View Full Version : Country Oaf

oily oaf
7th May 2007, 08:23
The following is a searing tale of savage menace, tinged with tragedy and redolent with the sharp scent of cow's jobbies.
Those of you of a nervous disposition please look away now.

This weekend began with a curt invite to visit one of my twins who has recently left London and moved to a place "up Norf" with the singularly unappealing name of Leighton Buzzard. This was purely down to work commitments and has nothing to do with the fact that the dirty little sod was giving his lady boss a crafty nudge and got found out by his missus. Oh dear me no. That's rubbish that is.

Anyway with a heavy heart and a deep sense of foreboding I put Mrs Oaf's finest bondage shawl around her shoulders and made my way to the station and the moving, wee smelling, late, railway projectiles that lie within.
It was a poor start as the ticket clerk began punching me repeatedly in the face when I made it plain that I wished to leave the capital and head in a northerly direction.
Once on board I settled down with The Times Higher Educational Supplement while Mrs Oaf plumped for "Rampant Farmyard Matures" a romantic novella by Dame George Dubya Bush.

And then it happened.
As we drew away from Wembley station and left Greater London the sun which shines perpetually night and day in the great metropolis suddenly snapped shut. The sky took on an air of brooding menace as a flurry of icy sleet, stained black with industrial pollution clattered against the window.
My spirits plummeted along with the temperature as I noticed the changing vista outside.
Some of the houses seemed to have all their windows intact with one or two even sporting net curtains :eek: At the back of some of these properties was a small area of green matter occasionally punctuated by weird stalk like objects with coloured bits on top. On occasion I noticed humanoid shapes pushing whirring orange, hand held machinery up and down these verdant strips whilst the females of the species sat watching in deck chairs, smoking pipes, swilling from beer cans and reading hard core grumble magazines.
As the stations sped past I noticed too a most singular change in young peoples fashion which seemed to regress further and further back in time until eventually I noticed a pair of young lovers strolling hand in hand through a meadow in Hemel Hempstead wearing suits of armour.

At length we arrived at our destination and waited patiently for our boy to pick us up in his hay wain. He arrived ten minutes late, explaining that a couple of fields had been cordoned off by police after reports that the mayor had been spotted trying to get his leg over a young heifer just outside Dagnall Park.

I must confess that the first night I spent in this rural idyll was a tortuous affair. My ears strained for the familiar sound of urban traffic, the comforting almost musical timbre of the late night revellers chundering into shop doorways, interspersed with the soothing report of a double barrelled shooter.

Morning broke and I stumbled red eyed from the house to purchase a newspaper only to spot a fellow pedestrian walking towards me.
"Alright chief?" I ventured in time honoured fashion "Ow's it 'angin'"
My jaw dropped in rank disbelief as my companion instead or replying with the de riguer retort of "Not too shabby moosh, just a bit left of centre" the surly yokel doffed his cap and then had the sheer temerity to say "Good morning. It's a lovely one isn't it?"
It goes without saying that I left him a twitching, blood spattered heap, writhing in the gutter. Saucy git! :mad: .

Now look here I'm most dreadfully sorry but I'm rather afraid that by merely typing this diary of events I have lapsed into a deep and all consuming depression that only a skinful of London Pride Extra Heavy and a plate of whelks will lift.
I shall continue after my medicine.

Next up:

I batter an elderly farmer's wife into submission after she tries to convince me that those cylindrical woolly creatures with a leg in each corner can be converted into a mint sauce bedecked Sunday feast :mad: ...............with GRAVY!

7th May 2007, 08:35
The following is a searing tale of savage menace, tinged with tragedy and redolent with the sharp scent of cow's jobbies.

I hope you were wearing wellies instead of your oafers (shoes that sometimes in the past were recognized as loafers).

oily oaf
7th May 2007, 08:54
I hope you were wearing wellies instead of your oafers (shoes that sometimes in the past were recognized as loafers).

Kindly refrain from the gratuitous mentioning of protective rubber footware.
You are turning me on.

Pervert :mad:

7th May 2007, 11:32
Dear Mr Oaf,

I used to lodge in Leighton Buzzard and I survived.

I don't remember the heifer

Brown, Jon Brow
7th May 2007, 13:14
Morning broke and I stumbled red eyed from the house to purchase a newspaper only to spot a fellow pedestrian walking towards me.
"Alright chief?" I ventured in time honoured fashion "Ow's it 'angin'"
My jaw dropped in rank disbelief as my companion instead or replying with the de riguer retort of "Not too shabby moosh, just a bit left of centre" the surly yokel doffed his cap and then had the sheer temerity to say "Good morning. It's a lovely one isn't it?"
It goes without saying that I left him a twitching, blood spattered heap, writhing in the gutter. Saucy git! :mad: .


So a southern townie like you oily, beat up a rural northerner?

Yeah right! I'd like to see that! :laugh:

jim mcglinchey
7th May 2007, 16:57
This is starting to read like the plot of Withnail and I , Oily, are you sure you didnt dream this?

7th May 2007, 20:14
I fyou are feeling brave Mr Oaf, stay on the train and head to the glorious Caledonia!

<quote>So a southern townie like you oily, beat up a rural northerner? </quote> I have to agree with that, would never happen, has the rural northerner yet to hit puberty?

Mark in Oshawa
7th May 2007, 20:46
The Oaf goes to the north, and infuriates and insults the locals. You know Oaf, you are a reality TV show without the camera's.....

8th May 2007, 02:18
I fyou are feeling brave Mr Oaf, stay on the train and head to the glorious Caledonia!

Too many jabs, takes way too long and the place is full of 'weird' people :eek: Nice scenary though, so I'm told.

8th May 2007, 03:16
Hey Oily, if you think the English Countryside was scarey, how bout you come out bush with Jawsey???

You sleep outdoors amongst the Kangaroos, Wild Pigs, Brown Snakes, Spiders and those cudley Koalas.

A few nips of Bundy Rum at night to keep warm and a Rabbit Stew by the fire.
How about it?

<<Sound of Banjo from Deliverance Playing>>

8th May 2007, 10:25
Come on if he survived the lavatories in Portugal and southern Spain he can deal with those animals and rural people. ;)

8th May 2007, 12:42
Was there a radio handy or did you also manage to miss the forecasts? :\

oily oaf
8th May 2007, 17:29
Dear Mr Oaf,

I used to lodge in Leighton Buzzard and I survived.

I don't remember the heifer

That's odd it spoke in absolutely glowing terms about you ;)

BJB I'm not a Southerner, I'm a Londoner. There's a yawning chasm of difference.

Jawsie Never mind all that old bunny son. Have you done your homework?
I've had a rather curt letter from your headmaster complaining that your school work has been suffering due to you constantly mucking about at the back and spending valuable lesson time trying to look up Sheila Bruce's skirt with a mirror on a stick.
Shape up a bit lively or you'll get another right-hander :mad:

Donney I'd rather spend 2 hours locked in the infamous Ben Ghazi of Benidorm with a homosexual Japanese sumo wrestler than sample the delights of LB again.

Storm. I took the precaution of taking my Walkman with me so as not to miss any urgent or highly erotic shipping bulletins.
Unfortunately, and this is absolutely gospel truth, I couldn't pick up BBC Radio 4 :eek:

Jimbo I wish it was a dream mate I really do.
Did I mention that on the Sunday I went into LB town centre and to my utter disgust and outrage I found the whole shebang to be absolutely crawling with white people.
Not a single indigenous Somali, Bangladeshi or Chinaman to be seen.
No wonder the entire country is going to Hell in a handcart. Surely it's not beyond the scope of government to restrict the numbers of these pasty-faced ponces and by so doing safeguard our jobs and women and purify the bloodstock that made our once proud nation conquerors of half the known world.
Give 'em the option of going back to Finland, Denmark and Australia and if they don't like it burn the lot of 'em..............face down............in Milton Keynes :mad:

I'm having a nice bit of boiled Hake for tea tonight.
Thing is I don't never whether to have boiled or mashed spuds with it.
What would Jamie Oliver do I wonder.

(lures cat into opened copy of Nice and Easy Cookbook and snaps it shut)

Brown, Jon Brow
8th May 2007, 17:37
BJB I'm not a Southerner, I'm a Londoner. There's a yawning chasm of difference.

Technically London is is the south and there is a good reason why southerners are weak.

It's because the Earths gravitational pull is stronger in the North of the UK than in the south, that makes objects heavier, so northern people become stronger. ;)

oily oaf
8th May 2007, 17:50
Technically London is is the south and there is a good reason why southerners are weak.

It's because the Earths gravitational pull is stronger in the North of the UK than in the south, that makes objects heavier, so northern people become stronger. ;)

Hehehehehe Fair enough Brownie. I'm convinced. :D

'ere wanna fight? ;)

Brown, Jon Brow
8th May 2007, 18:58
:erm: okay

Tomorrow. High noon, on Boner Bridge in Scotland :D


oily oaf
9th May 2007, 07:20
:erm: okay

Tomorrow. High noon, on Boner Bridge in Scotland :D


BONER Bridge!!!!!!!!!!

Are there no LENGTHS to which you will not go to engage me in an UP AND A DOWNER?
Scotland you say? I think you're being a bit HARD ON me mate. The journey alone would bore me RIGID.
I'll tell you what Brownie, let me have a little think about it after a drink or two.
"Barman make mine A STIFF ONE" :up:

9th May 2007, 10:39
What would Jamie Oliver do I wonder.

(lures cat into opened copy of Nice and Easy Cookbook and snaps it shut)

Most likely he would add curry and ginger to it. :confused:

oily oaf
9th May 2007, 17:04
Most likely he would add curry and ginger to it. :confused:

Wot the cat?
That seems a bit harsh.
I mean to say if you can't show a little kindness towards our feline friends it's a very poor show indeed IMHO.

(places fisherman's gag into cat's jaws, forces five tinfulls of sweetcorn down it's neck and prepares table for pork chops with pussy-de-foi-gras)

9th May 2007, 18:50
Cat Massala doesn't sound that bad Oily, you have to open your mind to new culinary experiences ;)

9th May 2007, 21:55
Doesn't sound too bad...

Since it was your idea, Donney, why don't you cook?

10th May 2007, 09:00
Thanks for the offer but we have our resident cook around here and I would not want ot offend pino by any means. I have heard he could send a killer pizza to end this type of adventures.


10th May 2007, 09:20
Well perhaps you could cook under Pino's supervision. I think you deserve to bring this cuisine vision to reality and watch with pride as we all take a bite.

And, is it legal to post killer pizza? Does it come under the same law as posting hyenas?