View Full Version : Mark - Consider volunteers to maintain this site

4th June 2020, 13:31
The recent outbreak of spammers peddling all manners of pills etc, the site is looking like it is slowly being overgrown by weeds. Without regular monitoring and weeding, this site would be infested with spammers and soon it would be difficult for members to see racing related posts from the spam posts. This would be an indication of a site that is not managed on a regular basis and you need to act now to styme these new outbreaks.

There are members out there that would be keen to lend their time to maintaining the site. Hence, if you need the help, all you need to do is ask. I would be very happy to help also.

4th June 2020, 17:13

5th June 2020, 16:30
Whoever took the trash out today, thanks. Thanks very much.

6th June 2020, 15:36
I don't like spammers , but a couple of those drugs were good for a nice buzz , eh ?

6th June 2020, 16:54
I don't like spammers , but a couple of those drugs were good for a nice buzz , eh ?

Probably, but you would typically go to the nice buzz pill website for it.

6th June 2020, 18:42
I've not gotten a reply from Mark or Pino yet. But by doing a little spammer hunting over the past couple of days and reporting each of their posts as spam, someone or something dealt with them in very short order. So I'm here to announce that the Rok sisters, and some other feminine spammer names, are now among the dearly departed.

For now, I'd say that if each of us uses the report function on the bottom left, that seems to be an effective means to kill off the spammers. I've been here for just shy of 20 years. I like this forum, even though it's not nearly as active as it used to be. So I'm not about to let it be over run with these lowlife cockroaches.

7th June 2020, 16:11
I've not gotten a reply from Mark or Pino yet. But by doing a little spammer hunting over the past couple of days and reporting each of their posts as spam, someone or something dealt with them in very short order. So I'm here to announce that the Rok sisters, and some other feminine spammer names, are now among the dearly departed.

For now, I'd say that if each of us uses the report function on the bottom left, that seems to be an effective means to kill off the spammers. I've been here for just shy of 20 years. I like this forum, even though it's not nearly as active as it used to be. So I'm not about to let it be over run with these lowlife cockroaches.

Bravo Jag!

7th June 2020, 23:31
I've not gotten a reply from Mark or Pino yet. But by doing a little spammer hunting over the past couple of days and reporting each of their posts as spam, someone or something dealt with them in very short order. So I'm here to announce that the Rok sisters, and some other feminine spammer names, are now among the dearly departed.

For now, I'd say that if each of us uses the report function on the bottom left, that seems to be an effective means to kill off the spammers. I've been here for just shy of 20 years. I like this forum, even though it's not nearly as active as it used to be. So I'm not about to let it be over run with these lowlife cockroaches.

As there is still no rally for me, I am plenty of time at the computer. So if I receive report about spam, I am trying to kill it as soon as possible. I have also killed some of them by themselves. So lets say during last days I am serial killer for spam-bots :D

8th June 2020, 12:24
As there is still no rally for me, I am plenty of time at the computer. So if I receive report about spam, I am trying to kill it as soon as possible. I have also killed some of them by themselves. So lets say during last days I am serial killer for spam-bots :D

Good dog , Pluto .