View Full Version : Would Kimi be an unappealing champion?

guernsey kau
12th December 2006, 18:04
I'm afraid Kimi Raikkonen has to be favored for the 2007 world championship. "Afraid", I say, because, from what I've gathered, he would make a very unappealing champion. He seems equal parts dull (his interviews), cold (no signs of human feeling), and coarse (the incidents at strip clubs, telling Martin Brundel he was "having a s--t").
Has anyone out there got any contradictory information--anecdotes, comments from people who know him, firsthand observations? If you've got info that confirms my impressions, that would be of interest, too. The next-best thing to a star to cheer is a villain to root against.
Oh, by the way: Kimi's countryman Mika Hakkinen was also criticized for his dull interviews, but if you watched closely, you could see his warmth, his sly humor. And behind-the-scenes comments that I've read tend to describe Mika as decent, classy, with a private sense of fun---quite different.

Dave B
12th December 2006, 18:19
I can't say that Alonso is particularly interesting or charismatic either, to be honest.

But he did the best job over the course of the season, and on that basis won the Championship. And rightly so.

I think the issue is that with so many youngsters being groomed for success at such a young age, they don't get time to develop a personality.

I couldn't abide Eddie Irvine or Jacques Villeneuve, for example, but you could never ever accuse them of being dull.

12th December 2006, 19:06
Also big part of why Kimi and Alonso sound boring on interviews is that they aren't speaking their native language.
Altough, like many Finns Kimi isn't very outspoken in Finnish either with big groups of people.

12th December 2006, 20:33
Alonso sounds more boring when talking in Spanish :s

12th December 2006, 20:47
yes, Alonso is boring to listen to too. I'm sure if things go Kimi's way for once we will see great happiness in him and the sorts of reactions Alonso had when winning the title.

12th December 2006, 20:57
dull (his interviews), cold (no signs of human feeling), and coarse (the incidents at strip clubs, telling Martin Brundel he was "having a s--t").

any contradictory information.

I would say those two things are contradictory - the fact that he normally keeps his head down & gets on with business but sometimes goes mad as a brush is what I love about Kimi.

He is like a tory MP - bores you to tears, but then ends up in the papers wearing nothing but a football shirt while gagged with a piece of fruit.

12th December 2006, 21:02
I think he shows his personality inside the car and that's what I care about. There's no need of pitstop "clowns".

12th December 2006, 21:13
I'm afraid Kimi Raikkonen has to be favored for the 2007 world championship. "Afraid", I say, because, from what I've gathered, he would make a very unappealing champion. He seems equal parts dull (his interviews), cold (no signs of human feeling), and coarse (the incidents at strip clubs, telling Martin Brundel he was "having a s--t").
Has anyone out there got any contradictory information--anecdotes, comments from people who know him, firsthand observations? If you've got info that confirms my impressions, that would be of interest, too. The next-best thing to a star to cheer is a villain to root against.
Oh, by the way: Kimi's countryman Mika Hakkinen was also criticized for his dull interviews, but if you watched closely, you could see his warmth, his sly humor. And behind-the-scenes comments that I've read tend to describe Mika as decent, classy, with a private sense of fun---quite different.

For me its more important that everyone are like they are in their everyday life. I like Kimi because he is an honest guy with nerves of steel and a very good driver. That he speaks not so much doesn’t disturb me at all. I think Finnish people usually are more reticent than people from the rest of Europe and especially from southern Europe. But when you are a friend with some one from Finland, they usually speak more - like the other Europeans :) , really. Maybe this "Finnish characteristic" has something to do with, that you can see so many good drivers from that little country (with only 5 million people) – they really can keep cool when needed. :D

13th December 2006, 07:24
I'm afraid Kimi Raikkonen has to be favored for the 2007 world championship. "Afraid", I say, because, from what I've gathered, he would make a very unappealing champion. He seems equal parts dull (his interviews), cold (no signs of human feeling), and coarse (the incidents at strip clubs, telling Martin Brundel he was "having a s--t").
Has anyone out there got any contradictory information--anecdotes, comments from people who know him, firsthand observations? If you've got info that confirms my impressions, that would be of interest, too. The next-best thing to a star to cheer is a villain to root against.
Oh, by the way: Kimi's countryman Mika Hakkinen was also criticized for his dull interviews, but if you watched closely, you could see his warmth, his sly humor. And behind-the-scenes comments that I've read tend to describe Mika as decent, classy, with a private sense of fun---quite different.

Is it just me, or is it a little worrysome, that we are more concerned about how Kimi will act in the post race interviews, then perhaps during the actual race?

Kimi can be as Dull as the grey sky on a dreary day during the post race conference, as long as the racing is exciting, isn't that what matters?

Though I imagine, they put a pole up, and a few strippers in that interview room, and I'm sure Kimi would come to life... :)

13th December 2006, 08:03
I'm afraid Kimi Raikkonen has to be favored for the 2007 world championship. "Afraid", I say, because, from what I've gathered, he would make a very unappealing champion. He seems equal parts dull (his interviews), cold (no signs of human feeling), and coarse (the incidents at strip clubs, telling Martin Brundel he was "having a s--t").

For what is worth, Kimi always seems to be at ease with kids and he has said many a time that he likes children. A person who likes kids cannot be completely bad.... ;)

What I have gathered, Kimi is actually quite likable guy when dealt with in person. He doesn't seem to be arrogant at all. His bad performance in front of media is probably due to his shyness.

13th December 2006, 10:41
Off season brings up threads like this. :rolleyes:
I better not get involved! :p :

13th December 2006, 11:58
Don´t think that Kimi is that cold-hearded as everybody thinks.
I got the impresssion that kimi was liked in the mclaren team.
Kimi also said that his behavior at work is another than his behaviour at his free time.
maybe he needs it to get the maximum at the raceing-weekend,

here i found a comment of mika about kimi:

In the coming F1-races Mika will support all the Finns and half-Finns.
- Strong support to Kimi Räikkönen. I know him quite well, we have had good time together. Kimi is a great driver and a great person, he is full of good and positive thoughts – a very warm person. I´m annoyed how he is always criticized and abused, says Mika.

It´s from a finnish interview,

Valve Bounce
13th December 2006, 12:18
I'm afraid Kimi Raikkonen has to be favored for the 2007 world championship. "Afraid", I say, because, from what I've gathered, he would make a very unappealing champion. He seems equal parts dull (his interviews), cold (no signs of human feeling), and coarse (the incidents at strip clubs, telling Martin Brundel he was "having a s--t").
Has anyone out there got any contradictory information--anecdotes, comments from people who know him, firsthand observations? If you've got info that confirms my impressions, that would be of interest, too. The next-best thing to a star to cheer is a villain to root against.
Oh, by the way: Kimi's countryman Mika Hakkinen was also criticized for his dull interviews, but if you watched closely, you could see his warmth, his sly humor. And behind-the-scenes comments that I've read tend to describe Mika as decent, classy, with a private sense of fun---quite different.

Could you please get back to us when Kimi starts running other drivers into concrete walls, get's his team mate to pull over so he can win, parks his car in the middle of the road at Monte Carlo so the other guys behind cannot qualify faster?, tries to ram other drivers off the road so he can win teh WDC, etc. etc. etc.

Yeah!! tell me then how unappealing he is when he achieves all the above targets.

13th December 2006, 12:31
Schumacher Senior wasn't exactly Mr Charm & Excitment, so why change?

May be its part of being the champion?

Who do you think would be the best champion if we're looking for character etc?

13th December 2006, 15:05
I think the only driver who would be an interesting champion would be (and please dont shoot me for saying this as I know it sounds rediculous) Jenson Button.

13th December 2006, 15:58
Kimi isn't the smiliest or most approachable of drivers no... but he's there to be judged on his racing not his personality and if he won it'd have to be because he deserved it surely? Kimi's not as warming as his fellow Finns Mika or Heikki, but he's a good driver and that's what would make him a deserving champion.

13th December 2006, 16:48
Today is a great day (althoguh i a have a cold)... but i am happy to say that i agree with two of the biggest Ferrari supporters in this forum:

Yes, Ioan, holydays always bring out threads like this one ;) :D

And yes, 555-04Q2, the best character in the f1 paddock maybe Button, altough you must forgive him for is flirts with Williams a couple of years ago (te buttongate!!! ;)

look on the bright side :D

13th December 2006, 16:51
look on the bright side :D

:up: Good one! ;)

Norwegian Blue
13th December 2006, 18:19
Massa i think would make a good champion, the way he reacted in brazil after his win!

13th December 2006, 18:30
Massa i think would make a good champion, the way he reacted in brazil after his win!

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think good champions are judged more by their behavior when they lose. Almost every driver reacts well when he's winning. it's the reaction when they lose that counts.

13th December 2006, 20:19
I think the only driver who would be an interesting champion would be (and please dont shoot me for saying this as I know it sounds rediculous) Jenson Button.

Consider yourself shot!

13th December 2006, 21:04
Correct me if I'm wrong but I think good champions are judged more by their behavior when they lose. Almost every driver reacts well when he's winning. it's the reaction when they lose that counts.

Than we have a worthless champion in this moment. ;)

13th December 2006, 21:38
The champion is the guy who scores most points in the championship. Perceived character, soundbites, popularity, comparisons to past heroes and other subjective factors might help people win F1 Racing's man of the year but that's it really.

race aficionado
13th December 2006, 22:38
If Kimi gets a chance to shine and show his talents on a winning team I don't see that as boring.
The big test will be to see if he can actually do it.

Kimi has gone "booom!" most of the times, has made some mistakes but has also shown what he's made of.

I will never forget the race he won 2 years ago coming from all the way back and actually fighting for and getting that first place in the last laps of the race. A true classic.

:s mokin:

13th December 2006, 22:54
There's something to be said about the asnine questions that consistently come from the press which he must have heard a zillion times.

There was one interview in which he was asked if he ever had to do a boring job like fix a photocopier - What is a photocopier? is his reply.

13th December 2006, 23:14
it'd be interesting to have position number 22 in the post race interviews, so we could see the character of the losers.

raikkonen will brighten up once he takes the lead in the championship.

Valve Bounce
14th December 2006, 00:20
How about Taco? He'd make an appealing champion.

14th December 2006, 03:08
There's something to be said about the asnine questions that consistently come from the press which he must have heard a zillion times.

There was one interview in which he was asked if he ever had to do a boring job like fix a photocopier - What is a photocopier? is his reply.

That was actually some kind of promo vid for a contest, it was Montoya asking the questions...

How about Taco? He'd make an appealing champion.

I imagine every bit as good as Davidson... :p

guernsey kau
14th December 2006, 03:23
Thanks to all for the interesting responses. I hope to respond to some of the others when I have more energy, but for now I just want to say that Juppe and hello 86 have provided some of the contradictory information I was looking for (that quote from Mika was great), and I hereby withdraw my "anybody but Kimi" comment. I'm glad to hear that there's more to Kimi than had so far met my eye. I also want to clarify that I agree that the championship is awarded for driving and not personality. I've thought for some time that Kimi is not just a good but a great driver, and in that sense he would certainly be a worthy champion. I decide how worthy a driver is by how they do on the race-course; I decide how much I like 'em by that, and personality, and character too. If others care only about the driving, that's ok, we're just different.
Which reminds me, like Dave Brockman, I'd say Eddie Irvine is certainly not dull, but I too "can't abide" him. In his case, it's a character issue. (Irvine was also just a good, not a great driver, and would not have been a worthy champion had he won in '99.)

guernsey kau
14th December 2006, 04:21
Thanks to all for the interesting responses. I hope to respond to some of the others when I have more energy, but for now I just want to say that Juppe and hello86 have provided some of the contradictory information I was looking for (that quote from Mika was great), and I hereby withdraw my "anybody but Kimi" comment.), I'm glad to hear that there's more to Kimi than had so far met my eye. I also want to clarify that I agree with all those who made the point that the championship is awarded for driving and not personality. I've thought for some time that Kimi is not just a good but a great driver, and in that sense would certainly be a worthy champion. I decide how worthy a driver is by their performance on the race-course; I decide how much I like 'em by that, and personality, and character too. If others care only about the driving, that's ok, we're just different. Which reminds me, I share Dave Brockman's feeling that Eddie Irvine is certainly not dull, but, like Dave, I "can't abide" him. In his case, it's a character issue. (Irvine, by the way, was just a good, not a great driver, and would not, in my opinion, have been a worthy champion had he won in '99.)

14th December 2006, 05:52
You can't really tell how appealing certain drivers would be as champions, as many drivers only seem to come alive when given race winning machinery (Massa being an example).

14th December 2006, 07:07
Today is a great day (althoguh i a have a cold)... but i am happy to say that i agree with two of the biggest Ferrari supporters in this forum

Now there's a first :D

14th December 2006, 07:31
how does it matter if he doesn't want to speak well in press conferences,A champion is defined by how well he races......end of story

14th December 2006, 07:50
A champion is defined by how well he races......end of story

Well said :up:

14th December 2006, 08:41
I think that Kimi's dull behaviour was a result of McLaren's corporate image. I think that he'll be different in Ferrari. Look at DC.

14th December 2006, 08:54
I think that Kimi's dull behaviour was a result of McLaren's corporate image. I think that he'll be different in Ferrari. Look at DC.

This hits the spot, basicly. RD actually admits to this also as he just complained about Kimi "not listening to anyone". He should be happy that Kimi seems to be a team player all the way, never complained about the crappy braking engines which cost him at least one WDC. If you look at the current champion, the minute he was having any difficulty, he started complaining about not getting support form his team. So thats a sign of a true champion?

Anyway, its funny how people here judge drivers personalities based on the interviews and the public image they present. Maybe some guys dont give a rats ass about the interviews. Maybe they feel that the important stuff... what really matters happens somewhere outside the press meetings.

I dont know any of the drivers personally and Id guess thats true for most of the forum members. Kimi seems to have a dry sense of humour that is very typical for Finns. BTW, that seems to appeal to Brits as well. Its the Germans, French and the Americans (not listing everybody) who take that kind of humour as offensive, dull and impolite.

I know my jokes have had Americans lining up for therapy and I think thats great. The more versatile we are the more interesting life is. You cannot expect to be liked by everyone, but believe me, if Kimi delivers in 2007, the Tifosi will love him.

14th December 2006, 09:49
Than we have a worthless champion in this moment. ;)

Good champion and Worthy champion are different. I said a GOOD champion is judged by his reaction...and that's only 1 factor. The curent champion may be a cry baby but he is a DESERVING champion simply coz of the way he drove this year...and for the same reason he is a WORTHY champion too :)

14th December 2006, 10:41
Driving is what really matters. For behaviours outside of workplace look for the pink press. And for those who want funny press conferences, don't care:
Kimi wining will produce lots of stupid comments from Alonso

14th December 2006, 14:47
I think that Kimi's dull behaviour was a result of McLaren's corporate image. I think that he'll be different in Ferrari. Look at DC.

Then, what can we expect form Alonso at McLaren???? cause he is so stupid right now... and his english is so poor, that i can't see him doing an interview at the BBC :(


14th December 2006, 16:05
He would be a great champion - plus you might get to see some decent chicks hanging around and get free Vodka after the race. Go Kimi GO !!

Ian McC
14th December 2006, 22:53
He would be a great champion - plus you might get to see some decent chicks hanging around and get free Vodka after the race. Go Kimi GO !!


23rd December 2006, 21:12
I think that Kimi's dull behaviour was a result of McLaren's corporate image. I think that he'll be different in Ferrari. Look at DC.

I think Kimi's dull behavior is inherent.

24th December 2006, 19:13
Driving is what really matters. For behaviours outside of workplace look for the pink press. And for those who want funny press conferences, don't care:
Kimi wining will produce lots of stupid comments from Alonso

Wining? You mean drinking wine? FYI Kimi´s fav drink is called Black Russian. I would not call him a wine drinker.

If youre talking about WHINING, then Id say Alonso is the whiner of those 2. Remember, after a minor difficulty during last season he started whining about not getting full support from his team. Everyone knows thats BS.

However, if you mean the way Kimi talks, youre right. I wouldnt hire him as an opera singer. But if I could pick any guy to drive for my F1 team, Id definitely pick Kimi. No question about it.

24th December 2006, 20:25
I'm OK with Raikkonen as he is now. I don't want him to be what he is not. He's certainly a character in the F1 paddock and he would be an interesting figure among the F1 champions.

Besides that, I believe we can expect a slight change in the way he reacts, in the years he will spend as a Ferrari driver. His image as the 'Iceman' was more appropriate for a McLaren-Mercedes driver. I'm not saying he will become exuberant as an Italian, but the warm atmosphere at Ferrari is contagious.

Scuderia ferrari
24th December 2006, 23:15
I'm afraid Kimi Raikkonen has to be favored for the 2007 world championship. "Afraid", I say, because, from what I've gathered, he would make a very unappealing champion. He seems equal parts dull (his interviews), cold (no signs of human feeling), and coarse (the incidents at strip clubs, telling Martin Brundel he was "having a s--t").
Has anyone out there got any contradictory information--anecdotes, comments from people who know him, firsthand observations? If you've got info that confirms my impressions, that would be of interest, too. The next-best thing to a star to cheer is a villain to root against.
Oh, by the way: Kimi's countryman Mika Hakkinen was also criticized for his dull interviews, but if you watched closely, you could see his warmth, his sly humor. And behind-the-scenes comments that I've read tend to describe Mika as decent, classy, with a private sense of fun---quite different.

i agree, mika was part of the water battle in the press confrence one time with irvine, which was funny!

Me and my dad actuly laughed when he said he was having a....ahem, never mind, because that's the first time he actuly showed humor and smiled.

Hopefully ferrari can work his dullness out of him, but what can you expect driving for mclaren up to now? How can you happy about the realiability there?

25th December 2006, 15:14
I think that Kimi's dull behaviour was a result of McLaren's corporate image.

Don't think so, because he was like that already in Sauber. I'd say that his interviews have become more understandable than they were then. :p : Anyway, "The Ferrari era" might change him slightly, but not completely.

27th December 2006, 12:00
Wining? You mean drinking wine? FYI Kimi´s fav drink is called Black Russian. I would not call him a wine drinker.

If youre talking about WHINING, then Id say Alonso is the whiner of those 2. Remember, after a minor difficulty during last season he started whining about not getting full support from his team. Everyone knows thats BS.

I think he means "winning".

27th December 2006, 16:29
Would Kimi be an unappealing champion?

I don't think so, because if people post threads on a public forum about someone then I would say that makes a person appealing.

At least if Kimi is Champion in 2007 he can say things like.......
"I drove the SH!*$ out of the car" OR "Everybody behind me had to eat SH!*T for today’s victory"

Maybe that will make him appealing if not the POSTS on the Forum. :)

28th December 2006, 02:48
Wining? You mean drinking wine? FYI Kimi´s fav drink is called Black Russian.

Very interesting. This is a major "chick drink," just after the Cosmopolitan. I think Kimi and Fast Freddie need to go to finishing school -- or Paris Island.

2nd January 2007, 07:09
As long as he brings another title to the Scuderia I will be happy.

2nd January 2007, 13:15
Very interesting. This is a major "chick drink," just after the Cosmopolitan. I think Kimi and Fast Freddie need to go to finishing school -- or Paris Island.

Im not so sure about this chick drink thing... I know Cosmo is one, but Black Russian? Well, maybe we like our women differently. Maybe you like them hairier...


2nd January 2007, 15:03
Im not so sure about this chick drink thing... I know Cosmo is one, but Black Russian? Well, maybe we like our women differently. Maybe you like them hairier...

I have no doubt that we like our women differently. One of the factors that separates drinks is their sweetness, and the BR is rather sweet as is the Cosmo. Here they are usually served in a "cocktail" glass (aka Martini glass).


Back to racing.

3rd January 2007, 10:34
I have no doubt that we like our women differently. One of the factors that separates drinks is their sweetness, and the BR is rather sweet as is the Cosmo. Here they are usually served in a "cocktail" glass (aka Martini glass).


Back to racing.

Okay, its not the same drink then. Finnish men dont use coctail glasses, thats more an American thing.

Back to racing :)

3rd January 2007, 16:35
Back to racing :)

Back to racing :)

3rd January 2007, 16:44
I think Kimi would be a great Champion. He has already proved he has a wickedly dry sense of humour, he knows how to let his hair down and speaks his mind (last race anyone :laugh: )

In fact, if I was going out for a beer with anyone of the current crop, I think Kimi would be my first choice for a good night out.

3rd January 2007, 19:32
Well seeing the number of fans he has I don't think he would be unappealing. Would be a very popular champion I think, well..more than Alonso atleast :p :

4th January 2007, 12:32
Well seeing the number of fans he has I don't think he would be unappealing. Would be a very popular champion I think, well..more than Alonso atleast :p :

I agree with you there.

It's pretty hard to make an opinion on Alonso as he doesn't seem to come across to anyone. Perhaps in Spain people know him but I haven't a clue who he is.

Kimi on the other hand is instantly identifiable. Possibly, the very reason that people don't understand him is the identity he personifies.

4th January 2007, 16:41
He's certainly a character in the F1 paddock and he would be an interesting figure among the F1 champions.

Yes, exactly. Love him or hate him, Kimi is a very strong and unique character. Well worth his place among the Champions, should it happen.

4th January 2007, 18:25
I agree with you there.

It's pretty hard to make an opinion on Alonso as he doesn't seem to come across to anyone. Perhaps in Spain people know him but I haven't a clue who he is.

Kimi on the other hand is instantly identifiable. Possibly, the very reason that people don't understand him is the identity he personifies.

Agreed. Maybe people don't understand him coz of his voice in the press conferences or because he doesn't jump and shout after winning a race like Alonso does :p :

4th January 2007, 18:36
In fact, if I was going out for a beer with anyone of the current crop, I think Kimi would be my first choice for a good night out.

That is exactly what Jean Todt has already warned Kimi about. :)

4th January 2007, 19:57
He's good if you need to tune your guitar while he's talking: B-Flat

5th January 2007, 00:27
He's good if you need to tune your guitar while he's talking: B-Flat

I'll try that next time. :D

5th January 2007, 00:28
He's good if you need to tune your guitar while he's talking: B-Flat

Okay, be careful being THAT funny! :up:

5th January 2007, 04:12
Is it just me, or is it a little worrysome, that we are more concerned about how Kimi will act in the post race interviews, then perhaps during the actual race?

Kimi can be as Dull as the grey sky on a dreary day during the post race conference, as long as the racing is exciting, isn't that what matters?

Though I imagine, they put a pole up, and a few strippers in that interview room, and I'm sure Kimi would come to life... :)

No!! It is not only you!!
I am continually amazed at fans pre-occupation with what I like to refer to the tabloid aspect of sport!
This guy is going to be a monster of a driver at Ferrari! Let him, as all other athletes speak with their performance.
Unless there is a big quality drop-off at Ferrari, Kimi stands an excellent chance too really smoke the field(definately not a sure thing)
If Kimi wins in a reserved social posture, I will find it apealing!
End of Story!!

5th January 2007, 13:29
No!! It is not only you!!
I am continually amazed at fans pre-occupation with what I like to refer to the tabloid aspect of sport!
This guy is going to be a monster of a driver at Ferrari! Let him, as all other athletes speak with their performance.
Unless there is a big quality drop-off at Ferrari, Kimi stands an excellent chance too really smoke the field(definately not a sure thing)
If Kimi wins in a reserved social posture, I will find it apealing!
End of Story!!

I agree

6th January 2007, 11:13
No!! It is not only you!! I am continually amazed at fans pre-occupation with what I like to refer to the tabloid aspect of sport!
This guy is going to be a monster of a driver at Ferrari! Let him, as all other athletes speak with their performance. Unless there is a big quality drop-off at Ferrari, Kimi stands an excellent chance too really smoke the field(definately not a sure thing) If Kimi wins in a reserved social posture, I will find it apealing! End of Story!!

I think this tabloid focus is due to a combination of factors. First, the British love their tabloids. Second, the season has not started.

Ian McC
6th January 2007, 11:36
First, the British love their tabloids.

The cult of personality has reached epic proportions here so it doesn't surprise me, I am sure we are not the only country like it.

6th January 2007, 17:24
The cult of personality has reached epic proportions here so it doesn't surprise me, I am sure we are not the only country like it.

Yes though The Brit's are famous for their Tabloid Papers, I believe this is a world-wide culture! I can't speak for other countries, in the good old U.S. of A. It is a national obsession! At least in Britain (and probably other European Nations) these rags are known for what they are, tabloid rags. We have tabloid fish wraps here as well. (In fact so numerous It boggles the mind) but I've always thought that there bunk about famous personalities, Elvis sightings, and close encounters with aliens were only consumed by bored house-wives!
I don't want to be a stick in the mud! Also I really don't have a problem with the personal misadventures of the drivers being discussed in these types of forums! I can just choose not to participate in those threads! I just take issue when the line gets blurred! I participate in this forum for opinion as well as information. I watch the news for current events. It seems more and more I turn on the local news and the stories are about TV reporters! Or updating current so called reality based TV show events. The weather report is” reality based”! Reports of world events are "reality based” Reality based television is nothing of the sort! They are just a way to get advertising dollars without having to pay real actors!
But I digress (It does feel really good to vent. I must say!) I guess I really just have a symantical objection to the way "appealing" is proposed, and approached in this thread. It's all in fun, and I'm not trying to dump on any individuals in this forum. I'm just so jacked up about the up coming season, I wish I could go to sleep tonight, wake up at 4:30am and turn on the pre race show for round one----Peace------- The "Taz"

6th January 2007, 17:43
The cult of personality has reached epic proportions here so it doesn't surprise me, I am sure we are not the only country like it.

Indeed, Ian, it used to be you and Turkmenistan, but after the death of President Saparmurat Niyazov on December 21, I'm afraid it's now only you. :( :p :

6th January 2007, 18:18
There's still that North Korean bloke.

Ron Den Nis.

6th January 2007, 18:21
The cult of personality has reached epic proportions here so it doesn't surprise me, I am sure we are not the only country like it.

You could be right.

6th January 2007, 18:24
Yes though The Brit's are famous for their Tabloid Papers, I believe this is a world-wide culture! I can't speak for other countries, in the good old U.S. of A. It is a national obsession!

The tabloids are a dying product in the United States. Their sales are primarily limited to supermarket checkoutlines. You'll see the elderly and/or housewives thumb through them, but very few buy such trash.

6th January 2007, 20:24
The tabloids are a dying product in the United States. Their sales are primarily limited to supermarket checkoutlines. You'll see the elderly and/or housewives thumb through them, but very few buy such trash.

Sorry for the poorly worded post!

I was referring to the culture of taboid interest, not the media(newspaper, tv, internet, and etc.)that delivers it!


Ian McC
6th January 2007, 20:36
Sorry for the poorly worded post!

I was referring to the culture of taboid interest, not the media(newspaper, tv, internet, and etc.)that delivers it!


Exactly, I have no idea if the sales of tabloid papers has changed much but certainly the 'cult of personality' here has grown to ridiculous levels. Having so many now famous for being famous and nothing more gives an indication of the desire to know peoples lives. From the number of magazines (Heat etc) to the TV shows like Big Brother and the rest of the reality rubbish the industry that has sprung up because of it is very large.

We Brits certainly can't claim it is our own, Big Brother originally came from Holland and we get enough of the crap American imports. Indeed, I expect Kimi's 'adventures' off track probably had little coverage here so that would be down to another countries media.

From my own point of view I don't care what he has done off the track, it's what's on it that's important.

6th January 2007, 20:52
Sorry for the poorly worded post!

I was referring to the culture of taboid interest, not the media(newspaper, tv, internet, and etc.)that delivers it!

Not only was my post poorly worded, but misleading, cofusing, and somewhat retarded. I meant to say the tabloid culture(and especially here in Southern Ca.) is growing to epic proportions!

I hear Kimi ia dating Paris Hilton!

Well thats what I heard!!

6th January 2007, 21:31
Sorry for the poorly worded post!

I was referring to the culture of taboid interest, not the media(newspaper, tv, internet, and etc.)that delivers it!


Not in the least. I probably misinterpreted you. However, I think the "culture of tabloid interest" is much more of a European phenomenon.

6th January 2007, 21:35
Not only was my post poorly worded, but misleading, cofusing, and somewhat retarded. I meant to say the tabloid culture(and especially here in Southern Ca.) is growing to epic proportions!

I hear Kimi ia dating Paris Hilton!

Well thats what I heard!!

Okay, that's even better. You're in Southern California! That explains everything!

Dating Paris Hilton. What happened to Jenni Maria Dahlman-Räikkönen, aka Mrs. Kimi Raikkonen? Perhaps they have an "open marriage?" :) However, there is a word for this in the United States.

7th January 2007, 16:52
"Dating Paris Hilton. What happened to Jenni Maria Dahlman-Räikkönen, aka Mrs. Kimi Raikkonen? Perhaps they have an "open marriage"

You would think that would present a problem!

This is not a comment on Kimi's personal life!

But, it appears that around theses parts, (so. ca.) it would only present a minor inconvenience, and perhaps a slight annoyance!

As long as pre-nup's are in order!!!

7th January 2007, 21:32
"Dating Paris Hilton. What happened to Jenni Maria Dahlman-Räikkönen, aka Mrs. Kimi Raikkonen? Perhaps they have an "open marriage"

You would think that would present a problem! This is not a comment on Kimi's personal life! But, it appears that around theses parts, (so. ca.) it would only present a minor inconvenience, and perhaps a slight annoyance! As long as pre-nup's are in order!!!

Tazio - Paris Hilton? She's not as attractive as Jenni Maria, and she is as dumb as a rock. If Kimi is actually spending time with her ...

7th January 2007, 23:16
Tazio - Paris Hilton? She's not as attractive as Jenni Maria, and she is as dumb as a rock. If Kimi is actually spending time with her ...

I agree with all of this!(Especially the looks & mentality)

Dude! It was a joke!! You know, talentless bimbo, tabloid famous, and no

beauty queen by any means. Kimi's not seeing that tramp of a slut!

That was an attemp at allegory, with a touch of metaphor!

8th January 2007, 15:30
I agree with all of this!(Especially the looks & mentality)

Dude! It was a joke!! You know, talentless bimbo, tabloid famous, and no beauty queen by any means. Kimi's not seeing that tramp of a slut! That was an attemp at allegory, with a touch of metaphor!

I forgot you are in SoCal. That explains everything.

8th January 2007, 15:57
I saw an interview in internet with an italian newspaper and he wasn't so "boring" as always...I mean, he was more open, he was smiling...really nice!
If you are interested this is the link . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUjlLeSf3pk
The translator doesn't make you hear his voice but you can see the expressions on his face ;)

8th January 2007, 21:20
I saw an interview in internet with an italian newspaper and he wasn't so "boring" as always...I mean, he was more open, he was smiling...really nice!
If you are interested this is the link . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUjlLeSf3pk
The translator doesn't make you hear his voice but you can see the expressions on his face ;)

Would Danica make a more interesting champion?

8th January 2007, 21:27
It seems that KR is much more friendly than people would have thought before.
I read somewhere that he likes the way the Ferrari team is much more than McLaren.
Maybe Ron was the cause of Kimi being so shy! :D

8th January 2007, 21:33
It's good the teams still count on the driving skills, it's much more fun to watch 2 hours good driving than a listen to a handless standup comedian in a 3 min event press conferance.

16th January 2007, 22:57
Would Danica make a more interesting champion?
:laugh: maybe, but she isn't in F1 so we don't have the problem to think about it! ;)

16th January 2007, 23:18
:laugh: maybe, but she isn't in F1 so we don't have the problem to think about it! ;)

Perhaps, but that does make an interesting F1 Fantasy. :D

17th January 2007, 12:40
Finnish MTV3 quoted an interview with Luca DiM and the Ferrari boss said that MSchu knew for TWO YEARS that Kimi was coming to Ferrari. This raises the question when the KR-Ferrari deal was made. Perhaps it was signed on 2004 already? Maybe RD knew this and signed Alonso so early on because of it.

I wonder if we´ll ever know...

17th January 2007, 13:49

Probably nothing new in this article, but Sauber has expressed the same concern as some other important figures in F1.

19th January 2007, 08:34
Kimi is a cool person he does not let things get to him and if something comes up like Martin Brundel asking where hes been kimi going to answer with the truth i honestly think kimi will be a fantastice champion

21st January 2007, 11:59
It seems that KR is much more friendly than people would have thought before.
I read somewhere that he likes the way the Ferrari team is much more than McLaren.
Maybe Ron was the cause of Kimi being so shy! :D

I like the guy and I'm sure Kimi likes Ferraris "warm Italian feeling" much more than "McLarens correct style". I think there was also a difference between Mika and Kimi - Mika is a McLaren guy and Ron is his "friend" (as much he can be a friend with somebody) - what he newer was to Kimi, for him Kimi was more like an employee, nothing more. I think that’s not enough if you want to make a champion. Drivers needs a good feeling in the team also. They needs to feel that they can take risks without to be accused afterwards if everything goes to h*ll!.
I ‘m sure, If everything are going in a right way for Kimi in his new team also in that point of view – not only from a technical point – then he will be a champion. However one thing is sure - Kimi is Kimi and one of the quickest on the track, so why should we blame him for his personality. :D

8th February 2007, 12:02
Check out this interview: http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/56636

8th February 2007, 14:01
Seeing only the picture of him on this link, it shows that there is something wrong with the team.

For the interview?!! Did you know how many times he repalyed : "...wait and see.."?

Answer to Question 1 : ....have to wait and see
Answer to Question 2 : ...we will see
Answer to Question 3 : ...we will wait and see
Answer to Question 4 : ....just wait and see
Answer to Question : ...We will need to wait and see

I am afraid that Massa will be doing well than him as the new tires don't suit him already and Massa is happy with that.

Like him, wait and see!!

8th February 2007, 22:08
The media types who accuse Kimi and others of lacking character or personality are usually people ignorant of F1 who have a hidden agenda against it. This is certainly the case in Britain. People in other sports don't have similar things said about them.

The only manifestation of the personalities of Messrs Alonson and Raikkonen which I am interested in is that which happens out on the track. Added to which, those deemed to be "characters" in F1 are usually in the ranks just below the absolute aces. There's a message in there somewhere.

9th February 2007, 05:50
Kimi is a character,if he can't express himself in English properly,what's wrong with that :?: What's wrong with his drinking :?: It's his life and he can do whatever he wants with it.... :beer:

9th February 2007, 06:41
...Did you know how many times he repalyed : "...wait and see.."?

Answer to Question 1 : ....have to wait and see
Answer to Question 2 : ...we will see
Answer to Question 3 : ...we will wait and see
Answer to Question 4 : ....just wait and see
Answer to Question : ...We will need to wait and see
Like him, wait and see!!...guess he is only referring to my nick! :D

9th February 2007, 06:42
I don't think Kimi has ever been really enthusiastic about testing, so it's no surprise that he's not very enthused in the interview. I wonder how much of it was edited out. There seem to be a lot of comments that just end abruptly. Was that an effort by the reporter to make Kimi seem dull and boring?

I think Kimi will be heard from on the track!

9th February 2007, 11:57
The media types who accuse Kimi and others of lacking character or personality are usually people ignorant of F1 who have a hidden agenda against it.

Well, you have to admit though that Kimi was exceptionally bland in that Q&A. It was actually a complete waste of time to read it.

9th February 2007, 12:11
Im not sure what he was supposed to say?
"Massa is a idiot and i am the greatest"
That would have worked well...

9th February 2007, 12:15
Im not sure what he was supposed to say?

He could be a bit more verbose in his answers. As it stands, you'd get more information staring at a decomposing apple than listening to Kimi.

9th February 2007, 12:22
Most of the questions were rather silly, he can't really make any real comments about how Ferrari compares to other teams until the first race. And he's never been keen to talk about issues that are between team and drivers, which is fine by me, every time when Juan DelaButtonso says his team boss is a tosser, they come out as idiots.

Big Ben
9th February 2007, 23:26
No. He is not going to be an unappealing champion.

He´ll change. Now all his problem are gone. Ugly RD is no longer messing around. You´ll see the true kimi soon enough... a real clown ´cos now he´s in the happy happy super-jolly Marlboro Ferrari team.

10th February 2007, 01:08
I would like to see how this forum would respond if Jackie Stewart were to anonymously arrive in a time capsule.
Yea' Baby!!!!!

10th February 2007, 02:29
well we know the Brits would be pissing down both legs !!

10th February 2007, 02:53
well we know the Brits would be pissing down both legs !!
I wasn't ready for that one!
Great response
Hall of fame material!!