View Full Version : Consolation for those suffering from aracnofobia

7th May 2007, 18:03
Spiders don't kill you, even if they nest in your ear:


7th May 2007, 18:08
spiders are horrible

Hazell B
7th May 2007, 21:17
Had a spider go down my collar the other afternoon.

Took ages to get it out, the damned thing went down my trouser back and kept escaping my frantic clutches :laugh:

Anyway, got it safe and sound back to it's web in the end.
Would have been easier to squash it, but I like spiders generally.

7th May 2007, 21:20
Eurch! i shall be covering my head when I sleep from now on, as apparently we consume 6 spiders in our life times when we sleep!

7th May 2007, 21:46
Read that today too. Got me thinking, when I'm sleeping, I usually have my mouth open... so basically, spiders&co can come for a visit. I don't mind them going to my digestive system where they most probably won't survive, but could they go and look around in my lungs? :\

7th May 2007, 21:57
you will start coughing then kicking the spider out of there

Hazell B
7th May 2007, 21:59
Thank Erki - you've got me wondering about that now! :p :

7th May 2007, 22:16
Spiders would never survive in my lungs!!

8th May 2007, 10:37
Spiders like sharing the shower with me for some reason. I don't know how they get in, but I just pick them up and throw them out the window, but somehow they're always back by the next day :crazy:

8th May 2007, 11:13
Perhaps it's because they like you and don't understand that you want to be alone? I find that a gentle tap on the bonce with a newspaper gets my message across just fine. Works with most things :)

9th May 2007, 06:13
Good idea. The next time spiders try to get into the shower with me I'll hit them with a newspaper to get them to run away :D

Hazell B
10th May 2007, 14:37
I find that a gentle tap on the bonce with a newspaper gets my message across just fine. Works with most things :)

Now you all know why so many of us wear hats when we're near Carl :p :

Problem is, once you've sqashed a spider all over the nice white enamel bathroom suite, you have to clean up the leftovers :s Unless you're real good at training dogs to clean ... which I'm not. So they go alive out of my bathroom window too :)

Captain VXR
10th May 2007, 17:30
I put spiders on grid girls who are related to noah ;)

10th May 2007, 22:12
I knew I shouldn't have read that. I won't be sleeping for weeks.

Actually one of the advantages of living in a second story flat is that I notice there are less BIIIG spiders. We've had a couple, but not like in houses etc.

hate the damn things. HATE HATE HATE HATE.

10th May 2007, 22:30
Now you all know why so many of us wear hats when we're near Carl :p :

Problem is, once you've sqashed a spider all over the nice white enamel bathroom suite, you have to clean up the leftovers :s Unless you're real good at training dogs to clean ... which I'm not. So they go alive out of my bathroom window too :)

Thanks for the warning Hazell :D

I'm glad to hear that this problem is not peculiar to me...