View Full Version : 4WD Cars with national/regional homologation

17th December 2017, 13:20
What countries have ASNs with currage to homologate 4wd cars that are cheaper than R4/R5?

17th December 2017, 16:39
What countries have ASNs with currage to homologate 4wd cars that are cheaper than R4/R5?

In other words: Which countries are so stupid that they don´t play with FIA rules?
(Those countries don´t want their drivers to have international career)

17th December 2017, 17:15
It is fully up to the national body to approve a car type that FIA has not.

It cant be any worse than continue with the older cars in your F-Cup where some cars are pretty special (and very quick), than allowing the Mirage or the Dytko cars. Cars that are new and hopefully safer, if it was safety that was your argument?

In Norway we have a class for old Group A/N cars, where int homologation has expired, many nations has the same I guess. But costwise they are not cheap to run.

The whole reason to make a new R4 class was to make a class to replace N4, that had a very healthy 2nd hand market. Cheap entrance for drivers wanting to test 4wd.
FIA failed miserably, and R4 will be very close to R5 in new price, running costs to early to tell.

In track racing most countries have classes approved nationally, is that also not ok, and is that in your book Pantalex also "not playing by FIA rules"?

17th December 2017, 19:22
In other words: Which countries are so stupid that they don´t play with FIA rules?
(Those countries don´t want their drivers to have international career)

I don't believe that is strictly true. For example, AP4 is a good way to get near to R5 performance from a car, that is supported by a local manufacturer that otherwise wouldn't be in the sport... So that allows a competitor to compete, whereas otherwise they may not have been able to get enough sponsorship to compete if they had to be in an FIA car. Example here in NZ is the AP4 Holden Barina. Not a car you can buy anywhere else and without Holden footing the bill, I don't imagine the 2 guys driving them would be in the sport as they probably wouldn't be in a position to afford another car that is as fast. So by being able to introduce another manufacturer to the sport, it makes the sport stronger and gives opportunity to get exposure.

I don't believe the car dictates whether you can compete internationally later on. However you do have to use it for it's purpose, competing in the country that allows them and then realise to go to other countires you may have to rent a car. Ie going from national championship to ERC or JWRC etc, would require hiring a car to then take that step up. Fortunately things like JWRC make that a relatively easy process.

17th December 2017, 19:49
It's quite different in Europe and overseas. Here in Europe there is quite a huge number of used R5/S2000 available everywhere and it's for sure true that an ASN which keeps its rules in accordance with FIA helps its drivers to get abroad (and vice versa). On the other hand sometimes it's really hard to swallow what FIA invents and especially on the starter and really cheap level it's dificult to have someone competiting and follow FIA rules in the same time (as You know there is only one R1 available on the market for example).

So IMHO it's good if ASN allows local cars and applies some local rules BUT what I do think is that the top class in every national championship shall be FIA-compatible to avoid Spanish scenario from several years back when the top national league is totally isolated from the outer world - it means drivers don't go abroad and the national level slowly degrades because there is no influence from continental/world level.

18th December 2017, 11:28
It's quite different in Europe and overseas. Here in Europe there is quite a huge number of used R5/S2000 available everywhere and it's for sure true that an ASN which keeps its rules in accordance with FIA helps its drivers to get abroad (and vice versa). On the other hand sometimes it's really hard to swallow what FIA invents and especially on the starter and really cheap level it's dificult to have someone competiting and follow FIA rules in the same time (as You know there is only one R1 available on the market for example).

So IMHO it's good if ASN allows local cars and applies some local rules BUT what I do think is that the top class in every national championship shall be FIA-compatible to avoid Spanish scenario from several years back when the top national league is totally isolated from the outer world - it means drivers don't go abroad and the national level slowly degrades because there is no influence from continental/world level.

You are correct. But there are 3 R1 cars: Ds3, Twingo and Fiesta

18th December 2017, 13:28
You are correct. But there are 3 R1 cars: Ds3, Twingo and Fiesta

and 0 of those are in production anymore.

18th December 2017, 13:40
Well starter was provocative, so I answered in same way.

Those self built 4wd cars are allowed in Finland, but they run in separate classes and can´t score any championship points. I have nothing against that, but it should stay like that.

Biggest problem to me is: How to keep these cars slower than R4/R5, because already now rules in Finland are wrong, you can make old car way too powerful/good, 2 examples:
FIN-R evo9 is more powerful than Mitsu WRC02 which is allowed in FIA spec only.
Old Civic EP3 FIN-R is more powerful than Civic R3, all R3´s are in garages because old model is quicker.

Also Polo with mitsu engine sounds stupid.

Rally Power
18th December 2017, 13:45
It's quite different in Europe and overseas. Here in Europe there is quite a huge number of used R5/S2000 available everywhere and it's for sure true that an ASN which keeps its rules in accordance with FIA helps its drivers to get abroad (and vice versa). On the other hand sometimes it's really hard to swallow what FIA invents and especially on the starter and really cheap level it's dificult to have someone competiting and follow FIA rules in the same time (as You know there is only one R1 available on the market for example).
So IMHO it's good if ASN allows local cars and applies some local rules BUT what I do think is that the top class in every national championship shall be FIA-compatible to avoid Spanish scenario from several years back when the top national league is totally isolated from the outer world - it means drivers don't go abroad and the national level slowly degrades because there is no influence from continental/world level.

This year, R5 was promoted to top category in spanish main series (besides the popular 911’s, N+ cars were also restricted, leading to Mitsubishi team departure) but only a handful of them were used; besides, no official team entered the championship on a R5 car, although Suzuki and Renault decided to be there running N5 cars (despite being inferior, each day N5’s are getting closer to R5’s speed).

We all know that importers teams are always a plus, once they bring the media and their dealers net to the sport; it’s also obvious that on long series like the CERA, R5 cars are too expensive to run for most privateer drivers and teams.

ASN's must try to do the best for their series in order to have more teams and drivers competing and they don’t need to wait for FIA to give them a help; RFEA move to N5 didn’t harm the CERA, on the contrary, and if they decide to make them (or R4) more competitive towards R5, it’ll certainly help to make the series stronger.

Btw, nowadays young guys trying an international rally career don’t need to run top cars on their home series as they start competing at ERC or WRC level in a R2 car.

18th December 2017, 14:29
If peoples want to participate in WRC/ERC rallie they would find a way even owning and doing home events with national cars. WRC/ERC entry list would be way longer. But we don't have that situation now. If all international/national event reach maximum allowed number of entrants, like Rally Saaremaa, then ASN could ban national cars. Now, I think, should be allowed to drive with anything that has wheels, rollcages, and engine capacity bellow maximum limited; how to keep equality - it's another question. It's not the best way, but for now it's only way, to keep rallying alive. Without national cars, many of national/local events had only a few participants, it leads to less spectators, less money for organization, and then even less crews, etc. etc.

18th December 2017, 18:12
1st ever R-Lite passport for use in national events inside Finland is amended.
Car Dytko Polo with Evo9 engine.
Pic of document is in my twitter (@PanteAlex) document is originally from Kai Tarkiainen, race director of WRC Finland

18th December 2017, 20:03
and 0 of those are in production anymore.

Fiesta R1 it seems can still be ordered.


with a good driver even a R1 can be quick. Anders Kjćr at Rally Sřrland in 2012.
But R1 never took of in any country. Could be a good class for 16-18 year old youth.

Back to 4wd classes for youngsters and gentleman drivers!

Andre Oliveira
18th December 2017, 20:18
Here in Portugal we have some DS3 R1 in challenge and one Twingo R1

18th December 2017, 22:27
I think you can order the R1 kit from M-sport, bit you need the car yourself. Maybe its just kits to get these days?
One of the R1's in Norway is a kit, build into an imported fiesta ST from germany, was quite cheap he said.

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Andre Oliveira
18th December 2017, 23:57

19th December 2017, 10:38
Rallying is expensive. Those youngsters who want to do this professionally, mostly start "real" rallying with R2 cars. They also have special prizes to use in the international level. Sadly 95% of local championships are made for people who like rallying, but don`t want, can`t afford to do it on a bigger level. Some have so much money and competed in WRC Trophy for instance. From that remainign 5% 0.5% actually get somewhere, others dont`t have the money or skills. Banning proto-cars and national classes with old and affordable cars would probably kill the competition, as their buying and running is 2-4X more expensive than those self-made protos.

19th December 2017, 13:16
1st ever R-Lite passport for use in national events inside Finland is amended.
Car Dytko Polo with Evo9 engine.
Pic of document is in my twitter (@PanteAlex) document is originally from Kai Tarkiainen, race director of WRC Finland

Could you post it here as well please?
And a translation on content, my Finish skills are very limited I am afraid.

19th December 2017, 14:07
Could you post it here as well please?
And a translation on content, my Finish skills are very limited I am afraid.

I can´t, my computer skills are limited.
I have translated all Kai´s message in my message. Passport in picture is in english also.

Racing Ka
19th December 2017, 21:12
Base flight with Fiesta R1:

Jarek Z
20th December 2017, 22:41
Guys, if you want to buy Ford Fiesta Proto, here is the price:

21st December 2017, 00:47
Guys, if you want to buy Ford Fiesta Proto, here is the price:

A quick look in RCFS and you see that for the same amount or less you could possible buy a 208 or a DS3. I Still don't like the Proto idea...

Jarek Z
21st December 2017, 01:39
A quick look in RCFS and you see that for the same amount or less you could possible buy a 208 or a DS3.

... which are the worst R5 cars ever built...

21st December 2017, 01:44
... which are the worst R5 cars ever built...

Yes, but you could run them everywhere... and on a National level you can be quite competitive! The DS3 is Tri-champ in Portugal, won in France as well as the 208 in Italy. :)

21st December 2017, 08:40
... which are the worst R5 cars ever built...

But they are faster than the proto car and they are FIA compatible - and if properly prepared they are not that bad - see Andreucci in Italy or Abbring in Belgium.

21st December 2017, 18:26
What countries have ASNs with currage to homologate 4wd cars that are cheaper than R4/R5?

All 3 of the private corporations that sanction Rally in Corporate Merikuh, and the 2 in Canada...

I am not sure if I would call it courage. Since they agree on so little else (each has it's own name for each of the various classes, each interperts the cage rules slightly but strictly different--if they happen to notice, )
And has all the best rally, Numbah 1!!! they have the best...all of them

21st December 2017, 19:11
In other words: Which countries are so stupid that they don´t play with FIA rules?
(Those countries don´t want their drivers to have international career)

But there is a question of this: in many places its not realistic to adopt classes which compel the big majortity..99,9% who have no intention of ever travelling with the expense of any of the FIA R classes when there are effectively zero people with the imagination, the fantasy that they will one day have a "career" ----which mean make a living earning money---at rally..
Sure some places there are enough rich guys or sons of rich guys who want to play but many parts of the world there aren't enough...so its imposed 3-4x the expense plus extra organiser budget enforcing pointless class...

USA and Canada together--no point....South America--Argentina and Chile, no point.
Oz and NZ no point.

21st December 2017, 20:50
Guys, if you want to buy Ford Fiesta Proto, here is the price:

So what development has happened since they where 35 000 euro, like this one:

https://www.facebook.com/ProtoCars/ (https://www.facebook.com/ProtoCars/)

Coach 2
21st December 2017, 21:04
How in the whole world can some believe that it's possible to build a 4wd that is both fast, and cheap to build, and in addition durable and cheap to operate.
And this car should be significantly cheaper than r5, and almost as fast and durable.
If you do not know, Santa does not exist.

21st December 2017, 23:57
how in the whole world can some believe that it's possible to build a 4wd that is both fast, and cheap to build, and in addition durable and cheap to operate.
And this car should be significantly cheaper than r5, and almost as fast and durable.
if you do not know, santa does not exist.


22nd December 2017, 00:17
How in the whole world can some believe that it's possible to build a 4wd that is both fast, and cheap to build, and in addition durable and cheap to operate.
And this car should be significantly cheaper than r5, and almost as fast and durable.
If you do not know, Santa does not exist.

Who said anything about fast. What is fast anyway; is R2 or R3 fast, or only R5 and WRCar?
For talents on their way up it does not matter much, as long as all cars are equally slow/fast. Then the driver talemts emerge.

As it was in Norwegian Subaru Cup. Equal cars that you could both rally and racing with, at a reasonable price.

The Dytko cars could serve the same purpose for instance in a Nordic Cup. Meant to develop drivers, with coaching both for driving on surfaces, racing on track, media training, mental training and so on. This means that the 4 ASNs must agree on rules and regulations. Not easy, but doable.

22nd December 2017, 08:29
You just answered Yourself. The cars are competitive only for a cup of same cars. But for something like that You need something very cheap and these cars are not cheap.

There is way better way for young talents to develop themselves. Take much cheaper R2 and go to proper competition in JERC. From there it's much easier to get into R5 than from some proto car.

There is different situation overseas but in Europe there is little sense in buying such car (except when there are very special rules made for them like in Spain).

22nd December 2017, 09:36

Don't listen to Coach2, but I've got bad news.. Santa is using a 208 T16 this year so there's no way he's going to make it round the world without suffering transmission failure or somesuch :(


Jarek Z
22nd December 2017, 13:23
Don't listen to Coach2, but I've got bad news.. Santa is using a 208 T16 this year so there's no way he's going to make it round the world without suffering transmission failure or somesuch :(

But when he finally arrives the presents he gives this year seem worth the wait :D

Coach 2
22nd December 2017, 14:41

No, it might not be the best comparison, but believing it would be possible (cheapl durable 4wd) becomes like believing in St. Claus.

Coach 2
22nd December 2017, 14:47
Who said anything about fast. What is fast anyway; is R2 or R3 fast, or only R5 and WRCar?
For talents on their way up it does not matter much, as long as all cars are equally slow/fast. Then the driver talemts emerge.

As it was in Norwegian Subaru Cup. Equal cars that you could both rally and racing with, at a reasonable price.

The Dytko cars could serve the same purpose for instance in a Nordic Cup. Meant to develop drivers, with coaching both for driving on surfaces, racing on track, media training, mental training and so on. This means that the 4 ASNs must agree on rules and regulations. Not easy, but doable.

How much do you think this cup cost Subaru Norway.
And do you really believe these cars were cheap to maintain, per km.

And if this eventual 4wd class is not faster a R2 or R3, what is the purpose then.

22nd December 2017, 17:05
How in the whole world can some believe that it's possible to build a 4wd that is both fast, and cheap to build, and in addition durable and cheap to operate.
And this car should be significantly cheaper than r5, and almost as fast and durable.
If you do not know, Santa does not exist.
instead of using a highly tuned 1.6 engine that costs 20.000€, you can use a 3.0 engine that costs 5000€ but produces just as much power and last much longer.

that gives you the same speed, but saves a lot of money.

Coach 2
22nd December 2017, 18:34
Does it exist such a 4 cylinder 3000ccm, 5000E

22nd December 2017, 22:00
How much do you think this cup cost Subaru Norway.
And do you really believe these cars were cheap to maintain, per km.

And if this eventual 4wd class is not faster a R2 or R3, what is the purpose then.

the car was a more or less standard Impreza, different shocks, standard diffs, stronger gearbox if my memory serves me.
Original prize was as far as I remember 280 000 Nok. Today just divide by 10.

Many drivers used the cup as a springboard. Mikkelsen, Aasen, Pontus Tidemand, among others.

23rd December 2017, 15:47
Does it exist such a 4 cylinder 3000ccm, 5000E
why should it be a 4 cylinder?
that's the whole point. pushing stuff to the limit is very expensive, using commercially available stuff that nowhere near the limit is much cheaper.

but of course, if your competitors use the same engine, but start tuning it, it's ruined.

Coach 2
23rd December 2017, 18:06
why should it be a 4 cylinder?
that's the whole point. pushing stuff to the limit is very expensive, using commercially available stuff that nowhere near the limit is much cheaper.

but of course, if your competitors use the same engine, but start tuning it, it's ruined.

If it,s a front-engine car you most certainly need 4 cylinder.
6 sylinder mid-engine, or what kinde of car do you have in mind.
Reemember, it supposed and foremost gone be cheap.

23rd December 2017, 20:36
Don't listen to Coach2, but I've got bad news.. Santa is using a 208 T16 this year so there's no way he's going to make it round the world without suffering transmission failure or somesuch :(


Hoooey! I love France and the spirit but the French journos are a little "excitable" and loose with the truth as we all know...
I know what Santa drives --he does come from waaay up North afterall


Sure its a drawing but here is a photo which you can't fake:


That settles it, I'm sure..

23rd December 2017, 20:40
Does it exist such a 4 cylinder 3000ccm, 5000E

Sure..In big fat car that weigh 1600-1800kg and as long as a bus.

28th December 2017, 12:24
Original Mitsu/Subaru R4 did cost around 125t€, new "proto" 4wd are starting from 100t€.

Very hard to believe that some can made reliable 4wd with price of good R2

3rd May 2018, 11:17
Use this thread for your "Proto" news, please!

the sniper
25th June 2018, 22:03
Apologies for musing rather than providing news here, but I've only recently noticed how there are a good few random importer supported Suzuki Swift programs in rallying, with a mixture of the old and new model, homologated under various regulations. Most note worthy is the new car in N5 Spec in Spain from Suzuki Motor Ibérica, but you've also got Suzuki Team Austria with an S1600 car and Suzuki Motorsport Denmark 'Maxi 2000 Evo' Swift doing Rally Bohemia. Seems a real shame Suzuki aren't seemingly interested in producing an R5 car, as I can't think of a car/manufacturer that isn't currently involved in the category that would be a better fit. I suppose they haven't got over their last WRC experience, plus Nobuhiro Tajima is now too old to spearhead the project which might have taken away some impetus to go rallying again.

26th June 2018, 13:38
Apologies for musing rather than providing news here, but I've only recently noticed how there are a good few random importer supported Suzuki Swift programs in rallying, with a mixture of the old and new model, homologated under various regulations. Most note worthy is the new car in N5 Spec in Spain from Suzuki Motor Ibérica, but you've also got Suzuki Team Austria with an S1600 car and Suzuki Motorsport Denmark 'Maxi 2000 Evo' Swift doing Rally Bohemia. Seems a real shame Suzuki aren't seemingly interested in producing an R5 car, as I can't think of a car/manufacturer that isn't currently involved in the category that would be a better fit. I suppose they haven't got over their last WRC experience, plus Nobuhiro Tajima is now too old to spearhead the project which might have taken away some impetus to go rallying again.

Sorry for a bit of OT, but maybe there is some more info about this Suzuki Swift Maxi 2000 EVO car? some tech. specs. or something?

26th June 2018, 17:43
Apologies for musing rather than providing news here, but I've only recently noticed how there are a good few random importer supported Suzuki Swift programs in rallying, with a mixture of the old and new model, homologated under various regulations. Most note worthy is the new car in N5 Spec in Spain from Suzuki Motor Ibérica, but you've also got Suzuki Team Austria with an S1600 car and Suzuki Motorsport Denmark 'Maxi 2000 Evo' Swift doing Rally Bohemia. Seems a real shame Suzuki aren't seemingly interested in producing an R5 car, as I can't think of a car/manufacturer that isn't currently involved in the category that would be a better fit. I suppose they haven't got over their last WRC experience, plus Nobuhiro Tajima is now too old to spearhead the project which might have taken away some impetus to go rallying again.

It's also a shame that Suzuki don't homologate the swift as group N car (as was the first one), In Spain the cup is run acording to national group N3 which is more or less the same and it's a real sucess and in 2019 they will run with the new one, i think also in Italy they have a cup for the swifts.

26th June 2018, 18:28
Sorry for a bit of OT, but maybe there is some more info about this Suzuki Swift Maxi 2000 EVO car? some tech. specs. or something?

from quick research on net it seems, that they have brand new car build in cooperation with Dytko.

Suzuki Motorsport Danmark, a team from Sorř, Zeeland, conducted a presentation of the Swift Maxi 2000 Evo, which will be hosted by last year's Danish champions - Kenneth Madsen and Mette Felthaus. Body kit was created in Dytko Sport.

The debut of 270-horsepower Swift will take place on Saturday during Anderup El Rally, the third round of the Danish championship. Madsen was placed on the list with number 3, after Esben Hegelund (Fabia R5) and Ibem Kraghem (DS3 R5).

The rally with the base in Ebberup returns to DM after a two-year break. 74 crews were declared - three in WRC cars, three in R5. Jan Becker will bring Hamburg Subaru S7 from Hamburg. Rune Danneborg announced the Mini WRC, his son Viktor will take the DS3 R5. Roland Poulsen will use the Corolla WRC.
source: http://rajdy.autoklub.pl/news/debiut-swifta-z-nysy,84728
web of the team, but without info about new Swift: http://suzukimotorsport.dk/bilerne/

26th June 2018, 18:51
If we go a few year back, we had N4 cars. Many drivers went from an old national homologated 2wd car into N4 to learn the trade of driving 4wd.

That option is now gone, and many national series need a gapfiller from R5 down to R2.

Here up north where we have tuners that build rallycross cars, and also a R5 that the manufacturer did not want to support in homologation.

If the ASNs could agree on a Nordic or even a NEZ tech regulation, we could get that gapfiller for youngsters and gentleman drivers.

R4 seems to be a stillborn, so I do not understand why the rest in here can not see the need for a more affordable 4wd for rally?

the sniper
26th June 2018, 23:00
from quick research on net it seems, that they have brand new car build in cooperation with Dytko.

source: http://rajdy.autoklub.pl/news/debiut-swifta-z-nysy,84728
web of the team, but without info about new Swift: http://suzukimotorsport.dk/bilerne/

Thanks for the info. There are a lot of pictures on their Facebook page, both of the new and old car, plus both together: https://www.facebook.com/pg/SuzukiMotorsportDK/photos/?tab=albums

(Btw, my thanks to the moderator who moved my previous post into a more relevant thread!)

26th June 2018, 23:07
It is new evolution of Suzuki Swift Maxi from last year. National danish homologation, 2 l atmospheric engine, FWD, Sadev transmission, 6 gears.

27th June 2018, 07:36
Sound like great car, an engine is most interesting part, but I guess most secret :)

Rally Power
28th June 2018, 23:07
R4 seems to be a stillborn, so I do not understand why the rest in here can not see the need for a more affordable 4wd for rally?

You’re not the only one. Many have recognized the need for a 4WD entry class in Europe, following Maxi Rally and AP4 examples (supported by the FIA in their regions).

R4 is failing because its nuts to implement it through a single supplier. Having a mandatory kit is a valid option, but the FIA should allow certified national tuners to locally make the parts and build the cars, using a common regulation (just like AP4).

30th September 2018, 20:13
As it was discussed in this topic previously, here is brief interview about Suzuki Motorsport Denmark and its Swifts Maxi 2000. This time I also published english version, so I hope it will be better to understand than translated Czech article :) https://www.ewrc.cz/clanek/32874-powerful-swifts-made-in-denmark/

30th September 2018, 20:50
But I am not sure if it is correct thread as both Suzukis are only 2WD :)

14th November 2018, 19:44
Please use this if you want to write about non FIA cars.

1st December 2018, 21:05
There are totally 11 Proto/Dytko/R-Lite cars in Finland now. 3 more known are coming or under built.

Dytko has made Yaris Proto, some people said it looked very fine, much better looking than Fiesta or Polo.

Those R-Lite cars are allowed to compete in Finland and have their own class which have NO championship value. Also those cars will start after all Championship, F-group and standard 1600 cars, around 70-80th car in stages.

Best place to use those in Finland is F-Cup 4wd class (modern FIA cars not allowed there)

2nd December 2020, 07:56
Interesting Project down under, using the GR Yaris as bases.


Many national classes could be created thinking the same way. The Car is a very good staring point to become a cup-car.

2nd December 2020, 16:16
IMHO Rally3 looks like a much better idea for European countries.

By the way we have had some Dytko cars this year in our championship and I have to say it was one big disappointment for me. The cars were often beaten by R2 and they haven't shown any better speed than gr.N cars. Pretty unspectacular as well. Hats off to Bouffier for what he managed with them in Poland!

Jarek Z
2nd December 2020, 16:43
By the way we have had some Dytko cars this year in our championship and I have to say it was one big disappointment for me. The cars were often beaten by R2 and they haven't shown any better speed than gr.N cars. Pretty unspectacular as well. Hats off to Bouffier for what he managed with them in Poland!

No, as far as I know Bouffier was never driving Dytko cars. As you can see at the bottom of the car in the photo, his Ford Fiesta Proto came from Stec Rally Rent. It's a different company. They don't have anything to do with Dytko.

2nd December 2020, 17:50
Finnish Championship has allowed for SM2 class:
-Dytko Proto which is called R-Lite in Finland if car is full N spec
-N5 Spanish homologation
+ as before:
-old FIA N (Subaru and Mitsu)

so 4 different types of cars.

2nd December 2020, 18:42
No, as far as I know Bouffier was never driving Dytko cars. As you can see at the bottom of the car in the photo, his Ford Fiesta Proto came from Stec Rally Rent. It's a different company. They don't have anything to do with Dytko.

Thanks for clarification.