View Full Version : Two days is enough?

7th May 2007, 11:34
With the way the championship is now (unfortunately quite boring and predictable) and what we saw by accident in Argentina do you think that two days of competition would be enough for a WRC event? There could even be a poll on the subject?

7th May 2007, 11:38
Than I would go on strike... :rolleyes:

7th May 2007, 12:16
Maybe one day is an option. One day of SS's and 4 days of marketing activities :D

7th May 2007, 12:46
Actually i am in favour of 2 days of competition....what i would like to see is a set of early morning stages and a set of late afternoon-night stages....i would prefer to see 10 stages per day in a 2 day event than 4-6 stages per day in a 3 day event.

7th May 2007, 14:29
I prefer 3 days in a event as you can avoid the weekend crowds on Friday.

7th May 2007, 15:56
I prefer 3 days in a event as you can avoid the weekend crowds on Friday.


Rather 3 days with perhaps as N.O.T said with 10stages a day :D More morning and night!

7th May 2007, 16:24
The was talk of having two day events, thus freeing more days, for more rallies...

7th May 2007, 16:27
There was definately too few stages. If they will only use two days (which I hope they do not) they must have many stages per day, starting early in the morning and finishing in the evening/night. Preferably they would do this for 3 days though...

7th May 2007, 17:40
Being positive - shrinking events to two days, 10 stages with early morning and in the night would be good. By "losing" one day it saves teams 16 person hotel nights per calendar year. If you cut pre event testing as well it could add up to a significant saving in money.That saving could allow for fitting extra events into the calendar.

7th May 2007, 18:02
Being positive - shrinking events to two days, 10 stages with early morning and in the night would be good. By "losing" one day it saves teams 16 person hotel nights per calendar year. If you cut pre event testing as well it could add up to a significant saving in money.That saving could allow for fitting extra events into the calendar.

I think it is cheaper that wrc event last longer than more shorter events because of transporting.. so i prefer longer events

7th May 2007, 18:28
The was talk of having two day events, thus freeing more days, for more rallies...

so having a two day rally some how makes more room for more rallyes?? Don't forget it costs to go to an event with travel and many many expenses!

7th May 2007, 18:55
sure, fewer days, with the same KMs

More stages, more endurance, less of a sprint mentality, and dare I hope, night stages?

7th May 2007, 20:42
more Km's is what we need.
if they run 500k of special stages in 3 or 2 days I don't mind but I still think we need longer rallyes

7th May 2007, 20:55
When you consider the most teams test on the weeken before a rally, or for the M2 teams and PCWRC drivers they test on monday, recce tuesday and wednesday, shakedown thursday, rally friday, saturday and sunday. If we dropped friday and moved SD to friday, teams could save at least one days accomodation. cut the pre event test as well and you could effectively make rally week from wed / thur (recce) fri S/D & ceremonial stuff, long day sat / finish 5 pm sunday. a late leg on saturday for night stages, and you save on accomodation. Sure the travel costs remain, but based on a rally hotel @ €70 per person per night, for a 50 person team that is €3500 per rally, for each night saved. Over 16 rounds that is €56,000. Not much in big teams buget but it will help. Assume a works team testing the whole weekend before, maybe thursday & friday as well and the saving gets ever larger.

7th May 2007, 21:03
They might as well skip Sundays as it is, rallies are decided by Saturday night.

Sunday has been pretty pointless for a long time already...

7th May 2007, 21:23
I thought some teams opposed to the proposed 2-day event couple years ago because it will cut the time to showcase themselves to sponsors/VIP's. The smaller team may welcome shorter events as they don't have as many guests, but I don't know about the manufacturer teams. Afterall the manufacturers are the ones who build cars, if they want more PR opportunity and prefer 3 day-event, WRC event should be 3-days.

As from fans' perspective, the competitive km is important and not so much of how many days the event runs.

7th May 2007, 21:57
3 days implies 3 days of coverage in media. That is something all the teams (works teams I mean) are mean to seek.

I prefer longer rallies, and specially longer specials (40 and 50 km long ones, with harder tires, strategies to save cars and tires, and more talent implied)

7th May 2007, 22:30
Instead of cutting a day, increase by 1 day. Personally I'd have 12 rounds, all of 4 days, Thursday - Sunday lunchtime, approx 300-350 miles. Seriously, the WRC is in trouble, I'd go back to the future, and although unpopular end the WRCar formula, S2000 is the future.....

....I think? WRC needs much more manufacturers willing to make inexpensive cars..

7th May 2007, 23:22
I wonder what margin would Loeb win if rallyes last for four days ? :mark:

8th May 2007, 09:55
I wonder what margin would Loeb win if rallyes last for four days ? :mark:


Although, adding more KM's would bring back the original endurance nature of rallyin instead of the sprint events we have now. And it would increase possibilities of catching a bigger lead. With no "mousse" tyres it would be an even bigger chance.

But with TV etc., that is unlikely to happen.

8th May 2007, 10:12
Forget about the number of days, it the competitive mileage which counts. Lets start by getting rid of multi use stages as well, some ralles seem to consist of no more than 6 "real" stages.

Brother John
8th May 2007, 10:33
Forget about the number of days, it the competitive mileage which counts. Lets start by getting rid of multi use stages as well, some ralles seem to consist of no more than 6 "real" stages.

Really good post about this subject! :up:

8th May 2007, 10:33
Excellent idea. :up:

How about a calendar which has:

12 rallies (IMO that is reasonable)
2-day events (Saturday, Sunday)
20 stages across the rally (10 per day... should be at least 10 actual stages rather than re-runs)

Now of course, this probably won't resolve the mentality that "Rally is boring" and probably won't make a championship interesting, but it would be doing the sport's financial half some benefit - and if the fans like it, then that would just be an added bonus. JMO.

8th May 2007, 10:51
Agree with the 12 rounds, not sure about 2 days though. Don't give them ideas though, soon it'll be one day with one stage, over 2 hours...

8th May 2007, 10:58
Forget about the number of days, it the competitive mileage which counts. Lets start by getting rid of multi use stages as well, some ralles seem to consist of no more than 6 "real" stages.

That is very good point.

8th May 2007, 11:41
That is very good point.

It is, but, unless the FIA change their policy on compact 'cloverleaf' routes I can't see them getting rid of multi use stages. Something has to be done, because each Rally is the same; 3 stages, service, then a repeat of same stages, Wow, Great!!! Let's have some variety, please!!!

8th May 2007, 12:40
I don't know if two days is enough...

but I know that three gears is enough!

8th May 2007, 12:41
Lets start by getting rid of multi use stages as well, some ralles seem to consist of no more than 6 "real" stages.

Let's not forget that this would then require more marshalls and it's not always easy task to do.