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14th January 2021, 10:41
The plans are for the Rovaniemi round to be driven as a three-day event: the action starts on Friday 26 February with a shakedown in the morning, and the first special stages of the rally proper will be driven on Friday evening. The competition continues on Saturday 27 February with three stages that will all be driven twice in and around the Rovaniemi area.

The Arctic Rally Finland Powered by CapitalBox ends on Sunday 28 February with the rally-closing Power Stage taking place in the afternoon. To sum up, the Rovaniemi WRC round driven at the end of February will feature ten special stages and the total distance of approximately 260 special stage kilometres.

The average stage length is 26 km, a bit different to today's rallies. The itinerary uses the short format familiar from Turkey and Estonia 2020.

14th January 2021, 11:43
Fantastic to see a winter rally added. I would imagine the chances of having spectators at this event are ZERO tho.

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14th January 2021, 12:51
Big question now - are the spectators allowed to the stages or not? It`s tottaly up to organiser as I understand.
Arctic runs without spectators but WRC event might have different approach.

14th January 2021, 13:01
Big question now - are the spectators allowed to the stages or not? It`s tottaly up to organiser as I understand.
Arctic runs without spectators but WRC event might have different approach.

It's up to the organizer but they make decisions based on what the state allows. If public gatherings of certain number of people are not allowed, then no spectators.

14th January 2021, 13:06
Fingers crossed - got a hotel booking in Rovaniemi for quite a while now.

14th January 2021, 13:08
Can you go to Finland from Sweden having got a negative Covid-test within 24h?

14th January 2021, 13:16

in here they say that they cannot allow spectators...

14th January 2021, 13:27
Ahh, what a shame.

Tom K
14th January 2021, 13:32
Strange that in announcement they told "if" and for newspaper it's "no spectators".

Extra special attention will be paid to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) responsibility practices, and the organisers will strictly adhere to all the COVID-19 guidelines issued by the state, the local authorities as well as the FIA. If organising public events is not allowed, the Arctic Rally Finland organiser will not sell tickets to the event or set up any spectator areas by Riku Bitter.

14th January 2021, 13:43
Strange that in announcement they told "if" and for newspaper it's "no spectators".

Extra special attention will be paid to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) responsibility practices, and the organisers will strictly adhere to all the COVID-19 guidelines issued by the state, the local authorities as well as the FIA. If organising public events is not allowed, the Arctic Rally Finland organiser will not sell tickets to the event or set up any spectator areas by Riku Bitter.

And it's the same Riku Bitter telling Iltalehti that "we cannot sell tickets" and the editor has written that COVID prevents people from spectating the event.

14th January 2021, 15:49

Just a speculation.

Let`s say if I happen to be in Rovaniemi and find a forest road leading to SS, what will happen? Are the access roads totally blocked?

Been on several rallyes in Finland during last decades but never in Lapland.

14th January 2021, 15:56
If there is no spectators allowed, please do not go. Sad to say, as I would like to go myself, but no means no.

Allez Andruet
14th January 2021, 16:07
A true friend of WRC stays home.

14th January 2021, 16:33

Just a speculation.

Let`s say if I happen to be in Rovaniemi and find a forest road leading to SS, what will happen? Are the access roads totally blocked?

Been on several rallyes in Finland during last decades but never in Lapland.

At least the national Arctic Rally closes access roads (there aren’t many)

14th January 2021, 17:19
Ok, understood.
Sad, the last real winter rally with lots of snow was quite a few years ago.

14th January 2021, 19:31
There are proper snow-banks and no spectators. If you are getting stuck in snow, you are your own.

And I think there may be reason actually to rescue some crew from this situation due to really low temperatures. I think they don't wear and carry proper winter clothes in their cars.

14th January 2021, 19:33
you really would want to go and stand outside with -30 degrees? :D

14th January 2021, 19:42
There are proper snow-banks and no spectators. If you are getting stuck in snow, you are your own.

And I think there may be reason actually to rescue some crew from this situation due to really low temperatures. I think they don't wear and carry proper winter clothes in their cars.

I remember when Ogier crashed in Sweden 2019, he didn’t have his jacket with him to cut down all weight.

14th January 2021, 19:50
they do everything to save weight. In "Tänak The Movie - series" (the left out material) they showed how Martin was emptying the camel bags by sucking all the fluid out before PS stage.

14th January 2021, 19:54
you really would want to go and stand outside with -30 degrees? :DAbsolutely..... Actually couldn't imagine anything better. Fire, bbq and wrc cars in full proper winter conditions

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Allez Andruet
14th January 2021, 20:38
Absolutely..... Actually couldn't imagine anything better. Fire, bbq and wrc cars in full proper winter conditions

The BBQ options are somewhat limited with campfire in -30 degrees. Luckily we have, or would have in this case, this thing called rallimakkara which is just as enjoyable cold or warm.

14th January 2021, 22:32
Ok, understood.
Sad, the last real winter rally with lots of snow was quite a few years ago.

Sweden 2018

15th January 2021, 06:37
Sweden 2018

But even that was quite warm and slushy. It will be different in very cold conditions with hard road base, high snow banks and powder snow.

Details of the route were told in KSML newspaper today

- Friday: 30 km Sarriojärvi
- Saturday: Jyrhämäjärvi, Kaihuavaara and Siikakämä, all twice
- Sunday: Aittajärvi twice

That makes only nine stages so maybe a single run for Sunday or Friday in addition. And all the roads which feature in the national event, are run in the opposite direction so local drivers can still enter the WRC event.

15th January 2021, 09:25
But even that was quite warm and slushy. It will be different in very cold conditions with hard road base, high snow banks and powder snow.

Details of the route were told in KSML newspaper today

- Friday: 30 km Sarriojärvi
- Saturday: Jyrhämäjärvi, Kaihuavaara and Siikakämä, all twice
- Sunday: Aittajärvi twice

That makes only nine stages so maybe a single run for Sunday or Friday in addition. And all the roads which feature in the national event, are run in the opposite direction so local drivers can still enter the WRC event.

I don't remember any slush? Much nicer to watch when it stays close to 0 and you can see the cars from behind also. Lower than -10-15c and you get this ice dust hanging in the air forever and LCD screen starts to lag for me. https://youtu.be/qIsoAPZRcZg

15th January 2021, 09:38
I don't remember any slush? Much nicer to watch when it stays close to 0 and you can see the cars from behind also. Lower than -10-15c and you get this ice dust hanging in the air forever and LCD screen starts to lag for me. https://youtu.be/qIsoAPZRcZg

Hehe, you always think about stages and routes only through making videos ;)

I admit I was wrong about the slush in 2018, I mixed it up with 2019. But, in 2018 it was still relatively warm and the heavy snowfall made it difficult for the first cars to pass through. Rememer how Ogier and Tänak cursed at the stage end interviews?

15th January 2021, 09:48
Yes, forgot Sweden already. Lots of snow and around -20C. But was it 2018 or 2017?

15th January 2021, 09:51
You can watch a live stream from the national Arctic Rally


Hänninen about to start the first stage

15th January 2021, 10:49
first video from national Arctic Rally - unreal winter!!

15th January 2021, 17:07
There are proper snow-banks and no spectators. If you are getting stuck in snow, you are your own.

And I think there may be reason actually to rescue some crew from this situation due to really low temperatures. I think they don't wear and carry proper winter clothes in their cars.

Finnish Championship winter events have mandatory winter clothes and shovel for every competitor.

15th January 2021, 22:30
Hehe, you always think about stages and routes only through making videos ;)

I admit I was wrong about the slush in 2018, I mixed it up with 2019. But, in 2018 it was still relatively warm and the heavy snowfall made it difficult for the first cars to pass through. Rememer how Ogier and Tänak cursed at the stage end interviews?

Maybe and I'm annoyed i will miss most of the last two years with these cars.
-30 was one of the reasons Rally Norway lost so much money in 2009 because of less spectators than in 07, you don't bring the kids out when It's that cold normally.

I remember because they only had time to clear parts of Röjden in 18 but it wasn't + degrees then. The first year with the wide tyres in 2011 was horrible in some stages when it was snowing, so It's much cooler to watch when there has been less snow on the road.

Don't know how cold it was last year in Artic but It's not so nice when you can't see more than 50m.

16th January 2021, 08:19
Finnish Championship winter events have mandatory winter clothes and shovel for every competitor.

+ fire making kit also mandatory (woods you are allowed to take from nature after your exit)

16th January 2021, 14:17
Hänninen Juho - Teiskonen Miika
"Good test, the job is done. It's easier for others to start their pre-event test. We were testing new tyres and some new parts on the car."

Good advantage for Toyota..

16th January 2021, 16:33
Rememer how Ogier and Tänak cursed at the stage end interviews?

I remember complaining about that, and complaining about ice-dust the years where there was no fresh snow on the road, and complaining about a lack of snow/snowbanks.

Actually, I seem to remember complaining regardless of conditions and temperatures. "Fun" though, the area where Rally Sweden 2021 was supposed to be run have between 30 and 70cm of snow-depth atm. It could potentially been a pretty solid winter rally :/

16th January 2021, 18:43
I remember complaining about that, and complaining about ice-dust the years where there was no fresh snow on the road, and complaining about a lack of snow/snowbanks.

Actually, I seem to remember complaining regardless of conditions and temperatures. "Fun" though, the area where Rally Sweden 2021 was supposed to be run have between 30 and 70cm of snow-depth atm. It could potentially been a pretty solid winter rally :/

The drivers will always complain about any conditions.

16th January 2021, 19:16
Not this. I witnessed when Ogier and Tänak came through , pulling the snow, doing the job of road service they never got. Quite a shame for organisers.

18th January 2021, 08:57
Rumoredly Tuohino wants to drive this rally with his own Fiesta WRC


18th January 2021, 10:51
Not this. I witnessed when Ogier and Tänak came through , pulling the snow, doing the job of road service they never got. Quite a shame for organisers.

Pretty stupid comment this.

Since we now have Monte coming up should we run a snow plough right before first cars when there is fresh snow? Most people would say no.
Ok should we run it 2 hours before? Evening before? What if it snows again? Salt the road?

(Note that in Monza short while ago they plowed all stages during the night before Saturday and it got some whining here, then they cancelled SS12 when it got 5-10 cm fresh snow on the top and that got massive whining here how it's not a rally any more...)

Now where do you draw the line? Most people would agree that if the road is undrivable for normal cars it should be plowed. But that is almost never the case and wasn't in Sweden 2018 either. The whining was that on some stages there were 5-10 cm of fresh snow instead of say 2-4 cm which is quite normal.

I don't remember the exact details in Sweden 2018 but the problem was that the snow came on the night before and the (last) snow plough drove at midnight or so. Since the first runs were 8-9 in the morning that means you'd need snow plough something like 5-6 in the morning. Also on the stage where drivers complained most, half of the stage was in Norway and the other (less plowed) in Sweden. I guess they couldn't use same plough over the border.

Sure it's still a competition and you want comparable conditions, but it's a rally. Do you want to introduce sweepers for gravel rallies as well?

18th January 2021, 11:15
In Sweden 2018 the issue was that the last road of the stage was left unplowed. In generally roads are plowed for rallying. If they are not, the first cars have to do it and it's not competitionally interesting. Remember this stage in Monte 2018? Breen was first on the road and lost 3:25. And Andrea Nucita on an RGT car was fourth. https://www.ewrc-results.com/results/42870-rallye-automobile-de-monte-carlo-2018/?s=154131 Hardly comparable to sweeping in gravel rallies.

18th January 2021, 12:05
Pretty stupid comment this.

Pretty stupid to compare snow an gravel rallies.

It wasn`t supid or fun for Tänak and Ogier, who criticised the organisers taking them away the chanche to fight for win, having 20+ centimeters fresh snow on the roads.

18th January 2021, 12:20
I checked the driver quotes from Sweden 2018, and in fact it was the historic rally run between the two runs that caused even more trouble than the unplowed 6 km at the end of Röjden. But in general, the conditions that year were tough for the first cars on the road.

EDIT: I also checked that the weather during the rally was between -1 and -3 C. That makes the snow heavier than in colder weather.

18th January 2021, 12:43
Historic caused problems also, but I remember Tänak and Ogier having pretty strong words towards the organisers for the unplowed roads. I happened to be on this section and this was far from rallying.

18th January 2021, 13:25
Stupidest comment... comparing unblowed 20cm of snow and gravel rallies.:laugh:

18th January 2021, 14:56
However the stage was unplowed even after Ott and Seb, wasn´t it?

Fast Eddie WRC
18th January 2021, 15:06
This issue lead to Ogier eventually dropping his starting position after losing so much time due to snow-ploughing.

This has since lead to all sorts of road position tactics.

18th January 2021, 15:14
However the stage was unplowed even after Ott and Seb, wasn´t it?

Latvala mentioned it as well in his comments as third car. Obviously every car cleared the road bit by bit.

18th January 2021, 15:16
This issue lead to Ogier eventually dropping his starting position after losing so much time due to snow-ploughing.

This has since lead to all sorts of road position tactics.

Only on the power stage, and it helped him get points. Ogier then did some other tactics in 2019 when restarting in slushy conditions. This was only to help his teammate Lappi.

18th January 2021, 15:48
Stupidest comment... comparing unblowed 20cm of snow and gravel rallies.:laugh:

6 km less plowed road with 5-10 cms... with these increases we will soon end up to 2 meters of snow and car tunneling trough.

On gravel rallies 50 km of cleaning 1-2 cm gravel is standard. Get some perspective.

Yes drivers complain almost all the time. Haven't heard anyone blaming organizers on gravel rallies for it though, just FIA for starting order.

In Sweden 2018 the issue was that the last road of the stage was left unplowed. In generally roads are plowed for rallying. If they are not, the first cars have to do it and it's not competitionally interesting. Remember this stage in Monte 2018? Breen was first on the road and lost 3:25. And Andrea Nucita on an RGT car was fourth. https://www.ewrc-results.com/results/42870-rallye-automobile-de-monte-carlo-2018/?s=154131 Hardly comparable to sweeping in gravel rallies.

Roads are almost never not plowed for rallying 1-2 hours before the stage start and in that period it can snow a lot. Gravel doesn't fall down from the sky unexpectedly....

In Monte 2018 it was also turning warm so for later cars the snow both got cleaned and melted (same in Monza SS11).

Imo it's anything but competitionally uniteresting, it's rallying, conditions change. As long as it's "reasonably" safe it is how it should be. Sometimes you gain on it, sometimes you loose. (in Sweden when it is warm earlier drivers can gain before the ice breaks up for example)

18th January 2021, 16:37
Remember 1996 (?) Tommi protested by stopping before finish on a stage, bcs he had to plow. He was furious over Kenneth Eriksson was second on stage... Smth like that.

Think Tommi was fined for that protest, and upset reporters in Swedish Television.

There always has and also will be issues with starting first in winthery conditions... However Asunmaa and Oliver handled it well last weekend.

18th January 2021, 16:58
Remember 1996 (?) Tommi protested by stopping before finish on a stage, bcs he had to plow. He was furious over Kenneth Eriksson was second on stage... Smth like that.

Think Tommi was fined for that protest, and upset reporters in Swedish Television.

No, Mitsubishi had 1-2 at the end of Saturday and they made a team order to freeze competition. Eriksson was leading so he was allowed to win. On the last day Tommi still kept pushing and got the lead back, but made his "protest" at the end of the last stage.

18th January 2021, 17:12
6 km less plowed road with 5-10 cms... with these increases we will soon end up to 2 meters of snow and car tunneling trough.

On gravel rallies 50 km of cleaning 1-2 cm gravel is standard. Get some perspective.

Yes drivers complain almost all the time. Haven't heard anyone blaming organizers on gravel rallies for it though, just FIA for starting order.

Roads are almost never not plowed for rallying 1-2 hours before the stage start and in that period it can snow a lot. Gravel doesn't fall down from the sky unexpectedly....

In Monte 2018 it was also turning warm so for later cars the snow both got cleaned and melted (same in Monza SS11).

Imo it's anything but competitionally uniteresting, it's rallying, conditions change. As long as it's "reasonably" safe it is how it should be. Sometimes you gain on it, sometimes you loose. (in Sweden when it is warm earlier drivers can gain before the ice breaks up for example)

mknight I usually like your posts, but now I can't agree...gravel sweeping is not same as an unexceptional snowfall or road plowing mistake. And you can't say no one has ever complained about having to sweep on a gravel rally! And no one has lost 3 minutes on one day due to gravel sweeping, like Breen did on that one stage. However, there's also benefits to being first on the road on a gravel rally, like not having dust or rocks pulled onto the road. And if it is raining, you might have the best position after all. Finally, sudden snowfall can also benefit first starters like in Monte 2017 power stage when the first cars drove a dry stage and the last cars a snow stage. Do I remember correctly that Monza SS11 was stopped for a while, giving Scandola some extra time for the weather to dry?

18th January 2021, 17:24
You can also look at the Sweden 2018 stage where the plowing error was made https://www.ewrc-results.com/results/42875-rally-sweden-2018/?s=161821

Ogier was first on the road, losing 22s
Tänak was second, losing 18s
Latvala was third, losing 7s
all the rest of the drivers were within 4 s, except Meeke who had hit something hidden by the snow.

Meanwhile, Tänak had won SS2 second on the road and Ogier lost only 12 seconds, being actually faster than Meeke and Evans.

Then on the second run after the historic cars Ogier started loosing half a minute per stage.

19th January 2021, 05:48
Drivers will always complain when the conditions are not in their favor.

Before the first car you have the 0, the 00, the 000, the SC and i don't even know how many other cars.
By the time the first rallying car arrives the worst is already gone. Sure, it will get better from there so it still isn't equal, but as long as we can't have all drivers starting at the same time that can't be avoided.

24th January 2021, 08:13
very interesting talk about the driving style for this rally from Aava and our own rally legend Murakas.

they both have been there and said the finns should have very big advantage, they said its basically like Ogier is from Gap and knows MOnte. The roads are very narrow and you cant set your car into "position" before the corners because the snow walls are so hard with this cold that if you do so and the rear hits the wall, then the car just goes straight.

Also the "snowfog" is very bad, they said its worse than regular fog and with lights its just shines againt you and you cant see anything.

24th January 2021, 09:20
very interesting talk about the driving style for this rally from Aava and our own rally legend Murakas.

they both have been there and said the finns should have very big advantage, they said its basically like Ogier is from Gap and knows MOnte. The roads are very narrow and you cant set your car into "position" before the corners because the snow walls are so hard with this cold that if you do so and the rear hits the wall, then the car just goes straight.

Also the "snowfog" is very bad, they said its worse than regular fog and with lights its just shines againt you and you cant see anything.

Interesting fact is that Katsuta has most experience of current WRC drivers.

24th January 2021, 16:24
Τhierry Neuville says his new co-driver Martijn Wydaeghe will remain alongside him for Arctic Rally Finland, after marking their first World Rally Championship start together with a podium on the Monte Carlo Rally.


24th January 2021, 20:21
Bulacia confirmed on his social media he will be at the start.

24th January 2021, 20:27
Bulacia confirmed on his social media he will be at the start.

Also Mikkelsen will be there. Toksport changed their plans, because it was not originally on their program...

24th January 2021, 21:15
Has there any offical announcements regarding spectators? I know previously was quoted on finnish website saying no spectators but anything offical from organiser's?

Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk

24th January 2021, 21:48
Also Mikkelsen will be there. Toksport changed their plans, because it was not originally on their program...

He said so on the press conference yes.

That will be quite a challenge imo, Huttunen (if he starts) and Solberg will have lots of advantages there.

Mikkelsen has not driven snow rally in since 2019 and last time he drove snow rally in non-WRC car was 8!!! years ago. (S2000 Fabia on Arctic).

Will surely need some real testing.

25th January 2021, 07:48
very interesting talk about the driving style for this rally from Aava and our own rally legend Murakas.

they both have been there and said the finns should have very big advantage, they said its basically like Ogier is from Gap and knows MOnte. The roads are very narrow and you cant set your car into "position" before the corners because the snow walls are so hard with this cold that if you do so and the rear hits the wall, then the car just goes straight.

Also the "snowfog" is very bad, they said its worse than regular fog and with lights its just shines againt you and you cant see anything.

Roads will be mix between wide and narrow, narrow ones like you said, like in the tunnel, need to be smooth and precise.
Snow dust might be an issue if it will be very cold, but I think with limited amount of entries organizer is preparing for 3min gaps for top cars, so that should be solved generally.

25th January 2021, 07:52
He said so on the press conference yes.

That will be quite a challenge imo, Huttunen (if he starts) and Solberg will have lots of advantages there.

Mikkelsen has not driven snow rally in since 2019 and last time he drove snow rally in non-WRC car was 8!!! years ago. (S2000 Fabia on Arctic).

Will surely need some real testing.

I'd say Huttunen will not have advantage in Arctic as he has done the event only once, in 2015 with R2 car. And he has not so much snow event experience.

25th January 2021, 07:58
He drove Rally Sweden the last few years and won in last year in I20.

25th January 2021, 08:52
He drove Rally Sweden the last few years and won in last year in I20.

And these are his only snow starts on a 4WD, and only snow starts since feb 2017

For example Rovanperä and Lindholm have much more snow experience

25th January 2021, 10:35
He drove Rally Sweden the last few years and won in last year in I20.

I don't reckon Sweden 2020 as a snow rally😬. Or let's put it in this way: the drivers who did Sweden 2020 don't have any advantage on snowy Arctic 2021 stages. Conditions and roads are totally different + new Pirelli tyres now!

25th January 2021, 10:57
And these are his only snow starts on a 4WD, and only snow starts since feb 2017

For example Rovanperä and Lindholm have much more snow experience

If we speak only Rally2 category drivers Lindholm has good snow experience but he has to change to new tyres. Dark horse on that category will be Teemu Asunmaa who has been developing Pirelli's since last winter.

26th January 2021, 10:30
No spectators to WRC Arctic Rally https://www.ksml.fi/urheilu/3421352

27th January 2021, 10:59
27.1.2021 10:02
AKK Sports, the organizer of Arctic Rally Finland Powered by CapitalBox is happy to provide the first information and deadlines about the FIA World Rally Championship event organized in Rovaniemi from 26th to 28th of February.

Due to the COVID situation, the national protocols and restrictions applied by the government, the event will be run without spectators.

The Publication of the Supplementary Regulations is planned for Monday 1st of February

The closing date of entries will be Monday 8th of February at 18:00

The Rally Guide will be published between the 8th and 10th of February (This information will be confirmed)

The Administrative checks will be organized on Tuesday 23rd of February

The Recce are scheduled on Wednesday 24th and Thursday 25th of February

The Scrutineering will be organized on Thursday 25th of February

Arctic Rally Finland Powered by CapitalBox will be run as a three-day event starting on Friday 26th of February with a shakedown in the morning, and the first special stages of the rally will be driven on Friday evening. The competition continues on Saturday 27th of February with three stages that will all be driven twice in and around the Rovaniemi area.

It will finish on Sunday 28th of February with the rally-closing Power Stage taking place in the afternoon.

The COVID-19 protocols for the teams and medias will be communicated as soon as possible. The organizer is working closely with the Finnish Government, the promotor and the City of Rovaniemi to finalize the guidance and protocols that will be applied to the event.


27th January 2021, 22:00
https://www.foreca.fi/Finland/Rovaniemi/map/lumensyvyys 43cm snow now in Rovaniemi and over 50cm in saturday stages 👍😊

29th January 2021, 05:40
Since next Finnish Championship rally was/is postponed only week after WRC Arctic there will be less local entries
(people have day jobs, way less than week to fully service car)

There could be National classes also, that´s why clerk Kai Tarkiainen asked drivers to send email to him.
Organization wanted to hear what kind of machinery is willing to come and could make classes for those.

29th January 2021, 06:00
Finland set so strict covid-rules, will this rally actually take place?

29th January 2021, 06:12
Please don’t start

France was strict too...

29th January 2021, 06:20
I can't remember the source anymore but I recall reading yesterday or two days ago that they will get the final confirmation from the local authorities next week.

29th January 2021, 06:46
I believe they will make some invitations or similar for foreign people to allow to come for the rally, like it was on some events last year or on Monte.
National classes won't be allowed to participate.

29th January 2021, 15:14
What's the supposed difference in term of roads between Sweden and Arctic Rally? I've read about bigger, harder snowbanks, but what about the roads... tighter, faster?

29th January 2021, 15:58
What's the supposed difference in term of roads between Sweden and Arctic Rally? I've read about bigger, harder snowbanks, but what about the roads... tighter, faster?

There were more snow down here than in Rovaniemi for the first event this winter at least.
Faster but i feel like they are a bit bland to be honest, not a lot of special places if you know what i mean.
Maybe i will change my mind after the WRC event.

Lima in Sweden right now

29th January 2021, 16:01
From what I've seen the Arctic Rally stages are quite angular, there are long straights and then sudden 90° corners. No jumps like in summer Rally Finland. And you might go in the forest for 30 kilometres without any change in landscape (in summer Rally Finland you have always houses and fields among the stages). The challenge of Arctic Rally has typically been the cold weather, amount of snow and the long stages in complete desert.

29th January 2021, 16:32
There are many fast corners and also corner combinations.
No jumps but many crests.
Not many reference points so pacenotes are the key.

29th January 2021, 17:32
This year WRC come very interesting

giù tutto!
30th January 2021, 10:42
Compering to the stages of Rally Sweden, the stages of Arctic Rally are not so technical and twisty.

Stages of the Arctic Rally are completely different compering to Rally Finland stages around the Jyväskylä. All in all, the roads are fast and easier to the co-driver for example, than the stages like Päijälä, Kakaristo and other classics from the gravel rollercoaster of the Central Finland. But it’s not that simple, there is more than meets the eye. There is a one big but: every year you have to do brand new pace notes, if you want to fight for the podium places. You can’t use the old pace notes, because the exact shape of the corners can change a lot depending how much there is snow and how the snowplow driver have done the job. Compering the Arctic Rally and the WRC Arctic Rally Finland there is a big difference in the recce also; In the FRC Arctic Rally there are no restrictions how many times you can drive through the stage during the recce, but in the WRC event it can be done only twice. That makes a really big difference. Like br21 wrote, the pace notes are the key to the success.

There are plenty of fast sections when you’re coming max speed over many crests and fast corners and suddenly there is very tight corner waiting for the victim of poor pace note. There are plenty of exactly the same looking places which can have completely different kind of corner behind the next one. And almost every time after the tight corner there can be a long straight, so the exit speed means a lot. In the Arctic Rally it's a difficult to drive by your eye or memory, because the speed is so high there is no room for mistakes. And like I wrote earlier; a same road can be very different compering to the previous years. If the snowbanks are high there is one thing to remember especially on the narrow roads; when you block the stage by rolling the car on the road or get stuck between the snowbanks, it is very important to get the warning about it as soon as possible. For the next car there is no possibility to avoid the crash without warning on the fast sections, because the next driver can't turn the car away from the road due to the high snowbanks.

Snowbanks are their own chapter. They can be your friend or foe. Ok, they can save you sometimes by keeping your car on the road, if they are hard enough. If they are not hard enough, they can suck your car in to the snowbank faster than you can understand. If the car is stuck on the snowbank, you have to dig all the snow away from under the car at first. Then you can get the tires to touch the ground and get the grip. Army style field shovel is the best tool for that. Normal snow shovel is too big to use under the car. The best solution is to have a normal snow shovel and a military field shovel in the Rally car, then both the driver and the co-driver can dig out the car from the snowbank. It is very important to remember, that every time a car hits a snowbank, you lose time. Especially when you try to maximize your exit speed before a long straight.

One thing has always been nasty in the Arctic Rally: snow dust. If there is no wind at all, it can stay in the air for a very long time. It depends about the temperature and humidity, which is different at the end of February compering to the normal timing of the Arctic Rally, I hope. If there is a threat of snow dust the organizer must have gap of at least 3 minutes between the cars, maybe even more.

Lapland is the reindeer husbandry area also. Those animals normally are moving freely in the area. Before the Arctic Rally the reindeer herders try to collect them away from the area of stages, but there are always couple of rebellion reindeers who wants to go their own paths. And if there is plenty of snow, the reindeers are using roads more than normally which is easy to understand. No one wants to stand in the snow up to their balls, not a man nor a reindeer.

As can be seen there are a few variable factors that made the Arctic Rally Finland as a unique winter event as the World Rally Championship series truly needs.

Fingers crossed and thumbs up for that the event will get the permission from the Finnish authorities. That should be known during the next week.

30th January 2021, 14:51

This article says Tänak could have a good starting position following his Monte retirement.

My impression is that the road base won't change much so there's no difference between starting positions, assuming there is no fresh snow (which means the first car does a bit of plowing) or snow dust (which means the first car gets the best visibility).

It will also be interesting to see what happens when someone goes into the snowbank and others can't pass. Hopefully we don't get all stages red flagged.

30th January 2021, 15:25

This article says Tänak could have a good starting position following his Monte retirement.

My impression is that the road base won't change much so there's no difference between starting positions, assuming there is no fresh snow (which means the first car does a bit of plowing) or snow dust (which means the first car gets the best visibility).

It will also be interesting to see what happens when someone goes into the snowbank and others can't pass. Hopefully we don't get all stages red flagged.

I'd say the risk of having red flag for that reason is quite big in Arctic.

31st January 2021, 14:27
rumors about bertelli with his fiesta.

could be a big battle with gus :D

31st January 2021, 14:42
I heard that Suninen confirmed his entry on Twitch(?)

31st January 2021, 14:58
I heard that Suninen confirmed his entry on Twitch(?)

twitch could be a real deal for wrc+

1st February 2021, 06:03
Tänak has a huge advantage too, has been there and with Pirellis! (joking of course)


1st February 2021, 06:12
twitch could be a real deal for wrc+

What does it have to offer that Face and Twitter does not?

1st February 2021, 06:18
Tänak knows what to expect.
Should be fastest Hyundai but we will see is that enough for win...

1st February 2021, 10:58
What does it have to offer that Face and Twitter does not?

Less people watching copyright?

Tom K
1st February 2021, 18:44
SR published

https://arcticrallyfinland.fi/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/ARF_2021_SupplementaryRegulations_20210201_hf_fina l-1.pdf

Quite interesting Friday. 2x 31 km stage.

1st February 2021, 19:36
What does it have to offer that Face and Twitter does not?

people under 30 doesn't use facebook nor twitter anymore.

also, twitch is nowadays the standard for live streaming content and "the place" to talk about videogames and sports, and a great audience for entertainment in general (look at how many big artist had live concert on it during lockdown).

Three things that are valuable fans basins imho. (youngster, gamers, sports-fans)

Crazy J
2nd February 2021, 07:48
Some familiar SS names from original Richard Burns Rally game, but not sure if in the game SS were build based to real road data or not, has anyone made comparison?

2nd February 2021, 08:21
Winter rally

11.3 Drivers’ Safety Equipment...
"Each car must carry two snow shovels, a tow rope and warm clothes, hats, mittens and shoes for driver and co-driver. In case of an accident with a reindeer, the police must immediately be informed at tel. 112."

2nd February 2021, 09:09
Stage descriptions by the organizers


SS3/6 goes over a frozen swamp and onto a practice track (probably these routes https://www.rally-maps.com/Snow-Rally-Rings-2019). Otherwise they are familiar from the national Arctic Rally. Last night I watched onboards of Siikakämä and Aittajärvi, they are so fast stages...

2nd February 2021, 09:10
Winter rally

11.3 Drivers’ Safety Equipment...
"Each car must carry two snow shovels, a tow rope and warm clothes, hats, mittens and shoes for driver and co-driver. In case of an accident with a reindeer, the police must immediately be informed at tel. 112."

Ten years ago you had to have some logs in the car to be able make a fire to keep you warm if you had to retire. You also had to have a knife in the car to end the misery of a reindeer in case it was still suffering :)

2nd February 2021, 10:17
Ten years ago you had to have some logs in the car to be able make a fire to keep you warm if you had to retire. You also had to have a knife in the car to end the misery of a reindeer in case it was still suffering :)
Detailed information about that should come in Rally Guide (according to Suplementary Regulations).

2nd February 2021, 10:24
Some familiar SS names from original Richard Burns Rally game, but not sure if in the game SS were build based to real road data or not, has anyone made comparison?

Yes, they used parts of the real stages put together. Like first km, few km from the middle and then something from the end.

2nd February 2021, 10:38
SR published

https://arcticrallyfinland.fi/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/ARF_2021_SupplementaryRegulations_20210201_hf_fina l-1.pdf

Quite interesting Friday. 2x 31 km stage.

...nice competitors’ relations officers... ;)

2nd February 2021, 11:18
This is how Sarriojärvi stage (SS1/2) looks right now! ��
More info about the #ArcticRallyFinland route right here


Rally Hokkaido
2nd February 2021, 12:59
...nice competitors’ relations officers... ;)

If I retired on stage I would wait for CRO to come to collect my retirement form and then not need to burn any logs ;)

giù tutto!
2nd February 2021, 13:02
Green light from the Finnish authorities!!

https://yle.fi/urheilu/3-11768416 (in Finnish)

Fast Eddie WRC
2nd February 2021, 13:23
Winter rally

11.3 Drivers’ Safety Equipment...
"Each car must carry two snow shovels, a tow rope and warm clothes, hats, mittens and shoes for driver and co-driver. In case of an accident with a reindeer, the police must immediately be informed at tel. 112."

Very remote area plus no fans allowed - sounds like teams should impress on their crews to stay on the road at all costs.

2nd February 2021, 13:47
When you take the winter clothes, boots and showels out of the car you'll stay warm for a couple of hours. No problem 😀

2nd February 2021, 13:53
The Italian media "Rallye Time" assures that Lorenzo Bertelli is one step away from closing his participation in the Finnish event. The Italian would return to the wheel of a rally car after almost two years in dry dock. His last participation took place in the 2019 Rally Chile.


2nd February 2021, 13:57
The Italian media "Rallye Time" assures that Lorenzo Bertelli is one step away from closing his participation in the Finnish event. The Italian would return to the wheel of a rally car after almost two years in dry dock. His last participation took place in the 2019 Rally Chile.


That news reminded me about good ol day's with N.O.T. =)

2nd February 2021, 14:19
That news reminded me about good ol day's with N.O.T. =)

Let´s see if he can hold his hands away... guess he´s allowed to write again. Should´ve done his time. Right adminstrator?

the sniper
2nd February 2021, 15:31
Let´s see if he can hold his hands away... guess he´s allowed to write again. Should´ve done his time. Right adminstrator?

I think he's probably been locked away in a padded cell since the day JML got announced as boss of the Finnish village team!

2nd February 2021, 19:02
The Italian media "Rallye Time" assures that Lorenzo Bertelli is one step away from closing his participation in the Finnish event. The Italian would return to the wheel of a rally car after almost two years in dry dock. His last participation took place in the 2019 Rally Chile.


Interesting to see if Bertelli will manage to drive stage times within the same minute of fastest times.

3rd February 2021, 11:07
Interesting to see if Bertelli will manage to drive stage times within the same minute of fastest times.

Absolutely NO.

3rd February 2021, 17:50
Interesting to see if Bertelli will manage to drive stage times within the same minute of fastest times.

No, shortest stage is over 19km. Will lose more than 3s/km.

Top10 Rally2 cars will drive faster than Lorenzo

3rd February 2021, 18:15
Cmon.. don't forget it's not slow and tricky Monte. Arctic Rally is very fast and WRC's make the most advantage on fast sections vs R5's..

3rd February 2021, 19:01
Bertelli in Sweden 2019


Bottas in Arctic 2019


Surprisingly similar paces compared to the fastest R5’s

3rd February 2021, 22:44
I think he's probably been locked away in a padded cell since the day JML got announced as boss of the Finnish village team!

He liked something about a year or so ago... thought it was his comeback, but nothing since.
Miss him in a way. Arrogant, but kind of knew what he was talking about.

4th February 2021, 08:49
He liked something about a year or so ago... thought it was his comeback, but nothing since.
Miss him in a way. Arrogant, but kind of knew what he was talking about.

I know he reads this forum...

4th February 2021, 09:15
Arrogant, but kind of knew what he was talking about.

50% of time he was totally wrong, sure the other 50% of time he could be totally right, problem was reactions when he was wrong.

Village team of nobodies right....

Fast Eddie WRC
4th February 2021, 13:02
sounds like teams should impress on their crews to stay on the road at all costs.

Pay attention Taka...

4th February 2021, 16:20
Hirvonen has seen Rovanperä's working methods up close

In Finnish, Kalle Rovanperä has the expectation of success. Rovanperä, who finished fourth in the Monte Carlo Rally, which opened the season, immediately took a real leap forward from the previous year, when he drove in the classic race for the first time with WRC equipment.

Compared to other top names, the Finn was still a novice mirrored in experience. In Rovaniemi, the parts change, as Rovanperä won the Rovaniemi Finnish Championship rally in a Toyota WRC car a year back. Other peaks have no similar experience.

- Kalle now has a place to strike. Not reloading too much pressure, but anything is possible. The pace is enough to drive the victory, Hirvonen believes.

Ten special stages with a total length of 251 kilometers will be run in the Rovaniemi World Rally Championship. Immediately on Friday, it is the turn of the special test for more than 30 kilometers of Lake Sarriojärvi twice. On Saturday, it is the turn of a three-speed run twice. Sunday culminates in a stretch of Aittajärvi, the latter draw of which is at the same time the culminating Power Stage of the rally.
Kalle Rovanperä in the Monte Carlo World Rally Championship 2021.
Kalle Rovanperä opened his season excellently, although a flat tire and time fines ruined the opportunity for an even better placement. Hirvonen drove Rovanperä's front car in the race.2021 Getty Images

When Rovanperä drove in Rovaniemi a year ago, in addition to Lake Sarrio and Aittajärvi, the program nominally included Kaihuavaara and Siikakämä on Saturday. Of course, the snippets are not the same for one tism, but Rovanpera is familiar with the roads - at least compared to other top drivers.

- I think Kalle has a note ready for the World Rally Championship. It has the advantage of being able to drive places through the race pace. The magnitude of that advantage cannot yet be assessed. Others are also professional guys to make a note and they try to dig out all the information they can only get from the route, Hirvonen reminds.

Rovanperä can also make sheet music. Hirvonen, who has been driving Rovanperä's front car in asphalt rallies for the last two years, knows this. In Monte Carlo, for example, front cars drove through the route in the morning before racing. Hirvonen's task was to make last-minute observations on Rovanperä's notes about conditions, among other things.

The chariot driver admires Rovanperä's way of describing the road. There is nothing in vain in the young man's note.

- He wants as little stuff in the note as possible. That's good style. It is important for Kalle that there is only one specific word for each circumstance that best describes it. The word itself doesn't matter, because the most important thing is that we both understand what its purpose is, Hirvonen describes.

- Kalle's style is best described by simplicity: a bend is not described in two words, but in one word - be it "ice" or "little ice". We have slowly developed this. That’s where it starts as vocabulary grows.

5th February 2021, 08:17
Oliver S with Hyundai WRC in Arcrtic.

5th February 2021, 08:20
From Face;

Fantastic news https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/tb1/1.5/16/1f929.png so happy to announce I'll be driving the Hyundai i20 Coupe WRC at Arctic Rally Finland
(https://www.facebook.com/Arctic-Rally-Finland-156694606120953/?__cft__[0]=AZU0xs5wKzWzVlAvXrqbS6YK7mVhuzSKPb5Yi1IN3PBTShWDF nXLONyFDuPj-ZuweE8Iz5jQKF-pE5gkYIdUaG_rF68Luj4JpI-0hsNQ3CD0jOq9g5Y4UmQiJb5DbhSafsVKRojdPTDGp5zlJJUWg jXgDjkPD-0yWy_evPrQO3KXSdA0JwGdZRALC5vyuoHfsys&__tn__=kK-R)!! https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/ta8/1.5/16/1f601.pnghttps://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/ta8/1.5/16/1f601.png This really is a dream for me - to be making my debut in a World Rally Car from the World Rally Champions so soon is such an amazing opportunity!

The first thing for me to say is a very big thank you to Hyundai Motorsport
(https://www.facebook.com/HMSGOfficial/?__cft__[0]=AZU0xs5wKzWzVlAvXrqbS6YK7mVhuzSKPb5Yi1IN3PBTShWDF nXLONyFDuPj-ZuweE8Iz5jQKF-pE5gkYIdUaG_rF68Luj4JpI-0hsNQ3CD0jOq9g5Y4UmQiJb5DbhSafsVKRojdPTDGp5zlJJUWg jXgDjkPD-0yWy_evPrQO3KXSdA0JwGdZRALC5vyuoHfsys&__tn__=kK-R), Andrea Adamo, Alain Penasse and everybody for putting their trust in me to drive this rally in the WRC car https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t56/1.5/16/1f64c.png it will be a fantastic experience and I can't wait to get behind the wheel for the first time! https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t33/1.5/16/1f43a.png

Oliver Solberg

5th February 2021, 08:28
So Adamo doesn't hesitate to give opportunity to young gun, let's see what he can make of it. I think it is a little bit too soon but we will see.

5th February 2021, 08:29
So Adamo doesn't hesitate to give opportunity to young gun, let's see what he can make of it. I think it is a little bit too soon but we will see.

Or Solberg has just put in enough money ;)

Don't get me wrong, I think he's ready for trying out on the top level, but it's not just the team giving him an opportunity.

Also interesting that he decided to learn these cars which will be obsolete next year

5th February 2021, 08:34
I would say that in this case it could be more Adamo/Hyundai giving him the seat and less ,,buying'' it..

As he did the rally with i20 r5 some weeks ago and should have useful data and settings for WRC rally with same conditions..

5th February 2021, 08:38
I would say that in this case it could be more Adamo/Hyundai giving him the seat and less ,,buying'' it..

As he did the rally with i20 r5 some weeks ago and should have useful data and settings for WRC rally with same conditions..

The only way he can help Hyundai is by taking off points from Toyotas. Maybe the price for Oliver is different than for any random person, but I doubt it's for free. Or maybe it was like with Veiby, having one WRC drive combined in the WRC2 season deal on a bargain price, and they decided it's best to try out in a snow rally.

5th February 2021, 09:10
Solberg was given the info on this just after Monte.
Adamo just saw an opportunity and acted directly!

5th February 2021, 09:14
Or Solberg has just put in enough money ;)

Don't get me wrong, I think he's ready for trying out on the top level, but it's not just the team giving him an opportunity.

Also interesting that he decided to learn these cars which will be obsolete next year

Insane that's what I thought off when I read this news.

On so many levels, in random order:

- learning old (pre 2022) car why? (imo, lack of active center diff will be biggest change)
- last season car at best, likely not even that (hopefully not the aero-hybrid Loubet had that has never been tested in that config on snow)

- throwing WRC2 title chance (Arctic was his best chance of scoring good points, together with Estonia)
- "throwing" testing experience from running the Arctic rally in January

For what exactly? Showing himself in WRC? So what he would drive it at some point anyway.
He has a contract for 2 years, so why now.

I can't help to think there is something more to this. First three things that come to mind:

- It's Adamo's decision, "to do something", cause he feels he needs to do something after very bad Monte for Hyundai
(both PR-wise but also sports-wise with possibly putting a pressure on one of the Toyota guys). He did this kind of snap decisions before seemingly without thinking of consequences (ex. Loeb going to Portugal in 2019 with different diff he didn't test and with no knowledge of stages)

- It's Adamo's way to put extra PR-pressure on Hyundai, to make them commit to 2022 ("Look we have this coming new great driver and he has a deal with us for next year")

- Solbergs (-team) are not so enthusiastic about the current I20 R5 and want to wait for new one for real WRC2 fight

Most likely it's a combination of the first 2, last one is just a total speculation.
EDIT: Seems like Sulland's post confirms the first idea


Again I am astounded by the hype, now it seems to overdo even Rovanpera-hype levels, especially reading this from D. Evans: https://dirtfish.com/rally/wrc/what-adamo-expects-from-solbergs-rally1-debut/

So far Solberg has won Rally2 in Really Estonia last year and Rally Liepāja that's it. There is a long list of rallies where he has certainly shown signs of speed, but only over a stage or two.

Monte great example. He won two stage out of which only one with a decent time difference. Else he was usually 3-5.
On that one stage that is boasted by Evans the late R5s had better conditions and out of these only 2-3 were pushing and Gryazin (who usually did same times) had a puncture.

No this doesn't mean I think he is bad and certainly doesn't mean that he won't have a great future. But he should really take some time to learn to show stable performances. Btw. running WRC for whole season would also work for that, but not jumping between R5 and "old" WRC

Btw. we have seen this before with Petter. He went to Subaru probably a bit too early and it resulted in at least a year with unnecessary crashes. Problem is this kind of "long term" learning worked in 2002 and also worked for Ogier in 2009-2010, but it needs a "stable" team/team leadership that sticks with the driver during the time it takes to develop. Adamo+Hyundai does not seem to be that kind of team. (see Huttunen).

5th February 2021, 09:18
I think the time is just about very right. Circumstances in all was in Olivers favour. Adamo also had to work fast:

- did what he should in RMC
- was fast(est) (?) RC2 in Arctic.
- young gun with possible option too choose any wheel in WRC'
- already used to those monsters (RX)
- coming Arctic rally best rally for him to start WRC drive...
- Huyndai have to handle their assett.

5th February 2021, 09:23

Monte great example. He won two stage out of which only one with a decent time difference. Else he was usually 3-5.
On that one stage that is boasted by Evans the late R5s had better conditions and out of these only 2-3 were pushing and Gryazin (who usually did same times) had a puncture.

Agree with Adamo thing. He´s an fast acting man.

But Monte talk? He was there for first time, man!

Read once again what you wrote and then think it over.

5th February 2021, 09:27
I think the time is just about very right. Circumstances in all was in Olivers favour. Adamo also had to work fast:

1.- did what he should in RMC
2.- was fast(est) (?) RC2 in Arctic.
3.- young gun with possible option too choose any wheel in WRC'
4.- already used to those monsters (RX)
5.- coming Arctic rally best rally for him to start WRC drive...
6.- Huyndai have to handle their assett.

1. Monte was OK at best
2. Yes, so is there a better way to use that experience than to get good results for WRC2 against more competition?
3. 2 year deal at Hyundai, why would he need to show somehting to anyone right now? (mid-late season better idea)
4. Not much relevance, circuits with slow-mid speed corners and little aero vs high speed corners with lots of aero

5. No argument, did you just write this to have more numbers?
6. Same as above...

5th February 2021, 09:29
But Monte talk? He was there for first time, man!

Read once again what you wrote and then think it over.

He drove Monte last year with Polo.

5th February 2021, 09:41
He drove Monte last year with Polo.

You are right about that. My bad.

But - still not same stages (only a couple) and he did it first time as hired by a factory team. He said, he was there to learn in a new car, and you think he should have won every stage, not happy with thos 3-5 places?

Give him a break and be happy for him is the least I´d would propose.

5th February 2021, 10:31
I dont think we should read more into this than i said.

The Teamboss wants to check out his level on snow in a WRCar, to figure out his current standpoint, and in what areas they need to give more focus and training.

As said by Mknight: - Solbergs (-team) are not so enthusiastic about the current I20 R5 and want to wait for new one for real WRC2 fight.

This was true, they have now gotten to know the car more, and Oliver likes the R5 much more now than in the beginning. Many hours of tests have been done in Sweden.
Lets see if they will be involved in the latter part of testing of the Rally2 car. I would have sent a car with tech support to Solberg HQ for comprehensive testing on loose, and invited them to Germany as soon as weather permits asphalt testing.

Adamo is smart, and know Petters abilities to build easy to drive fast cars. When you have the solbergs inhouse, use the 110% they give you!

5th February 2021, 10:33
Another thing worth considering is that Oliver probably wanted to drive his home event in Sweden with the WRC, and this is Sweden's replacement

5th February 2021, 12:29
The worksdrivers will test here - https://www.ewrc-results.com/entries/69989-otepaa-talveralli-2021/
Maybe Oliver will show up as well now.

5th February 2021, 12:33
Petter Solberg

Oliver Solberg is making his World Rally Car debut at the Arctic Rally in the Hyundai i20 Coupe WRC! ��
Too early? Well, Andrea Adamo called us with the fantastic offer, and reminded me that I made my WRC car debut with only one week notice - and that ended not too badly with 5th at the Safari Rally in 1999 ����
After that I didn't really have anything to say back, it was a fair point! So Oliver has a fantastic opportunity making his full World Rally Car debut later this month - very exciting, and a great learning experience for the future ��

5th February 2021, 12:44
He has nothing to lose. Let the kid have fun in a world rally car.

Fast Eddie WRC
5th February 2021, 12:59
Oliver Solberg:
The only target for me at the Arctic Rally Finland will be to learn and take the experience. I want to come out of every stage understanding the i20 Coupe WRC more and more. At the same time, I do want to see progression with the times, that’s also important for me !

5th February 2021, 15:10
I think the time is just about very right. Circumstances in all was in Olivers favour.

- did what he should in RMC

D N F was his result from MC (off road was the reason)

5th February 2021, 15:43
Only been able to watch Oliver driving a car twice, one test and one rally and now he's already in WRC and i will miss that too :(

5th February 2021, 16:23
As someone who has seen Oliver and Kalle grow up on Latvia’s roads I can’t wait see this duel :)

5th February 2021, 17:43
He has nothing to lose. Let the kid have fun in a world rally car.

That's not really true.
He loses one of his best chances for good WRC2 result.

What does he gain? I'm not so sure. Does he need more publicity? Not really. Does he need to learn an old model of a car that gets replaced at the end of the year?

I think it's at best a distraction at worst a misstep.

5th February 2021, 18:15
That's not really true.
He loses one of his best chances for good WRC2 result.

What does he gain? I'm not so sure. Does he need more publicity? Not really. Does he need to learn an old model of a car that gets replaced at the end of the year?

I think it's at best a distraction at worst a misstep.
He will be in wrc1 anyway. No one cares about good wrc2 result.

5th February 2021, 18:20
He will be in wrc1 anyway. No one cares about good wrc2 result.

But the cars will be different next year

5th February 2021, 18:28
But the cars will be different next year

Who knows. They said Estonia will never have WRC round until Finns are still sober enough to hold their own rally. Now we have 2 rallys in Finland and one in Estonia.

5th February 2021, 18:32
But the cars will be different next year
Have to start getting used to faster cars anyways.. we have whole season ahead and people saying it's pointless for him to drive the top car :D

5th February 2021, 18:33
That's not really true.
He loses one of his best chances for good WRC2 result.

What does he gain? I'm not so sure. Does he need more publicity? Not really. Does he need to learn an old model of a car that gets replaced at the end of the year?

I think it's at best a distraction at worst a misstep.

That's not really true. Oliver was not part of WRC2 on Monte...

5th February 2021, 19:25
He will be in wrc1 anyway. No one cares about good wrc2 result.

He needs to learn to deliver results somewhere. So far the only championship he has won is Latvia national one. Similarly he only won a single ERC rally and a single Rally2 clasification in WRC event.(Latvia ERC round and Estonian WRC). Posting a few good stage times is nice, but many people can do that, Gryazin and Veiby are nearest examples.

Sure he could learn that in WRC(1) too but:
- that's very expensive with the current cars
- it doesn't seem to be the plan now with no future WRC starts announced and R5 car in garage

Note that all of Loeb, Ogier and Rovanpera had won decent international champions before any WRC program. His father (Petter) did not. So that's why they maybe think it's a good idea. Not sure situation from 1999 can easily be compared to 2021 though.

5th February 2021, 19:32
That's not really true. Oliver was not part of WRC2 on Monte...
Yes he run out of classification to improve his title chance by saving point collection to events more likely to get good results at... like Arctic.

Anyway I wrote enough on this and it's a bit off topic. Hope this doesn't hurt his career. (the way Huttunens career went after joining Hyundai ).

5th February 2021, 19:52
He needs to learn to deliver results somewhere. So far the only championship he has won is Latvia national one. Similarly he only won a single ERC rally and a single Rally2 clasification in WRC event.(Latvia ERC round and Estonian WRC). Posting a few good stage times is nice, but many people can do that, Gryazin and Veiby are nearest examples.

Sure he could learn that in WRC(1) too but:
- that's very expensive with the current cars
- it doesn't seem to be the plan now with no future WRC starts announced and R5 car in garage

Note that all of Loeb, Ogier and Rovanpera had won decent international champions before any WRC program. His father (Petter) did not. So that's why they maybe think it's a good idea. Not sure situation from 1999 can easily be compared to 2021 though.

few stage times?
you really compare Oliver with Veiby ? lol

5th February 2021, 22:10
You are new in a job, actually your first job you hold.
You have not really started, just been visiting and getting to know the people working there.

Then you boss calls and tell that there is a change of plans. You are to work in another department with cooler tools and more resources. He just want you to test it out, learn, and have som fun.

What do you answer: No thanks boss. I would not like to do that, I will do as we first planned.
That sounds like the wrong answer.

You take the chances/gifts you get in your career. They might not come back.

5th February 2021, 23:06
You are new in a job, actually your first job you hold.
You have not really started, just been visiting and getting to know the people working there.

Then you boss calls and tell that there is a change of plans. You are to work in another department with cooler tools and more resources. He just want you to test it out, learn, and have som fun.

What do you answer: No thanks boss. I would not like to do that, I will do as we first planned.
That sounds like the wrong answer.

You take the chances/gifts you get in your career. They might not come back.

I agree.

Feels more and more like Adamo "wanting to do something" after Monte disaster and Solberg(s) kind of don't have an option to say no. Cause at this point it wouldn't fit as in your good example.

5th February 2021, 23:24
That's not really true.
He loses one of his best chances for good WRC2 result.

What does he gain? I'm not so sure. Does he need more publicity? Not really. Does he need to learn an old model of a car that gets replaced at the end of the year?

I think it's at best a distraction at worst a misstep.

why its bothering you so much ?

you seem to think that you know better than team members and staff what to do and what not. really ridiculous posts since the announcement today but good entertainment also in the meantime.

Steve Boyd
6th February 2021, 00:52
One of the reasons for doing WRC2 is to learn the rallies for next year when he'll be in a Rally1 car. Arctic Rally Finland is a one-off for this year so no learning needed for next year. Maybe Adamo thinks its worth the risk to let him have play in the top class on this event.

6th February 2021, 07:11
+ on the PR side, I can't see a better person to have in your team.. Yesterday Facebook/Twitter/IG feed was full of Oliver's news (with video greeting) about getting the WRC car seat in Arctic rally.

With Huttunen, Veiby etc there would have been a little post/tweet and that's it.. ,,Thanks!''

Solbergs attract people with their positivity and emotions while giving interviews and that's what fans like and the series needs.

6th February 2021, 09:35

6th February 2021, 12:21
Oliver is similar to Kalle. No matter what path they take, they'd have both found their way into a WRC car permanently sooner or later.

He is destined for the top - whether he fucks up on his WRC car debut, or whether he impresses. Whether he shows good pace in the Artic rally, or doesn't. Whether he wins a wrc2 title, or whether he doesn't (because he could be fast tracked to the WRC before then). Etc etc.

There is no right or wrong path, as every individual is different. If Adamo wants to fast track Solberg and throw him into the deep end, that shows his faith & confidence in him.

If Solberg is miles off the pace/ crashes etc he will learn from it and get a reality check, and realise how much work he has to do. If he sets a good stage time or 3, it shows he is capable and he could potentially get another WRC drive in Estonia this year...., and that's good for every WRC fan.

Team principles aren't expecting him to win the wrc2 title this season, so I'll ask again who REALLY cares about it (besides Mknight)? If Adamo did, he wouldn't be putting Oliver in the wrc car for the artic rally (as it's his best chance of a result). All he has to do this year show some impressive stage times against who he is competing with (Mikkelsen/Ostberg etc in WRC2, or the lesser drivers in the top class), and learn all the rallies to gain experience. Every man and his dog knows Mikkelsen will win the wrc2 title - as he should.

6th February 2021, 12:51
Oliver is similar to Kalle. No matter what path they take, they'd have both found their way into a WRC car permanently sooner or later.

He is destined for the top - whether he fucks up on his WRC car debut, or whether he impresses. Whether he shows good pace in the Artic rally, or doesn't. Whether he wins a wrc2 title, or whether he doesn't (because he could be fast tracked to the WRC before then). Etc etc.

There is no right or wrong path, as every individual is different. If Adamo wants to fast track Solberg and throw him into the deep end, that shows his faith & confidence in him.

If Solberg is miles off the pace/ crashes etc he will learn from it and get a reality check, and realise how much work he has to do. If he sets a good stage time or 3, it shows he is capable and he could potentially get another WRC drive in Estonia this year...., and that's good for every WRC fan.

Team principles aren't expecting him to win the wrc2 title this season, so I'll ask again who REALLY cares about it (besides Mknight)? If Adamo did, he wouldn't be putting Oliver in the wrc car for the artic rally (as it's his best chance of a result). All he has to do this year show some impressive stage times against who he is competing with (Mikkelsen/Ostberg etc in WRC2, or the lesser drivers in the top class), and learn all the rallies to gain experience. Every man and his dog knows Mikkelsen will win the wrc2 title - as he should.

Exactly, it can be over analysed to death if people want to, but as you say the lad is going to find his way into a top class car one way or another, and the opportunity has come pretty early. If he does good, bad or indifferent in the Arctic, it won’t change much for him.

6th February 2021, 12:54
over analysed to death

Exactly what's been goin' on on this forum lately, by some people!

6th February 2021, 13:17
Exactly what's been goin' on on this forum lately, by some people!

Literally thinking that before I read your post. It’s like there’s a few trying way too hard to impose their opinions.... kind of knocking the fun out of it.
Keep going this way and people will hold off posting for fear of some twat picking it to bits.

6th February 2021, 13:29
Exactly what's been goin' on on this forum lately, by some people!

I like to analyze, speculate and discuss. If you guys find it negative for the forum, I can go elsewhere.

6th February 2021, 14:07
I like to analyze, speculate and discuss. If you guys find it negative for the forum, I can go elsewhere.I think they meant overanalyzing. The way you post contributes our forum greatly.

Sent from my GM1913 using Tapatalk

6th February 2021, 14:43
I like to analyze, speculate and discuss. If you guys find it negative for the forum, I can go elsewhere.


Best forum is apparently the one where it's quiet.

And dare not have opinion on something that someone in WRC does, they be gods.

T16 talking about twats tops everything. How is your conversation with Fast Eddie going?

6th February 2021, 14:53

Best forum is apparently the one where it's quiet.

And dare not have opinion on something that someone in WRC does, they be gods.

T16 talking about twats tops everything. How is your conversation with Fast Eddie going?

It's not... the idiot blocked me!

6th February 2021, 15:39
Only thing I find bit weird:

When Kalle started with Yaris WRC (year ago) most of you here were saying "it´s way too soon" (Kalle was WRC2 PRO Champion)

now when Oliver is starting with i20 WRC nearly everyone is OK with it.

Is that because Kalle proved you ;)

Oliver is less than year younger than Kalle and fast.
Lack of results is only problem, very many good SS results but not so many overall.

I have nothing against him driving WRC (especially because I will be there, working.)

Andre Oliveira
6th February 2021, 15:46
Evans gone to R5 after WRC and then we have a title contender...

All can happen, i preferer see Oliver on WRC than on Rally2.

6th February 2021, 15:57
Only thing I find bit weird:

When Kalle started with Yaris WRC (year ago) most of you here were saying "it´s way too soon" (Kalle was WRC2 PRO Champion)

now when Oliver is starting with i20 WRC nearly everyone is OK with it.

Is that because Kalle proved you ;)

Oliver is less than year younger than Kalle and fast.
Lack of results is only problem, very many good SS results but not so many overall.

I have nothing against him driving WRC (especially because I will be there, working.)

I was for Rovanpera, and I’m for Solberg and Fourmaux as well as they feel like they have something about them. I want to see these young lads in the cars and showing us what they might be capable of. Much as the likes of Mikkelsen, Ostberg, Paddon, Meeke and load of others, could, would or have done a decent job in the past, they aren’t the future.
Of course you don’t want to see anyone hurt themselves, or do millions worth of damage, but I’m of the opinion they are better learning in the faster car and getting used to the speeds.

6th February 2021, 16:33
D N F was his result from MC (off road was the reason)

I heard some rumours about that DNF. So we don´t know the game going on...

6th February 2021, 16:43
+ on the PR side, I can't see a better person to have in your team.. Yesterday Facebook/Twitter/IG feed was full of Oliver's news (with video greeting) about getting the WRC car seat in Arctic rally.

With Huttunen, Veiby etc there would have been a little post/tweet and that's it.. ,,Thanks!''

Solbergs attract people with their positivity and emotions while giving interviews and that's what fans like and the series needs.

For sure. Swedish state television also covered this yesterday in sports broadcastings.

6th February 2021, 19:25
Only thing I find bit weird:

When Kalle started with Yaris WRC (year ago) most of you here were saying "it´s way too soon" (Kalle was WRC2 PRO Champion)

now when Oliver is starting with i20 WRC nearly everyone is OK with it.

Is that because Kalle proved you ;)

Oliver is less than year younger than Kalle and fast.
Lack of results is only problem, very many good SS results but not so many overall.

I have nothing against him driving WRC (especially because I will be there, working.)Kalle certainly made the way for other talented youngsters. Looking forward to see Oliver's pace.

Sent from my GM1913 using Tapatalk

Per Anders
6th February 2021, 21:18
What rumours about Olivers DNF on MC...can somebody tell us?

7th February 2021, 12:22
What rumours about Olivers DNF on MC...can somebody tell us?

Somewhere on twitter I guess. A person, don´t remember who, speculated it was delibraty, because his off did look weird.

I´m sure it was nothing.

7th February 2021, 14:26
Somewhere on twitter I guess. A person, don´t remember who, speculated it was delibraty, because his off did look weird.

I´m sure it was nothing.

Maybe it was Adamo´s tactics that he went off the road on the last stage :)

7th February 2021, 15:03
Somewhere on twitter I guess. A person, don´t remember who, speculated it was delibraty, because his off did look weird.

I´m sure it was nothing.

So you posted this knowing that it's complete nonsense?

I heard some rumours about that DNF. So we don´t know the game going on...

7th February 2021, 16:57
So you posted this knowing that it's complete nonsense?

So you know it´s nonsense?

I didn´t. Just explained what I´ve seen before.

7th February 2021, 17:35
So you know it´s nonsense?

I didn´t. Just explained what I´ve seen before.

Do you actually believe that he crashed intentionally? Like for real?

7th February 2021, 18:30
For sure. Swedish state television also covered this yesterday in sports broadcastings.At NRK in Norway too! Every bit of rally shown on national TV is good! Solberg is a brand in Norway:)

Sent fra min SM-G950F via Tapatalk

7th February 2021, 18:43
Do you actually believe that he crashed intentionally? Like for real?

Do I owe you an answer to that? Have I stated he did?

Mirek, you might be a rocket scientist, but to me you seem more like a child. Grow up a bit so we can talk like humans do. Not like childs. I think this forum is worth it.

7th February 2021, 18:44
Btw. Can we move the Oliver discussion to Oliver thread?

8th February 2021, 07:17
Wohooo, Lappi in Polo.

* https://twitter.com/OfficialWRC/status/1358687786094780417
* https://www.wrc.com/en/news/2021/wrc2/lappi-gears-up-for-arctic-comeback/

As he will be teammeate for Gryazin, and Gryazin will have Otepää winter-rally (Estonia) as test-event, I wonder can we see Lappi there as well?
* https://www.ewrc-results.com/entries/69989-otepaa-talveralli-2021/

I hope he creates challenge for Mikkelsen to achive the goal "I need to win every event and dominate it"

8th February 2021, 07:38
Lappi's car is prepared by Printsport, but the entry is through Movisport in order to get a WRC2 entry.

Fast Eddie WRC
8th February 2021, 09:20
Great news. Should be a good WRC2 battle with Mikkelsen. :)

8th February 2021, 11:45
Lappi's car is prepared by Printsport, but the entry is through Movisport in order to get a WRC2 entry.


Actually Gryazin's car will be Printsport prepared as well.

9th February 2021, 08:23
Only thing I find bit weird:

When Kalle started with Yaris WRC (year ago) most of you here were saying "it´s way too soon" (Kalle was WRC2 PRO Champion)

now when Oliver is starting with i20 WRC nearly everyone is OK with it.

Is that because Kalle proved you ;)

Oliver is less than year younger than Kalle and fast.
Lack of results is only problem, very many good SS results but not so many overall.

I have nothing against him driving WRC (especially because I will be there, working.)

I was against Rovanpera driving as factory nominated 3rd car if Toyota were to be serious about manu title.
This proved totally right. Toyota lost manu title even with 1-2 in drivers cause Rovanpera couldn't outscore Sordo+Loeb+Breen.

As you say Rovanpera had about a year more experience, but also an actual WRC2 title and multiple rally wins. In either case the only real danger for him at that point was that he would be under pressure to score and not just learn rallies. I guess Makinen didn't really care much about manu title. Toyoda seems to care as he was a bit vocal about it later in the season.

I have nothing against Solberg driving in WRC, if it's a part of a decent plan ahead. He could run a full or half-season like Loubet for example. But this does not seem to be a part of any plan atm, instead it's Adamo's "have to do something" reaction after Monte.
He even says it directly in the interview at the test.

This off course does not mean it can't be "made" into a plan as they go.

9th February 2021, 11:27
vids of stages up here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzAAk7FOZZK8aXo53flddAg

9th February 2021, 17:07

9th February 2021, 18:11
Very fast stages in Arctic rally. Juho Hänninen´s average speed was 136km/h SS Siikakämä. Also SS Aittajärvi and Kaihuavaara are around 130km/h

9th February 2021, 18:38
Very fast stages in Arctic rally. Juho Hänninen´s average speed was 136km/h SS Siikakämä. Also SS Aittajärvi and Kaihuavaara are around 130km/h

Siikakämä has its fastest section dropped. I’d say Sarriojärvi and Mustalampi 115-120 km/h, others 130-135 km/h

9th February 2021, 18:46
Seeing some familiar stage names here... RBR creators anticipated the future... :D

10th February 2021, 12:44
There will be 10 cars in WRC2.

10th February 2021, 20:27
Info via Twitter:

#WRC Valtteri Bottas confirmed he will not enter to #ArcticRallyFinland as other commitments like F1 simulator are waiting.
#WRCLive 📷: @SaariJarno https://t.co/SVX5ca7iBH

10th February 2021, 20:35
Does this below tweet mean we could see Mattias Ekström in Arctic? News from Sweden are telling that EKS Team is coming with two cars to Rovaniemi.

Soon I will embark on an adventure of a liftime. For the next few weeks I plan to drive cool cars, visit spectacular places and enjoy the freezing part of Scandinavia. Stay tuned! #GoHardOrGoHome #TheArcticAdventure https://t.co/FwsBqD0G0z

11th February 2021, 08:03
Some confirmed "local" entries:
Mikko Heikkilä Fabia Rally2 (Fast driver)
Tuomas Skanz Fabia R5 (Slow)

Fiesta Rally4 drivers:
Sami Pajari (JWRC 2021)
Lauri Joona (JWRC 2021)
Toni Herranen (Marcus Grönholm´s, GRX Academy driver)
all 3 are faster than some RC2 drivers

(For sure not entered: Riku Tahko, Hyundai R5, he works for local rallyradio during rally)

11th February 2021, 10:20
TGS Worldwide will enter four fast Finns with Skoda:

Teemu Asunmaa
Emil Lindholm
Eerik Pietarinen
Mikko Heikkilä

Three first-mentioned are previous winners of Arctic Lapland Rally.

11th February 2021, 10:58
Will the non WRC2/3 entries be allowed to run longer studs?

11th February 2021, 11:20
Will the non WRC2/3 entries be allowed to run longer studs?

All Rally2 cars are using the same Pirelli tyres. No idea what kind of stud options are available.

11th February 2021, 13:26
Does this below tweet mean we could see Mattias Ekström in Arctic? News from Sweden are telling that EKS Team is coming with two cars to Rovaniemi.

Soon I will embark on an adventure of a liftime. For the next few weeks I plan to drive cool cars, visit spectacular places and enjoy the freezing part of Scandinavia. Stay tuned! #GoHardOrGoHome #TheArcticAdventure https://t.co/FwsBqD0G0z

Nah... https://www.raceofchampions.com/pr-sweden-first-nordic-drivers?fbclid=IwAR1-fCXew449qRdIlmLBlrb0yMvKWZ1Gode11a9b7ToHKSWm8UH5Z9 05w4w

Edit: Sorry 2022 :)

11th February 2021, 13:28
Nah... https://www.raceofchampions.com/pr-sweden-first-nordic-drivers?fbclid=IwAR1-fCXew449qRdIlmLBlrb0yMvKWZ1Gode11a9b7ToHKSWm8UH5Z9 05w4w

Well yeah...

After a 15-year wait I feel it’s time for the WRC COMEBACK!
See you at Arctic Rally Finland!

11th February 2021, 15:42
If EKS comes with two cars, I am guessing Bergkvist is driving the other one.

11th February 2021, 16:15
Bergkvist is co-driver for Ekström, so would be someone else.

11th February 2021, 16:42
Bergkvist is co-driver for Ekström, so would be someone else.

Same as in Dakar. But he is a big talent, deserves a break in a good car!

11th February 2021, 17:11
All Rally2 cars are using the same Pirelli tyres. No idea what kind of stud options are available.

For Arctic there is only 1 tyre option for all 4wd cars.

When was last time that main class (WRC) and all other 4wd cars used exactly same tyre ?

11th February 2021, 18:24
For Arctic there is only 1 tyre option for all 4wd cars.

When was last time that main class (WRC) and all other 4wd cars used exactly same tyre ?
In 2017 Rally Sweden?

This new tyre(NA01 for wrc2) was developed over a period of several months to meet the specific characteristics of
R5 cars and provide Michelin’s partners in these two competitions with superior performance on ice
and snow.
Compared with the WRC tyre, which WRC2 runners used until 2018, the MICHELIN X-Ice
North NA01 features a different construction and a bespoke studding pattern, although the number of
studs per cover is still 384.

E: wrc2 should still have longer studs than WRC cars?

12th February 2021, 07:37

Entry list

In the end only 13 WRC cars (the normal factory cars, plus Bertelli, Tuohino, Loubet, Solberg, Katsuta)

In WRC2 you have Prokop on second M-Sport car and Georg Linnamäe on a VW Polo entered by ALM Motorsport. Otherwise quite like expected. No Östberg though.

12th February 2021, 09:53
Only 3 drivers from Sweden which is not a lot compared to Rally Sweden.

12th February 2021, 09:59
Rather surprised about Ostberg, he did a perfect job for Citroen last year.

12th February 2021, 10:01
Only 3 drivers from Sweden which is not a lot compared to Rally Sweden.

For obvious reasons...

Fast Eddie WRC
12th February 2021, 10:15
Strange choice of rally for Bertelli to make his comeback. He didnt have a good run in Sweden 2017 or 2019 either.

Still good to see another WRC car driven in the last season they're allowed.

12th February 2021, 10:17
Strange choice of rally for Bertelli to make his comeback. He didnt have a good run in Sweden 2017 or 2019 either.

Bertelli hardly drives for other reason than fun. I guess it's fun driving on snow.

12th February 2021, 10:23
Too bad with Østberg.

Still should be a nice WRC2 battle between Lappi, Mikkelsen and Huttunen. Have to say it's very hard to predict how they do compared to one another, each have pros and cons:
+ does well on very fast rallies
+ drove R5 Fabia on snow
- last time drove R5 ages ago

+ Drives R5 a lot in last months, with a lot of testing
+- used to be a bit weak on very fast rallies, but seemingly got better
- never drove R5 on snow rally

+ Lot of R5 driving, some snow experience with it (yes Sweden last year did have some snow, with Fabia year before)
+- I20 R5 seems to do good on fast rallies lately, maybe not so good if it gets very soft or rutted
- Comparatively lot less experience than the other 2

I don't expect much of Fourmaux here, behind these 3 would be quite good. Gryazin might surprise with Polo.

12th February 2021, 10:27
Bertelli hardly drives for other reason than fun. I guess it's fun driving on snow.

The consequences of crashing are not that severe ;) in Finland 2016 he went to the hospital...

12th February 2021, 10:28

Route preview. Which stage will be the fastest one? Which stage includes driving on frozen swamp? When was the last time the shortest stage of a WRC event was longer than 19.91 km?

12th February 2021, 12:38
Why Katsuta has high hopes for incredible Arctic Rally


12th February 2021, 13:19
I think Gryazin will surprise us all...

12th February 2021, 14:47
I think Gryazin will surprise us all...

Could be fighting for WRC2 win. He had a proper test in December in
Rovaniemi where he crashed heavily.

12th February 2021, 17:53


13th February 2021, 13:32
I think Gryazin will surprise us all...

I might take that back...

However Gryazin always comes back. Wouldn´t surprise me if he gets out even stronger in Arctic. If they find another Polo...

13th February 2021, 14:25
Wonder what you mean by even stronger? In other cars than i20 he always had the speed. His problem is keeping it on the road without issues for whole rally.

13th February 2021, 15:22
Wonder what you mean by even stronger? In other cars than i20 he always had the speed. His problem is keeping it on the road without issues for whole rally.

I´ll tell you, what I mean:

Even stronger means he hasn´t dropped in speed.
Staying on the road whole rally
No issues, just a clean run
He´ll make a result we didn´t expect.

Let´s first see if he gets a car to run.

Fast Eddie WRC
14th February 2021, 13:34
Bertelli hardly drives for other reason than fun. I guess it's fun driving on snow.

The consequences of crashing are not that severe ;) in Finland 2016 he went to the hospital...

Fun ? There's still a good chance of him going off due to lack of testing... and he wont like being stuck in the middle of nowhere for hours at -30C !

14th February 2021, 14:02
Fun ? There's still a good chance of him going off due to lack of testing... and he wont like being stuck in the middle of nowhere for hours at -30C !

Event with no spectating allowed, that is one way of doing it legally. "I can't go with snowmobile? well I go with my rally car instead!"

14th February 2021, 15:38
If you're in the need you got lots of fuel to make a big fire easy, take a fuel hose off and fill a bottle :)

14th February 2021, 15:44
I'm sure if one is in real trouble, they show sos sign instead of OK or push the ,,red button''..

15th February 2021, 13:05
Police to deploy drones to deter fans from Arctic Rally Finland

An increased presence from local law enforcement will help to keep the WRC's second round behind closed doors


15th February 2021, 14:03
Police to deploy drones to deter fans from Arctic Rally Finland

An increased presence from local law enforcement will help to keep the WRC's second round behind closed doors


Unbelievable! Scamdemic converting the entire world to a communist state strikes again. So sad.

15th February 2021, 14:11
Unbelievable! Scamdemic converting the entire world to a communist state strikes again. So sad.

I will guess. You never lived in a communist state so thats why you know "so well" what does it mean :/

15th February 2021, 14:17
I will guess. You never lived in a communist state so thats why you know "so well" what does it mean :/

I have and still am unfortunately living in a post-communist country. I think I pretty well understand how it starts and what it causes and I have the full right to use the term.
A "disease" especially of the kind sooo poplar at this point of time in no way can justify the inhumane "measures" taken across the world.

Let's not get side tracked. This is a racing forum and I just expressed my opinion on the matter.

15th February 2021, 18:15
Police to deploy drones to deter fans from Arctic Rally Finland

An increased presence from local law enforcement will help to keep the WRC's second round behind closed doors


These are really stupid measures .... that have nothing to do with the real world ... I have a feeling that politics are fuc#** people in the head....shame.

16th February 2021, 02:29
guys. Can the rule allow the driver use the night vision device in the night racing?

16th February 2021, 06:42
Police to deploy drones to deter fans from Arctic Rally Finland

An increased presence from local law enforcement will help to keep the WRC's second round behind closed doors


Seems a bit over the top, presumably they were/are expecting a lot of people to try and get out to watch.

16th February 2021, 06:49
Seems a bit over the top, presumably they were/are expecting a lot of people to try and get out to watch.

It's just a way to warn the people. Even with these precautions, I've heard people planning to get themselves to the stages. If they just said "please don't come to spectate, but we cannot do anything if you come", there would be thousands.

16th February 2021, 08:41
These are really stupid measures .... that have nothing to do with the real world ... I have a feeling that politics are fuc#** people in the head....shame.

When I was in Ypres several times the no-go zones were forced by police helicopter hoowering over the fans hiding in the fields (me included once). I fail to see how is that any different? Simply if there is a requirement to run the rally with no spectators (from the state officials for example) it has to be somehow forced into effect, otherwise the organizer may have serious troubles.

16th February 2021, 08:48
When I was in Ypres several times the no-go zones were forced by police helicopter hoowering over the fans hiding in the fields (me included once). I fail to see how is that any different? Simply if there is a requirement to run the rally with no spectators (from the state officials for example) it has to be somehow forced into effect, otherwise the organizer may have serious troubles.

It's also the state officials that do the control, not rally organization - in co-operation, but in the end it's the officials.

I agree with Antti that this is to give a message to people who are planning to go even if it's a no public event, and rightly so. All of the winter season rallies in Finland have been no spectators events, some with heavier measures, some less. No stages have been cancelled even if there has been spectators, but it for sure kills the pleasure to be hiding out and knowing you are doing something you're now allowed to. Problem is the feeling of injustice. Rallies, in the forests, easy to social distance, but other outdoors sports can continue because they are no pre-arranged public affairs. We see pictures of 50 people, 100 people queing for ski lift or on a ice skating rink - that's OK, but groups 1-5 rally spectators here and there scattered across kilometres long stages is not ok. That's the feeling of injustice we get.

16th February 2021, 08:48
Also this could affect in how the summer Rally Finland is organized. If everything goes well, it's a message to the authorities that rally fans can respect orders. It could be crucial in case summer Rally Finland would be arranged with limited spectating (like Estonia last year).

Tom K
16th February 2021, 09:13
@AnttiL - how it is in Finland with all other parts of life? I mean - are you able to go to supermarket normally? Are shopping centers opened? Cinemas?

16th February 2021, 09:28
@AnttiL - how it is in Finland with all other parts of life? I mean - are you able to go to supermarket normally? Are shopping centers opened? Cinemas?

It's restricted regionally, but everyday life is pretty normal. Limitations to gathering of 10-20 people max and this has effect on some sports and other hobbies. Supermarket and shopping centers are open normal, as are restaurants (closed at 22.00) and even nightclubs are open (closed at 23.00-24.00, I think). Pretty much all culture institutions are closed (libraries, museums, cinemas).

Rovaniemi region have now 8.25 covid-19 cases per 100 000 inhabitants, so it's pretty much in control and I can understand they like to keep it that way.

Tom K
16th February 2021, 10:00
So pretty same in Poland and it causes nonsenses. You can easily go to the shopping center where nobody cares that you are crowded in diary/meat/alkohol section. But you can't go to the forest (to watch rally) where you have many times lower risk to get infected. Not only forest but also museums. I would not expect museums could be crowded as much as shopping centers.

Lapland has low ratio. OK, this is their choice. But anyway Finland is closed to foreigns (travel for tourism purposes forbidden) so they could expect only Finnish people. I would bet nothing bad will happen as it was in Sardinia. I did not hear anything about high pick of infections just after the rally. Officially without spectators but I was there and saw their attitude. All access roads were opened and police was to help and organize traffic.

BTW: Mads Ostberg will be in studio again:)

16th February 2021, 10:22
We see pictures of 50 people, 100 people queing for ski lift or on a ice skating rink - that's OK, but groups 1-5 rally spectators here and there scattered across kilometres long stages is not ok. That's the feeling of injustice we get.

Altough I agree with what you are generally saying, this sentence is not true. on a WRC rally with only lets say 5 acces roads per stage, you will have much bigger groups together if you allow spectators.

16th February 2021, 10:40
Altough I agree with what you are generally saying, this sentence is not true. on a WRC rally with only lets say 5 acces roads per stage, you will have much bigger groups together if you allow spectators.

Yes, for WRC event it'd be like that. I was a bit unclear and was referring to smaller events we have had until now. And also, at those events, a corner with crash potential could be like a magnet for hundreds of people.

16th February 2021, 14:29
It's also the state officials that do the control, not rally organization - in co-operation, but in the end it's the officials.

I agree with Antti that this is to give a message to people who are planning to go even if it's a no public event, and rightly so. All of the winter season rallies in Finland have been no spectators events, some with heavier measures, some less. No stages have been cancelled even if there has been spectators, but it for sure kills the pleasure to be hiding out and knowing you are doing something you're now allowed to. Problem is the feeling of injustice. Rallies, in the forests, easy to social distance, but other outdoors sports can continue because they are no pre-arranged public affairs. We see pictures of 50 people, 100 people queing for ski lift or on a ice skating rink - that's OK, but groups 1-5 rally spectators here and there scattered across kilometres long stages is not ok. That's the feeling of injustice we get.


16th February 2021, 15:11
from italian media:

mikkelsen/floene under diet to lose weight to the minimum limit of 170 kg for drivers. interestingly, he also says it's preferable to stay under the limit and receive a ballast that placed under the car is better than on the seat, for balance and gravity center.


16th February 2021, 15:14
Original source https://dirtfish.com/rally/wrc/mikkelsen-in-weight-loss-race-with-floene-for-arctic/

16th February 2021, 17:02
from italian media:

mikkelsen/floene under diet to lose weight to the minimum limit of 170 kg for drivers. interestingly, he also says it's preferable to stay under the limit and receive a ballast that placed under the car is better than on the seat, for balance and gravity center.


So their weight currently is over 85 kgs each? Does not correspond to reality, to me...

How much ballast will Oliver carry? Or is it just WRC2/3?

16th February 2021, 17:12
So their weight currently is over 85 kgs each? Does not correspond to reality, to me...

How much ballast will Oliver carry? Or is it just WRC2/3?

They are not that heavy.
Rules have minimum weight of car and basically every Rally2/R5 weights more.

170kg is difference between minimum weights. Car/Car+Drivers

17th February 2021, 06:49

Lappi car being prepared

17th February 2021, 07:50
https://storage.googleapis.com/download/storage/v1/b/sportity-storage/o/b31d656b-5262-4b35-bde3-2235d3027f4f%2F8157d51b-c253-485f-ae70-5dacb43eb278_Bulletin%201.pdf?generation=161349751 0586133&alt=media

-rally is now bit longer (SS km´s are same as before)
-PowerStage has maximum time of 30min (+30min max lateness) so SS time over 1h will get competitor out of results.
-2 bubbles Stage/Servicepark, same people can not attend both

18th February 2021, 11:48

Bertelli with M-Sport livery...he bought a car, but now he's renting from M-Sport?

18th February 2021, 12:05

Bertelli with M-Sport livery...he bought a car, but now he's renting from M-Sport?
Maybe cheaper to rent than getting his own car to the latest spec?
Like Gross had to do last year before Rally Estonia..

Andre Oliveira
18th February 2021, 12:24
He tested with M-Sport test car but can compete with other. He allready tested with M-Sport test car in the past.

18th February 2021, 20:58
Long term forecast showing temperatures around 0 ?

18th February 2021, 21:10
Yup very warm weather coming in next week over Europe.

Temperatures should still be under 0 degrees troughout the week in arctic circle.

19th February 2021, 08:36

20th February 2021, 11:07