View Full Version : Seating at Busch races and Cup races

5th May 2007, 21:13
Does Nascar or the track cut off parts of the track for Busch races v Nascars,like last night during the Rochmond race,there were parts of the stands that had no one what so ever in them and even some were part filled and some completely filled.

5th May 2007, 22:01
Most stadiums do that ---- athletics, football, rugby, race tracks - saves on the clean up costs afterwards. Would be a pain having to have staff marshall areas with three people in and the cleaners checking thousands of seats where three families and a bloke on his own was sitting.

5th May 2007, 22:12
Yes, for qualifying all of the seating isn't needed.
The tracks only open the areas needed at the time.
Expect to see ALL of the seats filled for the Cup race. :D