View Full Version : Le Mans '66 AKA Ford V Ferrari

21st November 2019, 18:30
I know this isn't usual but I thought since it's been a long time since we've seen a film about motorsports in general and a film about Le-Mans 24H race specifically, it would be reasonable to post a thread about it here. If this thread is suppose to be somewhere else, please move it where necessary as it would be nice to discuss the film with people who actually care about motorsports.
I went to see it today, and I still think that 'Rush' is a much better film than this.

4th June 2020, 23:17
I thought that it was good, but far from great. Ford v Ferrari took too much dramatic license with the historical truth/timeline, the actual people and the racing scenes, IMO. I very much agree with you that Rush was a much better film. Ron Howard did an excellent job and made a movie that casual fans and the hardcore alike could enjoy. But my all time favorite is Grand Prix. John Frankenheimer (RIP) caught lightning in a bottle with that one. Even with the game cheat that is CGI, these new films still can't come close to his masterpiece.