View Full Version : The Great British High Street

Hazell B
26th April 2007, 21:59
Had three things to do this afternoon (once I'd plugged the hole that used to be my Land Rover window after an attempted robbery) and all three caused stress thanks to ropey High Street staff.

First was to collect two name badges for myself and partner Mick and two name tags for a dog's collar. Mick's badge said MICK, SOVEREIGN SHRUBS and my phone number. So far, so good. My badge had my name spelled wrong, so another was reordered after checking the initial order and some pathetic excuses. Then Kipper's collar tags both said RIPPER :rolleyes: so another two were made pronto again, after I stood tapping the counter and growling. The original order clearly said Kipper, the man agreed. Can't these engravers read? :laugh:

Next was a DVD purchase. £4.97, a simple sum. I handed over the empty case and they couldn't find the DVD in their drawers, then the assistant said I had short changed her, when I hadn't. She was holding some of the money in her left hand and hadn't noticed :mark:

Eventually to the bank to attempt a deal on my mortgage. After some negotiations I got down from 7.25% to 6.55% only to have it all looked up on computer and what is my current rate? 6.55%. Then they added two grand to the total owed, before I pointed out I'm two grand ahead not behind. Doh! Feeling four grand richer took away the annoyance in that case :p :

Finally, I went to the police station to report the vehicle damage and they were shut for lunch ..... which finally made me laugh :D

27th April 2007, 08:18
You see, the mistake you're making there is thinking that because these institutions are called SERVICE industries (e.g. shops) and public SERVICES (e.g. the Plod), they're there to provide a service.

27th April 2007, 14:36
My local police station (at home) only opens on a Wednesday, apparently. Brilliant when it's meant to serve over 25,000 people :p :

27th April 2007, 21:46
First was to collect two name badges for myself and partner Mick and two name tags for a dog's collar. Mick's badge said MICK, SOVEREIGN SHRUBS and my phone number. So far, so good. My badge had my name spelled wrong, so another was reordered after checking the initial order and some pathetic excuses. Then Kipper's collar tags both said RIPPER :rolleyes:

Who calls their dog Ripper anyway?

Hazell B
28th April 2007, 19:29
I do now, Lotus. Or at least his tag says he's Ripper - but luckily the dog can't read :p :

28th April 2007, 20:25
I do now, Lotus. Or at least his tag says he's Ripper - but luckily the dog can't read :p :
Kipper the Ripper. That sounds cool.

Hazell B
28th April 2007, 20:32

He's more of a mincer than a ripper, to be fair. Mincer, and not in tough way ;)

29th April 2007, 07:58

He's more of a mincer than a ripper, to be fair. Mincer, and not in tough way ;)
Kipper the Nipper then?
