View Full Version : Does Mick Schumacher deserve a seat in F1 next year?

31st August 2020, 21:29
The Ferrari driver academy seems to have a lot of talent competing in Formula 2 who are on the cusp of getting in to F1 and i think its great to see.... but it seems Mick Schumacher is most likely to get a drive in Formula 1 in 2021

In fact according to this article (https://formula1news.co.uk/mick-schumacher-to-join-haas-or-alfa-romeo-in-2021/) Schumacher it's almost guaranteed that he will join Haas/Alfa Romeos next year.... my question is: am I the only one who would like to see Callum Illot or Schawartzman get promoted instead?

They are ahead of him in the championship and i find them way more impressive having watched most F2 races this year. It seems he will be picked over them just because of his Schumacher name, which I really take issue with. thoughts?

31st August 2020, 22:37
I totally agree rodrigo. Its sad that the Schumacher name and the marketability that comes with it, is valued higher than the superior raw talent/pace shown by his adversaries, IIIot and Schwarzman.

Some may dissagree with me on this but for me, of all those who have ever come into F1 bearing a famous name, I think Max is really the only one who has earned his place in the sport on merit.

31st August 2020, 23:00
Schwarzman has impressed me greatly. With abit of luck he could win the F2 crown. Ferrari needs an F2 champion. Promoting Giovonazzi before he won the F2 crown has suggested that they need to raise the bar higher to guarantee they get another Leclarc coming up the ranks.

Personally, l don't think any of those drivers deserve to be promoted until they have won the F2 championship. Promoting any of them would be rewarding mediocrity. They are good enough to win it, so they should, to deserve a F1 drtive.

31st August 2020, 23:01
Schwarzman has impressed me greatly. With abit of luck he could win the F2 crown. Ferrari needs an F2 champion. Promoting Giovonazzi before he won the F2 crown has suggested that they need to raise the bar higher to guarantee they get another Leclarc coming up the ranks.

Personally, l don't think any of those drivers deserve to be promoted until they have won the F2 championship. Promoting any of them next season otherwise, would be rewarding mediocrity. They are good enough to win it, so they should, to deserve a F1 drive.

1st September 2020, 00:02
I'll put my cards on the table, Michael was one of the drivers I was a fan of and the thought of his son coming to F1 and kicking a..e really excites me.

However from what I've seen of him I would have to say no, he's not ready for F1 and there are other F2 drivers who are more deserving currently.

1st September 2020, 22:25
one word...nope

N. Jones
2nd September 2020, 14:34
Yeah, Mick probably needs another year in F2 as he hasn't impressed me much this year.

2nd September 2020, 15:29
No, I don't think that he's ready yet, and I don't think that he should be chosen over Illot or Schawartzman (strictly based on talent/merit). Although I have to say, if Haas chooses to (finally!) bounce at least one of their drivers, and Alfa Romeo loses Kimi due to retirement and/or Giovinazzi due to his rising carbon fiber bill, there might be enough open seats for all of them... plus Hulkenberg. :)

The Black Knight
3rd September 2020, 07:12
Not from what we’ve seen thus far. He hasn’t impressed so much this season.
He deserves to be in F2 but he doesn’t seem ready for the step to F1 yet. Agree with the above posts re Illot or Schawartzman - much more deserving at this stage.

19th September 2020, 15:03
Not from what we’ve seen thus far. He hasn’t impressed so much this season.
He deserves to be in F2 but he doesn’t seem ready for the step to F1 yet. Agree with the above posts re Illot or Schawartzman - much more deserving at this stage.

Well, he leads the F2 championship at the moment. What else has he got to do to impress you? I say give this generation of Schumachers a chance to prove themselves. Don't visit your perception of the father on the son.

The Black Knight
19th September 2020, 19:07
Well, he leads the F2 championship at the moment. What else has he got to do to impress you? I say give this generation of Schumachers a chance to prove themselves. Don't visit your perception of the father on the son.

There’s a bit of fortune in his lead of the championship. I don’t think he’s ready for F1 yet, not to say he won’t get there. That said, if he wins the championship then he’ll probably get a seat, maybe take Kimi’s or Giovonazzi place. I think it’s about time Kimi retires. He’s got nothing left to give F1 from what I can see.

21st September 2020, 09:48
There’s a bit of fortune in his lead of the championship. I don’t think he’s ready for F1 yet, not to say he won’t get there. That said, if he wins the championship then he’ll probably get a seat, maybe take Kimi’s or Giovonazzi place. I think it’s about time Kimi retires. He’s got nothing left to give F1 from what I can see.

Fortune is an important ingredient in winning. You cannot begrudge a person for enjoying a moment of providence. If Mick wins the F2 championship, he would have proved that he is ready for f1 and would be deserving of a seat. Obviously, this is going to put some pressure on Leclerc and Sainz to perform at a high level to maintain their seats.

The Black Knight
21st September 2020, 10:10
Fortune is an important ingredient in winning. You cannot begridge a person for enjoying a moment of providence. If Mick win the F2 championship, he would have proved that he is ready for f1 and would be deserving of a seat. Obviously, this going to put some pressure on Leclerc and Sainz to perform at a high level to maintain their seats.

Time will tell. My main fear is that a move to F1 now is too early for him and that, while he might have the talent, he’ll crash and burn in F1 because he made the step too early and that’s definitely something I don’t want to see happening to him. I think the best from him, based on the performances we’ve seen from him, would be to win the F2 championship next year after another year developing and then make the step to F1.

21st September 2020, 11:57
Time will tell. My main fear is that a move to F1 now is too early for him and that, while he might have the talent, he’ll crash and burn in F1 because he made the step too early and that’s definitely something I don’t want to see happening to him. I think the best from him, based on the performances we’ve seen from him, would be to win the F2 championship next year after another year developing and then make the step to F1.

I think he would need to leave the F2 championship after he has won it. That would mean he would either have to step up into F1 or do formula E or other forms of racing. I think a few years at Alfa Romeo would be the right move for him. There would be no pressure involved while at the same time developing his experience. A seat directly in Ferrari would burn him out. That l defo agree.

The Black Knight
21st September 2020, 12:08
I think he would need to leave the F2 championship after he has won it. That would mean he would either have to step up into F1 or do formula E or other forms of racing. I think a few years at Alfa Romeo would be the right move for him. There would be no pressure involved while at the same time developing his experience. A seat directly in Ferrari would burn him out. That l defo agree.

Yes, he has to leave F2 if he wins it but that’s why I’d rather see win it and leave F2 next year, get another year under his belt. If he wins this year he’ll end up in F1 but I still think it’d be too early. I’d be happy to be proved wrong though.

2nd October 2020, 21:29
I'm anxious to see how the three lads do in their FP1 sessions.

5th October 2020, 23:44
I'm anxious to see how the three lads do in their FP1 sessions.

Ferrari have some very exciting up and coming junior drivers. All three drivers have impressed me.

15th October 2020, 16:40
It's unfortunate that Mick's FP1 session got washed out. But I was so glad to see that he was there to give Lewis one of Michael's old helmets. Very classy move by the family. Reminded me of when the Senna family gave Lewis one of Ayrton's old helmets.

I'm not sure how things will play out for Callum Ilott, but I look for Mick to get a seat at Alfa Romeo.