you take my real name, then I'm the managing director of a weather monitoring company, a presenter for the barnsley recorded music society. The third result down is a report on my competitive swimming exploits ( this one is actually me!).
If you take my forum name, you can see all of the forums that I post under this user name in! [for those of you who went to see what other forums I post in- I know who you are :p ]

Brown, Jon Brow
17th May 2007, 16:15
I'm a marathan runner. ;)


Captain VXR
17th May 2007, 16:26
Apparently I ran the sussex races last year
and my name ain't common, don't know anyone not related to me with the same surname

17th May 2007, 16:33
Well I google myself often to make sure my website still appears. :) Bit apparently I was also an actress in Resident Evil.

17th May 2007, 17:28
i checked a while ago, and i think i was some murderer in america and a hockey whizzkid.

And looking now, i seem to be able to play squash (Currently ranked 15 :p : )

17th May 2007, 17:40
Bit apparently I was also an actress in Resident Evil.
I'd keep that bit quiet if I was you :p

17th May 2007, 18:11
I did that long ago and I'm happy to report the real me does not appear. Others with my name include a rally driver and a professional photographer.

oily oaf
17th May 2007, 18:41
I google myself at least 4 times a week mainly before breakfast and twice on Saturdays when the wife goes to visit her mother.

I hope this helps and what's more to the point do I win £6.00?

17th May 2007, 18:42
It turns out I'm a former Finnish skijumper. Not a very succesfull one because I've never heard of... me?

17th May 2007, 19:01
only brings up stuff i have done... :D unique ;)

Ian McC
17th May 2007, 19:45
It appears I directed something called 'Eloquent Nude: The Love and Legacy of Edward Weston and Charis Wilson' :s

Googling my brother it appears he is a speaker at the Holland Open Software Conference, at least in this case it is actually genuine :D

Oh and the Americans have a warship named after me :s mokin:

17th May 2007, 19:51
I appear to be security manager at the United Nations :cool:

17th May 2007, 20:13
Oh and the Americans have a warship named after me :s mokin:

The USS Ian :confused: :p :

Mark in Oshawa
17th May 2007, 20:24
I am a AAA/Big league Ball player in the Met's organization...or was the last time I looked. I heard when this guy got traded and it floored me. Also, unrelated to googling, a guy with my name is running for Attorney General in a county in Kentucky, and if I was thikning, I would have stopped and stolen one of the election signs

Mark in Oshawa
17th May 2007, 20:25
Millen, pm me the name of the Canadian athlete, I am REALLY curious now...lol

Mark in Oshawa
17th May 2007, 20:27
just found out from Google (didn't realize this the last time I did it) I am an Australian actor from "Neighbours", a whack of other shows I havne't heard of and the "flying Doctors", something I watched once late a night on TV here....

17th May 2007, 20:27
I google myself at least 4 times a week mainly before breakfast and twice on Saturdays when the wife goes to visit her mother...

Cripes Oily, you'll go blind! :erm:

17th May 2007, 20:28
...Googling my brother...

Now that's just plain sick! :s hock: :s :mad:

Mark in Oshawa
17th May 2007, 21:45
Oily....only you could take Googling into sometihng that even a porn mag would have to black out...

17th May 2007, 21:47
Well when I googled myself I was shocked to find theres a child peedo with the same name as me. He used to drive school children to school. Not what you want to find!

17th May 2007, 22:03
I am evidently under indictment by the US Securities and Exchange Comission for securities fraud. Evidently I bilked investors out of millions of dollars in some sort of elaborate ponzi scheme. :s

I also was a champion Tennis player in Texas in 1971. (Not bad for a 2 year old huh? ;) )

I am also a reknown Pediatrician dealing with special needs children. (I hope this earns me points when the SEC sentences me :p : )

And then I also found the real me, an outside sales rep. in Memphis, TN for a Florida-based green-goods grower and distributor. Call me on my cell phone, the numbers posted there. :) :D

17th May 2007, 22:07
I once Googled my name out of curiosity, shortly after I got Internet access. The results were very disappointing!

17th May 2007, 22:09
I'm a writer and producer on Star Trek, Enterprise. Aparently.

17th May 2007, 22:10
just found out from Google (didn't realize this the last time I did it) I am an Australian actor from "Neighbours", a whack of other shows I havne't heard of and the "flying Doctors", something I watched once late a night on TV here....

Oily always said you weren't really from Canada! :eek:

Mark in Oshawa
17th May 2007, 22:26
Alex....would you be there under "A. Mateo? Alexander Mateo?" lol..or something else?

Mark in Oshawa
17th May 2007, 22:38
Oily is scared I will show up on his doorstep because I am secretly an Irish terrorist who wants to dominate small drunk English men while taking their wives!!! I bet Ms Oily would love to drink Guinness with me...

Ian McC
17th May 2007, 23:17
The USS Ian :confused: :p :

:p :


Ian McC
17th May 2007, 23:19
Now that's just plain sick! :s hock: :s :mad:

schmenke get your mind out of that gutter! :p :

18th May 2007, 03:25
just found out from Google (didn't realize this the last time I did it) I am an Australian actor from "Neighbours", a whack of other shows I havne't heard of and the "flying Doctors", something I watched once late a night on TV here....

oh god no not neighbours!!!! anything but neighbours! that show is just awful! yet the english seem to love it!!!

i dont think i was a famous canadian athelete, once i find the link again i'll send it to ya

18th May 2007, 03:49
I've goggled and have found myself to be:

A Major League baseball player since 1995,
A producer of the TV show Cops,
A professor at several different Universities and
In 2005 the Prime Minister of Great Britain named me Permanent Secretary of the Department for Education & Skills.

I should be paid more than the chump change I'm making now! :p

oily oaf
18th May 2007, 06:17
Oily....only you could take Googling into sometihng that even a porn mag would have to black out...

Dear Mark in Leighton Buzzard (winks knowingly and taps side of nose in conspiratorial fashion)


18th May 2007, 07:13
I found my wealth statement because the law obliged me to publish it on the site of the institution I work for. Don't feel too comfortable knowing that everybody may found how much money I have in banks. I may be assaulted by relatives or friends who need a loan.

18th May 2007, 09:22
Apparently I'm a new-age nutcase, and an actress from a soap opera, very oddly.

18th May 2007, 10:37
I am apparently this man!

18th May 2007, 15:04
I google myself at least 4 times a week mainly before breakfast and twice on Saturdays when the wife goes to visit her mother.

I hope this helps and what's more to the point do I win £6.00?
That explains the dark glasses in your signature. Couldn't find any white stick and a seeing-eye dog smiley?

18th May 2007, 15:07
I am apparently this man!

You have my sypathies......... :p :

18th May 2007, 19:55
If you live in Minnesota (US) & want an alternative to Republicans or Democrats then vote for ME!!!

I also translated Homer's Iliad and Odyssey into English - top that!

Ian McC
18th May 2007, 21:17
This is me! :eek:


18th May 2007, 22:17
There are no other Lotus B Elises anywhere - all that comes up when I Google my name is my own website and a link to some dodgy poetry I had published as a teenager.

18th May 2007, 22:30
I'm supposedly a police chief for an indian reservation in the Pacific Northwest.

18th May 2007, 23:13
I simply appear, across three pages, as, well, myself. Enough said.

19th May 2007, 04:25
I share a name with an author of erotic novels, a designer of bathroom stuff, a builder of a truly gorgeous '69 Camaro (now that I wish was me :D ), a state manager for the Bank of Australia, the head of a software company in North Carolina, an actor in the TV show Dark Angel (that I wish I was too - Jessica Alba......*drools*) and a writer of a handful of columns for a Grand-Am fan website.

The last one is actually me. :)

19th May 2007, 20:48
let's see:
I'm: a doctor who writes articles for a scientific magazine; a 12 year old kid from Costa Rica part of the "exhibition of the future" project; a farming stuff salesman in Spain; a Cuban flute player who plays Cha Cha Cha :s , some dude who graduated from the Bolivian Private University in 2003, comercial chief of "Cantabria Economica", vice-president of PROCOSI(they work in my town yet Ihave no idea what they do), an electricist involved in some legal problem in Costa Rica, member of the Bolivian residents asociation in Sao Paulo, and someone whose aplication for a scholarship in Mexico was put on the final list back in 2005 but they haven't cleaned the lists yet, well that's actually me

donKey jote
19th May 2007, 20:49
I just googled my name and came up 4th with a publication on tyres from 2003 :dozey:
The top 3 and the rest of the first and second page were about my Spanish grandad, some Spanish, some Basque, the rest Irish or English :)
Top hits for my initial and surname are early 90's papers on organic superconductors :uhoh: , with my grandad starting at the bottom of the page :)

Top hit for my donkey name was this:

20th May 2007, 12:43
Just googled my name. Out of the 140 results, one was about one of my daughters, a few about my dad, and the majority about me. It seems there are no other "mes", and that I'm an important person ;) :D

20th May 2007, 14:34
Cant say i have ever done this with my own name but then i do have a Surname which is on the rare side! :D

I know afew people who have done this including my other half! ;) :D :)

donKey jote
20th May 2007, 22:34
Just googled my name. Out of the 140 results, one was about one of my daughters, a few about my dad, and the majority about me. It seems there are no other "mes", and that I'm an important person

:laugh: My name only got 85 results, and that's three generations of mariano's :uhoh: :p :D :dozey:

21st May 2007, 06:40
Bowler Offroad Ltd http://www.bowler-offroad.com
Bowler hat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bowler (cricket) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

not a mention

22nd May 2007, 02:21
My name only got 85 results, and that's three generations of mariano's :uhoh: :p :D :dozey:


22nd May 2007, 05:50
the real me doesn't appear, but others with my name include an endurance athlete, an associate prof at Yale and oh no! a Delphinium described as having dense florets of tripled layered petals :eek: :o

22nd May 2007, 08:29
:laugh: My name only got 85 results, and that's three generations of mariano's :uhoh: :p :D :dozey:
Mariano? Is that like a donkey of a mariachi band? I love the music:


22nd May 2007, 15:58
Googled my name (came up with 12,600,000 results :O), the main ones which came up were a black activist, a footballer and an actor. Ironically, someone with the same name as me has their own photographer company ... which is what I want to do :)

My forum name however comes up with, A Womens international film festival, a designer of womenswear, a motorbike shop and a music store .. wow im talented :laugh:

22nd May 2007, 20:47
Apparently I am a lawyer in Ontario. That is a pretty long commute from Philly. (Note to self-buy a private jet). I can afford this because I see that I also own some pretty good racehorses here in the US. I must be rich as all get out.

22nd May 2007, 20:55
No one appears to share my name. I google my surname and pretty much only found members of my family apart from a university professor in America. Googling me isnt at all interesting :(

22nd May 2007, 21:05
Mariano? Is that like a donkey of a mariachi band? I love the music:


The words "mariachi" and "Mariano" are less related than "suomi" and "suomu".

To add insult to injury, mariachis are from Mexico, while Donkey is from Spain :)

22nd May 2007, 21:12
The words "mariachi" and "Mariano" are less related than "suomi" and "suomu".

To add insult to injury, mariachis are from Mexico, while Donkey is from Spain :)
I know that. I just think that a donkey of a mariachi band would be cool. I think donkeys are sympathetic animals and I like mariachi music.

22nd May 2007, 22:33
I'm a Primary School in Lewisham

donKey jote
23rd May 2007, 21:29
To add insult to injury, mariachis are from Mexico, while Donkey is from Spain :)
no insult or injury, I also have donkey relatives in Mexico. They left Spain around the same time as Grandad Mariano self-exiled to Ireland :)

23rd May 2007, 21:46
Yes, I have, but didn't really find anything. However, I googled my dad's name (our last name is Terrien), and found a that there is a very good race car driver in Europe w/the same name is my dad's.

23rd May 2007, 21:50
I have googled myself on several occasions and found out that my name is unique as I have found only information about myself. :p :