View Full Version : tvu hassles again

29th April 2007, 18:05
Looks like no racing again tonight - Fox signal so weak can't connect to it, and wheels is like zilcho too.


29th April 2007, 18:22
i've got a good connection to speed, Rolex sports cars on it.

I dont get fox in my list though

29th April 2007, 18:23
you never know, might better once the nascar show starts. been like this for last hour or so, get the odd connection and then drops again. that's the nature of p2p though, the moe people watch the better the connection.

shame though, i love talladega

29th April 2007, 18:28
I have great connection 200/300 kbps --- sometimes higher, but signal shows one bar. Odd.

Fingers crossed.

29th April 2007, 18:30
Just installed the new version and fox is available. This has happened before where ive uninstalled and then reinstalled and fox appears. Mind you the signal is weak and no picture or sound up to now

29th April 2007, 18:31
I have great connection 200/300 kbps --- sometimes higher, but signal shows one bar. Odd.

Fingers crossed.

same here, but at times it drops to 12kps

29th April 2007, 18:33
Watching the Rolex on Wheels - excellent pics

29th April 2007, 18:49
Fox is very choppy at the moment, totally unwatchable

29th April 2007, 18:55
Looking at other forums, there seems to be a broadband speed problem in general, my 4Mb connection is currently running at about 0.5-1MB

29th April 2007, 19:09

29th April 2007, 19:09
Thursday beckons then

29th April 2007, 19:15
huh?? I'll be recording it on Channel 5 again. If i cant watch it live i certainly dont want to see anything other than the highlights

29th April 2007, 19:22
next week the busch race is on live on Friday night. On NASN 2 again!! grrrrrr

29th April 2007, 19:24
Hi Everyone,

TrackPass is free today on Nascar.com Scanner, PitCommand, and RaceView is free.

29th April 2007, 19:27
Fox is working fine of sopcast, get sopcast loaded and running

29th April 2007, 19:32
Trackpass is toy cars isn't it?

And I would rather see it live, but it not, reair is fine

29th April 2007, 19:38

It is not just the toy cars. You can get the in car scanner of your driver or select all drivers. PitCommand gives you in car driver audio(driver, spotter & crew chief, leader boards

You can also get the radio broadcast giving you race play by play.

Go to nascar.com the launch buton is in center of page that will take you to a page where you can pick what you want

29th April 2007, 19:56
channel 20758 on sopcast showing fine

29th April 2007, 20:13
channel 20758 on sopcast showing fine

very fuzzy --- lousy speed.....

but at least it is not stalling all the time.

good call

did i miss much?

29th April 2007, 22:12
shame it just swithced to CTV grrrr

29th April 2007, 22:19
connected via tvu, keeps hanging though

1st May 2007, 08:03
shame it just swithced to CTV grrrr

hi, I broadcast sop 20758.

I wanted to let you know suggestions to the schedule and comments can be addressed at the following address:


also I keep the schedule updated at this address:


Thank you again for your interest in sopcast channel 20758

1st May 2007, 09:11
thanks ludovic, would be great if could show nascar each week. i have voted in your poll, ( who wants to watch erotic film anyway lol !

handy to have someone you can speak to if any issues with channel, as you must be aware from this post, TVU been messing us around for a while now and had no idea how to resolve

you are our saviour !!!

3rd May 2007, 12:26
IF you want NASCAR to be on SOPCAST and not interuppted i suggest you go and vote here
