View Full Version : Soooo... has anything exciting been happening in your country lately?

16th January 2021, 17:54
Things have been real quiet over here in the U.S., well, apart from an attempted insurrection and the storming of the Capitol by some delusional nutballs. How's it been going for you folks? :laugh:

Steve Boyd
17th January 2021, 00:40
Been really dull in the UK. I waiting for the 2nd American Civil War to kick off so that we'll finally get Covid off the news. Have they told you the starting date yet?

21st January 2021, 03:12
Well, today is the 20th. Most of the ones who were supposed to get things kicked off either can't count past 10, or they're currently in Federal lockup. Dang it!

Now we'll have to wait til Bobby Joe and his cousin/wife, Jenny Sue, get outta jail, or it's gonna have to be next month between the 1st and the 10th.

As for the Covid, Bobby Joe and Jenny Sue told me that it's all a hoax. Ain't no such thang. Darn shame 'bout Jenny's granny coughing up a lung the other week though. Not sure what coulda caused that. Happened right after that 50 person shoulder-to-shoulder party they had up there in the shack.

Steve Boyd
23rd January 2021, 00:42
BBC News channel aired an interview with two Texans a couple of days ago. Armed to the hilt and taking pot shots at their haystack - until it caught fire. Didn't see the shot that caused the damage but they looked dumb enough to be using tracer. Each might have been his own grandpa or possibly related to Bobby Joe and Jenny Sue. Their solution to Biden in the White House - Texas should exercise its democratic right to leave the Union. Can we expect Brexit to be replaced by Texit in the headlines?

Meanwhile this side of the pond after a few days of exceptional rain, parts of North Wales and Northern England have the unwelcome distraction of floods to take their mind off Covid. Then things went back to normal when they announced that the UK variant is 30% more deadly than the original strain on top of spreading faster.

23rd January 2021, 18:39
We've always had wingnuts and kooks in this country. But what's really shocked me is just how many of them there are now. I'm serious. I've been taken aback by how many QAnon followers, false prophets and the like are slithering around these days, trying to pass off their nonsensical conspiracy theories, fanciful dreams and violent wishes as prophesy.

Yeah Steve, I can certainly relate to your amazement when you saw those two yahoos playing toy soldiers and setting their haystack on fire. I'm guessing they had their little dolled-up AR15s and probably were using tracer ammo. Pity they didn't head to D.C. this week. But with their compatriots getting arrested and losing their jobs now, seems that the pee and vinegar is running out.

As with all major political parties, I see them both as opposite sides of the same corrupt coin. So I'm not (and never have been) a Democrat or a Republican. But with the Republican party increasingly drifting toward (or being taken over by) some sort of paranoid schizophrenic nationalist position, I find it both sad and frightening. :uhoh:

And you're right, these new strains of Covid are putting a damper on our hopes that the proven vaccines will get us out of this mess sooner than later. Let's just hope that enough people will get vaccinated that we can contain the spread of the original, and the variants won't have as much of an opportunity to spread and replicate.

23rd January 2021, 19:37
Here in snowy Canada , we do have a few nutbars who don't believe in COVID , and thus I am forced to confront them about once a week or so .

In our little independent convenience store here , I often see idiots un-masked . When they wouldn't dare trying to enter the bigger grocery store down the street without that mask , they still walk into my friend David's store , seemingly because they know he will still serve them .
Whether they know that's because he feels that , even though he and his family are put at serious risk , he cannot afford to lose any business right now , is not clear , but pretty likely .

They must be close to reaching herd immunity in the bubba militia that stormed the capital , because I've heard 19 of the capital police force have tested positive .
I'll have to go find my old faux Viking horns if they're coming back into style . It makes it cold when driving though , as you need both front windows open .

30th January 2021, 16:43
I know exactly where you're coming from, Bagwan. I've been working on my temperament over the years. But sometimes, it's hard. Punks, rednecks and knuckleheads tempt even the "reformed" to get aggressive. Not wearing a mask in the grocery store, when you're young and there's no reason for you not to follow the posted sign on the door (assuming these people can read)? Ah... well, if I slam into your buggy, it was just an accident. Best that you believe that and just walk on. Or, you can make something of it and we'll have a "chat". I turn away from people who refuse to wear masks when they know they're supposed to - so sometimes I don't realize their buggy is in front of mine. ;)

If a person doesn't care about their own health, or they subscribe to the various Qanon/false prophet/fake Christian conspiracy theories about the virus not being real (when I've had relatives, friends and acquaintances die from it), I'm OK with them coughing up a lung. I know that I shouldn't feel that way. But stupid, backward people just get on my nerves. So I know exactly how you feel.

Steve Boyd
31st January 2021, 00:17
Stupidity is a pandemic that's been going a lot longer than Covid and will still be with us after Covid has (hopefully) faded away. I just wish somebody was working on a vaccine for it.

I'll bet the footballer who's hairdresser posted a selfie while cutting his hair agaist UK Covid social restrictions wished there was a vaccine for it too.

6th February 2021, 16:47
Stupidity is a pandemic that's been going a lot longer than Covid and will still be with us after Covid has (hopefully) faded away. I just wish somebody was working on a vaccine for it.

I could not agree more. What's worse, the stupid virus seems to be replicating and spreading at a faster rate than even Covid.

I've recently become sadly amazed at the vast number of people in this country (and around the world) who willingly follow these conspiracy theory/QAnon types and false/fake prophets. I believe the latest "prophesy" is for March 4th to be the day when the Great Orange Pumpkinhead will be (re)inaugurated - only because that used to be the day for presidential inaugurations prior to 1933. And have you heard? The U.S. ceased being a republic in 1871 and became a corporation at that time. So when the military takes over on March 4th, that'll be the legitimate restoration of our republic.

Yes, there are tens, if not hundreds of thousands of Americans who truly believe this fantasy. They've even managed to get one (if not more) of their own elected to a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. I'm sure that social media has some good uses. But increasingly, it's being used by whackado types, with unclean spirits, to spread their moronic beliefs and recruit others, with weak minds, into their ranks.