View Full Version : I thought Evolution was the worst movie of all time..

9th May 2007, 21:21
... but apparently it's not. I just saw Eragorn.


I wrote a post why it sucked so bad but I fígured why bother. It was that bad. Period. :down:

EDITx2: Actually I wrote reasons for my defence why I watched it in the first place :p :

EDITx3: I'm gonna stop editing now.

9th May 2007, 21:23
Sorry, I loved the movie

jim mcglinchey
9th May 2007, 21:53
Me too.

Would you like anything?
Ice cream, Id like some ice cream please.
What flavour?
It doesnt matter...its for my ass!

Ian McC
9th May 2007, 22:02
Oh well it was harmless enough, I am sure I've seen worse :erm:

9th May 2007, 22:51
Eragon was absolute rubbish. I would have rather spent the 90 minutes or however long it was hitting myself repeatedly in sensitive areas with a hammer. I'd been assured that the book was great, and I was expecting the movie to be brilliant, but the trailer featured the only exciting minute in the whole movie.

9th May 2007, 22:55
Havnt seen Eragon and am usually very weary of such films, they normally tend to be crap, but Evolution was fantastic.

9th May 2007, 23:08
Me too.

Would you like anything?
Ice cream, Id like some ice cream please.
What flavour?
It doesnt matter...its for my ass!

Sorry Jim, I missed the bunchline.

I feel I do have to base my statement because I feel it's a bit unfair otherwise. I have to admit I didn't expect too much of it because I felt, according the books, that it's a "high-adventure" story anyways. The movie proved that point too strongly. Oh, those haircuts, clean glothes, way of speaking the dialogue...

Second thing what bothered me was there were two of my favourite actors in the cast. Unfortunately they probably were in it because of easy money. I've never seen such a lame performance from either one, Jeremy Irons and John Malkovich in any movie.

But what bothered me the most was the directing and editing combined. Jeez, it reminded me of those awful heavy-videos from the 80's. I'm aware of the difficulties in movie industry, especially in directing but this was one time I actually thought I could do it better. ( Except I probably couldn't but that's not the point. ) Those short fight scenes looked horrible. I'm sorry, my english isn't good enough to describe what my intention is. Long story short, it sucked :)

But hey, that's just me. Go and check it out ;)

jim mcglinchey
10th May 2007, 10:04
Its the line from the film uttered by the black guy when the alien has just been surgically removed from his nether...........well, I laughed.

10th May 2007, 10:20
Why have I not even heard of this movie? unless its a cartoon, comic based or sci-fi or effects laden thingie....

10th May 2007, 11:10
I saw the poster at a movie theatre and could see a mile away that it was rubbish.

10th May 2007, 11:31
Anyone seen American History X.

Possibly my all time favourite film!

10th May 2007, 12:16
I saw the poster at a movie theatre and could see a mile away that it was rubbish.

C'mon Danny, how can you see a movieposter from mile away? :p :

10th May 2007, 12:18
Figure of speach dude :p

10th May 2007, 12:22
So it's not that you have special powers...?

10th May 2007, 12:26
No :p

Can you not just tell from this poster that it looks silly? :mark: The angle of the photo, the text, the wusy looking lead male actor and the silly "evil" looking men :erm:


10th May 2007, 12:31
It's an absolutely horrific movie. The poster has done its job - it sums up pretty well what the whole movie is like.

And I was assured that the book was good.

10th May 2007, 13:58
Looking at the poster it can't be all bad, the woman clearly has acting enhancement protrusions in her cheast, please don't me their sizes were exaggerated.

10th May 2007, 15:03
Way exaggerated :mark:

Hazell B
10th May 2007, 15:46
Way exaggerated :mark:


Welcome to the wonderful world of graphic art :p :

10th May 2007, 16:16
Eragaon & Sophie were telepathetic on purpose...they could change the dialogue anytime without having to re-CGI the lip movement. LOL

10th May 2007, 22:54
I can't make up my mind about Eragon:

Either it was so bad I've blocked the memory and can't remember any details, or it was so unmemorable that I don't remember any details.

10th May 2007, 23:49
I can't make up my mind about Eragon:

Either it was so bad I've blocked the memory and can't remember any details, or it was so unmemorable that I don't remember any details.
Is there a difference?

11th May 2007, 00:03
Not really. Either way it was bad :\

11th May 2007, 00:12
I get the feeling that the makers were aiming for something like the Lord of the Rings films but ended up with something more like one of those B-grade fantasy films that spewed out of Hollywood in the '80's.

I thought the lone bright spot in the film was actually Jeremy Irons' character. But I like those crusty old warrior type charatcers when they are a little humourous. The rest of the cast stunk up the place and John Malkovich phoned this one in. It's probably not their fault though, I don't think they had much to work with.

11th May 2007, 00:17
I get the feeling that the makers were aiming for something like the Lord of the Rings films but ended up with something more like one of those B-grade fantasy films that spewed out of Hollywood in the '80's.

It's the script that was so thin.

11th May 2007, 09:06
I didn't see the film but as I love adventures films I was going to buy it but, after reading this thread... I will save my money :p :

12th May 2007, 00:39
Worst film ever is Star Wars Episode One, closely followed by all the other Star Wars movies and the Lord Of The Rings trilogy.

Hazell B
12th May 2007, 09:56
Whilst on a DVD buying spree a few days ago I noticed Eragon's half price already. It's only been out on DVD a few days hasn't it?

12th May 2007, 11:14
Worst film ever is Star Wars Episode One, closely followed by all the other Star Wars movies and the Lord Of The Rings trilogy.
No, the worst film ever would be Doungens & Dragons, a film that makes Eragon look like an Oscar winner.

And the LOTR was excelent.

12th May 2007, 11:42
No, the worst film ever would be Doungens & Dragons, a film that makes Eragon look like an Oscar winner.

And the LOTR was excelent.

I would have to agree. Dungeons & Dragons had that mandatory comedy character. One of the Wayans brothers if I recall right ?? And Jeremy Irons. I think his agent hates him.

Ian McC
12th May 2007, 12:57
And Jeremy Irons. I think his agent hates him.


I do like him but he does tend to pick duff ones. If you want to see him at his best see Dead Ringers.

12th May 2007, 17:30

I do like him but he does tend to pick duff ones. If you want to see him at his best see Dead Ringers.

Seen it. And I like Jeremy Irons in that. Both of them actually :p :