View Full Version : Kalle Rovanpera - rallying's youngest champion

RallySport Mag
21st September 2016, 05:03
Kalle Rovanpera is a star of the future (and the present). He has already won the Latvian Championship and driven Toyota's 2017 World Rally Car.

Read Martin Holmes' latest article about the 15-year old.


Will the youngster be World Rally Champion, and if so, at what age???

21st September 2016, 08:42
He is 2wd champion from 2015, but not yet overall champion...

21st September 2016, 08:46
He is 2wd champion from 2015, but not yet overall champion...

This year he already have 20 points gap against Vorobjovs, and one event left, so if Kalle scores 0 and Vorobjovs scores max - 17 points, Kalle still be on top http://www.autorally.lv/files/s2016/overall-2016-7.pdf or it could be that last event points multiple x1,5, but I don't know that for sure

Edit: Yes You right, it's still posibility for Vorobjovs to be 1st overall.

21st September 2016, 09:57
Too much PR for the moment, we will see.

21st September 2016, 23:36
Still too young to decide. Latvala was a wonderkid at 17, and still not a champion... And will probably never be

22nd September 2016, 11:09
The only downside I see is that he has got driving rallycars together with babyfood. That makes him an advantage to other youngsters. One more thing is the development curve differs between drivers.
Looks very promising atm but still a couple of years to prove what he can do. However wishing him all good.
Like NOT said: we will see.

22nd September 2016, 11:27
Too much PR for the moment, we will see.

I agree with this - but at the same time it seems that rally fans are just as guilty when it comes to pushing this guy as the next big thing. Comparing his stage times, sharing videos etc. The fans are doing more than any PR team could ever do. It's certainly an interesting story because he's so young. Maybe he's the young Jedi being trained to take down Ogier in the future. I don't know but for sure they have got everyone's attention.

What is most interesting to me - and isn't covered in the article - is what their planned pathway is. You don't have a guy this young driving a top-line R5 car without having something mapped out for him in the future.

Does anyone know what his programme will be next year? And when he can do the Finnish championship, when he can do ERC/WRC etc?

22nd September 2016, 11:32
If not mistaken, most of other championships are available from 17 or 18 years, so he will need to wait a bit.

22nd September 2016, 11:51
His age doesn't really count. He is 5 years a head of all the other drivers in terms of experience. That is the most important parameter to mesure his talent/speed/consistancy etc.

Rally Power
22nd September 2016, 19:36
It seems there’s another young talent on the juveline rally scene…Marco Bulacia Jr, aged 15, is the 2016 Bolivian champ: http://www.diariomotor.com/competicion/2016/09/22/la-gran-esperanza-de-los-rallyes-bolivianos-tiene-15-anos-y-ya-es-campeon/

22nd September 2016, 19:54
The only downside I see is that he has got driving rallycars together with babyfood. That makes him an advantage to other youngsters. One more thing is the development curve differs between drivers.
Looks very promising atm but still a couple of years to prove what he can do. However wishing him all good.
Like NOT said: we will see.

A factor I saw in my sport when I had wonderful opportunity to see many others who had everything handed to them on silver plate from -5-7-8 years old is they lacked what we call now and call it that even in educational circle--they lacked grit....

Something happens and they stop..
Some injury and they might--many did ,most even---quit.

Since no effort or serious cost by them to get on the track, then no deep investment like anybody here knows who has built and run a rally car..So something happens, they quit..No big loss.

Not suggesting this is what Kalle will do..
Only that this is what I observed in 40 years in motorsports .

22nd September 2016, 20:49
Reminds a little of Marc Marquez - talent was spotted from an early age, and with the right connections, and has had everything fall in place. So far....

It's likely if he was Austrian, British, Outer Mongolia, etc he'd still be undiscovered.....

23rd September 2016, 09:57
However in Kalles case - he´s surrounded by many very experienced people, surely giving him the best advices. Even funding seems not be any problem. And why should it? So far.

23rd September 2016, 11:18
However in Kalles case - he´s surrounded by many very experienced people, surely giving him the best advices. Even funding seems not be any problem. And why should it? So far.

I am not sure that all advices from "very experienced people" must be the best ones...

23rd September 2016, 13:43
I am not sure that all advices from "very experienced people" must be the best ones...

Well, maybe not all, but surely best way to make a career. And better be surrounded with people in the business than no people at all, trying start a career by your own...

23rd September 2016, 14:16
Wait until he starts getting interested in girls... Or when girls start getting interesting in him... Then we will see how much ambition, focus and determination he has...

23rd September 2016, 14:16
Well, maybe not all, but surely best way to make a career. And better be surrounded with people in the business than no people at all, trying start a career by your own...

In this situations you can find around drivers lot of "business people" whose interest is mainly to dig money. Or make "good advices" and show, that they are important persons and must be part of the team... But it looks like Harri is really clever man, so I hope they will be able to force out this type of people...

23rd September 2016, 15:18
In this situations you can find around drivers lot of "business people" whose interest is mainly to dig money. Or make "good advices" and show, that they are important persons and must be part of the team... But it looks like Harri is really clever man, so I hope they will be able to force out this type of people...

-Toni Gardemaister
-Tommi Mäkinen
-Timo Jouhki
(not officially)

23rd September 2016, 15:30
In this situations you can find around drivers lot of "business people" whose interest is mainly to dig money. Or make "good advices" and show, that they are important persons and must be part of the team... But it looks like Harri is really clever man, so I hope they will be able to force out this type of people...

You forget he lives in Finland, not Italy or something.. excuse me italian friends.. ;)

23rd September 2016, 19:54
Wait until he starts getting interested in girls... Or when girls start getting interesting in him... Then we will see how much ambition, focus and determination he has...

Oh how true it is... It was a deciding factor in my quitting International moto-cross..Living in a van from late march is one thing, not know where to wash clothes was a problem, bouncy bouncy fun that wasn't soooo bad, but a real solid relationship...that was a big problem...
So 2 seasons and that was it...but I was 30 so I lasted that far..

And--I was right..Had a lot more fun as a human being than as a racer. :love:

Mk2 RS2000
24th September 2016, 23:10
Wait until he starts getting interested in girls... Or when girls start getting interesting in him... Then we will see how much ambition, focus and determination he has...

So very true, there is insufficient blood in a young mans body to keep two heads functioning correctly.

22nd May 2022, 13:02
Time to lift this thread up.

Kalle has now won on snow, tarmac and gravel back-to-back-to-back and leads the championship by 46points!

22nd May 2022, 14:42
Is there anybody out there who doesn't believe Kalle is yet an A-lister? ie one who goes into every event with the expectation to fight for a win. Many are electing him champion after all.

Fast Eddie WRC
22nd May 2022, 16:02
He's the real deal now and proven on every surface and even with opening the road on dry gravel.

The rest need to learn to eat his dust.


22nd May 2022, 23:17
One point to notice also about Kalle is it shows how the job done by Makinen was great.
He created a structure from scratch quite late after Toyota has changed its strategy, he made some controversial choices that globally worked (Latvala instead of Mikkelsen, Lappi instead of Suninen), installed a very good technical director (Fowler) and he prepared the future because he was the one who did the job to attract Rovanpera (giving him tests in the WRC car, clear decision from him to put him in 2020 that was known as soon as summer 2019).
Ok, some can say it was easy as he is Finnish and Rovanpera was obvious but apparently, it was not the case for Hyundai (I’m not talking about M-Sport which didn’t have the means to attract him on a long-term basis but have tried in 2017).

He suffered one blow (Tanak leaving) because of his personality that was covered by Toyota money to take Ogier and made one controversial choice that ended up as a mistake (Meeke) but globally, his job was excellent.

Trivia statistics: Kalle is already 10th in the rankings of Finnish with most WRC wins (but he will probably climbs a lot)

23rd May 2022, 12:54
Looking down the season calendar, you can't help but notice that the events that supposedly favour Kalle are yet to come.

Estonia & Finland - Both virtually home events and you can expect he will be running very high up the order.
Kenya - Was primed to lead last year's event before the "fesh-fesh" disaster.
Greece - Won at a canter in 2021.
Belgium - Was best Toyota in impressive fashion last year.

The rest of the events aren't that much of a problem for him either. You would expect he will find the right pace in Italy, Spain, New Zealand and Japan.

Conclusion: Game over in 2022.

23rd May 2022, 15:37
One point to notice also about Kalle is it shows how the job done by Makinen was great.
He created a structure from scratch quite late after Toyota has changed its strategy, he made some controversial choices that globally worked (Latvala instead of Mikkelsen, Lappi instead of Suninen), installed a very good technical director (Fowler) and he prepared the future because he was the one who did the job to attract Rovanpera (giving him tests in the WRC car, clear decision from him to put him in 2020 that was known as soon as summer 2019).
Ok, some can say it was easy as he is Finnish and Rovanpera was obvious but apparently, it was not the case for Hyundai (I’m not talking about M-Sport which didn’t have the means to attract him on a long-term basis but have tried in 2017).

He suffered one blow (Tanak leaving) because of his personality that was covered by Toyota money to take Ogier and made one controversial choice that ended up as a mistake (Meeke) but globally, his job was excellent.

Trivia statistics: Kalle is already 10th in the rankings of Finnish with most WRC wins (but he will probably climbs a lot)

It was actually Latvala who replaced Suninen in 17, talks about it on the WRC podcast

2nd October 2022, 03:14
Kalle Rovanperä The Youngest World Rally Champion!

2nd October 2022, 05:18
Mighty impressive from the young fella.
Fully deserved, came through his sticky patch and did a brilliant job

2nd October 2022, 17:05
It was AWESOME to kinda follow this kid's carrer. From those weird clips of a what 8 y.o. kid drifting on ice to becoming a WORLD CHAMPION! Jeez, time passes like a bullet. Awesome! AWESOME

Sal yet again
3rd October 2022, 07:43
We have got used to seeing old/family film of tennis and golf champions etc playing the sport from an age when they could barely hold the implements of their trade and circuit racers have always had karting however Kalle is the rallying example of "start 'em young". Yes he has been fast tracked in a way to the best team in the WRC however the way he has conducted himself and how he has dominated events at times is the sign of a true champion. Will be interesting to see how long the fire burns for rallying or if other opportunities/distractions come along however until then its hard to see how he wont dominate for years to come.

3rd October 2022, 11:35
We have got used to seeing old/family film of tennis and golf champions etc playing the sport from an age when they could barely hold the implements of their trade and circuit racers have always had karting however Kalle is the rallying example of "start 'em young". Yes he has been fast tracked in a way to the best team in the WRC however the way he has conducted himself and how he has dominated events at times is the sign of a true champion. Will be interesting to see how long the fire burns for rallying or if other opportunities/distractions come along however until then its hard to see how he wont dominate for years to come.Do you mean a possible switch to track motorsport?

3rd October 2022, 12:56
Congratulations to our Champion Crew
Video for Kalle Rovanpera-Joanne Halttunen From Acropolis Rally!

Fast Eddie WRC
3rd October 2022, 13:34
Not just the youngest WR Champion... at (only just) 22 years of age he's FIVE YEARS younger than the previous youngest, Colin McRae ! :bounce:

5th October 2022, 20:21
Loads of video like this, just another one for this evening ��

5th October 2022, 21:29
Quick one i did from Sweden and Finland this year

14th October 2022, 13:05

That story on changes Kalle made to his pace-noting reminds me of the old debate on "numbers vs description". The difference it can make can change a whole career.

Nicky Grist spoke candidly of the changes he and Colin made when they paired-up. Juha Kankkunen, too, had done the same earlier. Only he had to change the language too!!!!

14th October 2022, 17:41

That story on changes Kalle made to his pace-noting reminds me of the old debate on "numbers vs description". The difference it can make can change a whole career.

Nicky Grist spoke candidly of the changes he and Colin made when they paired-up. Juha Kankkunen, too, had done the same earlier. Only he had to change the language too!!!!I don't know about your refs about Grist and Juha and I'm curious about. Can you briefly write about? Thanks

15th October 2022, 07:12
I don't know about your refs about Grist and Juha and I'm curious about. Can you briefly write about? Thanks


I can't quite recall the YouTube video Nicky Grist was on discussing the change, but the story in that Press Reader website captured some of the content.

Juha, on the other hand, felt the descriptions in English, when compared with his native language, contained fewer words while conveying the same content. Something he felt was an advantage on mouthy stages.

19th October 2022, 19:10
Very nice interview about Kalle and his driving sensibility

WRC | Kalle Rovanpera: la genesi del campione svelata da Testoni

Fast Eddie WRC
20th October 2022, 14:01
The new World Champion's livery is now available in Dirt Rally 2.0 ! :cool:


20th October 2022, 15:15
The new World Champion's livery is now available in Dirt Rally 2.0 ! :cool:


Now we just need his car for Dirt Rally 3.0 ;)

20th October 2022, 19:02

Sometimes it is hard to understand how good this guy knows finnish rallying heritage.
Remarkable hommage to a finnish rallyvdriver who just passed away.

20th October 2022, 20:12
Could someone explain to non finns also, what did he say and what's the story behind the original saying? :)

20th October 2022, 20:24
Could someone explain to non finns also, what did he say and what's the story behind the original saying? :)

Seppo Kopra, a veteran rally driver just passed away recently. He became famous for a video where he's teaching a young driver and telling him to use more throttle with the phrase "pikkasen ylikovaa niin se kääntyilee" which means "a little too fast to make it turn". He remained a hobbyist driver until the very end. He died of a sudden stroke (or something) while preparing to drive the zero car. And the last rally he completed in September, he won the overall.

20th October 2022, 20:44
Seppo Kopra, a veteran rally driver just passed away recently. He became famous for a video where he's teaching a young driver and telling him to use more throttle with the phrase "pikkasen ylikovaa niin se kääntyilee" which means "a little too fast to make it turn". He remained a hobbyist driver until the very end. He died of a sudden stroke (or something) while preparing to drive the zero car. And the last rally he completed in September, he won the overall.

Also he worked for TGR for a long time, maybe even until the end?

21st October 2022, 03:20
Kopra was/is a legend!

Sent from my DN2103 using Tapatalk

21st October 2022, 14:09
Also he worked for TGR for a long time, maybe even until the end?

Yes. He was in charge of building service park facilities. Did also some meteo/weather work during rallies and did drive everything (minibus, spare recce cars etc.)

Steve Boyd
21st October 2022, 23:34
Yes. He was in charge of building service park facilities. Did also some meteo/weather work during rallies and did drive everything (minibus, spare recce cars etc.)
Sounds like if there was a job that needed doing - he'd be the guy who'd do it.
Without guys like him there wouldn't be any rallies - Respect & RIP, even though I'd never heard of him until now.

9th November 2022, 11:42
Harri Rovanpera's moving tribute brought a tear from the normally ice-cool Kalle. Special moment.


10th November 2022, 06:40
Kalle hits again....

https://yle.fi/a/3-12675091?utm_source=facebook&utm_campaign=yleralliradio&utm_medium=social&fbclid=IwAR1vMhCwXNZikkreGpDPpUN4dYnBBJULZuqNffM48 l_y3f6RXSuROET9IP4

10th November 2022, 06:53
Kalle hits again....

https://yle.fi/a/3-12675091?utm_source=facebook&utm_campaign=yleralliradio&utm_medium=social&fbclid=IwAR1vMhCwXNZikkreGpDPpUN4dYnBBJULZuqNffM48 l_y3f6RXSuROET9IP4

What did he say?

10th November 2022, 06:55
Guys, if there is some info etc in your local language, please add some translation/explanation. This is not a local forum :)

10th November 2022, 07:37
Can You see the video there??

10th November 2022, 08:02
No, looks like it’s blocked, i see a globe so probably geo block.

10th November 2022, 09:21
Can You see the video there??

Yes, the same here that I can't see it. This is why I asked for explanation.

13th January 2023, 17:42
Kalle Rovanperä
Exciting news!

GR Yaris 'Kalle Edition' will be coming out soon!
Big thanks to TOYOTA for making this possible and giving me chance to do something special with it!

And also super happy that our bald, but very nice livery made by Liupakka Graphics is on it!��

#KR69 #GRYaris
