View Full Version : 2021 Australian GP - At Risk

2nd January 2021, 15:05
It is reported the lead time for organizers to start setting up for the Australian GP requires a decision to race or not within the next 2 weeks. Australia has made some tough rule changes for covid that would make it difficult for F1 to open up the season there.

As of right now Australia is not reporting any vaccinations yet. They had a set back in their own vaccine development and had to cancel it during mid-trial. They would be at risk for their 3rd wave due to moving from summer to fall.

6th January 2021, 12:42
Australia is not willing to let F1 to run a biosphere and tell F1 that quarantine for 2 weeks prior to race week is a prerequisite. This would mean that formula 1 would need to deploy 3 weeks prior to race (2 weeks quarantine, 1 week racing). Formula 1 according to the story would find that unacceptable.


From other rumblings, it seems that if F1 can't get some type of agreement with Australia they will look elsewhere for replacement venue.

6th January 2021, 16:28
There is rumbles that China GP may also be at risk.

6th January 2021, 19:57
As is Vietnam. Instead, F1 is looking at returning to Portimao and Imola (although personally I would prefer Mugello) in the spring. The Australian GP might be pushed back to November with the season opening in Bahrain.

7th January 2021, 17:24
As is Vietnam. Instead, F1 is looking at returning to Portimao and Imola (although personally I would prefer Mugello) in the spring. The Australian GP might be pushed back to November with the season opening in Bahrain.

Vietnam is less about covid than about political corruption in Vietnam. The politician who was pushing f1 I believe has been jailed for political corruption so F1 is dead for right now.

F1 has shown they can be responsible partner and if Australia not willing to work with them - I would tell Australia to take a hike. Australia never that good race.

8th January 2021, 15:10
Yeah it's not the greatest track, and I don't know why they start with Australia as the first race. It's pretty much the furthest point from the team factories on earth :-D

9th January 2021, 21:20
There is rumbles that China GP may also be at risk.

Looks like it is now official. This is postponement is more about the anti-democracy action China is taking right now in Hong Kong. I don't think they want as little international attention as possible right now - especially until they get their feet under them with the Biden administration and see how that going to progress.

I would tell China thanks for letting us know. We will keep you in consideration in 2022 if we need places to go race.

“We have been in contact [with F1] via conference call almost every week,” Yibin Yang, the general manager of race promoter Juss Event, told local media including Motorsport.com on Saturday. “Despite the calendar being in place as usual, I think it’s hugely uncertain the F1 race would take place in the first half of the year, in April.

“We aim to swap it to the second half of the year, and we have formally submitted the request that we hope to move it to the second half of the year.”

The postponement of the race would open up a second free slot in April, along with the 25 April date originally intended for the now-abandoned Vietnam race. It is understood that both Imola and Portimao – host circuits on the revised 2020 schedule – are set to fill these gaps, having both been in contention to replace Vietnam and begin the European season.


12th January 2021, 20:01
Australian GP postponement now confirmed, season to start in Bahrain on March 28th.
The first European race will now be held at Imola on April 18.

13th January 2021, 09:41

13th January 2021, 13:03
Need to wait for the epidemic to end and wait for the next F1 race (https://tireer.com/continental-extremecontact-sport-review/). I've always liked the races in Spain

16th January 2021, 20:03
The rumbles have started that the street races will likely be cancelled due to uncertainty due to covid and the long lead time these races need.


Canada is no real surprise. They taking very hard line response and have closed their borders and are putting on draconian measures on their citizens.

Likely replacements are: Istanbul, Mugello and Nurburgring.

17th January 2021, 19:14
The rumbles have started that the street races will likely be cancelled due to uncertainty due to covid and the long lead time these races need.


Canada is no real surprise. They taking very hard line response and have closed their borders and are putting on draconian measures on their citizens.

Likely replacements are: Istanbul, Mugello and Nurburgring.

Formula 1 pushed back on these rumors and released the following statement.

We have set out the details of the revised 2021 calendar and there are no other changes. The suggestion street races will not take place are completely wrong.

This seems to be a perception issue for F1, they are trying to minimize the changes to the schedule to give a sense of "normalcy" to advertistors, TV, etc. My bet is the rumors are true, and will be announce in another month.

4th February 2021, 14:30
With Portugal in doubt, two races may happen in Bahrain.


10th February 2021, 16:30

The brilliant Portimao circuit to take the vacant May 2nd slot this season. Great!!!

1st March 2021, 04:04
Bahrain has announced they will be offering F1 the Pfizer Vaccine during their stay (both shots).

That should help F1 eliminate (or least minimize) possible Covid disruptions if they are able to vaccinate the drivers and large portion of the paddock.


1st March 2021, 04:13
Bahrain has announced they will be offering F1 the Pfizer Vaccine during their stay (both shots).

That should help F1 eliminate (or least minimize) possible Covid disruptions if they are able to vaccinate the drivers and large portion of the paddock.


I didn't read far enough down. F1 has said they will not accept the vaccinations.

I find this somewhat odd, if the country has the bandwidth to do this there is no downside. They key thing is to get the vaccinations out as quick as possible, and people who traveling internationally is even more important as they could be bringing back new strains to their country. So this might be short sighted.

13th March 2021, 14:41
It looks like individuals and teams are actually accepting the vaccinations. Checo and Sainz got vaccinated.

The Alpha Tauri team (whole team) all got their first first shot.

This is probably looking like a better and better option with Europe struggling with the safety of the Oxford vaccine (Bahrain is offering the Pfizer) and the general very slow rollout across Europe.

13th March 2021, 14:55
It looks like individuals and teams are actually accepting the vaccinations. Checo and Sainz got vaccinated.

The Alpha Tauri team (whole team) all got their first first shot.

This is probably looking like a better and better option with Europe struggling with the safety of the Oxford vaccine (Bahrain is offering the Pfizer) and the general very slow rollout across Europe.

Kimi also did take shot.

Steve Boyd
14th March 2021, 01:35
Europe struggling with the safety of the Oxford vaccine

Looks very much to be politically motivated. Millions have had the Oxford vaccine in the UK (including me) and it is showing to have worked on people of all ages with only minor side effects.

14th March 2021, 01:44
Looks very much to be politically motivated. Millions have had the Oxford vaccine in the UK (including me) and it is showing to have worked on people of all ages with only minor side effects.

Odd that they would play politics, you would think they just would want COVID to be over and they would be doing whatever they could to get the vaccination to as many people as possible, quick as possible.