View Full Version : Ashton Martin - We Might Sue FIA

16th April 2021, 19:42

Aston Martin CEO Otmar Szafnauer has called for urgent changes to Formula 1’s aerodynamic rules, which he believes have put his team at a disadvantage this year.

He even suggested the team could take legal action against the FIA over the alterations to rear floor dimensions which were introduced for the 2021 F1 season.

Must be worried he might be about to lose his job.

17th April 2021, 08:39

Must be worried he might be about to lose his job.

Yes, quite..

The result of copying Merc without a comprehensive understanding of the cars aero so when the Reg changes hit, they are left flapping?

That's ridiculous, every other team is in the same boat.

21st April 2021, 22:37
"Back in my days" the "Ferrari will quit F1 if...." was the biggest thing every year.
Now All the teams want to play that game all the time.