View Full Version : Goals for the year

13th January 2017, 15:23
Ok we're 13 days into 2017. What are you goals for the year?

Mine are first and foremost to survive it and secondly to run a 10km race in November!

15th January 2017, 16:50
Avoiding death is the primary goal.

I might do a half marathon or possibly a tri this year, just to set a fitness related goal. That all depends on my back more than anything.

Glad to see you back around!

15th January 2017, 22:33
Mine is also to get fitter. I was in good shape a couple of years ago, but a few injuries in my sports career and eating too much has set me back.

No major aim at the end as I know how I need to feel. (If that makes any sense)

16th January 2017, 03:54
Same here..I have been planning to go do some activity or gym for the last week but it's been very hectic (with me moving yet again!) . I'm hoping I shake off the lethargy and do something about my fitness this week.

16th January 2017, 04:44
Fitness is not a problem. I'm in the gym three times a week.
Goals for the year (in descending order) -
1) Manage my time better
2) Learn something new (and maybe unusual)
3) Drink really good beer
I will absolutely accomplish one of those. ;)

16th January 2017, 06:55
Goals are on hold until my father passes on, have a degree to finish (1 semester left) unsure if this will happen, everything unfortunately is up in the air.

16th January 2017, 11:20
Avoiding death is the primary goal.

Conclusion: The Grim Reaper’s preferred walking speed is 0.82 m/s (2 miles (about 3 km) per hour) under working conditions. As none of the men in the study with walking speeds of 1.36 m/s (3 miles (about 5 km) per hour) or greater had contact with Death, this seems to be the Grim Reaper’s most likely maximum speed; for those wishing to avoid their allotted fate, this would be the advised walking speed.
- BMJ, How fast does the Grim Reaper walk? Receiver operating characteristics curve analysis in healthy men aged 70 and over, 21st Nov 2011.

Avoiding death should be easy provided you outwalk the The Grim Reaper.

16th January 2017, 22:31
Goals are on hold until my father passes on, have a degree to finish (1 semester left) unsure if this will happen, everything unfortunately is up in the air.

My thoughts are with you and your family. Really hope you get to complete your degree.

16th January 2017, 22:32
Looks like there are slot of fitness goals.

I also aim to be less of a workaholic. Really need to achieve this one.

Big Ben
19th January 2017, 09:24
-> get fit
-> get a life
-> find somebody who can't stand me
-> some improvement in my 'career'

other than these everything is good already :rolleyes: :laugh:

It's the 19th already. So who gave up on some goals already? :laugh:

PS -> get my hair back. if I figure this one out, I'm golden :laugh:

20th January 2017, 00:47
get my hair back. if I figure this one out, I'm golden :laugh:

Carpet Square.

It might not look real but it's as cheap as, bro'

20th January 2017, 16:11
This is going to sound a little "third world" , but I'm hoping to bring running water into my house for the first time this year .
We've been bucket-filling the toilet with rain water for a little too long .

One small step for bagwan , and a giant leap into the bathtub for his family(it's a really big bathtub)(and a small family) .

23rd January 2017, 11:48
I want to move to another city.

1st February 2017, 07:49
- persuade one particular girl to come live with me. if she still refuses - find another one to take me at her place.
- wait for my ugly beard to grow up and finally take the shape I had dreamt for
- find a suitable job that makes me feel "constructive"

1st February 2017, 18:29
Get my car on track at VIR... FINALLY. I have a feeling that it's now or never.

And since my current employer has foolishly decided to get on the path to self-destruction prior to my retirement date, decide what I'm going to do within the next 6-12 months. Move with them on the road to chaos and take as much of their money as I can and then jump off the sinking ship (hopefully before it sinks), or just leave and find something local that will allow me to lead a relatively sane life from here on out.

Oh, and take my girlfriend on a train tour of the Grand Canyon in late summer. Traveling back & forth and spending time away from her for a year or two would bother me. First time in my life that I've experienced that emotion. Weird. What's happening to me??? :eek:

2nd February 2017, 14:03
....... First time in my life that I've experienced that emotion. Weird. What's happening to me??? :eek:

I'm just starting hearing wedding bells......:angel:

2nd February 2017, 20:14
Get my car on track at VIR... FINALLY. I have a feeling that it's now or never.

And since my current employer has foolishly decided to get on the path to self-destruction prior to my retirement date, decide what I'm going to do within the next 6-12 months. Move with them on the road to chaos and take as much of their money as I can and then jump off the sinking ship (hopefully before it sinks), or just leave and find something local that will allow me to lead a relatively sane life from here on out.

Oh, and take my girlfriend on a train tour of the Grand Canyon in late summer. Traveling back & forth and spending time away from her for a year or two would bother me. First time in my life that I've experienced that emotion. Weird. What's happening to me??? :eek:
What's the car and what organization will you run with at VIR? I probably won't make it there until the SCCA MARRS event in October.

3rd February 2017, 19:48
What's the car and what organization will you run with at VIR? I probably won't make it there until the SCCA MARRS event in October.

It's the STI that I bought a couple of years ago. I'm looking at the NASA HPDE/HyperFest sessions in May. Hopefully I can pull it off. But this year is already beginning to feel like I'm trying to pound a giant square peg into a tiny round hole. Just need a bigger hammer... :D

Do you ever attend the SVRA events there?

4th February 2017, 02:36
It's the STI that I bought a couple of years ago. I'm looking at the NASA HPDE/HyperFest sessions in May. Hopefully I can pull it off. But this year is already beginning to feel like I'm trying to pound a giant square peg into a tiny round hole. Just need a bigger hammer... :D

Do you ever attend the SVRA events there?
No. I'm pretty tied into SCCA and the Washington DC region's MARRS series now that I don't do pro stuff anymore. Most of the MARRS (Mid Atlantic Road Racing Series) events are held at Summit Point, which is my "local" track. There is always one at VIR (two this year) and usually one at NJMP (New Jersey Motorsport Park) and one at PittRace. Maybe we'll catch up at an event sometime soon.

NASA also has a couple of events at the new Dominion Raceway. Not sure how far that is for you. We've got a PDX there, which is similar to HPDE, in September.

4th February 2017, 20:42
I wasn't aware of it. But looks like it's maybe 4 hours and change for me. If things don't work out at VIR, that's a definite possibility. And depending on how things roll this year, September might work out better than the May date at VIR.

Hopefully we'll catch up at some point. I don't think thsat I've met up with anyone from the board since the Champ Car race at Vegas years ago.

5th February 2017, 05:30
I wasn't aware of it. But looks like it's maybe 4 hours and change for me. If things don't work out at VIR, that's a definite possibility. And depending on how things roll this year, September might work out better than the May date at VIR.

Hopefully we'll catch up at some point. I don't think thsat I've met up with anyone from the board since the Champ Car race at Vegas years ago.
OK. Keep in touch if you head up this way. It would be nice to meet another board member.

9th February 2017, 17:59
Hopefully we'll catch up at some point. I don't think thsat I've met up with anyone from the board since the Champ Car race at Vegas years ago.

sorry to completely take this thread OT but If any of you guys are planning to be there for the USGP/any other events around there , I am now in the same area.

10th February 2017, 03:46
Welcome to the states. I assume you are in Texas? I don't plan on making the GP at COTA, but a number of friends will be there. Why don't you check in closer to the date?

11th February 2017, 01:52
Yes in TX. I was already in the states for a while. I was in GA during 2016.

14th February 2017, 23:27
To post on here more again. :(

12th April 2017, 05:46
Goals for the year
Manage my time better
Learn something new
I will absolutely accomplish one of those.

25th April 2017, 13:53
The time between your 20s and 30s is probably the one with the most adventurous potential. The vast majority of the people focus on their careers and degrees, but there are certain things you should do to create unforgettable memories and make yourself proud of what you managed to accomplish.
Whereas there are countless ideas which vary on your attitude and lifestyle.

4th May 2017, 09:15
Goals of the year
do whatever you want to, enjoy your life as much as possible don't think about what you have done in past and what you will do in future just live in presence moment and experience the life.................

13th May 2017, 06:30
be a good Gentleman...................

2nd January 2018, 00:37
Get my car on track at VIR... FINALLY. I have a feeling that it's now or never.

And since my current employer has foolishly decided to get on the path to self-destruction prior to my retirement date, decide what I'm going to do within the next 6-12 months. Move with them on the road to chaos and take as much of their money as I can and then jump off the sinking ship (hopefully before it sinks), or just leave and find something local that will allow me to lead a relatively sane life from here on out.

Oh, and take my girlfriend on a train tour of the Grand Canyon in late summer. Traveling back & forth and spending time away from her for a year or two would bother me. First time in my life that I've experienced that emotion. Weird. What's happening to me??? :eek:

#1: Made it to VIR and took part in an SCCA HPDE. Finally did it. Had a good time, but learned that while my car is damn fast, I'm not. :( I now have an even greater appreciation and respect for professional drivers and their ability to hit lap times that are within a tenth or so over the course of many laps. On a technical track like VIR, I can certainly say, this s### ain't as easy as it looks on TV.

#2: My company is run by people so incompetent that I turned down the "opportunity" to follow them through the gates of hell. It'll probably be another 4-6 months before they get to my department anyway. Economy is looking pretty good in my sector, so I'm not too pressed about what's next. What will be will be...

#3: No go on the Grand Canyon train tour last year. I think we'll either do that, or maybe a cruise, this year (even though I'm not so keen on being trapped on the ocean with other humans). The ladyfriend is great and I actually enjoy traveling and spending time with her (a unique feeling for a self-professed hermit such as myself). Life is good. Now, I'll just work on making life even better in 2018. I hope & pray for the very same for all of my fellow posters here. God bless you all. :wave:

2nd January 2018, 01:45
#1: Made it to VIR and took part in an SCCA HPDE. Finally did it. Had a good time, but learned that while my car is damn fast, I'm not. :( I now have an even greater appreciation and respect for professional drivers and their ability to hit lap times that are within a tenth or so over the course of many laps. On a technical track like VIR, I can certainly say, this s### ain't as easy as it looks on TV.

#2: My company is run by people so incompetent that I turned down the "opportunity" to follow them through the gates of hell. It'll probably be another 4-6 months before they get to my department anyway. Economy is looking pretty good in my sector, so I'm not too pressed about what's next. What will be will be...

#3: No go on the Grand Canyon train tour last year. I think we'll either do that, or maybe a cruise, this year (even though I'm not so keen on being trapped on the ocean with other humans). The ladyfriend is great and I actually enjoy traveling and spending time with her (a unique feeling for a self-professed hermit such as myself). Life is good. Now, I'll just work on making life even better in 2018. I hope & pray for the very same for all of my fellow posters here. God bless you all. :wave:
Were you on the full 3.2 mile course or the short course? Going into 15 & 16 can give you a little pucker when you're at speed.

2nd January 2018, 03:47
It was the full course. Pretty sweet. The car did really well, but I only did one day and never built the lap time consistency that I wanted. That night, my mind raced through all the things my instructor had told me throughout the session, and I could/should have gone back for a second day (with another outfit). But we had to get back home.

I'm sure that studying and knowing the track and the optimal lines is important anywhere. But it seems especially critical at VIR. I was lined up for an HPDE at Summit Point, but this one popped up at the last minute.

I'll do this again. I was frustrated, but I loved the challenge to get better.

2nd January 2018, 14:15
It was the full course. Pretty sweet. The car did really well, but I only did one day and never built the lap time consistency that I wanted. That night, my mind raced through all the things my instructor had told me throughout the session, and I could/should have gone back for a second day (with another outfit). But we had to get back home.

I'm sure that studying and knowing the track and the optimal lines is important anywhere. But it seems especially critical at VIR. I was lined up for an HPDE at Summit Point, but this one popped up at the last minute. I'll do this again. I was frustrated, but I loved the challenge to get better.
What group did you run with at VIR? There are about ten different organizations that hold track days in the mid Atlantic area. If you decide to do another one then do Summit Point. The track (main) was completely repaved just this past October. If you do Summit be aware that there are three different and separate tracks in use there. The one you want to run on is Summit main. The Shenandoah and Jefferson circuits are fun but not as good. If you do one at Summit and it's one of the SCCA's events I'll make a point of stopping by to buy you an end of the day beer.

5th January 2018, 02:36
What group did you run with at VIR? There are about ten different organizations that hold track days in the mid Atlantic area. If you decide to do another one then do Summit Point. The track (main) was completely repaved just this past October. If you do Summit be aware that there are three different and separate tracks in use there. The one you want to run on is Summit main. The Shenandoah and Jefferson circuits are fun but not as good. If you do one at Summit and it's one of the SCCA's events I'll make a point of stopping by to buy you an end of the day beer.

My event was run by the SCCA - North Carolina Region. The next day I think it was an outfit called Chin Track Days. If we hadn't had to get home, I would have gone back for another dose.

I'll certainly keep that in mind. I'd most likely be doing an SCCA event where ever I go next. And I'd really like to try Summit Point.

Thanks much.

11th February 2018, 11:32
Goals for 2018 have been two fold. I never set new years resolutions a such but since I stopped playing football(soccer) last year when I got injured despite working outside in a fairly physical job I have put on weight and the amount of physical exercise I was doing is down the pan.

So for 2018 I have set 3 goals

1. Walk or Cycle anywhere I can realistically. Exceptions being distant journey's, journeys with time restrictions and also if transporting stuff is required.

2. As well as that I have joined a gym for the first time in my 31 years. I have been using it for swimming twice a week for 5 months now and have joined completely and had my first 1000 calories burned off on Friday. Very proud of myself. I will always use it because I hate wasting money. So if I pay I am going to use it :p Plus I actually enjoy exercise so that helps.

3. Finally to continue to socialise more / travel. For years after my mother had a stroke and I cared for her my life fell apart. I didn't go out, I had no friends and was so shy to interact. I look back and realise what a sad life I was leading. One reason I spent so long on here at times. Anyway I met and became best friends with someone I met at work 4 years ago and despite being very different we get on fab. She has helped me move my life on and get it started albeit 10 years to late perhaps. I have made so many new friends now through various hobbies and being more social that from never going out with no friends I go out lots and have lots of friends. I am have learn't a new language (albeit not that great yet) and started social drinking.I have finally started traveling with a great singles holiday company and figure until I find a friend to travel with or partner I should see the world. Picos in Spain last year and maybe Italy this year. I am as happy as I have ever been and despite being too busy ;) (ask Gadjo) to visit here as much now my third goal (finally) is to continue my new journey into the world and life.

So thats my update on 2018

26th February 2018, 16:08
I'm looking at the NASA HPDE/HyperFest sessions in May. Hopefully I can pull it off. Thank a lot!!!

17th March 2018, 18:39
I'm looking at the NASA HPDE/HyperFest sessions in May. Hopefully I can pull it off. Thank a lot!!!


4th February 2019, 21:46
My plans for this year - more time to devote to health, to reconsider my social circle and get a raise at work.

23rd March 2019, 12:11
Quite smoking.

11th August 2019, 01:38
Carpet Square.

It might not look real but it's as cheap as,audacity (https://audacity.onl/) temp mail (https://mails.tips/temp-mail/) origin (https://origin.onl/) bro'

Mine are first and foremost to survive it and secondly to run a 10km race in November!