View Full Version : The Ultimate Question on Religion

Brown, Jon Brow
11th May 2007, 20:33
DO you believe in God???? :eek:

Raphael123 would have started this debate sooner or late. We have just had an interesting debate on this at college today, so i decided to bring it to this wonderful forum :D (will mark give me money for saying that? )

I would describe myself as an agnostic atheist :erm: If that makes sense.

I think that region is just used as an excuse or comfort for things that people don't understand or can't comprehend. But I occasionally have a feeling that there may be presence, maybe god?

What do you think? Do we have any religious people here?

11th May 2007, 20:40
There's quite a bit of difference between faith and religion.

Faith being a very ambiguous word, that is.

11th May 2007, 21:06
I'm an agnostic.

donKey jote
11th May 2007, 21:10
Man created God in his own image, both the good and the bad.
There are no gods other than those created by -or brainwashed into- the minds of non-atheists.
God is like a virus. So far I'm immune.

So spoketh Donkey :dozey:

11th May 2007, 21:14
Haha, I may very well have done eventually :laugh:

My knowledge and interest on religion isn't great, but it's always good to discuss it from time to time :up:

My personal take on it is, I want to believe there is some sort of God, however when you think about it realistically, it's so unrealistic it's hard to believe this is actually true.

If someone today, said such a story, then they would be put in a mental hospital, but because it was said so long ago, and it was the norm to believe, we seem to just accept it.

That's my feelings. I want to believe there is such a god, but I wouldn't put money on it unfortunately :(

11th May 2007, 21:33
"My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness."
"This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness."

Dalai Lama (http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Dalai_Lama#Unsourced)

11th May 2007, 21:44
"My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness."
"This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness."

Dalai Lama (http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Dalai_Lama#Unsourced)

Dalai Lama is a good person, but why has his message have to be called a religion, philosophy is a better word, religion brings to my mind something bigger than life, im not a religious person actually an ateist.

11th May 2007, 22:42
I hold no beliefs in this area, saying you do or dont believe in a God is making a theological standpoint that cant be proven either way, so I dont bother thinking about any of it, if I can help it, and sit on the fence.

Religion is a very different matter and has little to do with the belief in a God from what I can tell, just a way that you think you, r in some cases others, should live their lives. As a result I am very much anti-religious, though I try not to force this on anyone else and let them choose whether to follow a religion or not.

11th May 2007, 23:37
I believe in God...

As far as being religious, it's been awhile since I've been to church, and I should pray far more often than I do, but I have a set of values I feel are proper for a christian ( I only hope God agrees).

God, Christianity, et al is really about faith. True-it is difficult to 'prove or disprove' the existence of any higher being, but one's belief in such overcomes this bit of uncertainty

11th May 2007, 23:53
I believe in God, of course you can't explain in cientific ways his existance has he isn't something material, you just have to feel it.(as you can't explain in any cientific way if someone is in pain, you can know the ways you can feel pain and how, but to know if someone is in pain you just have to believe him/her)
now having a religion a whole different matter, I'm supposed to be Catholic but I don't feel like one, I just believe there's a powerful "something" above us, I call it God

12th May 2007, 00:04
Dalai Lama is a good person, but why has his message have to be called a religion, philosophy is a better word, religion brings to my mind something bigger than life, im not a religious person actually an ateist.

I don't know, maybe because he wanted to get his point across to more people? Religion is easier to relate to maybe? It's kinda like mainstream, easy to identify with. I don't know if I make sense here, it's late, gotta check this post tomorrow morning. But I agree with you, Tomi. Religion to me has way too many negative connections with wars, terrorism, violence, sacrifices etc etc, "philosophy" looks to be mellower...

12th May 2007, 03:00
I don't know, maybe because he wanted to get his point across to more people? Religion is easier to relate to maybe? ...

I think being a Tibetan Buddhist certainly gives him more credibility on the world stage. I think the Dalai Lama's 'philosophies' are common sense really - he has an amazing capacity for forgiveness, despite the hardships faced by himself and his people. His manner strikes a deep chord with me and although I am not a Buddhist I can't help but think the world would be a better place to live if we all carried less round with us and showed more humility.

As for God (and the big organised religions) I have issues. I am not sure I want to believe anyway. As Erki says, the associations aren't that great and I have problem with the fact that religion can be considered as BIG business. The jury's out.

12th May 2007, 03:12
There are 4 possibilities here.

You believe in God, there is a God. Fine.

You believe in God, there is no God. No great loss.

You don't believe in God, there is no God. No great loss.

You don't believe in God, there is a God. You're screwed.

12th May 2007, 05:11
I see no reason why beleif in God can't coincide with rational thinking. I like to think that there is a God; I don't see God as a being or conscious person that judges people according to their deeds. I see God as some uncomprehendable "thing" (I can't find a better word) that drives on the things that happen in the universe.
I don't think it really matters whether or not you believe in God if you can live your life with a clear conscience. As humans, it is impossible for us to wrap our minds around a concept as big and ambiguous as God; so all that matters is one's perception of the idea and how it shapes their life.

There are 4 possibilities here.

You believe in God, there is a God. Fine.

You believe in God, there is no God. No great loss.

You don't believe in God, there is no God. No great loss.

You don't believe in God, there is a God. You're screwed.

lol I love it!!

12th May 2007, 05:16
Anybody who can walk through the Children's Ward of a hospital and come out the other end believing in a "god" is, in my opinion, seriously deluded.

But hey, live and let live. If the religious folk don't try and convert me or "enlighten" me, as they put it, then I don't pick holes in their faith.

Believe whatever floats your boat.

Ian McC
12th May 2007, 12:04
I think the question for believers should be what do you think your God would think of what man has done and is still doing in the name of religion. If there is a heaven or whatever each religion calls it a lot of the so called followers wouldn't make it there.

donKey jote
12th May 2007, 13:27
You don't believe in God, there is a God. You're screwed.

so much for the god of forgiveness :p :

12th May 2007, 13:36
Anybody who can walk through the Children's Ward of a hospital and come out the other end believing in a "god" is, in my opinion, seriously deluded.

Actually, I do this on a daily basis as I work at one...

If you are suggesting that God, or any 'god', "allowed" such catasrtophic things to happen to children, then I feel this is incorrect. God does not control everything. If he did, I think our world would be devoid of many atrocities (natural disasters, other forms of disease and disability).

God is often blamed for many bad things which happen in our world. It's not his fault....

12th May 2007, 13:39
I think the question for believers should be what do you think your God would think of what man has done and is still doing in the name of religion. If there is a heaven or whatever each religion calls it a lot of the so called followers wouldn't make it there.

It's really, really sad what has happened recently in this regard, especially in the US. I really don't know how to answer you. I've never viewed God as a venegeful one, but some things which have occured are absolutely unforgivable in some circumstances.

I can only think that, when the day of judgement come for these individuals, that they will receive what God thinks they deserve..

12th May 2007, 14:21
My God has 4 wheels an an engine!!!!!


Brown, Jon Brow
12th May 2007, 14:25
God is often blamed for many bad things which happen in our world. It's not his fault....

Interesting that you see God as being a male, or is it that God is just a masculine word? :confused:

12th May 2007, 18:45
I think I'm quite spiritual but I don't believe in God. I have very strong opinions on one particular branch of Christianity which I won't get into... but I generally don't think faith and religious belief is a bad thing. Religion causes alot of problems, but the actual "having something to believe in" I find quite inspiring. :)

Ian McC
12th May 2007, 20:21
Religion causes alot of problems

Religion doesn't, like most things it's the humans that use it to advance their causes that does.

13th May 2007, 06:47
There are 4 possibilities here.

You believe in God, there is a God. Fine.

You believe in God, there is no God. No great loss.

You don't believe in God, there is no God. No great loss.

You don't believe in God, there is a God. You're screwed.

Christ I like this one so much I think I will go to Mass !! You know if the Pope wanted to go on a good recruiting binge he would share the wine and allow cigars !!!

13th May 2007, 08:40
The real question is - Is the banana the atheists worst enemy?

13th May 2007, 13:04
Interesting that you see God as being a male, or is it that God is just a masculine word? :confused:

I'm following the Bible, JB, where all reference to God is in the masculine.. :D

13th May 2007, 16:52
Anybody who can walk through the Children's Ward of a hospital and come out the other end believing in a "god" is, in my opinion, seriously deluded.
Woody Allen said that he doesn't think God is evil, just an under-achiever.

Seriously, before you can say whether you believe in God, you have to say what you mean by the word "God". If all you mean by "God" is some force in the universe greater than ourselves, then everyone has to believe, surely. Even me. But if you define "God" as the major religions define Him, as a being who created the universe, is all-knowing, all-powerful, and perfectly good, then I am no agnostic; I am completely atheist.

I am nevertheless totally pro-religion. Like any tool, it can be misused, but at its core, religion is man's attempt to grapple with the big moral issues of life, and I cannot think that such an effort is other than good. I wish more people were religious. I wish I was.

But the factual assertions of all the major religions seem to me so obviously false, that I am at a total loss to understand how any sane person can possbily be taken in by them. Then again, people believe in ghosts, leprechauns and the Loch Ness Monster, so why not God?

Brown, Jon Brow
14th May 2007, 19:32
God made the heavens and the earth and then he said 'let there be light.' Why did he make it in the dark? If I was creating a universe then I would think, "well lets see what I can make here, lets put the light on.................."

14th May 2007, 20:07
Maybe it wasn't the first time God was putting a planet together? You know there are many planets and stuff around here. Maybe he wanted to challenge him/her/itself and do it in dark? Kinda like solving Rubik's cube blindfolded.

14th May 2007, 20:21
That would explain a lot. :p :

14th May 2007, 20:31
God made the heavens and the earth and then he said 'let there be light.' Why did he make it in the dark? If I was creating a universe then I would think, "well lets see what I can make here, lets put the light on.................."

To who did he say, let there be light?

14th May 2007, 20:35
I'm an atheist.

15th May 2007, 08:36
DO you believe in God???? :eek:

More importantly I do not follow ANY religion either. I think religion is just something created by people as a tool to rule others.
Also IMO, only the really weak minded or mindless sheep think religion is something that helps them.

I can understand someone having faith in a God like figure (or an entity) which I would call ....something which we cannot explain but may exist, but having belief in a religion (which actually tells you what to do!?) is stupid.

15th May 2007, 11:13
Also IMO, only the really weak minded or mindless sheep think religion is something that helps them.

That's the best characterization I've ever got. Gotta tell this to my friends. And to my boss, too. :laugh:

The weird thing is that all those who survived the atrocities of communist prisons and working camps said that religion was the only thing that helped them survive. Now I'm really confused......

Personally I don't have doubts about God's existance but about our role on Earth. I wonder what those who don't believe in God think about this.

15th May 2007, 16:43
Our role on earth? Reproduce, and have fun :p

15th May 2007, 16:55
I think religion is just something created by people as a tool to rule others. Also IMO, only the really weak minded or mindless sheep think religion is something that helps them.

I agree 100 %.

The only thing that I need to believe in is me. And Santa. :s anta:

15th May 2007, 20:50
I'm no believer. I'm not an atheist either. I just don't care.

What comes to the bible, it's an excellent novel, just like Kalevala and LOTR.

Coming to think of it, when do you guys think Hollywood is making a blockbuster out of Old Testament. With special effects today, who need Charlton Heston :up:

16th May 2007, 07:45
Our role on earth? Reproduce, and have fun :p

Hmm. Then those who because of different reasons aren't able to reproduce should be rejected by society cos their role is nule. :laugh:

But anything happens for a reason. Why should we reproduce? Why is life important? Who'll lose if tomorrow we decide there's no need to perpatuate our species?

As for the fun part...If that's the purpose why are we more and more stressed?

16th May 2007, 07:49
With special effects today, who need Charlton Heston :up:

Those passionate cinematography lovers who can't be ars*d with special effects. :laugh: