View Full Version : Bernie to go, soon

23rd January 2017, 07:05

Senior sources expect that Ecclestone's departure will happen within a month, even if he does not go this week. He is currently on a skiing holiday.

23rd January 2017, 08:40
About bloody time!

Don't get me wrong he's done alot for F1 and helped negotiate and mould it into what it has become today amazingly well, but he has also became extremely rich out of it and that's the part that really pisses me off.

He's about 150 years old and has spent his life making massive amounts of money for what? He's not going into a long retirement to be able to enjoy it as time is against him and will soon probably have his very own pyramid (gold plated) in Egypt as his final resting place.

Out of all of this who is going thrive out of the fruits of his labour, his 3 spoilt daughters and his 3rd wife half his age who clearly only married him for his dashing looks.

Rant over,,,,,,,,,,

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23rd January 2017, 12:39
Bernie is like the USA President Obama or those guests who overstay their welcome, making promises to leave and then staying a bit longer.

The Black Knight
23rd January 2017, 20:18
It's official - Chase Carey had replaced Bernie!

Finally the dinosaur is gone!

23rd January 2017, 20:43
End of an era.

Based on Chase Carey's moustache, he will do rather well.

24th January 2017, 02:30
At least now the stupid crap that Bernie spews about F1 will be utterly ignorable!

26th January 2017, 21:24
It has been coming for a long time now. Now it has happened, l still can't believe it. Say what you like about the man, he will always be a very important part of F1's history. His methods may be quite weird at times, but the man built a 95 billion dollar show out of motor racing.

Like Zakos said, he is like Obama; he made history and in the process made lots of teams and people alot of money. But everything comes to an end at some point. Now, it is the time for Bernie's grip on F1 to come to an end. If you are a true F1 fan, you would appreciate his contributions to the formula. But l have to agree, that you would do it with some qualms about his methods, which sometime rubbed teams, driver, fans etc the wrong way.

28th January 2017, 16:07
Bernie's exit truly is the end of era for F1. I doubt we'll ever see another Bernie figure in terms of influence and length of reign running a major global sport again.

He is undoubtedly one of the most influential people in F1's history, and the sport would be very different without him having built it into what it is today.

However in recent years he's become more of a hindrance than a help and a change of management feels like a breath of fresh air and a necessity for the sport to thrive in the future.