View Full Version : Covid Question: Do you wear a mask in public?

15th July 2020, 16:02
We seem to be having Covid resurgence issues here in the U.S. because so many people refuse to wear masks and/or socially distance. It seems to mainly be younger (under 35) people who are the worst offenders, but there are older people who are being careless as well. There was a recent report about a college party house where the kids put money in a jar and the first one to get Covid got all the money. That's nice. Maybe the winner can send his dying grandma a note in the ICU, telling her that he won $100... sorry that he got her sick and she's going to die. But hey, a 100 bucks is a 100 bucks, right? :rolleyes:

So my question is, do you wear a mask in public and make all reasonable attempts to maintain social distance?

Please mention what country you're from and what the Covid situation is like where you live.

I'm from the U.S. (land of the brave, home of the stoopid). My state (VA) is doing fairly well as far as deaths and hospitalizations. But like most of the U.S., our infection rate has spiked - although nothing like Texas, Florida, South Carolina, California and others.

Little factoid: wearing the mask doesn't so much protect you from getting the virus from others, it primarily protects others from getting the virus from you. So to me, it shows that I'm willing to protect others. Not wearing one, in my opinion, is a sign that the person doesn't care about the people around him/her. I'm not really a people person, but I try to be respectful to my fellow humans.


15th July 2020, 18:20
Here in Absurdistan wearing masks is mandatory in closed spaces. So far we have about.34.200 cases and 1952 deaths for a population of about 19.2 mil. At the beginning we had a very drastic lockdown we weren’t allowed to leave the house or town without a serious reason and only with a written statement. But these days we relaxed and the increase of cases is huge, about 650/day, higher than on the first stage. Absurdistani people are generally uneducated undisclipined guys so you can expect that a lot of them won’t wear the mask or wear it unproperly and they risk to be fined. I admit it’s difficult to breath with the mask, esp. when you wear glasses and there are 35 C degrees outside, but we have to obey the rules, haven’t we? To avoid wearing a mask and any contact with those who don’t wear one in the means of transport I started to walk a lot. Whenever I go to my office I walk 2.5km on my way +2.5 km in return and it’s a tough business. But at least I walk through the beautiful part of the city and have the opportunity to take a lot of pictures ( my new hobby ). We have to wear masks in the office and have the temperature taken every day. However in the office we mostly stay without masks as we come gradually to work and the air conditioned is broken. We literally boil in our own sauce. But we wear it when we go to other offices. I also wear it when I enter a shop, an institution or if I travel by bus/subway. But I try to keep all these at a minimal level and avoid unnecessarily interactions.
These days people started to go on holiday and keeping the social distance is a serious problem. People seem to forget about the pandemic and party like crazy. I decided to go on a short holiday next week and I confess I’m frightened to travel by train for 1h40’ wearing a mask and close to other people.. Or to be stuck in a funicular with unknown people.
My first thought was that this year I’d stay home but then all people around me started to go, many of them even to Greece. So I decided to give it a try. So fingers crossed for me to be OK. 😆

donKey jote
15th July 2020, 19:14
Here in Germany-Lower Saxony everyone wears them on public transport and in shops.
At work (when I’m not home-officing) we wear them in the corridors or wherever we can’t keep a distance of 2m. Air conditioning is turned off (except for the non-recycling types), but that’s normally not much of a problem in the northern german summer.
Cases are very low except for occasional localized outbreaks - mostly in meat-processing plants, “seasonal farm work settings“, or private parties - and under control.

18th July 2020, 17:07
Have you noticed any larger scale public protests over wearing masks in your countries?

Some of the less intelligent members of our citizenry are making statements like, "I know my immune system and it'll protect me" as they reject wearing masks. What these dullards don't understand is that masks protect others from catching the virus from them, not the other way around. But because a great many politicians are pushing inaccurate beliefs and narratives, many dimwit anti-maskers are throwing tantrums in stores and even pulling guns on employees who approach them.

The way I feel about it, if these people want to roll the dice and put their own health at risk, I'm not so bothered by that. But I don't want one of these chimps to spew their germs on me.

20th July 2020, 20:04
Protests in my country aren't directed to wearing masks. They're protesting a government bill that would require individuals infected with COVID-19 to remain quarantined.

Otherwise, today I traveled by train and I had to share a waggon with about 122 people. Next to me was a group of youngsters, all with the mask under their chin. I felt very uncomfortable about this. The girl next to me was setting a make up and it took more than an hour. Then I told her politely that we are in a crowd and we don"t know each other so she has to wear the mask and respect the rules. Well, they probably classed me as an old fart, wore the masks for about 10 min and then gave up. But they were eager to use all kind of desinfectant solutions for hands. The funny (?) part was that even the ticket checker from the railways service (who was in charge to fine those without masks) was wearing his mask incorectly, with the nose out of it.

13th August 2020, 16:54
Maybe I'll start making Dumb American of the Day posts here. And yes, I'm an American... and over the course of my life, I've done more than a few dumb things. But on my worst day, I don't feel like I could even begin to compete with some of my fellow 'Muricans. I mean, this pandemic has put the spotlight on people who you have to wonder, who reminds them to breathe as they stumble through each day? We're talking imbecilic levels stupidity here, folks.

So anyway, in today's edition of Dumb American of the Day, I present Sheriff Billy Woods of Marion County Florida. That's right, his name is Sheriff Billy - for reelz. Only thing missing would be if his middle name was Robert.. making him Sheriff Billy Bob.

Florida sheriff bans masks as county sets record for virus deaths: "This is no longer a debate nor is it up for discussion." (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/florida-sheriff-forbids-deputies-from-wearing-masks-as-state-sets-record-for-covid-19-deaths/ar-BB17SENZ?ocid=uxbndlbing)


13th August 2020, 20:56
Yes, I wear a mask when I go out. I'm in England and sadly even though we currently have a rule that you must wear a mask while in shops, from what I've seen only 1-2 out of 10 people are wearing them.

14th August 2020, 23:59
Yes, I wear a mask when I go out. I'm in England and sadly even though we currently have a rule that you must wear a mask while in shops, from what I've seen only 1-2 out of 10 people are wearing them.

Cool. Good on you.

I can be rather proud of my state and say that we've done reasonably well at following mandates and being sensible. It's not uncommon here to see stores with signs that say "No shirt. No shoes. No mask. NO SERVICE." And IMO, that's the way it should be. But in other parts of the U.S., we have more than a few knuckle-dragger types, who are always yapping about their 'Murican rights and feel that they have a Cosntitutional right to infect the rest of us. They're too dumb to know that the masks aren't to protect them from us, they're to protect the rest of us from them. Oh well. Ten thousand years ago, they'd have wandered out into the open fields, chewing on raw meat, and been eaten by a sabre tooth tiger.

22nd August 2020, 15:28
Just got word from a friend of mine who lives near two area universities. The police broke up multiple parties last weekend at both schools, with hordes of unmasked students partying hard. Just havin' a good ol' time, drinking beer, sharing liquor bottles and breathing on each other like a bunch of cattle. Apparently the police issued the students citations and when they went in on Monday to find out what their fines were, they found out that they were suspended for an indefinite period of time. Ruh roh, Shaggy! :eek:

"Mommy, Daddy... those mean people kicked me out of school cause I wanted to drink beer and meet a one-night stand. It's so not fair! Make them let me come back!" :bigcry:

Ah, that's so sad. Having good enough grades to get into a good school, but not being smart enough to stay there. So, so sad. :p

22nd August 2020, 18:06
Meanwhile in Absurdistan masks have become mandatory even outside in crowded places ( like markets, bus stations or certain areas of the city ).
But just look how people spend a weekend at the seaside.

26th August 2020, 15:52
I'm sorry, but I have to chuckle. My area is experiencing a major uptick in Covid infections since students returned to the area - including restaurants. So I'm not going out to eat anymore. We went out to lunch yesterday and four punks made a scene because they wanted to fly their "freedom to infect" flag and enter without masks. I didn't want to make my girlfriend uncomfortable or make the situation worse, so I just stared them down as they walked past. None of the little twerps would look up. Weasels! Knuckle-dragging breeders and weasels! So when I see stories like this, I cheer. Send 'em back home and keep their money. And that's right kiddo... this disciplinary action goes on your academic record. Suuurprise! Good! :bounce:

The Ohio State University suspends 228 students for violating pandemic precautions even before classes begin (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/the-ohio-state-university-suspends-228-students-for-violating-pandemic-precautions-even-before-classes-begin/ar-BB18lUuZ?ocid=uxbndlbing)

26th August 2020, 16:09
. We went out to lunch yesterday and four punks made a scene because they wanted to fly their "freedom to infect" flag and enter without masks.

What's the point of wearing a mask when you enter a restaurant? You'll remove it anyway when you eat and drink.
Our restaurants were closed all the time and will open next Monday under the pressure of those who work in this industry.
And on Sunday I'll risk another 3 hours trip by train.

26th August 2020, 19:26
What's the point of wearing a mask when you enter a restaurant? You'll remove it anyway when you eat and drink.
Our restaurants were closed all the time and will open next Monday under the pressure of those who work in this industry.
And on Sunday I'll risk another 3 hours trip by train.

Those are just the regulations in my state. We're in Phase 3 (one step from the end) of the reopening where I live. In Phase 1, our restaurants were closed too. Where my uncle lives (same state, different area), seated dining is still prohibited. There, you can only go into a restaurant or diner and get take-out food. Some chains have elected not to allow seated dining, no matter what. McDonald's and most of the fast food chains statewide aren't allowing seated dining, no matter what the local regulations allow.

As for the mask requirement when entering or leaving restaurants, I guess they don't want people walking by (and breathing on) other people without masks on their way to and from their table.

All of the servers and other employees have to wear their masks at all times, unless they go outside to take a break.

What I detested about those young punks is there were a lot of older people (wearing their masks, as any reasonable adult would do in these times) dining there yesterday. And it's the younger people who are mostly responsible for spreading the virus here. And I'm sure these idiots were too dumb to know that wearing the mask protects others from getting it from them - not protecting them from getting it.

I just read that the police broke up ANOTHER college party. Once these kids realize that they're still going to pay the tuition bill, even though their dumb butts are sitting at home for the next two semesters, maybe they'll learn. I hope that I wasn't THAT stupid when I was 18 or 19... but yeah, I probably was. But they say that a hard head makes for a soft @$$, so there ya go. :smokin:

12th October 2020, 08:50
What's the point of wearing a mask when you enter a restaurant? You'll remove it anyway when you eat and drink.
Our restaurants were closed all the time and will open next Monday under the pressure of those who work in this industry.
And on Sunday I'll risk another 3 hours trip by train.

The usual rule is wearing when not sat at the table, which is what I stick to.

6th November 2020, 16:47
Sorry to hear about the lockdowns that are hitting the UK and Europe again. Stay safe, folks.

As the U.S. approaches a quarter million dead Americans and the world approaches one and a quarter million dead, hopefully we can do a better job of looking out for each other and not just thinking about ourselves. Also, let's hope for one or more (effective) vaccines and better therapeutics very shortly.

13th December 2020, 19:04
Here in sunny Scotland I always wear a mask when I go out in public out of respect for others.
I've met a lot of people who do not because they either dont believe its real or dont really care about others.. and also some really stupid ones who think its Chinese bio warfare, a global reset for the New world order by the illuminati or a Mark of the beast, RFID chipping conspiracy by Bill Gates. :/ Yep, seriously!

17th December 2020, 17:03
Here in sunny Scotland I always wear a mask when I go out in public out of respect for others.
I've met a lot of people who do not because they either dont believe its real or dont really care about others.. and also some really stupid ones who think its Chinese bio warfare, a global reset for the New world order by the illuminati or a Mark of the beast, RFID chipping conspiracy by Bill Gates. :/ Yep, seriously!

Thanks for that. My perspective is limited to what I see here. I thought that the U.S. had most of the world's "covidiots". Good (and bad) that we aren't the only ones who are plagued by these people.

Where I live, we had been doing OK up til a few weeks ago. Now our hospital systems are being overrun with cases and intensive care units are around 97% capacity... non-emergency surgeries have been canceled. And yet, we have uneducated people, who have bought into backward conspiracy theories (prompted by our "great" President), who claim that "it ain't nuffin' to worry 'bout." And since it's largely asymptomatic people who are key in spreading this disease, these chimps, Kens and Karens squeal like stuck pigs about their "freedumbs" as they infect the rest of us.

20th December 2020, 13:44
Jag Warrior,

Hard to disagree with that. Here in VA we have a governor who is a doctor, and that has certainly helped with shutting things down when appropriate. Overall we are doing better than most states in the US, but we still have our share of Kens and Karens. The way I see it, if nothing else a mask is a sign of respect for others and easy to do. It might only help a small percentage of people, but it's not much to ask.

As for freedoms, I'm all for them and rights to them, but we have to draw a line where our freedoms impose on others. It seems that our society forgets that frequently these days. People assume that freedom of speech implies that it's ok to scream that speech in someone else's face when not provoked. I see a similar trend on mask wearing. Early on during this mess, I witnessed a situation where some local Kens decided to go troll/shame those wearing masks in a local store. They had really upset a women with the comments, but thankfully a service vet that heard the exchange straightened things out some. He snatched one of the Kens up by the collar, and made it clear he would apologize before leaving. This was only after reminding the chumps that he was a multiple tour combat veteran, and that he wouldn't tolerate them questioning the choices of others.

As an interesting side note, I shoot frequently at a large indoor range near me. Despite the stereotypes of the redneck crew gun owners, it's probably the place with the strictest mask enforcement of all places I've been in this area. Everyone has a mask, and anyone attempting to enter is quickly reminded to turn around and get one.

10th April 2021, 07:51
So, have any of you got vaccinated?
Absurdistan has already opened the 3rd stage of vaccination meaning that general population could register.
I registered for Pfizer and I'm on the waiting list of a medical center. There are about 5000 people on that list. I could get it faster with an Astra-Zeneca vaccine option but I'm reticent.

donKey jote
10th April 2021, 16:08
Not yet, but can’t wait to get any of them, straight away. If I could get AZ now or Biontech in a week I’d still take AZ without any doubts whatsoever.

10th April 2021, 17:55
So, have any of you got vaccinated?
Absurdistan has already opened the 3rd stage of vaccination meaning that general population could register.
I registered for Pfizer and I'm on the waiting list of a medical center. There are about 5000 people on that list. I could get it faster with an Astra-Zeneca vaccine option but I'm reticent.

I got my second Pfizer dose two weeks ago today. I'm very happy and thankful about that. But I got news on Monday that my 82 year old uncle tested positive and was showing symptoms. I pray for his recovery.

I wish all of you the very best in getting the vaccine as soon as it's available to you.

Steve Boyd
12th April 2021, 00:04
I had my first jab (A-Z) in February. The second dose is booked for the first week in May. UK Government policy is to have 11 to 12 weeks between vaccinations to accellerate the numbers having at least one dose. Over 32 million have had one dose and another almost 7 1/2 million have had their second, so 61% of over 18 year olds have had at least one vaccination, 14% have had two.

12th April 2021, 13:03
I got my first shot at the Kaiser facility in Chula Vista (Moderna O.5mil LOT#036A21A EXP: 8/26/2021) on 17 March (no reaction). I get my second 16 April 7:40am at the La Mesa Facility :dork:

donKey jote
14th May 2021, 16:53
Not yet, but can’t wait to get any of them, straight away. If I could get AZ now or Biontech in a week I’d still take AZ without any doubts whatsoever.
They released AZ for anyone who wants it (and can find a doctor to give it) in Germany now, since so many even in the >60 age group prefer to wait for “the proper one”. :rolleyes:
My daughter got her first shot AZ today, I’m getting mine on Wednesday :yay:

15th May 2021, 19:50
On Monday I'll get my second shot of Pfizer and I'm pretty nervous about that cos after the first one I felt a bit awkward.

Right now all the 3 types of vaccines are available for anyone. In the big cities we had even weekend vaccine marathons where people are vaccinated without being previously scheduled.
And beginning with today masks are no more mandatory in open spaces.

18th May 2021, 14:14
I hope that your shot went well, Gadjo. I also got the Pfizer awhile back. Other than my arm being a bit sore for about 24 hours after the second shot, I didn’t have any side effects.

I’m working to stop mocking and making fun of the anti-vaxxer and Covid denier crowd. But some of them say such stupid things and do such illogical things that it’s like shooting fish in a barrel. The latest is a woman I know who is in her 60s. Considering her age and the fact that she’s obese, you’d think she’d be more aware of how catching Covid might affect her. But no. She recently made the statement that she trusted her body’s immune system and she trusted her DNA (I don’t even know what that means). She has absolutely NO scientific background. So she doesn’t trust any of the vaccines (which is fine) but she has a huge supply of “essential oils” that boggles the mind. These are overpriced liquids, which have not been tested, there’s no label which explains how or where they were produced and the so called “health benefits” are questionable at best. But this is what this chubby old woman is relying on… along with her DNA and her immune system (which I suppose she’s had discussions with).

I recently lost another acquaintance to Covid. And I don’t want to see anyone get sick or die. But ya know, some of these people are daring to be Darwin Award winners as they stumble through life. As long as they don’t get me or mine sick, I’m content to live and let live… or die, as the case may be.

18th May 2021, 17:18
I hope that your shot went well, Gadjo. I also got the Pfizer awhile back. Other than my arm being a bit sore for about 24 hours after the second shot, I didn’t have any side effects.

Matter of fact I don't feel well. I have fever, headache, chills and cold feet and I couldn't sleep all night. I understand these may be common things and I hope that tomorrow I'd be fine.

Regarding that woman, she can't beat a lady from my neighborhood which I know as a terrible bigot. She told me that she doesn't need a vaccine or mask cos she drinks ""holy" water from the church and eats holy pieces of bread.

Steve Boyd
19th May 2021, 00:11
a huge supply of “essential oils”

But they're natural plant extracts so they must be good for you, you know like curare & ricin . . . . . .

Gadjo - hope you're feeling better. I've had both doses of the A-Z vaccine and had a bad headache & chills after the first but much less symptoms after the second, which is normal for the A-Z shot.

4th August 2021, 14:33
I still wear mask even others don't want to. It's better to be safe than sorry. I came from a family that does not have the strong immune system to fight it all. I always have hand sanitizer and alcohol with me at all times.

15th October 2021, 04:45
:s :s :shttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20211015/5214f26bd8165db4b7344583348cb3a5.jpg

Steve Boyd
16th October 2021, 00:47
I don't like the look of that - be careful.

donKey jote
25th October 2021, 18:48
Damn, Gadji, please take care!

8th November 2021, 20:53
Indoors, yes. People in restaurants don't, obviously, but I avoid them, get take-out or eat at an outdoor area.

The New York Times had an article on Romania. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/08/world/europe/romania-covid-vaccine-refusal.html

I was in school in the early 90s and many of the professors (and just about all of the graduate students that actually taught classes) were fresh from Eastern Germany, Poland, Bulgaria and the former Jugoslavia. They all had an sense of pessimism and exhaustion that was so at odds with the positive outlook that we had in the United States following the end of the Cold War, even compared to some of my older US teachers that had spent time in Eastern Europe during and after the war. I remember Romania's power structure hanging on after removing and placing all blame on the Ceausescus.

Thirty years makes a big difference, but too many old cynicisms from failings starting around 1848 still seem to linger. For better or worse I graduated when a history degree was less valuable than knowing how to use a computer so many of these theories are unrefined and by now out of date.

11th November 2021, 16:11
Cases are very low except for occasional localized outbreaks - mostly in meat-processing plants, “seasonal farm work settings“, or private parties - and under control.
omegle (https://omegle.ninja)

14th November 2021, 18:39
The New York Times had an article on Romania. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/08/world/europe/romania-covid-vaccine-refusal.html

It has nothing to do with the communist past and I know what 'm saying as I lived those times. But when a country is called Absurdistan it's obviously inhabited by absurd people.