View Full Version : Will Hamilton retire at the end of the season?

15th October 2019, 20:54
Lewis Hamilton has written on social media that he feels "like giving up on everything" and posted about the positives of going vegan.

The Formula 1 world champion wrote the lengthy post on his Instagram Stories calling the world "messed up".

The Mercedes driver sold his private jet in a bid to go greener and in September opened Neat Burger, a plant-based restaurant in London.

"Go vegan, it is the only way to truly save our planet today," Hamilton wrote.....

He continued: "I'm sad right now with the thought of where this world is going.

"Extinction of our race is becoming more and more likely as we over use our resources."

In the post, which is no longer available to view, Hamilton stated "education is key" and admitted it had taken "32 years to understand the impact" he is having on the world...."

For real and means it.. or losing the plot a little bit?

15th October 2019, 21:08
Or just checking off a few items to make sure he gets his knighthood?

In all seriousness, no, I don't think he's thinking about retiring. No way to really tell, of course, but he seems as motivated as ever in behind the wheel. If there was the slightest doubt in his mind about what he was doing when he gets in the car, I really don't think he would be putting in the kind of performances he has been. Whatever he might say, I definitely think he wants to at least match Michael's record of WDCs, and I think he wants to drive for Ferrari before he hangs up his racing gloves.

All just idle speculation of course...

15th October 2019, 22:37
Yeah, strange thing to say when he should be focused on winning the WDC.

I think you are right, he will want to at least match Michael and maybe go for another title if he can. Doubt he will finish his career at Ferrari though, now that they have Charles.

N. Jones
16th October 2019, 18:27
I doubt it but I understand where he is coming from.

The Black Knight
16th October 2019, 20:03
Nah, he just said last week that he was looking forward to driving the 2021 cars and that he was doing everything he could to ensure he was still around to try them.

Now, should 2021 new rules not go ahead then that may change his mind I guess.

16th October 2019, 21:35
Hey , he gave meat up . And , he sold his plane .
Now , he just wants to fry veggie burgers all day long .
Is that so bad ?
You guys are too hard on a guy .

Any of you sold any of your planes ?

18th October 2019, 11:57
Any of you sold any of your planes ?

I still eat meat. Why in the world would I sell my planes? :laugh:

Hopefully Lewis is just reflecting on the world, and is seeing that despite his great success in racing he is still somewhat insignificant in a world view of influence. Maybe if he keeps on this path he can go on to influence many more after he retires. I think many vegans go through a stage of thinking that being vegan is the only way to change the world, and personally I think that is insane.... it's just a small drop that lands in an ocean.

But at the same time, at least he's reflecting on things much bigger than himself, which is a positive change that could be made in the world.