View Full Version : Rally Islas Canarias 2018

7th March 2018, 16:12
I think it is time to start thread about Rally Islas Canarias, second round of ERC which will be on the beginning of May.

106 sport
7th March 2018, 16:25

The Canary Islands Rally, the test with the greatest impact of the FIA ERC 2017 Featured
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The Canary Islands Rally, the test with the greatest impact of the FIA ERC 2017
The television audiences of the island event of the European Rally Championship obtained, according to the final report by the Nielsen Sports auditor, 25.29 million viewers, representing a growth of around 51% compared to the edition number 40. Parallel to this, there are already many teams that have contacted the organization to take part in next to be held between May 3 and 5.

El informe ERC TV 2017 elaborado para el FIA European Rally Championship por la consultora Nielsen Sports ha confirmado el enorme crecimiento de las audiencias televisivas obtenidas por la edición del pasado año del Rally Islas Canarias. Según el citado informe facilitado por Eurosport Events al organizador de la prueba grancanaria, en el global de todo el año su audiencia alcanzó los 25,29 millones de telespectadores, lo que supone un crecimiento de alrededor del 51% respecto a la edición de 2016.

Los buenos datos en torno al Rally Islas Canarias no acaban ahí. El informe de Nielsen Sports establece que fue la prueba que gozó de un mayor interés por parte de los medios de comunicación. Alcanzar el mayor punto de impacto mediático de las ocho pruebas que componían el calendario del FIA ERC 2017 le ha proporcionado un valor publicitario equivalente de 3,2 millones de euros.

El gran interés creado alrededor del Rally Islas Canarias también ha ayudado al FIA ERC a ganar 9,6 millones de espectadores en España durante el pasado año. Otro dato ilustrativo de ese interés es que nuestro país quedó en lo más alto del ranking en lo que respecta a tiempo de retransmisión del ERC con 249 horas y 42 minutos. En términos globales, el Campeonato de Europa de Rallies FIA ha logrado incrementar en 14,5 millones de espectadores sus cifras de audiencia a pesar de haber reducido el pasado año de diez a ocho su calendario de pruebas. En total, obtuvo 177,2 millones de espectadores (+9%) con 1.081 horas de emisión (+11,7%).

“Estamos a menos de tres meses para la disputa de la edición número 42 y todo son buenas noticias. Como presidente del Comité Organizador tengo muy presente la importancia de todas las entidades públicas y privadas que hacen posible la celebración de esta prueba. Los datos de audiencia global y, muy especialmente, el valor publicitario que el análisis de Nielsen Sports ha asignado a nuestro evento, demuestran que vamos en el camino correcto. Es un orgullo haber ayudado a crecer al FIA European Rally Championship y llevar el nombre de Canarias a tantos millones de hogares”, ha valorado Germán Morales.

Aunque aún quedan tres meses para su celebración, son muchos los equipos que se han puesto en contacto con el organizador para solicitar información y muchos otros los que, a través de Eurosport Events han confirmado su voluntad de tomar en esta segunda prueba de la temporada y primera sobre asfalto. Entre ellos cabe destacar a pilotos como el alemán Fabian Kreim, el francés Laurent Pellier, el polaco Hubert Ptaszek, el húngaro Norbert Herczig, el luso Aloísio Monteiro y los españoles Surhayén Pernía e Iván Ares (campeón del CERA), todos ellos sobre sendos R5; el ruso Sergey Remennik y el húngaro Tibor Erdi Jr en ERC2; Emma Falcón con R3 y, con R2, la británica Catie Munnings y el austriaco Simon Wagner.

El pasado año, el Rally Islas Canarias contó con una notabilísima participación internacional, incluyendo pilotos con títulos nacionales de sus respectivos países en su palmarés.

106 sport
7th March 2018, 16:45
List of possible entries. It is rumoured last days around Gran Canaria:

Alexey Lukyanuk – Ford Fiesta R5
Lukasz Habaj – Ford Fiesta R5
Frank Tore Larsen – Ford Fiesta R5
Miguel Fuster – Ford Fiesta R5
Bruno Magalhães – Skoda Fabia R5
Chris Ingram – Skoda Fabia R5
Grzegorz Grzyb – Skoda Fabia R5
Filip Nivette – Skoda Fabia R5
Fabian Kreim – Skoda Fabia R5
Norbert Herczig – Skoda Fabia R5
Martin Koči – Skoda Fabia R5
Hubert Ptaszek – Skoda Fabia R5
Nikolay Griazin – Skoda Fabia R5
Miklós Kazár – Skoda Fabia R5
David Botka – Skoda Fabia R5
Aloisio Monteiro – Skoda Fabia R5
Janos Puskâdi – Skoda Fabia R5
Fredrik Ahlin – Skoda Fabia R5
G. Costenaro – Peugeot 208 T16 R5
Laurent Pellier – Peugeot 208 T16 R5
Adrian García – Peugeot 208 T16 R5
Pierre Louis Loubet – Hyundai i20 R5
Iván Ares – Hyundai i20 R5
Toñi Ponce – Hyundai i20 R5
Víctor Delgado – Hyundai i20 R5
Surhayén Pernía – Hyundai i20 R5
Hermann Neubauer – Skoda R5
Henk Bakkenes – Ford Fiesta R5
Erdi Tibor – Mitsubishi Evo X
Rubén Curbelo – Mistubishi Evo IX
Gilbert Bannout – Mitsubishi Evo X
Sergei Remennik – Mitsubishi Evo X
Juan Carlos Alonso – Mitsubishi Evo X
Joan Vinyes – Suzuki Swift R+
Alvaro Lobera – Suzuki Swift R+
Zelindo Melegari – Subaru Impreza N14
Enma Falcón – Citröen DS3 R3T
Aleks Zawada – Opel Adam R2
Simon Vallentin Hansen – Opel Adam R2
Tom Kristensson – Opel Adam R2
Roland Stengg – Opel Adam R2
Chema Reyes – Peugeot 208 R2
Efrén Llarena – Peugeot 208 R2
Ramon Cornet – Peugeot 208 R2
Catie Munnings – Peugeot 208 R2
Simon Wagner – Peugeot 208 R2
Martin Sesks – Peugeot 208 R2
Mikka Hokkanen – Peugeot 208 R2
Mattia Vita – Peugeot 208 R2
Renato Pita – Ford Fiesta R2T

106 sport
7th March 2018, 17:18
More information:

Stages, maps, schedule.





Así será el Rally Islas Canarias 2018

La edición número 42 del Rally Islas Canarias mete una marcha más en sus preparativos con la publicación este viernes 2 de marzo de su recorrido definitivo, además de proceder a la apertura del plazo de inscripción. A dos meses para su disputa, la segunda cita del FIA European Rally Championship (ERC), la tercera del Campeonato de España de Rallies de Asfalto (CERA) y primera del Campeonato de Canarias de Rallies de Asfalto, todo hace indicar que tendrá todos los ingredientes para que los aficionados disfruten al máximo.

El plazo de recepción de solicitudes de inscripción permanecerá abierto hasta el 17 de abril y las previsiones son excelentes. Son muchos los equipos internacionales y nacionales que se han puesto en contacto con la organización para solicitar información y empezar con los trámites de inscripción. Además, el hecho de ser la segunda de las seis pruebas de las dos categorías Junior del ERC (Under 28 y Under 27) también va a propiciar una amplia participación internacional.

Respecto al recorrido, se han realizado algunos cambios respecto al dibujo original trazado por su organizador. Como gran novedad, habrá dos especiales, las de San Mateo (TC2 y TC5) y Artenara (TC3 y TC6), cuyos recorridos compartirán el escenario de la emblemática Cruz de Tejeda a la vez durante parte de la primera etapa. Para que así sea, la organización va a desplegar un operativo de seguridad especial gracias a la colaboración del Ayuntamiento de Tejeda.

Así será el Rally Islas Canarias 2018

Estos son todos sus tramos a falta de desvelar los detalles de la súper especial urbana de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria que, a doble pasada, servirá de cierre de la primera etapa:

Valsequillo (10,96 km)

La edición número 42 del Rally Islas Canarias comienza con un recorrido inédito. Es una especial que se aproxima a los 11 kilómetros de recorrido y que tiene su salida en el propio casco de Valsequillo, en dirección a San Mateo. Los primeros metros acercan la prueba a un núcleo urbano para, inmediatamente, elevar el ritmo al paso por las zonas de Las Vegas. Es una zona de buen asfalto, en el que predominarán las altas velocidades hasta llegar a Tenteniguada, otro punto estratégico que servirá de enlace hasta la meta final. A partir de ahí, la nota predominante sigue siendo la de un asfalto en perfectas condiciones, el cual exigirá un ritmo que requerirá unas buenas notas.

San Mateo (15,04 km)

El calificativo de inédito también se adapta a este tramo cronometrado. Con dirección al centro de la isla, arranca justo después del casco que da nombre a la prueba especial. A los pocos metros de la salida sobre la carretera GC-15, los participantes encontrarán una rotonda que deberán bordear por completo; desde allí tomarán por unos pocos metros un camino vecinal que incluye un espectacular cruce a izquierdas que les devolverá a la GC-15. En un ascenso donde primará la velocidad, los participantes llegarán a la Cruz de Tejeda, donde en otro giro a izquierdas sobre la carretera GC-150 pondrán rumbo a la meta, situada en el Mirador de Degollada Becerra.

Artenara (23,05 km)

Un tramo clave en la primera etapa, ya que es el más largo de la jornada del viernes 4 de mayo. Sigue con la tónica de novedades de este primer día; la línea de salida se sitúa en la carretera GC-60, junto a la rotonda de la GC-15 que corresponde a la circunvalación que conecta con la Cruz de Tejeda. Ese ascenso se divide en dos partes: el ancho y pronunciado repecho inicial; y el técnico y recién asfaltado trecho que llega a la Cruz de Tejeda. Los vehículos coronarán ese emblemático lugar, de doble paso esa misma jornada, ahora girando a la izquierda en dirección Las Emisoras. Esa zona más plana, en donde la meteorología puede ser un factor determinante, se caracteriza por su asfalto más abrasivo. La llegada al cruce de Las Emisoras se realiza hacia la izquierda para poner dirección a Artenara sobre la carretera GC-21, en general en óptimo estado. La llegada al casco se abordará tomando la desviación a la derecha que coincide con el rasante –ahora en sentido inverso- que se pudo ver el año pasado. La especial discurre por esa vía secundaria y, después de unos metros, un giro a la derecha lleva a los vehículos a la carretera GC-215, donde se sitúa la meta.

Arucas (11,58 km)

La segunda etapa comienza al norte de la isla y muy cerca del centro neurálgico de la prueba. El histórico casco de Arucas marca el punto de partida de esta prueba especial que, a los pocos metros, encuentra una rotonda junto a la destilería que debe bordearse para posteriormente seguir unos pocos metros sobre la carretera GC-330. Después de esa recta se gira a la izquierda por ‘Las Cuevecillas’, un trecho que se corona con un rasante para terminar conectando con la carretera GC-300. Un trazado corto e intenso que, por su novedad y sus características, puede ser escenario de momentos clave en la presente edición.

Moya (15,08 km)

Como en 2017, este tramo cronometrado arranca a las puertas del municipio norteño y, también como entonces, afronta una concurrida rotonda que los equipos deberán negociar de la mejor manera posible. Los participantes dejarán atrás esa bonita estampa con dirección a la carretera GC-75, a la que llegan después de otro cruce a izquierdas de 90º. Ese técnico ascenso puede ser determinante si la meteorología se complica, y es que su asfalto no perdona los errores. A la llegada a Fontanales, los vehículos ‘callejearán’ hasta tomar la salida por la carretera GC-70 después de un cruce de 180º. La meta se sitúa sobre esa vía pasados unos kilómetros.

Gáldar (24,21 km)

Con esta especial finaliza la edición número 42, con más de 24 kilómetros de recorrido que la convierten en la más larga de esta edición. La línea de salida se encuentra en la carretera GC-220, pocos kilómetros después de abandonar la GC-2. Un ascenso rápido que atraviesa Hoya de Pineda y Saucillo para, después de su larga recta y en un complicado cruce hacia la izquierda, adentrarse en el estrecho camino hacia Lucena, salpicado de horquillas y zonas realmente complicadas. Un ángulo a derechas de 90º dirige a los vehículos a la GC-710; una zona plana en la que se puede rodar a altas velocidades, que se verán reducidas en algunas frenadas muy bien marcadas. Más adelante, la carretera tiende a subir en dirección al Cruce de Juncalillo, que se toma recto en dirección a esa demarcación y, justo antes de llegar a la misma, se gira a la izquierda sin abandonar la carretera GC-220. Ese técnico ascenso, bello también por su paisaje, concluye unos metros antes del Cruce de Los Garajes.

El Comité Organizador del Rally Islas Canarias también publica a partir de las dos de la tarde en la web oficial de la prueba el reglamento y el mapa general de esta edición número 42 que se llevará a cabo entre los días 2 y 5 de mayo de 2018.

7th March 2018, 18:26
List of possible entries. It is rumoured last days around Gran Canaria:

Alexey Lukyanuk – Ford Fiesta R5
Lukasz Habaj – Ford Fiesta R5
Frank Tore Larsen – Ford Fiesta R5
Miguel Fuster – Ford Fiesta R5
Bruno Magalhães – Skoda Fabia R5
Chris Ingram – Skoda Fabia R5
Grzegorz Grzyb – Skoda Fabia R5
Filip Nivette – Skoda Fabia R5
Fabian Kreim – Skoda Fabia R5
Norbert Herczig – Skoda Fabia R5
Martin Koči – Skoda Fabia R5
Hubert Ptaszek – Skoda Fabia R5
Nikolay Griazin – Skoda Fabia R5
Miklós Kazár – Skoda Fabia R5
David Botka – Skoda Fabia R5
Aloisio Monteiro – Skoda Fabia R5
Janos Puskâdi – Skoda Fabia R5
Fredrik Ahlin – Skoda Fabia R5
G. Costenaro – Peugeot 208 T16 R5
Laurent Pellier – Peugeot 208 T16 R5
Adrian García – Peugeot 208 T16 R5
Pierre Louis Loubet – Hyundai i20 R5
Iván Ares – Hyundai i20 R5
Toñi Ponce – Hyundai i20 R5
Víctor Delgado – Hyundai i20 R5
Surhayén Pernía – Hyundai i20 R5
Hermann Neubauer – Skoda R5
Henk Bakkenes – Ford Fiesta R5
Erdi Tibor – Mitsubishi Evo X
Rubén Curbelo – Mistubishi Evo IX
Gilbert Bannout – Mitsubishi Evo X
Sergei Remennik – Mitsubishi Evo X
Juan Carlos Alonso – Mitsubishi Evo X
Joan Vinyes – Suzuki Swift R+
Alvaro Lobera – Suzuki Swift R+
Zelindo Melegari – Subaru Impreza N14
Enma Falcón – Citröen DS3 R3T
Aleks Zawada – Opel Adam R2
Simon Vallentin Hansen – Opel Adam R2
Tom Kristensson – Opel Adam R2
Roland Stengg – Opel Adam R2
Chema Reyes – Peugeot 208 R2
Efrén Llarena – Peugeot 208 R2
Ramon Cornet – Peugeot 208 R2
Catie Munnings – Peugeot 208 R2
Simon Wagner – Peugeot 208 R2
Martin Sesks – Peugeot 208 R2
Mikka Hokkanen – Peugeot 208 R2
Mattia Vita – Peugeot 208 R2
Renato Pita – Ford Fiesta R2T

Quite possible and the vast majority is correct, but you need to change some cars

Jarek Z
7th March 2018, 19:32
Aleks Zawada – Opel Adam R2

This is not true. Zawada said that he is not going to compete in Junior ERC Under 27 this year.

106 sport
7th March 2018, 20:12
This is not true. Zawada said that he is not going to compete in Junior ERC Under 27 this year.


I said that it is a provissional list made by supportters.

7th March 2018, 21:41
Any info yet if the city stage will be similar to last year?

106 sport
8th March 2018, 08:05
Any info yet if the city stage will be similar to last year?


Looks like it will be a little shorter than it was last year.

106 sport
14th March 2018, 13:54

Gryazin will be in Gran Canaria

106 sport
16th March 2018, 08:29
There are rumours about former Peugeot driver Suarez will be in Gran Canaria, besides the rest of Spain Championship. He could drive I20 R5.


Jarek Z
17th March 2018, 18:42
Filip Nivette said that he is going to start his season on Rally Islas Canarias. He's going to rent Skoda Fabia R5 from Roman Kresta's team.

106 sport
18th March 2018, 09:59
Filip Nivette said that he is going to start his season on Rally Islas Canarias. He's going to rent Skoda Fabia R5 from Roman Kresta's team.

Good news.

Any link?

Jarek Z
18th March 2018, 11:10
Good news.

Any link?

In Polish only:

106 sport
18th March 2018, 11:48
In Polish only:


106 sport
22nd March 2018, 15:16
It have been released videos of the special stages.


25th March 2018, 15:30
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2076393529259924&id=1628300890735859 Here a list with provisional drivers

106 sport
25th March 2018, 19:13
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2076393529259924&id=1628300890735859 Here a list with provisional drivers

Wowww...32 R5.

I think it could reach 35-37 R5

26th March 2018, 15:00
That list will be more impressive :)

106 sport
26th March 2018, 16:49
That list will be more impressive :)

Hi Pluto.

Are you trying to said that is going to be "surprises" in the entry list?

106 sport
26th March 2018, 20:47
There are rumours about former Peugeot driver Suarez will be in Gran Canaria, besides the rest of Spain Championship. He could drive I20 R5.



Besides WRC Portugal + Germany + Spain.


Jarek Z
26th March 2018, 22:14
Nice livery!


106 sport
27th March 2018, 12:46
Rumours in Gran Canaria about Eyvind Brynildsen´s ERC participation.

Rally Islas Canarias could be his first rally.

29th March 2018, 22:33
Rumours in Gran Canaria about Eyvind Brynildsen´s ERC participation.

Rally Islas Canarias could be his first rally.Yes, confirmed today, he will try to win ERC 2018.

Sent fra min SM-G950F via Tapatalk

31st March 2018, 13:14
Yes, confirmed today, he will try to win ERC 2018.

Sent fra min SM-G950F via Tapatalk

The battle for top 10 in ERC is bigger than WRC2. I doubt he has any chance to win ERC.

106 sport
2nd April 2018, 15:56
Rumours in Gran Canaria about Mads Ostberg´s participation.

He could compete with a new Citroen C3 R5.

106 sport
5th April 2018, 10:53
That list will be more impressive :)

You are right.

Today, we had a surprise with Zawada and his I20 R5 jaja...

106 sport
9th April 2018, 15:54
Gilbert Bannout is going to start his season on Rally Islas Canarias. It is his third participation in Gran Canaria

He will compete with Subaru WRX STI from Toksport WRT.

By the ways...There are only 8 days left for closing date for Entries...

The last forecast estimates around 35-38 R5.

106 sport
12th April 2018, 13:23
Rumours not confirmed that there are logistical problems with the boats, therefore not all cars may arrive in Gran Canaria on time.

We expect that it is not going to happen.

106 sport
12th April 2018, 13:59
Rumours not confirmed that there are logistical problems with the boats, therefore not all cars may arrive in Gran Canaria on time.

We expect that it is not going to happen.

The rumors have been denied by the organizer.

12th April 2018, 18:53
This rumours are fake. Or better to say, there are slight changes in boats schedule, but nothing important.

106 sport
12th April 2018, 19:23
This rumours are fake. Or better to say, there are slight changes in boats schedule, but nothing important.


Good news.

Do you have new any rumours about entry list jaja...?

106 sport
15th April 2018, 12:58
Luis Monzon with Fiesta R5 support by M-Sport.

19th April 2018, 11:34
Entrylist (not seeded)


28 R5 cars

106 sport
19th April 2018, 12:27
Entrylist (not seeded)


28 R5 cars

In Gran Canaria we had expected about 35 R5.

A little bit disappointed.

I miss names like M. Koci, F. Alhin or F. Nivette

Even so...It is a good list, we will enjoy a great rally ¡¡¡




Fast Eddie WRC
20th April 2018, 16:50
So there are seven Hyundai i20 R5's in Canaries. Thats quite impressive for the brand and I'm surprised they have sold so well to the Spanish.

Shame no Koci or Åhlin here but still a strong competition.

Rally Power
21st April 2018, 12:59
In Gran Canaria we had expected about 35 R5.

A little bit disappointed.

I miss names like M. Koci, F. Alhin or F. Nivette

Even so...It is a good list, we will enjoy a great rally ¡¡¡




A bit below the impressive 37 R5 from Azores (36 at the start), still a nice list proving ERC is in good shape. Fingers crossed for Magalhães and Gago!

Fast Eddie WRC
21st April 2018, 21:24
Chris Ingram tarmac testing near Barcelona for a few days... :)



106 sport
23rd April 2018, 15:37
Entry list has been released.


Fast Eddie WRC
24th April 2018, 10:50
Pics at test for Chris Ingram.

Looks like they were taking no chances of another Škoda R5 fire !!

Jarek Z
24th April 2018, 12:03
Pics at test for Chris Ingram.

Looks like they were taking no chances of another Škoda R5 fire !!

The fireman is standing in the same postion in each pic. Is it a robot? ;)

24th April 2018, 12:24
Maybe it is not a robot, but an idiot. :)

24th April 2018, 12:29
Maybe it is not a robot, but an idiot. :)

Was that supposed to be funny?

Jarek Z
24th April 2018, 12:45
Jose Suarez' new car:

24th April 2018, 13:01
Was that supposed to be funny?
Of course. I know you are "The grumpy and old one" here and it is your "thing" and I really think you are doing your best at being grumpy, so I respect all that hard work and admire all your effort but I just can´t be like you. Sorry. Some of us are happy in our lives

24th April 2018, 13:33
If calling someone doing his job idiot makes You feel happy I feel sorry about You.

106 sport
25th April 2018, 16:44
Cerny will not be in Gran Canaria, it is a pity.

26th April 2018, 08:50
Cerny will not be in Gran Canaria, it is a pity.

Do we know why not?

26th April 2018, 11:34
Do we know why not?

Damaged engine after Rallye Sumava Klatovy and very short time to find different solution...

26th April 2018, 14:56
Damaged engine after Rallye Sumava Klatovy and very short time to find different solution...

Ok, thanks.

29th April 2018, 13:23
For me, the most intersting things to look out for on Canarias will be how Ingram does on his first tarmac run in the R5, and the performance of Zawada and Brynildsen.

Expect Lukyanuk to dominate at the front.

30th April 2018, 15:44
Ingram crashed now on test

30th April 2018, 15:59
Ingram crashed now on test

repairable crash Bartek?

30th April 2018, 16:04
repairable crash Bartek?

Hard to say, hit armco with front left, I didn't see more closely, just picture

30th April 2018, 16:30
find a photo

30th April 2018, 17:52
Also Ares (i20) rip a wheel off, hope both can repair for the rallye

30th April 2018, 17:56
find a photo

To be honest I would not bet on him starting the rally. Quite impossible to say how bad the damage is but it certainly can be bad.

Fast Eddie WRC
30th April 2018, 20:55
From http://motorenlinea.es

"Iván Ares and José Pintor broke the right front wheel of their Hyundai i20 R5 in the afternoon and their team will have a lot of work ahead until Thursday morning, date of the shakedown.
Ingram, meanwhile, was long in a braking right and the nose of his Skoda hit one of the fences. His team went to work and still had time to make one last pass through the section."

I hope this is correct, still waiting for confirmation...

Fast Eddie WRC
30th April 2018, 21:01
Confirmed !! :)


Good job after this damage...


30th April 2018, 21:18
Good he can start. From this angle the damage looks far less severe indeed. That aside, and likely decided by the sponsor, but an all-black car has to be a big disadvantage in warm conditions...

Fast Eddie WRC
30th April 2018, 21:37
@ChrisIngramGB Made a school boy error on cold tyres today whilst pushing to the limits, luckily I have an amazing team who fixed the car within a few hours! Amazing job guys. @toksportwrt @FIAERC


30th April 2018, 21:48
havoc at testing

video with Ingrams crash

30th April 2018, 21:49
Lukyanuk also broke wheel. Nothing special though.

Jarek Z
1st May 2018, 00:35
That aside, and likely decided by the sponsor, but an all-black car has to be a big disadvantage in warm conditions...

Maybe in Acropolis, but it is not that hot on Canary Islands? In the photo that Fast Eddie WRC posted, they are even wearing jackets.

Jarek Z
1st May 2018, 00:37
Lukyanuk also broke wheel. Nothing special though.

Is it not Lukyanuk's trademark? ;)

1st May 2018, 01:17
Maybe in Acropolis, but it is not that hot on Canary Islands? In the photo that Fast Eddie WRC posted, they are even wearing jackets.

Some time a go we measured a car interior temperature of two cars standing side by side on the sun for several hours. The difference between the white and black car was roughly 15°C inside. If You ask me that is huuuge difference and it's definitely better to avoid that. Both for the crew and the engine.

1st May 2018, 08:33
various crews testing


106 sport
1st May 2018, 14:10
Luky´s accident, I was there.



Various videos and pictures:



1st May 2018, 19:32
Maybe in Acropolis, but it is not that hot on Canary Islands? In the photo that Fast Eddie WRC posted, they are even wearing jackets.

Is Ingram coming to Acropolis?

Fast Eddie WRC
2nd May 2018, 10:19
Is Ingram coming to Acropolis?

His full program is not decided but Rally Acroplis & Cyprus are not part of the U28 JERC, so not likely.

2nd May 2018, 20:19
Any live stages from local TV planned like in Acores?

3rd May 2018, 09:09
FP1 live timing: https://m.rally-base.com/2018/rally-islas-canarias-2018/?ssId=4664&ssGroupId=3

Fast Eddie WRC
3rd May 2018, 09:33
No FP1 run by Chris Ingram ??

Or FP2... :(

Fast Eddie WRC
3rd May 2018, 11:42
Ingram was sick so no FP.

(11 - Ingram Chris / Whittock Ross): I feel pretty rubish, I just needed to get through and get ready for tomorrow. I have a temperature, I hope to be a different man tomorrow.

3rd May 2018, 11:44
Ingram ran the qualifying but is not feeling well.

Lukyanuk quickest so far, Kreim good and von Thurn und Taxis quite impressive - I think he has done some circuit racing and these roads are the closest you can get to that in rallying I suppose.

3rd May 2018, 12:28
Gryazin fastest in the end. Good results for Suarez and Ares, proving the i20 can compete with the Fabia and Fiesta.

Fast Eddie WRC
3rd May 2018, 16:24
Gryazin fastest in the end. Good results for Suarez and Ares, proving the i20 can compete with the Fabia and Fiesta.

The i20 proving able to compete will take more than a qualifying stage. Lets see in the rally and also check for reliability.

3rd May 2018, 16:37
The i20 proving able to compete will take more than a qualifying stage. Lets see in the rally and also check for reliability.

Yes, I think there are still questionmarks..

3rd May 2018, 16:51
Is there something to prove? The car has been around for nearly two years. I think that we can safely say that in its current shape it's neither the worst nor the best car around. Most likely somewhere in the middle of the pack.

Fast Eddie WRC
3rd May 2018, 18:10
Nothing to prove ? The i20 has the following record in ERC:

Events: 3
Starts: 6
Stage wins: 0

3rd May 2018, 18:31
My point was that after two years we know how good the car is, don't we?

3rd May 2018, 19:04
Is there something to prove? The car has been around for nearly two years. I think that we can safely say that in its current shape it's neither the worst nor the best car around. Most likely somewhere in the middle of the pack.

I would rate the drivers lower then Luky and Gryazin, so a bit of a suprise for me.

3rd May 2018, 19:14
shakedown video

Jarek Z
3rd May 2018, 19:35
Nothing to prove ? The i20 has the following record in ERC:

Events: 3
Starts: 6
Stage wins: 0

Exactly. Even Peugeot 208 T16 (a car considered to be a failure by many) was able to win stages and even the whole rallies in ERC. Hyundai hasn't done it so far...

Anyway, the rally starts tomorrow at 10:08 (11:08 CET). Good luck to all drivers!

3rd May 2018, 19:58
to extract conclusions about a car,must have a reliable proven driver at a competetive championship against other proven crews/cars.

for example Ucci.

Fast Eddie WRC
3rd May 2018, 21:00
to extract conclusions about a car,must have a reliable proven driver at a competetive championship against other proven crews/cars.

for example Ucci.

We will only see a top ERC driver choose to drive an i20 because it is seen as very competitive. But will it happen when there is the proven Fiesta & Fabia ?

3rd May 2018, 21:10
to extract conclusions about a car,must have a reliable proven driver at a competetive championship against other proven crews/cars.

for example Ucci.

There aren't only ERC results. For example Abbring did some WRC2 events with it.

Anyway if no top driver chose the car for any whole international championship for two years it speaks quite against the car.

3rd May 2018, 21:47
I think in Ypres there there will be minimum one some sort of a top driver starting with a i20 R5����.

Btw Why are the fast runners of QS choosing start order like it's a gravel rally?

3rd May 2018, 22:17
I think in Ypres there there will be minimum one some sort of a top driver starting with a i20 R5����.

Btw Why are the fast runners of QS choosing start order like it's a gravel rally?

Cutting and dragging dirt in to the line is not a problem on this event, and i suppose running after your competitors is an advantage.

3rd May 2018, 22:18
ERC qualy video: https://youtu.be/BrNJqlJ5YKs

Interesting to see Gryazin on Michelin, don't SRT normally use Pirelli?

3rd May 2018, 22:33
ERC qualy video: https://youtu.be/BrNJqlJ5YKs

Interesting to see Gryazin on Michelin, don't SRT normally use Pirelli?

Pretty sure they always test both and then choose the one which suits better

3rd May 2018, 23:19
Cutting and dragging dirt in to the line is not a problem on this event, and i suppose running after your competitors is an advantage.

You can read their lines and see where they brake.

4th May 2018, 06:43
Ingram was in hospital yesterday evening to try to do something about his fever. Not sure if he is going to make the start or in which health...

Fast Eddie WRC
4th May 2018, 09:31
Cloudy, misty and damp this morning.

Fast Eddie WRC
4th May 2018, 09:50
Split times here:


4th May 2018, 09:52
Ingram made the start, let's see if he's ok..

Jarek Z
4th May 2018, 09:56
Some time a go we measured a car interior temperature of two cars standing side by side on the sun for several hours. The difference between the white and black car was roughly 15°C inside. If You ask me that is huuuge difference and it's definitely better to avoid that. Both for the crew and the engine.

Yes, I know a black car is not very practical, but what can I do? I like black rally cars since the day when I saw Yves Loubet's Grifone Esso Lancia for the first time as a young kid :)


Jarek Z
4th May 2018, 10:01
Guys, have you seen the latest episode of Star Wars? :)

Jarek Z
4th May 2018, 10:05
Problems for Botka already on the first stage - no coffee:
I had no coffee, five kilometers in the stage I was still sleeping.
Result? 23 seconds slower than Grzyb so far!

Fast Eddie WRC
4th May 2018, 10:12
Ingram OB qually

4th May 2018, 10:26
Very nice close times so far as usual on Canarias.

Strong start by Brynildsen, good to see Herczig and Grzyb competitive too.

Fast Eddie WRC
4th May 2018, 10:42
Ingram made the start, let's see if he's ok..

Not too bad after spending the night in hospital and only just making the start. Hopefully he can get better as the day goes on.

Fast Eddie WRC
4th May 2018, 10:54
No stage times due to technical failure, we are working to repair it.

4th May 2018, 10:54
No stage times due to technical failure, we are working to repair it.
ERC goes the WRC way ;)

4th May 2018, 10:59
Fast Eddie gets a mention on ERC Radio :)

4th May 2018, 11:08
Pellier quickest on SS2 and up to 2nd overall.

Fast Eddie WRC
4th May 2018, 11:29
Sadly Ingram got worse on SS2 losing 22s. Looks like its going to be tough to score many U28 points here.

4th May 2018, 11:35
Ridiculous ERC video for Star Wars day :D

Fast Eddie WRC
4th May 2018, 11:40
Miguel Fuster gone fastest on SS2 !

And 2nd O/A !

Fast Eddie WRC
4th May 2018, 11:46
SS3 - No later splits for Ares !?

EDIT - come in now.

Fast Eddie WRC
4th May 2018, 11:53
Zawada started ahead of Ingram ? Hope he's ok.

Ingram started but v.slow on Split 1. :(

Jarek Z
4th May 2018, 12:02
Pellier quickest on SS2 and up to 2nd overall.

Shocking stage time for a young unexperienced driver with a slower car!

Fast Eddie WRC
4th May 2018, 12:03
Rally Radio just catching up with Ingram not starting on time ! Zawada said he was ill before on the road section.

Ingram stopped in stage. Looks like he's out. :(

Jarek Z
4th May 2018, 12:06
What's wrong with Ingram?

Zawada Aleks : I'm sorry for Chris, I hope he will be OK soon.

Fast Eddie WRC
4th May 2018, 12:10
What's wrong with Ingram?

Zawada Aleks : I'm sorry for Chris, I hope he will be OK soon.

He's been ill yesterday and in hospital overnight.

4th May 2018, 12:12
Miguel Fuster gone fastest on SS2 !

And 2nd O/A !

Looks like later runners had drier roads.

Jarek Z
4th May 2018, 12:13
He's been ill yesterday and in hospital overnight.

Ingram Chris : retired - healthy reasons in SS 3

Fast Eddie WRC
4th May 2018, 12:58
As a team we have decided to retire from Rally Islas Canarias for medical reasons. https://t.co/Xa3UY70GY2

Rally Power
4th May 2018, 13:49
Just like in Açores, not the fastest start for Magalhães; he’s getting close to podium places, but he’s already far from Luky. Great job from Gago: only 1.8s behind U27 surprising leader, Sesks.
Força Bruno, força Diogo!

4th May 2018, 14:59
Enrique Cruz now fastest on SS2 with a Porsche 997 GT3 RS 3.8 :D

4th May 2018, 15:00
Enrique Cruz now fastest on SS2 with a Porsche 997 GT3 RS 3.8 :D

Most likely he already drove on a dry road while the top drivers on damp.

4th May 2018, 15:01
Most likely he already drove on a dry road while the top drivers on dump.

That would make sense. His time on SS3 is not that great anymore =)

Jarek Z
4th May 2018, 15:14
Two Russians still in the lead!

4th May 2018, 15:22
Four different R5 makes in the top four at the moment.

Jarek Z
4th May 2018, 15:40
Just like in Açores, not the fastest start for Magalhães; he’s getting close to podium places, but he’s already far from Luky.

Unfortunately a very bad time on stage 5 from Magalhaes - only 12th overall :(

Fast Eddie WRC
4th May 2018, 16:31
Also very bad time by Zawada on SS5, beaten by some R2's... what happened ?

Fast Eddie WRC
4th May 2018, 16:35
Some fog on SS6 and a few punctures happening, even double front ones for Neubauer !

4th May 2018, 16:44
Unfortunately a very bad time on stage 5 from Magalhaes - only 12th overall :(

Pop off valve problem.

Fast Eddie WRC
4th May 2018, 16:52
Some nice video clips on FB:

Fast Eddie WRC
4th May 2018, 16:57
So the 6 proper stages of day 1 done and only Gryazin anywhere near to Lukyanuk (+21.9s)... it's a good job he is back in the ERC !

Disappointing day from the other 'challengers'.

Fast Eddie WRC
4th May 2018, 17:00
Also very bad time by Zawada on SS5, beaten by some R2's... what happened ?

flash info (23 - Zawada Aleks / Dachowski Grzegorz): On the previous stage we went wide and hit a curb. We lost a lot of time, but we are here and still going.

4th May 2018, 17:51
As a team we have decided to retire from Rally Islas Canarias for medical reasons. https://t.co/Xa3UY70GY2

Chris was sick for whole week. Not so proper recce and also thats why he did only one FP. Last evening he was taken to hospital for inspection, he stayed there whole night. He tried to start today, but when I have seen his condition in the morning, I was almost sure he will retired...

Fast Eddie WRC
4th May 2018, 18:47
Any live stages from local TV planned like in Acores?

Cant find any tv for the SSS, just one interviewing the fans earlier. Shame.

Fast Eddie WRC
4th May 2018, 18:49
(12 - Botka Dávid / Mesterházi Márk): This super stage is perfect, but the previous six stages weren't so good.


4th May 2018, 19:27
Complete SS2 with Gryazin: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vLEdroPS8TY

4th May 2018, 19:35
(12 - Botka Dávid / Mesterházi Márk): This super stage is perfect, but the previous six stages weren't so good.


Maybe Botka is in wrong motorsport :D

Jarek Z
4th May 2018, 19:53
So the 6 proper stages of day 1 done and only Gryazin anywhere near to Lukyanuk (+21.9s)...

Yes, Lukyanuk dominates even though there are drivers with big experience in WRC in this rally. Brynildsen, Loubet, Suarez... they can only smell the fumes from his exhaust...

the sniper
4th May 2018, 20:45
Yes, Lukyanuk dominates even though there are drivers with big experience in WRC in this rally. Brynildsen, Loubet, Suarez... they can only smell the fumes from his exhaust...

I'm not sure about that interpretation. I think it's a push to say any of them have 'big experience in WRC'. More importantly none of them have been overly impressive in the WRC. Loubet actually has very little overall rallying experience though.

Jarek Z
4th May 2018, 21:18
I'm not sure about that interpretation. I think it's a push to say any of them have 'big experience in WRC'.

Maybe the word "big" is a little exaggeration from my side, but I have just checked them out at www.ewrc-results.com and...

Brynildsen drove as many as 46 rallies in WRC! That's even more than Lappi, who is a factory driver for Toyota :)
Suarez drove 30 rallies in WRC. He was competing in WRC on a regular basis for 6 years.
Loubet drove 24 rallies in WRC. Is that not many?

95% of drivers in this event can only dream about such experience.

4th May 2018, 21:28
ERC is in interesting shape currently, Lukyanuk is clear star who could be contender for WRC2 wins in almost every event but he is Lukyanuk and we all know how he is.
Then we have Gryazin who is fast somewhere and not so fast in others and is still very unstable - kinda like Lukyanuk.
Ingram could have potential but he has 0 to none 4wd experience so it's not easy to push against people he needs to beat to really prove himself against + also his funding seems to be on thin ice and one wreck could end his season, also missing Canarias due to illness is not helping.
And for people who Jarek Z mentioned, Brynilden hasn't atleast to my knowledge proven anything in international level so far, he is been fast in Norway and in sweden but that's pretty much it.
I have nothing to say about Loubet and Suarez, have they actually won anything or shown any speed?

When Kajto decided not to do ERC this year the whole series lost a great benchmark, he wasn't as fast as Luky but he was consistent.
Losing to Kajto speedwise ment you really need to build up your speed but beating him you could be up for something bigger.
Sadly ERC is currently just Luky vs the rest.

4th May 2018, 21:40
I have the feeling that Luky has learnt to drive sensible this year and isn’t being pushed too hard so far. Gryazin might give him a run for his money on gravel though (remember he beat Rovanpera on Liepaja last year)

Ingram showed real potential on Azores but it’s probably one year early to push for wins.

Biggest disappointment for me is that Griebel couldn’t put together a proper programme in a decent car, he did a great job last year.

4th May 2018, 21:46
I have the feeling that Luky has learnt to drive sensible this year and isn’t being pushed too hard so far. Gryazin might give him a run for his money on gravel though (remember he beat Rovanpera on Liepaja last year)

Ingram showed real potential on Azores but it’s probably one year early to push for wins.

Biggest disappointment for me is that Griebel couldn’t put together a proper programme in a decent car, he did a great job last year.

He did beat Kalle but that was Kalle's first rally in Fiesta with little (50km's or so) testing. But he also gave him run for his money during Latvia's national season when they were both driving Fabias.
And yeah Ucci seems to be the only one making 206 working for them and Griebel seems to be struggling with it a lot.

4th May 2018, 21:52
He did beat Kalle but that was Kalle's first rally in Fiesta with little (50km's or so) testing. But he also gave him run for his money during Latvia's national season when they were both driving Fabias.
And yeah Ucci seems to be the only one making 206 working for them and Griebel seems to be struggling with it a lot.

Has Griebel done any DRM rounds with it yet?

Support of a national supporter might seem attractive but if he’s really serious about a career in rallying then I doubt the German Championship is the place to be, let alone it seems that as part of the deal he had to use 208 in ERC, which didn’t go too well on Azores.

4th May 2018, 21:55
Has Griebel done any DRM rounds with it yet?

Support of a national supporter might seem attractive but if he’s really serious about a career in rallying then I doubt the German Championship is the place to be, let alone it seems that as part of the deal he had to use 208 in ERC, which didn’t go too well on Azores.

Ewrc shows 1 drm race before the azores for him, retired due to "engine", 206 seems to be struggle for most of the drivers.

Jarek Z
4th May 2018, 22:02
I have nothing to say about Loubet and Suarez, have they actually won anything or shown any speed?

Suarez won Peugeot 208 Trophy in France a few years ago and that opened the door to WRC and ERC for him. As far as I know he didn't win anything important in those championships despite being backed by Peugeot.

Jarek Z
4th May 2018, 22:04
Has Griebel done any DRM rounds with it yet?

Yes, he has. Unfortunately his Pug broke down already before the first stage!

Fast Eddie WRC
4th May 2018, 22:24
I have the feeling that Luky has learnt to drive sensible this year and isn’t being pushed too hard so far. Gryazin might give him a run for his money on gravel though (remember he beat Rovanpera on Liepaja last year)

Ingram showed real potential on Azores but it’s probably one year early to push for wins.

Biggest disappointment for me is that Griebel couldn’t put together a proper programme in a decent car, he did a great job last year.

You're right about the loss of Griebel this season... and the year before we lost an ever better young talent, Ralfs Sirmacis.

It's such a shame such guys cant get the funding. The ERC could be so much better and the competition for Lukyanuk would be real.

4th May 2018, 22:28
You're right about the loss of Griebel this season... and the year before we lost an ever better young talent, Ralfs Sirmacis.

It's such a shame such guys cant get the funding. The ERC could be so much better and the competition for Lukyanuk would be real.

The stupid thing with Griebel is that he does have some funding - enough to buy him a drive in a 2016 WRCar on a WRC round. I guess that would have been enough to buy him three or four ERC events in a Fabia.

5th May 2018, 07:01
Has Griebel done any DRM rounds with it yet?

Support of a national supporter might seem attractive but if he’s really serious about a career in rallying then I doubt the German Championship is the place to be, let alone it seems that as part of the deal he had to use 208 in ERC, which didn’t go too well on Azores.This weekend he's doing Sulingen.

Verstuurd vanaf mijn SM-G935F met Tapatalk

Fast Eddie WRC
5th May 2018, 10:06
The stupid thing with Griebel is that he does have some funding - enough to buy him a drive in a 2016 WRCar on a WRC round. I guess that would have been enough to buy him three or four ERC events in a Fabia.

Bit of a strange U28 prize really... it would be better just being the cash. He might then be able to do the ERC again and try to win it outright.

Fast Eddie WRC
5th May 2018, 10:10
Zawada still battling on..

(23 - Zawada Aleks / Dachowski Grzegorz): Today we were still fixing things from yesterday, when we didn't have all needed spares. We are late now, but we are here. Thanks to my team.

5th May 2018, 10:21
Magalhaes very slow at every stage

5th May 2018, 10:51
Gryazin is impressing.
He drove some winterrallies in Norway this year, and was also quick on the white stuff.

The Hyundai teams are also up there, so the i20 is improving, looks like the jokers are working.

5th May 2018, 10:54
Larena crashed and stage stopped.Pitty he was ultra fast
edit seems like a big crash

5th May 2018, 11:43
Nice battle between Kreim, Suarez and Pellier for third.

5th May 2018, 11:46
Bit of a strange U28 prize really... it would be better just being the cash. He might then be able to do the ERC again and try to win it outright.

Well that is the deal he took, but unfortunately he decided to spend it on a Peugeot.

5th May 2018, 11:49
Did Brynildsen really claim that he wanted to go for the title?

Fast Eddie WRC
5th May 2018, 12:32
Loubet out with technical issue on the i20.

Fast Eddie WRC
5th May 2018, 13:09
I wonder why the Škoda of Magalhães is having this pop-off valve problem ? It seems to have destroyed his chances.

5th May 2018, 14:16
Loubet out with technical issue on the i20.


5th May 2018, 14:23
I wonder why the Škoda of Magalhães is having this pop-off valve problem ? It seems to have destroyed his chances.

I guess related to hot conditions but doesn't explain why Magalhaes suffers and not others.

5th May 2018, 14:38
That's pretty rare issue for Fabia. Coul have been simply deffective one.

5th May 2018, 14:59
Magalhaes needs a push in the final stage but something seems to be wrong still.

Fast Eddie WRC
5th May 2018, 15:10
Suarez now dropped down the leaderboard.. puncture ?

Fast Eddie WRC
5th May 2018, 15:39
Our apologies, there seems to be timing issues for @JASuarezOficial and @diogogagorally in stage 13. We are looking at it now. 😬
#FIAERC #RallyIslasCanarias

Fast Eddie WRC
5th May 2018, 16:10
Kreim is missing at the end of the last stage !

2 mins late.. stopped by Police !!

5th May 2018, 16:14
Kreim is missing at the end of the last stage !

2 mins late.. stopped by Police !!

Hope thos doesn't affect his resut as he's had a good weekend.

5th May 2018, 16:17
Better job from Magalhaes in the last stage who jumped two places and defended from Brynildsen.

Fast Eddie WRC
5th May 2018, 16:26
Hope thos doesn't affect his resut as he's had a good weekend.

He will drop to 4th after 20s penalty acc to Radio.

Fast Eddie WRC
5th May 2018, 16:29
So another comfortable win for Lukyanuk.

Looks like the Junior U28/U27 battles is all we will have to enjoy this year.

Fast Eddie WRC
5th May 2018, 16:34
2/2 for Luky

5th May 2018, 16:35
He will drop to 4th after 20s penalty acc to Radio.

That's shit.. what was the reason he was stopped by police?

5th May 2018, 16:37
So another comfortable win for Lukyanuk.

Looks like the Junior U28/U27 battles is all we will have to enjoy this year.

The only other main guy (Magalhaes) doesn't seem up to the job sadly.

Hopefully Gryazin and maybe Brynildsen will give Luky more of a run for his money on gravel. Also looking forward to seeing what Ingram can do when he's fighting fit again.

5th May 2018, 16:39
Crash of Llarena: https://youtu.be/7RsKvx5Deh0

Fast Eddie WRC
5th May 2018, 16:41
That's shit.. what was the reason he was stopped by police?

Swerving from side to side to warm his tyres I think...

5th May 2018, 17:05
SS6 with Lukyanuk, fantastic roads, great scenery, excellent footage: https://youtu.be/KoMlO9SsnNY

5th May 2018, 18:34
@fabiankreimofficial 5 minutes ago: Yeees we have it! We are on the podium - according to recent information from the FIA there is no penalty !!!

5th May 2018, 18:44
@fabiankreimofficial 5 minutes ago: Yeees we have it! We are on the podium - according to recent information from the FIA there is no penalty !!!

Good, he deserved the third position.

5th May 2018, 19:01
Kreim is the biggest surprise for me. I didn't expect him anywhere near podium to be honest.

Jarek Z
5th May 2018, 23:39
Crash of Llarena: https://youtu.be/7RsKvx5Deh0

What's the reason of this crash? Something wrong with the brakes?

Jarek Z
5th May 2018, 23:49
The only other main guy (Magalhaes) doesn't seem up to the job sadly.

That's true. Magalhaes was the biggest disappointment of this rally for me. He was seventh overall. Even behind Grzegorz Grzyb. Grzyb is a good driver, but there are no such roads in Poland. I thought they suit Magalhaes perfectly.

6th May 2018, 08:41
What's the reason of this crash? Something wrong with the brakes?

Looks like he just lost the rear end and it pitched them into the tree.

Jarek Z
6th May 2018, 11:47
Looks like he just lost the rear end and it pitched them into the tree.

You are right. Llarena himself explains it in the same way here:

Fast Eddie WRC
6th May 2018, 12:13
Neil Cole:
The only sad thing about @FabianKreim’s time penalty being removed after the police stopped him is that I didn’t get to use this line in the script:
‘Kreim doesn’t pay’ :D
#RallyIslasCanarias #FIAERC

Rally Power
6th May 2018, 15:19
That's true. Magalhaes was the biggest disappointment of this rally for me. He was seventh overall. Even behind Grzegorz Grzyb. Grzyb is a good driver, but there are no such roads in Poland. I thought they suit Magalhaes perfectly.

We all know that without the pop-off issues Magalhães would likely be fighting for the podium, but not for the lead. Like in the previous seasons, Lukyanuk is on a class of his own and only tech issues or driving mistakes can stop him to get the title, which he deserves for a long time. Still, let’s hope Magalhães and the others will be able to do better on the next events, putting more pressure on Luky and making ERC fight more interesting to follow.

Already quite interesting is the U27 fight, with the duel between Gago and Sesks. Gago, the most talented Portuguese young driver, hasn’t yet plans to compete the whole U27, but the amazing wins at Azores and Canarias may help his sponsors to give him a chance; fingers crossed! Sesks has been the ERC revelation and it’s almost unbelievable how fast he can be with so little experience; certainly there’s a bright future ahead of him.

Jarek Z
6th May 2018, 18:50
We all know that without the pop-off issues Magalhães would likely be fighting for the podium, but not for the lead.

Did he have those issues during the whole rally?

Rally Power
6th May 2018, 21:18
Did he have those issues during the whole rally?

Apparently yes, as he said the last stage was one of the few without ‘pop-off’ issues; he also complained about some wrong tyre choices and not having the right set-up. If we remember that last year he was fighting till the last SS with Kajto for P2, it’s easy to understand that he had a terrible rally this time. Better luck for the next one!

Fast Eddie WRC
6th May 2018, 22:46
Anyone interested in Chris Ingram - he flew straight back to the UK and was back in hospital and still having tests..

7th May 2018, 05:25
Anyone interested in Chris Ingram - he flew straight back to the UK and was back in hospital and still having tests..

Wish him a speedy recovery.

The next JERC U28 round isn’t until July so hopefully he will be fully fit by then.

7th May 2018, 07:05
Did he have those issues during the whole rally?

It's common pratice here in Portugal with the R5 cars. When things don't go as plan, normally it's the pop-off valve. You never notice in the movies you see, but they we're there!!!

7th May 2018, 10:50
Did Brynildsen really claim that he wanted to go for the title?

He hopes to give the russians competition, and fight for podiums is what he said.
But this being his first asphalttally since 2013, and working with a new team of engineers he did not reach that goal this time. He made a bad tyrechoice on friday, and just tried to get the trust in the tyres on saturday. Team did some set up changes on sunday, that he liked, but then the top drivers also just tried to protect their position.

At least I will give him a gravel rally to see if he is on podium level. But the two russians are quick, so he will have to fight hard!

7th May 2018, 12:06
Bit of a strange U28 prize really... it would be better just being the cash. He might then be able to do the ERC again and try to win it outright.

Start with old WRC was an option. If you dont want to use it, you can take money for your ERC campaign.

7th May 2018, 12:09
Did Brynildsen really claim that he wanted to go for the title?

He really didnt expected he will win this rally. He was not driving on tarmac for more that two years and didnt do any rally since last year Wales Rally GB. And especially so abrasive and special tarmac in Canarias. So he did quite well rally there.

7th May 2018, 12:11
I wonder why the Škoda of Magalhães is having this pop-off valve problem ? It seems to have destroyed his chances.

Maybe you dont know, but since 1.4.2018 was cancelled homologation of pop-off valve from company Oral with number 007, which was used by most of the teams (it looks like that this pop-off valve was quite stronger than others). So this should bring problems as drivers needs to use different pop-offs now.

7th May 2018, 12:12
Really nice event we had in Gran Canaria, great to see the R2 battle (Gago, Seks, Llarena, Wagner, Solans), for me the bigest surprise is Seks in her first asphalt event but also Solans jr. who was the fastest R2 all the event.

Nice performance also of Pellier with the 208 T16, never imagined he could make a scratch. Congrats to Alexey, he seems to be the master of the Islas Canarias, three victories now and looks he could match the record of five consecutive wins of Carlos Sainz in the 80s

7th May 2018, 12:13
That's true. Magalhaes was the biggest disappointment of this rally for me. He was seventh overall. Even behind Grzegorz Grzyb. Grzyb is a good driver, but there are no such roads in Poland. I thought they suit Magalhaes perfectly.

Grzegorz showed also last year that roads on Canarias suits him very well. So his great performance is no surprise.

7th May 2018, 12:15
Wish him a speedy recovery.

The next JERC U28 round isn’t until July so hopefully he will be fully fit by then.

I hope he will be fit earlier...

7th May 2018, 12:33
He really didnt expected he will win this rally. He was not driving on tarmac for more that two years and didnt do any rally since last year Wales Rally GB. And especially so abrasive and special tarmac in Canarias. So he did quite well rally there.

How come he didn't know that when he claimed to go for the title?

Anyway the one who wants to fight for the title has to be competitive everywhere. Only six rounds remain and Lukyanuk already scored two victories.

Fast Eddie WRC
7th May 2018, 13:45
Watching the highlights I have to say Eurosport still do the best job of rally coverage. Great editing and mixture of heli, stage-side & onboards giving a real feeling of speed and comparison between driving styles.

7th May 2018, 14:42
How come he didn't know that when he claimed to go for the title?

Anyway the one who wants to fight for the title has to be competitive everywhere. Only six rounds remain and Lukyanuk already scored two victories.

It is something like PR stuff. With so much experience you cannot really say that you are going there to gain experience and get back to racing rhythm. He did better than I expected and I think that he will be more competitive in Acropolis and Cyprus.

7th May 2018, 16:49
Maybe you dont know, but since 1.4.2018 was cancelled homologation of pop-off valve from company Oral with number 007, which was used by most of the teams (it looks like that this pop-off valve was quite stronger than others). So this should bring problems as drivers needs to use different pop-offs now.

Brilliant idea, cancelling the homologation of the strongest one when this is a notorious problem of R5 cars.

Who is responsible for this?

7th May 2018, 16:56
Watching the highlights I have to say Eurosport still do the best job of rally coverage. Great editing and mixture of heli, stage-side & onboards giving a real feeling of speed and comparison between driving styles.

The tv programme itself could sometimes be better but ERC’s YouTube output is top notch - quite fast to get stuff online, plenty of footage and even some full stage coverage of some drivers.

7th May 2018, 17:12
Onboard Magalhaes SS6. A question to br21... should it be possible to hear the pop-off opening in the onboard?

7th May 2018, 17:48
Onboard Magalhaes SS6. A question to br21... should it be possible to hear the pop-off opening in the onboard?

br21 will have for sure more knowledge about the r5 pop off,but what i have understand is that the problem with them is that they fail to keep the given maximum turbo pressure constantly(2,5 bar)
When they fail to keep the pressure, you loose power.If the pop off valve cant reach the given target,but manage to hold some 2,3 bar,you are not going to listen something from any onboard or inside the car.
it sounds really strange to me to have these problems after so many years.
Btw at video near the end we saw Magalhaes reached 188km/h.

7th May 2018, 18:04
If you compare to Gryazin’s onboard then Magalhaes’ acceleration up the hill at the beginning is comparable.

7th May 2018, 19:13
No, you can't hear anything from onboard. You can notice from worse acceleration sometimes, but also not easy from video as instead of 1,5b boost you have some 1,15; so not that huge, huge difference to clearly see from video (especially as you have other factors, like uphill road, etc).
Recent newest 008 spec pop-off is not worse than 007 (which homologation was cancelled as it gave some opportunity to cheat). Main problem with them is that they are supposed to open close to their upper homologation limit (which is 1,65), but sometimes they loose performance and open at 1,3 for example... It sometimes happens also during gear change as if wastegate is reacting too slow then you have overboost for split second. Or during ALS when "spikes" from it make it open. Some drivers have tendency to drive less "pop-off friendly" (shifting early, etc). Sometimes it's just poor quality of them, sometimes added to heat (ambient and intake air), vibration and other crazy factors. Nowdays most R5 car manufacturers have quite good strategies to avoid pop-off opening situations plus strategies to close it when problem occurs. But it's not always 100% succesful. Normally when you have pop-off which opens few times during the loop you for sure change it to new one, usually it helps, at least for some time. As each pop-off valve has it's "life cycle" - after some number of openings combined with "working hours" it loosing performance.

Jarek Z
7th May 2018, 19:58
Only six rounds remain and Lukyanuk already scored two victories.

And he has twice as many points as anybody else:

Fast Eddie WRC
7th May 2018, 21:18
And he has twice as many points as anybody else:

The U28 battle is the one in 2018.

8th May 2018, 20:51
The tv programme itself could sometimes be better but ERC’s YouTube output is top notch - quite fast to get stuff online, plenty of footage and even some full stage coverage of some drivers.

For the R5 drivers, and their sponsors doing ERC must be a much better deal. WRC2 is totally neglected for airtime.
The manufacturers will see and pick up the best talents also from ERC!

9th May 2018, 10:00
For the R5 drivers, and their sponsors doing ERC must be a much better deal. WRC2 is totally neglected for airtime.
The manufacturers will see and pick up the best talents also from ERC!

Some way yes, but:

How many people watch ERC? and WRC? Is WRC audience 10x bigger ?

What about followers? How many visitors ERC.com ? WRC.com?

Difficult to compare. WRC2 you will minimum or less airtime.
Situation is probably different in every country, in Finland WRC2 is maybe bigger thing than ERC.

9th May 2018, 10:42
Some way yes, but:

How many people watch ERC? and WRC? Is WRC audience 10x bigger ?

What about followers? How many visitors ERC.com ? WRC.com?

Difficult to compare. WRC2 you will minimum or less airtime.
Situation is probably different in every country, in Finland WRC2 is maybe bigger thing than ERC.

Yes, it is different. But it is not only about airtime. There is lot of followers of WRC.com or WRC events, but how many of them are interested/following WRC2? Everything there is focused on WRC cars and drivers...

Fast Eddie WRC
9th May 2018, 11:38
The best young talents currently in WRC came from ERC - Lappi & Breen. Its a good proving ground for Driver's and ideal for them to show what they can do.

But as for publicity ERC is nothing - hence why no proper Manu entries.

9th May 2018, 13:08
The best young talents currently in WRC came from ERC - Lappi & Breen. Its a good proving ground for Driver's and ideal for them to show what they can do.

But as for publicity ERC is nothing - hence why no proper Manu entries.

Lappi drove in ERC cause of Skoda was in as a manufacturer and when R5 came out they left for WRC.

9th May 2018, 16:33
The best young talents currently in WRC came from ERC - Lappi & Breen. Its a good proving ground for Driver's and ideal for them to show what they can do.

But as for publicity ERC is nothing - hence why no proper Manu entries.

WRC2 is much more nothing, especially for publicity...

9th May 2018, 19:07
But as for publicity ERC is nothing - hence why no proper Manu entries.

For publicity, vs WRC, ERC is nothing, but vs. WRC2 not so.

In terms of promoting the Skoda brand (rather than the R5 car) WRC2 could even be seen as a negative for Skoda as dedicated WRC2 coverage is almost zero.. and when they appear on the live stages they are almost always the slowest because they are up against the World Rally Cars.

Anyway, I guess Skoda aren’t in WRC2 for promotion purposes these days.

9th May 2018, 19:15
At this point it's probably better to have Skoda in WRC2... They'd probably completely destroy any competition in ERC at this point. ERC is a good privateers championship now.

9th May 2018, 20:20
At this point it's probably better to have Skoda in WRC2... They'd probably completely destroy any competition in ERC at this point. ERC is a good privateers championship now.

Yes, I am happy that Skoda is in WRC2. They are destroying also that championship as almost nobody has chance to beat their drivers...

Fast Eddie WRC
22nd May 2018, 18:14
Sponsor converted after a trip to Rally Canarias...

22nd May 2018, 20:50
Is not FIAs plan to have manufacturers in WRC level 1 and 2, juniors in 4 and forget the rest.
ERC and other regional series are for privat teams, and not manufacturers.

Making WRC2 a manufacurers series for talented drivers coming up, will at the same time make it more interesting for manufacturers to develop their own R5 car. Win-win also for regional series.