View Full Version : Do Traffic Wardens still exist ??

15th May 2007, 13:41
Where have they all gone?
In our area now, we seem to have a Department of Parking Services run by the local council.
This seems to consist of some jumped-up little no-body, driving round in a brand new van making gestures at you through the window (this happened to me yesterday,can you tell)
At least the Traffic Warden gave off the impression of power, working alongside the police and having a proper uniform. This guy looked like a park keeper (no offense to park keepers)
Even the 2 blokes who sweep the streets of our town have been issued with expensive radios so they can contact the police if someone stubbs their fag out on the ground.
What's next, dustmen going through your rubbish to make sure it's all legit ???

15th May 2007, 13:44
A few years ago parking offenses were 'decriminised' so they were no longer the remit of police or traffic wardens and became a civil offence under the remit of local councils. So effectively, yes, there is no such thing as traffic wardens any more.

Most now are called 'Parking Control Officers' or similar.

15th May 2007, 14:22
What's next, dustmen going through your rubbish to make sure it's all legit ???

You dont have that already? we do.

you can be fined or they refuse to take it away if its the wrong sort of rubbish. ive a good mind to go out and have a word but he was bigger than me :)

15th May 2007, 16:33
Thanks for replys, just having a little rant. It just didn't fell propper some how, some bloke dressed in green having a go at me, found it very hard to take him serious.

15th May 2007, 23:38
We still have traffic wardens in Northamptonshire.
Not too many, thankfully...

23rd May 2007, 14:22
We just got traffic wardens up here in north west Wales and there is already a row about some woman that parked 1 inch outside of her parking bay.

But when the there is a multi storey car park in town that costs 50p for 2 hours, I'm happy to pay the price :cool:

23rd May 2007, 14:34
I've had two traffic tickets the last two visits to Cardiff - very annoying! I wish I could complain, but I knew I was parking illegally, and both times I got caught - so can't really complain.

If you park illegally, or do anything illegally, and know it is wrong, surely you haven't got a right to complain?

Not taking someone serious because they have a green uniform is quite arrogant some might say.

23rd May 2007, 16:14
I've had two traffic tickets the last two visits to Cardiff - very annoying! I wish I could complain, but I knew I was parking illegally, and both times I got caught - so can't really complain.

If you park illegally, or do anything illegally, and know it is wrong, surely you haven't got a right to complain?

Not taking someone serious because they have a green uniform is quite arrogant some might say.

MMMmmmm, I wonder, do you wear one of those green uniforms lol ??

26th May 2007, 15:32
we have traffic wardens arpund leyland and we have names for them that we made up :)

27th May 2007, 02:26
MMMmmmm, I wonder, do you wear one of those green uniforms lol ??

:laugh: no thank god!

Ian McC
27th May 2007, 10:51
Hell, whatever colour they are wearing I wouldn't want that job!

27th May 2007, 11:50
We only have a small car park at work, and in winter when its really quiet we all end up in the office. If your not at work by 8.30 you wont get a space. You will the have to spend the rest of the day playing 'Dodge the Parking Warden' in and around the leafy tree lined streets of Edgbaston. This involves careful planning of where you park first, the limit for time for parking without getting a ticket, and the time in which you cant return to the particular street you previously parked in. Believe me, its hard work.

I did recently see a couple argueing a parking ticket with a Warden in a council run car park in my local town centre. Although they'd bought a ticket, they parked their 4x4 in such an abismal way that it was half in one space and half in another. They got a ticket based on the fact that they were taking up two spaces and they had only paid for one parking spot, they weren't happy.

28th May 2007, 00:22
I did recently see a couple argueing a parking ticket with a Warden in a council run car park in my local town centre. Although they'd bought a ticket, they parked their 4x4 in such an abismal way that it was half in one space and half in another. They got a ticket based on the fact that they were taking up two spaces and they had only paid for one parking spot, they weren't happy.

I think that's fair enough. If they can't be bothered to park nicely, and take up two spaces, they should pay for it.