View Full Version : Stop The World

oily oaf
12th May 2007, 08:30
I want to get off.

The reason for my crie de cours is the almost unbelievable news that Zimbabwe are to chair the United Nations commission on Sustainable Economic Development.
Yeah that's right the same Zimbabwe that are currently carefully nurturing an inflation rate of around 2000% and whose general populace are only being kept from starvation through foreign aid.
The same Zimbabwe that is governed by a man who is quite clearly madder than a box of frogs and whose idea of democracy is to beat the bejaysus out of his detractors and political opponents.
I am therefore looking forward with great eagerness to wheeling a bloody great wheelbarrow of fivers down to the off licence to get a box of matches and pulling a cluster of spears out of my back after nipping down the pub for a sharpener.
Next week: Paris Hilton is made Minister of Chastity and Carefull Driving by NATO.

Give me strength :mad:

12th May 2007, 08:41
I want to get off.

The reason for my crie de cours is the almost unbelievable news that Zimbabwe are to chair the United Nations commission on Sustainable Economic Development.
Yeah that's right the same Zimbabwe that are currently carefully nurturing an inflation rate of around 2000% and whose general populace are only being kept from starvation through foreign aid.
The same Zimbabwe that is governed by a man who is quite clearly madder than a box of frogs and whose idea of democracy is to beat the bejaysus out of his detractors and political opponents.
I am therefore looking forward with great eagerness to wheeling a bloody great wheelbarrow of fivers down to the off licence to get a box of matches and pulling a cluster of spears out of my back after nipping down the pub for a sharpener.
Next week: Paris Hilton is made Minister of Chastity and Carefull Driving by NATO.

Give me strength :mad:
You should see it as a form of community service. I think sometimes somewhere traffic violators are ordered as warning examples to promote traffic safety. I think they could also make the US chair a congress on peaceful and polite diplomacy.

Ian McC
12th May 2007, 11:59
I don't know why anyone should even recognise their current regime let alone chair anything.

12th May 2007, 23:33
^ I can't disagree. The rate things have gone over the last few years, I'm sure much of the population longs for the time when the place was still called Rhodesia. :uhoh:

Zimbabwe chair of anything at the UN is ludicrous. That nation is going to hell in a handbasket, and Mugabe has gotten so stupid and senile that he's bordering on Idi Amin territory. The world needs to tell Zimbabwe to remove Mugabe, period. He's making a mess of all of Southern Africa, as people from there are fleeing trying just to feed themselves.

Dave B
12th May 2007, 23:47
Strange how we couldn't wait to go into Iraq to depose a despotic dictactor, but give Zimbabwe a wide berth :dozey:

13th May 2007, 00:49
Strange how we couldn't wait to go into Iraq to depose a despotic dictactor, but give Zimbabwe a wide berth :dozey:

Wait 'til they find out about those untapped Zimbabwean oil reserves.

13th May 2007, 01:07
Wait 'til they find out about those untapped Zimbabwean oil reserves.

Right.. The coalition certainly is taking advantage of the Iraqi oil industry??... sorta like the THE UN OIL-FOR -FOOD benifit program for Germany France and Russia. But wait, were'nt those the countries that resisted UN sanctions for months while enriching themselves..

You have a lot of nerve accusing the US of profiteering from Iraq Oil. The US has made it clear that the FREE FLOW of oil is an issue, but they have not taken over the industry, ( see Chavez, Venezuela ) . And for what it is worth much of the oil industry in the middle east was developed and funded by US interests in the first place, yet the US has insisted that oil profits go to the benifit of the free Iraqi people, not the re-imbursement of American investors. Making that happen seems to be problematic --thanks to those outsiders from Iran and Syria that do not want to see a free and prosperous Iraq. Time will tell wether or not the iraqi's want to see it. Thier country - thier oil.

Facts do not matter, just blame the US.

13th May 2007, 01:14
You have a lot of nerve accusing the US of profiteering from Iraq Oil.

Aye. How dare I make an off-the-cuff joke? Naughty me.

13th May 2007, 01:57
Strange how we couldn't wait to go into Iraq to depose a despotic dictactor, but give Zimbabwe a wide berth :dozey:

Yeah, it's sad. I guess one maniac is more evil than another, because one happens to be in the Middle East.

Right now, if somebody is gonna do anything about this guy it should be Britain (you guys caused this), Australia (Fraser convinced Thatcher that the first deal between Ian Smith and Abel Murozewa wasn't good enough, nice work Malcolm) and South Africa (3 million Zimbabweans struggling to survive in SA should be reason enough) to do something about this lunatic.

oily oaf
13th May 2007, 07:25
Excellent news from Down Under where PM and fair dinkum cricket lover John Howard has ordered the Aussie cricket side to boycott the forthcoming tour of Zimbabwe on the grounds that it would be "a huge propaganda boost" for Mugabe who he goes on to describe as "acting like the gestapo" towards his political opponents. Good on ya Jonnie boy!

Who would have thought that when Mugabe took the reigns of power from the odious Ian Smith and his racist cronies that this forward thinking "liberator" of his people who openly pledged to treat black and white with equanimity and who reiterated that the white farmers and business men would be allowed to continue unmolested for the stability of the nation would morph into an evil and clearly unhinged despot that would bring this once prosperous and peaceful nation to it's knees.

Well worth a google to check out just how bad things are over there btw.

13th May 2007, 08:13
Strange how we couldn't wait to go into Iraq to depose a despotic dictactor, but give Zimbabwe a wide berth :dozey:
Perhaps they care too much about the amount of Eurovision votes they'd get if they went into Zimbabwe ;)

I'd say the reason why I don't think the west will ever go into Zimbabwe but I'd be accused of racism so I won't!

13th May 2007, 08:47
Right.. The coalition certainly is taking advantage of the Iraqi oil industry??... sorta like the THE UN OIL-FOR -FOOD benifit program for Germany France and Russia. But wait, were'nt those the countries that resisted UN sanctions for months while enriching themselves..

But wait, those benefiting from the Oil for Food program weren't countries, they were private companies, and there were American companies involved too. Just like private companies like Halliburton are making profit from the Iraq war, and Bush and Cheney families have interests in them.

13th May 2007, 09:00
The news that Zimbabwe has been elected to chair this body tells you all you need to know about the credibility of the UN,its structures, and its continental bias.

21st May 2007, 00:06
Right.. The coalition certainly is taking advantage of the Iraqi oil industry??... sorta like the THE UN OIL-FOR -FOOD benifit program for Germany France and Russia. But wait, were'nt those the countries that resisted UN sanctions for months while enriching themselves..

You have a lot of nerve accusing the US of profiteering from Iraq Oil. The US has made it clear that the FREE FLOW of oil is an issue, but they have not taken over the industry, ( see Chavez, Venezuela ) . And for what it is worth much of the oil industry in the middle east was developed and funded by US interests in the first place, yet the US has insisted that oil profits go to the benifit of the free Iraqi people, not the re-imbursement of American investors. Making that happen seems to be problematic --thanks to those outsiders from Iran and Syria that do not want to see a free and prosperous Iraq. Time will tell wether or not the iraqi's want to see it. Thier country - thier oil.

Facts do not matter, just blame the US.

utter horsemanure.

Paul Bremer was in charrge of IRAQI Oil for Food money. Where did it go? ans no one knows.

the profits are going to US investors. If the US wanted a free and proserous Iraq, they would have it. Time for peace time to go.

21st May 2007, 06:34
Aye. How dare I make an off-the-cuff joke? Naughty me.

No more humour from you BBB!!!!!!!!

Any more "off the cuff" stuff will be punished