View Full Version : Putin... err... donkey of the Race...

1st May 2016, 17:38
Have a vote...

1st May 2016, 18:29
Pretty obvious choice here, Daniil Kvyat for his brain dead strart!

1st May 2016, 18:31
Kyvat - for constantly ramming Vettel.

Otherwise Bernie for taking us to a horrid circuit and putting us through Putin swanning around the drivers room and podium. As he constantly asked if the drivers liked the circuit and thought they had done a great job. :rolleyes:

1st May 2016, 18:37
Kvyat for driving like a drunk Russian with his Hummer...

2nd May 2016, 05:30
Kamikaze Kvyat - what an ass!

2nd May 2016, 08:53
Massa, Palmer.

Oh, and Gutierrez.

2nd May 2016, 10:09
Kvyat. If I'd been Vettel I would have had to have punched him just for damage limitation.

N. Jones
2nd May 2016, 19:50
Kvyat, who else!

Big Ben
3rd May 2016, 07:47
Give the guy a break. Wouldn't you be nervous too having the supreme leader's eyes on you? He's probably on his way to the Gulag as we speak.