View Full Version : toyota go bye bye

pauli heinonen
26th April 2007, 19:58
toyta bos satomoo titmojo go by by gon replas by tadashi yamshinsa does impack toyta drive yarno truli an ralf shumaker i think so that yes it do an they no long win rases

27th April 2007, 01:20

Valve Bounce
27th April 2007, 07:22
toyta bos satomoo titmojo go by by gon replas by tadashi yamshinsa does impack toyta drive yarno truli an ralf shumaker i think so that yes it do an they no long win rases

First of all I'd like to welcome you to our forum. It is obvious that you are keen despite your lack of english, but don't worry, as long as we can understand you, then it is OK.

However, I am not sure I understand this post, and if you have a link to your post, it would help.

27th April 2007, 07:30
What he's trying to say is:

Satomoo Titmojo is to be replaced by Tadashi Yamshinsa and the reason that Toyota is not winning is because of poor management and cr@p race drivers in Trulli (sorry pino, he said it not me) and Ralfie boy.

27th April 2007, 07:30
Yes we do try to understand everybody whatever their level with the language but this post is a bit tough don't you guys thinks? :p :

27th April 2007, 07:34
I think what our new friend is saying is that with the money Toyota have spent on F1, they could have put a Toyota on the moon and what have they achieved for their money? Squat.

I think he's right

27th April 2007, 07:36
IMO, he actually has sufficient vocab and grammar, I can't guarantee my english is even better than him. He might be getting used to speak slangy, words usually used by teenager. :D

I found somewhere else he post in more friendly and understandable english

Valve Bounce
27th April 2007, 07:41
I think he reckons the new guy will impact on the two drivers who will no longer be able to win races.

27th April 2007, 07:45
I reckon pauli is actually George Bush :s hock: Explains the spelling, dont you think :D

27th April 2007, 07:54
so now we slam my president for the lack of acheivment by toyota - I suggest you look no farther that Overi Andersen and leave George Bush out of the equation

27th April 2007, 07:56

27th April 2007, 10:43
toyta bos satomoo titmojo go by by gon replas by tadashi yamshinsa does impack toyta drive yarno truli an ralf shumaker i think so that yes it do an they no long win rases

Is that some kind of Afrikaans related new language derived of Finnish and English?

27th April 2007, 10:44
I think he reckons the new guy will impact on the two drivers who will no longer be able to win races.

Like if they won races in a Toyota before?!

race aficionado
27th April 2007, 15:14
I think what our new friend is saying is that with the money Toyota have spent on F1, they could have put a Toyota on the moon and what have they achieved for their money? Squat.

I think he's right

Come to think of it, a Toyota on the moon would be kind of cool.

:s mokin:

27th April 2007, 17:12
toyta bos satomoo titmojo go by by gon replas by tadashi yamshinsa does impack toyta drive yarno truli an ralf shumaker i think so that yes it do an they no long win rases

It's like one of those 'magic eye' pictures; if you stare at it long enough, you should be able to make out something resembling words

27th April 2007, 17:59
I think we've discovered why Kimi doesn't say much.

27th April 2007, 20:38
I think we've discovered why Kimi doesn't say much.

But about the topic. As I happened to read the article -
- then I had a hunch that what is this thread supposed to be about.

But all in all - despite that move there will probably be no significant changes in Toyota's approach to F1.

pauli heinonen
27th April 2007, 21:27
jens founded artcul i was post wen i red thred good job jens i think so that this mite be embaris over ferari arest so he resine is theery haved by me