View Full Version : Donkey of the race - Bahrain

3rd April 2016, 17:45
Can't think of any particular donkeys for this race. I would probably nominate the stewards for an overly stringent punishment on Bottas which didn't really call for anything more than a slap on the wrist IMHO. No driver is standing out now that Maldonado is out of F1.

3rd April 2016, 17:51
Many bad pit stops.

Haas, leaving Grosjean out until he was doing 1:41s, then two bad stops. Maybe they lost him a spot.

Penalty for Bottas wasn't justified.

Haryanto seems to have been totally outclassed.

3rd April 2016, 18:18
Haryanto seems to have been totally outclassed.

He's a youngster anyway. If we follow this criteria we should add Nasr.

3rd April 2016, 18:30
Sauber - being out paced by a Manor abeit Wherlein is outperforming the car
Force India - a day to forget.
Qualifying - Not as bad as Melbourne but still felt short changed watching cars pitted while the clock is still running

4th April 2016, 07:46
Kimi - always on the podium in places where there's no alcohol.

The Black Knight
4th April 2016, 07:50
Ferrari for another Engine retirement.

Bottas for a clumsy move that cost him, Hamilton and us a duel out front.

4th April 2016, 12:59
Bottas is a donkey. He stuck a nose on the inside where there was clearly Hamilton's racing line.

4th April 2016, 16:48
Bottas is a donkey. He stuck a nose on the inside where there was clearly Hamilton's racing line.

To be honest, it was about time that it happened. Had it happened with Rosberg, we would have seen Spa 2014 redux. Hamilton has a history of chopping across other drivers' bow, and for once it had consequences. The penalty for Bottas was too harsh in my opinion. Those things have happened in the first corner since the beginning of F1. It serves no other purpose than making drivers even more averse against taking risks.

4th April 2016, 16:58
As a Hamilton fan, this one is a surprise: Lewis. He should be on top of the clutch release by now. Two in a row earns him a Donkey Award. Sorry Lewis. Gotta quit chocking the start, my man.

I agree with the call on Bottas. The charge was causing an (avoidable) incident. Guilty as charged, IMO. But I still give Lewis the Donkey for that wretched start.

4th April 2016, 19:57
...and another for Bottas - anyone that leaves their brains so far away from the track should get a 1 race ban not just a drive through. We are the customers, his actions short changed us!

5th April 2016, 08:22
...and another for Bottas - anyone that leaves their brains so far away from the track should get a 1 race ban not just a drive through. We are the customers, his actions short changed us!

Too harsh I think. There is one precedence for a driver getting a race ban - RoGro, and that was after he nearly decapitated Alonso. You can hardly compare that to an accident that was mainly Bottas' fault, but not entirely. Lewis could have backed off too. With a healthy Merc he would have made mince meat of the Williams within a lap or two. Impatience has never been rewarded in F1. And in essence it was a tangle we've seen dozens every year without a penalty being handed out.

5th April 2016, 19:51
Too harsh I think. There is one precedence for a driver getting a race ban - RoGro, and that was after he nearly decapitated Alonso. You can hardly compare that to an accident that was mainly Bottas' fault, but not entirely. Lewis could have backed off too. With a healthy Merc he would have made mince meat of the Williams within a lap or two. Impatience has never been rewarded in F1. And in essence it was a tangle we've seen dozens every year without a penalty being handed out.

Can't argue with you but I have always felt clamping down hard on the offences would quickly improve standards. I'm not taking sides on the Prost / Senna issue but the FIA should have dealt with those 2 and the early Schumi driving shenanigans much more severely.
PS Lewis was in front and taking the racing line - entitled to do so despite his crap start!

6th April 2016, 03:08
Can't argue with you but I have always felt clamping down hard on the offences would quickly improve standards.

Is this clamping down? Penalising someone for going for a gap that exists isn't it. We want some fighting and risks, don't we?

6th April 2016, 07:25
Is this clamping down? Penalising someone for going for a gap that exists isn't it. We want some fighting and risks, don't we?

Yes. Too many pens these days

6th April 2016, 19:29
Drivers go for spaces that they should appreciate are about to be filled - when the consequences of getting it wrong were so perilous they didn't used to. Now they are treating F1 driving like its an x-box game with unlimited lives. Bottas was in the wrong and wrecked the race for the spectators at the first bend. If you don't think he was wrong you need just to watch simulations on electronic media or watch some historic footage to see the difference.

6th April 2016, 22:32
Drivers go for spaces that they should appreciate are about to be filled - when the consequences of getting it wrong were so perilous they didn't used to. Now they are treating F1 driving like its an x-box game with unlimited lives. Bottas was in the wrong and wrecked the race for the spectators at the first bend. If you don't think he was wrong you need just to watch simulations on electronic media or watch some historic footage to see the difference.
True. Cars and tracks are so safe now, compared to ten or more years ago, that some drivers don't seem to respect potential consequences of their actions.

7th April 2016, 15:25
To be honest, it was about time that it happened. Had it happened with Rosberg, we would have seen Spa 2014 redux. Hamilton has a history of chopping across other drivers' bow, and for once it had consequences. The penalty for Bottas was too harsh in my opinion. Those things have happened in the first corner since the beginning of F1. It serves no other purpose than making drivers even more averse against taking risks.

Too true , dj , but it won't be a popular opinion around here .

I , too , thought the penalty harsh as the door was clearly open , even if only for a moment .
Decisions on the first lap are often made in the moment , and Lewis was the one who prompted the move in the end .
Had he left room after opening that door , Bottas would have been later out of the corner anyway , since he would have had to be slower around a tighter trajectory .

Certainly , Lewis was less sighted , as he mentioned afterwards , but being so , and clearly not allowing for the possibility of a prompted "dive" down the inside by a rival who sees you giving up the line at the last moment is perhaps a touch reckless , could we say ?
Now , fair play to Lewis for saying that Bottas did not need to apologize , it should be said .
He did handle the pressure of the debacle very well this time , including after the race .

What I hope for is that Lewis changes his opinion that the "chop across the bow" intimidation move is the way to go , as Bottas looked set to make the corner , and much of the damage was in front of his head , meaning Valterie was well along side him when they came together .

I'm quite sure Bernie would have preferred it to have been between Ham and Ros .
It certainly would have led to more debate on here , and everywhere else .

7th April 2016, 20:12
I think they were both at fault. I mean Hamilton should have left more room and Bottas should have moved right. Watch the replay and he had more space inside. Not much but a bit to avoid contact.

Penalty was stupid. Lap 1 of a race is always going to have incidents. If that was 18th & 19th going into turn 1 I bet no penalty would have been given.

8th April 2016, 15:03
I think they were both at fault. I mean Hamilton should have left more room and Bottas should have moved right. Watch the replay and he had more space inside. Not much but a bit to avoid contact.

Penalty was stupid. Lap 1 of a race is always going to have incidents. If that was 18th & 19th going into turn 1 I bet no penalty would have been given.

I do agree , Steve .

It's always going to be risky making a dive inside , as you've got to trust that the guy ahead expects it , and leaves himself the room to react .
I haven't seen that replay , but I suspect the penalty was as a result of him saying that he was sliding , having lost grip trying to take the tighter line . That would fit with your assertion that he had more space inside .

Losing grip when squeezed tight is a way different thing to having space .

But , it's not that simple , because Hamilton was running wide to get a different trajectory through the corner .
His line would produce an ever-diminishing space for Bottas , on the tighter line , but space , nonetheless .

Lewis is crazy to be using his bow chop .
And Valterie is crazy to not expect him to use it .

9th April 2016, 01:57

Racing incident in my opinion! VB going for it, Boss going for the apex. An argument can be made for both drivers to have been less aggressive.