View Full Version : 2021 Team Budget Cap

10th December 2020, 08:28
Is the 145 mill dollar budget cap per team come into effect in 2021 as planned, and going to 140 in 2022, and 135 in 2023?

What do the different teams spend in 2020?
Read somewhere that Mercedes spent over 400 in 2019. If that is the case then this budget cap will be pretty dramatic.

10th December 2020, 17:10
Is the 145 mill dollar budget cap per team come into effect in 2021 as planned, and going to 140 in 2022, and 135 in 2023?

What do the different teams spend in 2020?
Read somewhere that Mercedes spent over 400 in 2019. If that is the case then this budget cap will be pretty dramatic.

I think its from 2021 onwards but yes, in that format.

Not 100% sure what their budgets are but 400 mil for Merc wouldn't surprise me.

I'd absolutely love it to have the desired effect in equalising performance across the grid. It would improve the racing itself beyond doubt and also place a lot more value on driver talent.
Whether it will succeed as intended is anyones guess, If there is even a sniff of way round it, the teams will find it.