View Full Version : This forum

19th August 2017, 14:24
First of all I think there are some very knowledgeable people on this forum that often post interesting technical and sporting information that is unavailable on mainstream media outlets, thanks for that. Thanks also to those that post videos, news, articles and photos. For me (just an "amateur" observer) it makes this forum a great place to get to a deeper level of this sport.

However, lately there has been an increase of posts that are basically personal attacks or name calling and bring nothing to the conversation. I don't mind difference of opinion but I don't like reading posts that belittle and insult people for simply having a different opinion, especially if that opinion comes with some arguments (be they factually valid or "feelings"). It's one thing to say I disagree, it's another to call names at anyone who disagrees with you.

Now I don't mean this place should be a "safe space" but lately the tone and language does bother me and I think it drowns out more "healthy" discussions and makes following the forum less enjoyable for me personally. I'm curious what other people think, maybe I'm wrong and being too sensitive. Also I wonder what admins/moderators think about what goes and what doesn't in this place.

19th August 2017, 14:26
absolutely agree...that Meeke thread is just depressing to read.

19th August 2017, 15:24
I very rarely post anymore, but still read the threads. But it has gone downhill compared to years ago. The Meeke thread just highlights some of the utter inane comments on here.

19th August 2017, 16:41
I have mostly withdrawn from this board, visiting only occasionally. Partly this is due to declining quality of discussion (I dare not say people doing the discussion as that would be ad hominem). Because my absence I am not qualified to judge the current state of affairs.

19th August 2017, 17:42
What i will say, is some people claim to have a knowledge of the sport without any further evidence other than what they read on the internet... as the saying goes 'a little knowledge is a dangerous thing' and therefor it needs to be challanged.

For example after Monte or Sweden i suggested there was an issue with a particular WRC car.. i was ridculed.

As the saying goes...

The truth goes through 3 phases..
First it is ridculed
Second is violenty opposed
Third, it is accepted as being self evident.

Some people just need some hard love to make them see what they dont want to normally accept, with their limited knowledge.

19th August 2017, 17:58
This thread is about members attitude, not who is right or wrong about something. Just sayin'

20th August 2017, 00:16
This thread is about members attitude, not who is right or wrong about something. Just sayin'

Indeed, and it's nice to get examples of all kinds in the thread as well wouldn't you say.

And yes, when I joined (not too long ago). I was extremely happy. Finally finding a place where I could read and potentially discuss rally with other fans of the sport and maybe even with people that had some inside knowledge, experience etc.
But even in my short time here I have noticed the quality falling, and it getting much more personal, and a fight about "who is right" etc. etc. Just like certain areas fo the real life seems to be these days sadly. Opinions seems to be gone, and have been replaced by personal facts.

EDIT: Added one sentence.

20th August 2017, 12:40
so basically a healthy forum is the one where everyone agrees with everyone and everyone involved in the WRC is glorified either beign a champion or a potato dog...

sorry kids... its not going to happen.

You can always cry for mommy to give you a hug if you feel offended by different opinions.

20th August 2017, 15:04
Lots of rose-colored glasses here. There used to be a moderator from Scandinavia here that sprouted racist insults at French people at every opportunity. But now the Finnish people get ridiculed and there is suddenly a problem? Double standards.

The discussions weren't all that great back in the day either. For a long time the general consensus on this forum was that Loeb was only quick because he received super-secret special tyres from Michelin. And then we had control tyres and the evil Frenchman Loeb still became the champion.

The only difference between then and now is the stupid like button. Case-in-point this thread: At the moment there are 7 replies of which 2 came from our notorious trolls. But the OP also has 15 likes. Had all these people actually bothered to post, there would be 23 replies of which only 2 troll-posts.

Summary: if you want a better forum then instead of only hugging the like button, actually contribute with positive posts! That is the only way to drown out the trolls and insults.

20th August 2017, 16:19
Lots of people here have no idea how things work and just make assumptions and name call people like they can do better. It is good to see another side of the coin though.

20th August 2017, 16:41
You can discuss wether the level has dropped or not. Sometimes people are a bit too harsh for each other, maybe some more moderation could be used. Last years more new members entered, members who are often supporting some driver(s) and are a bit biased. No problem with that, as long as some mutual respect remains here. The forum is open to everyone and should stay like that, of course. Some people here have great insights, things we can all learn a lot from. All I can do is ask those people to not give up and keep following and posting on this forum. Some people here commented that they gave up (or became less active), sorry to say, but you are part of the reason why there's less interesting content on the forum. ;) And that should be taken as a compliment.

20th August 2017, 18:17
Some of you here take things too seriously. Just take it easy, it's a rally forum....

20th August 2017, 19:25
There is another forum, that used to be very active, but now is asleep.
We may continue a more friendly tone there. http://www.rallye-info.com/forum/

The main reason for discussion forums is to discuss, but in a friendly environment. People mean different tings, and that is normal. But we have to respect eachother, and not say that people are idiots, if they have a different opinion than you.

Rally Power
20th August 2017, 22:03
There is another forum, that used to be very active, but now is asleep.
We may continue a more friendly tone there. http://www.rallye-info.com/forum/

Come on Sulland, this is the best place in the net to talk about rally! For sure insults must be kept away but the sometimes harsh remarks that can come out from the debate are harmless and no one should take them personally. I can’t honestly say if the level is raising or not, as every time I get in I manage to learn new things about the sport, which is great. Like tommeke-b said, it’s always a plus to have insiders aboard, so I just hope those fine contributors can post more frequently. Anyway, best regards to you all and many thanks to the people that founded Motorsport Forums and are responsible for running it. Bem hajam! (bless you)

20th August 2017, 22:52
Bem hajam! (bless you)

May be it's good You didn't said "god bless You", who knows what some of us might think of.

21st August 2017, 04:47
This is a truly great forum; it's easily the best forum I frequent online. Most members are very knowledgeable, and for the most part, the discussions are even tempered and well informed, from people who know and love the sport. It's true that there have been a couple of recent troublemakers (you know who you are), but hopefully they'll fu ck off in due course and allow the rest of us to continue as before.

21st August 2017, 08:26
Some of you here take things too seriously. Just take it easy, it's a rally forum....

And we also have the bar discussion thread ...

22nd August 2017, 10:22
I've joined this forum about 5 years ago and I personally can say only one thing, how the he'll I didn't managed to find it years ago? =) I follow the sport from 2000.
I don't think that the level of discussion dramatically dropped, just more opinions that can't be described and supported by bare facts and direct straight forward explanations. I mean this season have all ready packed as many action as 10 previous combined, when dominance of one team and one driver isnide this team was so evident, that all had some kind of mutual agreement and pretty much nothing to discuss. This year we have so many different angles and interpretations on one fact and on top of that various opinions on that interpretations. New regs and withdraw of wv added spice to championship and made quite big list of different aspects that lead to success one or another driver in different rallies. On that wave the heat of discussion have rased and personal simpaties and antipaties became more visible.
Anyway I enjoy the reading.
Thank you all.

Fast Eddie WRC
22nd August 2017, 12:20
Maybe not the answer people want to hear for improving the Forum, but if everyone uses the Ignore facility to block the posts of the trolls then they will not get anyone replying to them.

Hopefully they will then tire of getting no effect from their posts and go elsewhere...

23rd August 2017, 20:20
Maybe not the answer people want to hear for improving the Forum, but if everyone uses the Ignore facility to block the posts of the trolls then they will not get anyone replying to them.

Hopefully they will then tire of getting no effect from their posts and go elsewhere...

This doesn't help at all when the posts are being quoted though. Then it's there for everyone (unless you have ignored the person quoting as well)

Fast Eddie WRC
23rd August 2017, 20:45
This doesn't help at all when the posts are being quoted though. Then it's there for everyone (unless you have ignored the person quoting as well)

True. This is why everyone needs to use the Ignore function for these people, then no-one will read or quote their posts...

24th August 2017, 08:15
True. This is why everyone needs to use the Ignore function for these people, then no-one will read or quote their posts...

I have never seen that Ignore function, but I´m only member since 02/2007. I´m ready to use it when it´s as easy as "Like" button.

24th August 2017, 08:21
I have never seen that Ignore function, but I´m only member since 02/2007. I´m ready to use it when it´s as easy as "Like" button.

It takes three clicks.

24th August 2017, 09:17
Yes, I also recommend people use the ignore feature. In order to do it, click on the member name and View Profile. Then on the left side there are a number of options, one of which is add to ignore list. For some reason on my browser the font color is the same as the background color, but if you highlight it you can see what it says. For convenience I created the image below:


Unfortunately this feature doesn't hide the post completely, just makes it so you don't see the content.

24th August 2017, 09:59
Call me weird but I actually think a user like N.O.T gives the forum a bit of balance. Just like any group of people anywhere you're going to get bluntness, fanboyism, hurt pride, overly positive/negative people. People who take it all a bit too seriously etc. It's not really a forum anymore if you start removing certain people. It's more like a private group - which wouldn't be that hard to set up.

I think a lot of it is about working out which users you can have a good debate or conversation with. And just trying to either disregard or rise above the other noise. But I realise that's not really human nature to do that.

In real life you can't just hit an ignore button and drown out certain ideas or people. As appealing as that might sound.

24th August 2017, 10:11
What's the purpose of ignoring somebody anyway? To convince yourself not to read his posts?
I have no issues skipping something i don't want to read.

Fast Eddie WRC
24th August 2017, 10:15
What's the purpose of ignoring somebody anyway? To convince yourself not to read his posts?
I have no issues skipping something i don't want to read.

Even when it quotes you and makes personal insults or other offensive comments ?

24th August 2017, 10:26
Even when it quotes you and makes personal insults or other offensive comments ?
Yes, that's correct. It's all personal choice what to read. If somebody quotes you negatively, that's probably result of your negative approach.

24th August 2017, 11:32
I also don't see any reason to ignore N.O.T, his posts are often some of the most brilliant on this forum.

24th August 2017, 14:24
Ignoring me is like closing your eyes in front of an orgy.... it still happens, you just lose all the fun.

24th August 2017, 14:34

24th August 2017, 15:35
I also don't see any reason to ignore N.O.T, his posts are often some of the most brilliant on this forum.

not often, every time!

25th August 2017, 20:56
I think the forum is still fine. I am not recently visiting it as often as before but its just because of my personal time reasons, not because of anyone here. Don't think that the level of discussions is significantly lower. I think that if you want to improve something you are keen on, you should put effort to improve it from the inside instead of giving up and running away. Try to be the change yourself by adding more fruitful posts. You may inspire two or three other guys and the level improves. Then the morons get bored and flee.

26th August 2017, 15:18
As a more recent addition to the community, whilst I have noticed a few silly comments, it's hardly bordering on abusive. It seems like a lot of members are new on here (which can only be a positive thing for the forum and the sport) just it takes a while for people to settle down and fit into the existing group and of course it's going to change with each new member. Also, it's sport and where there's men who are passionate about it, there's going to be tension when opinions differ. It's just your way of expressing yourselves. That said, it's hardly derby night at the football. Let's put it into perspective! :)

26th August 2017, 22:27
It could be Reddit too. Where the top posts would be of some quote by Senna with a picture of Meeke...