View Full Version : Protest Gas Prices on May15th

R. Mears
4th May 2007, 23:24
NO GAS...On May 15th Don't pump gas on May 15th ...in April 1997, there was a "gas out" conducted nationwide in protest of gas prices. Gasoline prices dropped 30 cents a gallon overnight. On May 15th 2007, all Internet users are to not go to a gas station in protest of high gas prices. Gas is now over $3.00 a gallon in most places. There are 73,000,000+ American members currently on the Internet network, and the average car takes about 30 to 50 dollars to fill up. If all users did not go to the pump on the 15th, it would take $2,292,000,000.00 (that's almost 3 BILLION) out of the oil companies pockets for just one day, so please do not go to the gas station on May 15th and lets try to put a dent in the Middle Eastern oil industry for at least one day. If you agree (which I cant see why you wouldn’t) resend this to all on your contact lists. With it saying, ''Don' t pump gas on May 15th"

5th May 2007, 00:31
... and the average car takes about 30 to 50 dollars to fill up. ...

I would think that a bigger dent to gas prices would be made by driving smaller cars :dozey:

5th May 2007, 00:52
I would think that a bigger dent to gas prices would be made by driving smaller cars :dozey:

I am not sure about where other lives, but over here, on average the commute is 20 to 30 miles each way to work, and then add another 50 miles on top of that for shopping and things. You can easily go through a tank of gas in a week, even for small cars like Civic and Corolla. That's say they can take 15 gallon of gas, you are talking about $3.50 x 15 gallon, and that's $52.50. That's the cheapest gas and that's alot of money!!!

5th May 2007, 01:46
The problen with this is that the people who are listed shareholders in groups that control the oil wells that provide the heaviest grade of crude oil (from where we get out greases, and other very long chain hyrdocarbons) tracks back to:
Queen Beatrix, Ibn Saud, Abdul Aziz Al Saud, George W Bush and George HW Bush.

Between them they are on the boards which control (or are connected to the boards which control) or are responsible for the particular oil fields which are the cost drivers. These 5 people (albeit with somewhat convaluted controls) account for 60% of the direction of world oil prices and 2 of them have been the American president.

If anything, the rest of the world should be protesting how for the past 70 years, the USA has had ridiculously low "gas" prices which has encouraged the use of obscenely big motor vehicles and a sub-standard public transport system. Anyone who has sat in a traffic jam in either LA, New York, Chicago or Dallas can testify this.

I would propose a tax to increase the price of "gas" to European levels and this would drive all the big stupid lunks off of the road. Somewhere about $7.09/gal (all US) aught to do it, as that's the equvalent in the UK.

Protest... bah humbug.

5th May 2007, 03:42
NO GAS...On May 15th Don't pump gas on May 15th ...in April 1997, there was a "gas out" conducted nationwide in protest of gas prices. Gasoline prices dropped 30 cents a gallon overnight. On May 15th 2007, all Internet users are to not go to a gas station in protest of high gas prices. Gas is now over $3.00 a gallon in most places. There are 73,000,000+ American members currently on the Internet network, and the average car takes about 30 to 50 dollars to fill up. If all users did not go to the pump on the 15th, it would take $2,292,000,000.00 (that's almost 3 BILLION) out of the oil companies pockets for just one day, so please do not go to the gas station on May 15th and lets try to put a dent in the Middle Eastern oil industry for at least one day. If you agree (which I cant see why you wouldn’t) resend this to all on your contact lists. With it saying, ''Don' t pump gas on May 15th"
When you pay what we pay in the UK then go and complain. Not before please.

5th May 2007, 11:50
When you pay what we pay in the UK then go and complain. Not before please.

same can be said with Australian Prices!!! the yanks shouldnt be complaining just yet

R. Mears
5th May 2007, 12:59
When you pay what we pay in the UK then go and complain. Not before please.
If I'm not mistaken your higher gas prices are due to government taxes. We pay more in income,sales,property taxes ect. while you guys pay more in fuel taxes instead. So we have less money for fuel(after income taxes)left from our paychecks than you guys do. Not quite an even comparisson when it comes to gas only.
About 40% of my paycheck goes for government taxes. Yes I take home 60% of my gross pay. :confused:

5th May 2007, 13:34
The price of raw oil has nothing to do with taxes in different countries, the very same day us invaded Iraq the prices did go up quite much, when i buy petrol, about 15 cent/ liter goes for to feed a monkey.

5th May 2007, 16:41
If I'm not mistaken your higher gas prices are due to government taxes. We pay more in income,sales,property taxes ect. while you guys pay more in fuel taxes instead. So we have less money for fuel(after income taxes)left from our paychecks than you guys do.

According to Pears for 2006/7 median household income for the 2006 year was USD43,555 in the United States as opposed to USD31,777 in the United Kingdom.

I also happened to look at both the IRS and the Inland Revenue websites for the rates of taxation for an individual and calculated that in terms of income tax for what I earn now, I'd be better off in the US than the UK.
Personal rates are generally lower in the US (though I don't happen to know about state or country taxes) and sales taxes are lower than the VAT which currently stands at 17.5%.

Unless you're prepared to find relevant statistics, then I'm afraid that I simply shan't believe you.

5th May 2007, 17:47
NO GAS...On May 15th Don't pump gas on May 15th ...in April 1997, there was a "gas out" conducted nationwide in protest of gas prices. Gasoline prices dropped 30 cents a gallon overnight. On May 15th 2007, all Internet users are to not go to a gas station in protest of high gas prices. Gas is now over $3.00 a gallon in most places. There are 73,000,000+ American members currently on the Internet network, and the average car takes about 30 to 50 dollars to fill up. If all users did not go to the pump on the 15th, it would take $2,292,000,000.00 (that's almost 3 BILLION) out of the oil companies pockets for just one day, so please do not go to the gas station on May 15th and lets try to put a dent in the Middle Eastern oil industry for at least one day. If you agree (which I cant see why you wouldn’t) resend this to all on your contact lists. With it saying, ''Don' t pump gas on May 15th"

Protesting is all well and good, but let me ask you a simple question. Do you have a private pension for when you retire? If you do then the likelyhood that a fair percentage of the pension companies money is invested in high-yield, high-profit shares such as those in oil companies. Without the oil companies making the profits they do, you pension prospects would look a lot worse they they currently do.

The US is currently paying around 75c, or 37.5p, a litre. Current UK prices are around $1.90, or 95p, a litre with the £1.00 per litre barrier expected to be broken over the summer.

The simple solution to not paying a single penny towards the massive profits of the oil companies is not to drive a car at all, and not just for one stupid day. Sadly you must also insure that you use not natural gas to heat your home or cook your food, make sure that you use no chemicals to clean your house and must make sure that your electricity is only supplied from coal-fired or nuclear power sources.

Then of course there is the small factor of Americans favouring large capacity engines with automatic gear boxes, both of which reduce the fuel efficiency of the vehicle, not to mention producing more greenhouse gases.

If you really wnat a sensible solution then buy a small, compact Japanese car with a 1.0ltr engine that will return 55mpg+.

R. Mears
5th May 2007, 17:56
The price of raw oil has nothing to do with taxes in different countries, the very same day us invaded Iraq the prices did go up quite much, when i buy petrol, about 15 cent/ liter goes for to feed a monkey.

Were talking about the price at the pump. Just to let you know.

5th May 2007, 18:03
Were talking about the price at the pump. Just to let you know.

the stuff that comes from the pump, is made of rawoil, if rawoil prices goes up, the stuff at the pump costs more, just to let you know.

R. Mears
5th May 2007, 18:12
According to Pears for 2006/7 median household income for the 2006 year was USD43,555 in the United States as opposed to USD31,777 in the United Kingdom.

I also happened to look at both the IRS and the Inland Revenue websites for the rates of taxation for an individual and calculated that in terms of income tax for what I earn now, I'd be better off in the US than the UK.
Personal rates are generally lower in the US (though I don't happen to know about state or country taxes) and sales taxes are lower than the VAT which currently stands at 17.5%.

Unless you're prepared to find relevant statistics, then I'm afraid that I simply shan't believe you.
Believe as you wish my friend.

I'm talking about the price of gas at the pump here in the USA. I dislike as much as you guys high taxes ect. I also invite you to protest in any way you wish. Even in a little way is better than no way.

40% of my paycheck is taken for various taxes before I even get it. So that leaves me 60% of my gross income. Then when I spend what's left another 15% or so goes for sales,property,gas,utility,taxes ect.
Now that's just me because if your married with children your taxes are much less, but there's other expenses for raising the kids.
Then at the end of the year I file tax returns and get some back depending on how many deductions I/one has.

I don't know how much you guys pay for income tax ect. But I do know your high gasoline tax supplements other things that we pay higher federal/state/SS and medicare income taxes for.

R. Mears
5th May 2007, 18:22
the stuff that comes from the pump, is made of rawoil, if rawoil prices goes up, the stuff at the pump costs more, just to let you know.
OH really, not always the case. There's 2 things crude oil and wholesale(refined) unleaded gasoline. Right now crude oil for the USA is $62 a barrel. Gas at the pump is at/near all time highs(again for the USA)$3.25+ a gallon in my area. Now 1-1/2 years ago oil(for USA)was $78 a barrel and gas at the pump was $3.25+ a gallon. So that's $62 a barrel = $3.25/gallon and $78 a barrel = $3.25/gallon. For the most part yes but not always. At least here, my friend. Oh right now wholesale gas is $2.22/gallon.

5th May 2007, 18:29
Fyi, comparative fuel prices:


Dave B
5th May 2007, 22:25
''Don' t pump gas on May 15th"
Then go fill up a day later and put slightly more in to compensate.

Wow, that'll teach 'em :rolleyes:

6th May 2007, 01:54
Then go fill up a day later and put slightly more in to compensate.

Wow, that'll teach 'em

Just what I was thinking.

It's like stopping breathing for 30 seconds to save oxygen.

R. Mears
6th May 2007, 13:24
Evidently some will be completly clueless forever. What a shame.

donKey jote
6th May 2007, 15:47
I won't be holding my breath just yet... the price of gas is just fine here in Germany, about half that of petrol :D

6th May 2007, 15:53
Evidently some will be completly clueless forever. What a shame.
Well dont be so surprised at the less than warm reception for this idea since you pay less in the USA for petrol than you do in the UK, your certainly getting no sympathy from me.

R. Mears
6th May 2007, 16:37
Well dont be so surprised at the less than warm reception for this idea since you pay less in the USA for petrol than you do in the UK, your certainly getting no sympathy from me.
So am I responsible for your governments high fuel taxes?

BTW I'm not looking for sympathy. Just to make a statement, like a protest. Also I wish you guys didn't have to pay so much for fuel. I think it's BS, but that's just my considerate opinion.

6th May 2007, 17:20
Evidently some will be completly clueless forever. What a shame.
You shouldn't talk that way about yourself mate. Not nice.

7th May 2007, 02:14
I'd personally like to protest the taxation policies that enable Americans to drive around in big stupid cars which 90% of the time there's only one person in.
How is it prudent that in a world where global warming is a problem and petrol is running out that one country should be allowed to waste the world's resouces?

7th May 2007, 02:19
I'd personally like to protest the taxation policies that enable Americans to drive around in big stupid cars which 90% of the time there's only one person in.
How is it prudent that in a world where global warming is a problem and petrol is running out that one country should be allowed to waste the world's resouces?

Because some people don't believe it is a problem, and their view gets represented. I believe there is now ample evidence that shows that not only is it a problem, but that it can also be tackled without us all having to live in penury. I'm sure that I will be able to live comfortably if (when) certain rules are imposed concerning emissions, and that many other people will be able to do likewise.

Anyway, :up: to those who share Rollo's view.

7th May 2007, 02:21
Just what I was thinking.

It's like stopping breathing for 30 seconds to save oxygen.

That wouldn't just save oxygen. It might also rescue the National Health Service by killing a lot of people, mostly inside their local McDonald's.

7th May 2007, 03:27
Evidently some will be completly clueless forever. What a shame.

True, but when you finally wake up and realise that there is a world outside the United States you might find some enlightenment :rolleyes:

7th May 2007, 13:21
So am I responsible for your governments high fuel taxes?

BTW I'm not looking for sympathy. Just to make a statement, like a protest. Also I wish you guys didn't have to pay so much for fuel. I think it's BS, but that's just my considerate opinion.
No, but if you want to protest it, find an American only/dominated board so that you dont anger the rest of the world with your complaining at prices when they pay more than you for the same stuff.

7th May 2007, 17:22
R. Mears, think about it. if everyone decided to boycott buying gas on a certain day and postponed filling up until the next day, but they continued driving the same amount they would just have to fill up more the next day. so while the gas companies took a hit on one day, they will make up for it the next. the only way this would work is if everyone participating didn't drive or severely cut down driving on the boycott day. i seriously doubt that that many people are going to do that.

R. Mears
7th May 2007, 17:41
No, but if you want to protest it, find an American only/dominated board so that you dont anger the rest of the world with your complaining at prices when they pay more than you for the same stuff.
Well obviously I made a big mistake thinking others might care. I must be the only one. Didn't mean to "anger" the world. Nevermind then.
I also didn't realize "the world" hated americans so much. I don't hate you guys.

7th May 2007, 18:00
R. Mears, that "protest" does the e-mail rounds every now and again. It's really nothing more than a scam that noone takes seriously :mark:

(I don't hate you :p : )

R. Mears
7th May 2007, 21:43
R. Mears, that "protest" does the e-mail rounds every now and again. It's really nothing more than a scam that noone takes seriously :mark:

(I don't hate you :p : )

Thanks schmenke!!!
Yes I know about that e-mail, I just thought it would be a good way to send a message that "we" don't like the high price of fuel no matter what part of the world one lives in.
I know it's not going to bankrupt the oil industry(but many think I think it will), it takes no effort to not pump gas on that day. BTW I only fill up every 2 weeks so the guys that think everyone has to fill up every 2 days(thus the theory that everyone will fill up the day before and the day after)is BS IMO.

Take care my friend.... :)

7th May 2007, 22:30
R. Mears, read this article at msnbc.com,


7th May 2007, 23:16
I think it's a little funny that the guy from the States (who already has a comparatively low gas price) is protesting for lower prices and the Europeans (with the relatively high price) are happy with the price they're paying.

Looks to me like you're both already getting what you deserve.

8th May 2007, 03:11
Nobody said we're happy about it, we just choose not to bitch about it for the sake of doing so. What's the point? If you don't buy today, you'll need to buy a little more tomorrow :\

8th May 2007, 09:13
The US is currently paying around 75c, or 37.5p, a litre. Current UK prices are around $1.90, or 95p, a litre with the £1.00 per litre barrier expected to be broken over the summer.

37.5p PER LITRE! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

If we that those prices in Europe we'd be partying, not protesting.

R. Mears, you really are away with the faries aren't you :laugh: . Time to come back to the real world now :)

8th May 2007, 09:14
I think it's a little funny that the guy from the States (who already has a comparatively low gas price) is protesting for lower prices and the Europeans (with the relatively high price) are happy with the price they're paying.

Who says we are happy with the price we are paying? We've had protests here. I just think the feeling is that it's crazy to protest about 37.5p per litre when for a lot of people that's a price dreams are made of.

8th May 2007, 15:27
R. Mears can correct me if I'm wrong here, but I believe his gas prices have approx. doubled over the last couple of years while inflation has been almost none existent. Also, I don't recall reading about oil companies struggling a couple of years ago, but I have been reading about their record quarter-after-quarter profits lately.

So I thinkit's understanable that he'd feel frustrated. Don't you guys (Mark & Carlmetro) wonder why your prices are so high when prices in the states are so much lower and the companies are making enough profit to survive? Unless your price is 75% taxes I'd be wondering why. I know our prices here in Canada are higher than theirs, and as far as I know it is taxes.

I don't think this form of protest will do much more that maybe rally people together to perhaps get something else started. In itself, it can't do anything to make the oil companies feel the pinch.

As for me? It's a beautiful, sunny morning and the winter gravel has been swept from the streets, so I started cycling to work today.

8th May 2007, 15:48
Unless your price is 75% taxes I'd be wondering why.

It's approx 65% tax.
e.g. 95.9p per litre pump price comprises
62.65p tax
33.35p to the retailer/oil company

8th May 2007, 16:48
It's approx 65% tax.

WOW - I hope your government spends your money well.

11th May 2007, 18:07
I think it's a little funny that the guy from the States (who already has a comparatively low gas price) is protesting for lower prices and the Europeans (with the relatively high price) are happy with the price they're paying.

Looks to me like you're both already getting what you deserve.

Happy with the price, are you kidding me?

Prices where I live are at 97.9p a litre, believe me, I'm not happy paying that price..

11th May 2007, 18:42
Well obviously I made a big mistake thinking others might care. I must be the only one. Didn't mean to "anger" the world. Nevermind then.
I also didn't realize "the world" hated americans so much. I don't hate you guys.

There does seems to be a lot of hostility towards Americans but also a bit of jealosy. believe me mate, we pay a lot more in taxes than you in general (40% ntop rate plus national insurance on top and no chance of rebate for a medium earner single man :( ) so the cost of US fuel is a bit galling.

The main difference though is that most people in europe seem to accept that we need to do something about global warming which includes recycling, economising our natural resourse consumption and trying to achieve carbon nutral existance.

In the US, there is little or no acknowledgement of global environmental issues and government policy does nothing to address it even denying global warming exists.

Refusing to buy fuel on a single day doesn't change anything. Getting a more efficient car and reducing your journeys does.

sorry mate but thats the real issue

14th May 2007, 11:50
Do I sympathise with Americans paying 37.5p per litre for petrol? Absolutely not, it's practically free after all! Does that mean I hate Americans, of course not :s

Dave B
14th May 2007, 12:17
I don't hate Americans for their fuel prices. There's plenty of other reasons :p

14th May 2007, 16:35
I think the "hatred" is more of an animosity towards the perceived cavalier attitude towards the depletion of the world’s petroleum resources. The U.S. being the largest importer of oil is also the world's largest per-capita consumer. There is a perception that all Yanks drive big V-8 SUVs yet they complain about the price of gas, whereas in general Europeans drive smaller diesel-engine vehicles and pay double the price.

15th May 2007, 01:03
It's May 15th in Australia today so...


Does that qualify for my protest? :D

Hmm... this protesting thing makes you feel better...




um, maybe scratch that last one :D

Dave B
15th May 2007, 10:19
I've got to go for a hospital appointment and my fuel guage is just below the big red "E".

What to do, what to do.... :rolleyes:

15th May 2007, 10:32
Go to the petrol station on your way? :p
Really Dave, you should have learned that in your driving lessons ;)

Dave B
15th May 2007, 10:38
But it's May 15th :\

PS: "Lessons"??? :p

15th May 2007, 10:57
But it's May 15th :\

Just buy petrol not 'gas' ;)

PS: "Lessons"??? :p

Ah, you're one of those scrotes that is on Police Chase Action Camera Wars then :p

15th May 2007, 14:34
I've got to go for a hospital appointment and my fuel guage is just below the big red "E".

What to do, what to do.... :rolleyes:

I suggest siphoning the fuel out of a nearby motorcycle. The owners never mind.

Dave B
15th May 2007, 15:23
It's ok, I solved the problem by driving to a nearby retailer run by a huge multi-billion dollar international company, and buying some distilled fossil fuel.

Sorry, R.Mears. I tried, I really did. :p

15th May 2007, 18:37
just curious, what is the average kpg or mpg of gas for the cars most people drive in Europe?

Brown, Jon Brow
15th May 2007, 18:44
just curious, what is the average kpg or mpg of gas for the cars most people drive in Europe?

It will depend on the roads near where you live but my car does around 50mpg.

Brown, Jon Brow
15th May 2007, 18:50
WOW - I hope your government spends your money well.

They give it all to the unemployed, immigrants and to the NHS to make it LESS efficient.

How expensive is LPG at the moment?

15th May 2007, 19:12
I suggest siphoning the fuel out of a nearby motorcycle. The owners never mind.

I beg to differ, BDunnell. Once, in Texas, the local chapter of the Hell's Angels were having a little get-together at a bar near me. I siphoned gas out of all their tanks and they DID mind, as they explained to me in hospital.

15th May 2007, 19:34
What's a kpg? :p :

15th May 2007, 20:13
What's a LPG?

Brown, Jon Brow
15th May 2007, 20:29
What's a LPG?


15th May 2007, 20:33
Over here it's $115.9 per liter (Canadian $)

15th May 2007, 20:41
Over here it's $115.9 per liter (Canadian $)

Oops - I think I got that wrong - I was thinking gas, not LP gas

15th May 2007, 21:00
Well I made my feelings known to all those who listened whilst I paid the £63 pounds (thats $126 in USA terms) to fill my tank up today.

16th May 2007, 08:30
Remember when comparing mpg's (or kpg's! :crazy: ) that American gallons are not the same as UK gallons.

16th May 2007, 10:48
Remember when comparing mpg's (or kpg's! :crazy: ) that American gallons are not the same as UK gallons.

1st they change the language, then fiddle with the good ole imperial system.

what next, cloning the queen onto the body of Paris hilton? :D

I think we should invent a game called baseball and hold a "universe series" competition in Ramsgate for anyone over the age of eighty (if accompanied by both parents)

16th May 2007, 10:51
Not the Annual, All-Priests, Five-a-Side, Over-75's Indoor Challenge Football Match?

16th May 2007, 11:13
At risk of being horribly boring, may I just say that in twenty or thirty years, those of us who are still around will, in my opinion, look back with misty-eyed affection on the days when the average person could afford to buy petrol and drive a car for other than life-saving missions. Unearth this thread in 2030, and you will say: "What! We used to complain about petrol at a pound a litre! Amazing!"

16th May 2007, 12:33
Not the Annual, All-Priests, Five-a-Side, Over-75's Indoor Challenge Football Match?

thats the one but we change the shape of the ball to a banana shape and make the goals out of marshmellow. lets call it british baseball

Brown, Jon Brow
16th May 2007, 13:55
At risk of being horribly boring, may I just say that in twenty or thirty years, those of us who are still around will, in my opinion, look back with misty-eyed affection on the days when the average person could afford to buy petrol and drive a car for other than life-saving missions. Unearth this thread in 2030, and you will say: "What! We used to complain about petrol at a pound a litre! Amazing!"

Yep, that was horribly boring. :p

How many years off hydrogen fuel cell cars are we?

16th May 2007, 16:02
...How many years off hydrogen fuel cell cars are we?

A while. OPEC will make sure of it :mark:

16th May 2007, 18:25
Remember when comparing mpg's (or kpg's! :crazy: ) that American gallons are not the same as UK gallons.

Yep, the American gallon is aprox 4 litres :)

16th May 2007, 18:29
Protest Red Bull on May 22nd! On May 22nd don't buy any Red Bull, because we are fed up of the extortionate prices, Formula One teams cheating and putting on poor air shows.

Just felt like saying that