View Full Version : Donkey of the race

20th March 2016, 07:58
So who put in the worst display today?

That Alo-Gut accident was dreadful, but I'm unsure as to whom to blame. I'll just go with whoever thought that overtaking in Melbourne was going to be easy. Also a dishonorable mention to whomever designed the Mercedes' start system.

20th March 2016, 10:06
Ferrari pit tactics

20th March 2016, 12:09
It was pretty much a "Donkey Free" race.

My award goes to whoever designed the doctors helmet. I instantly thought I was watching the re-incarnation of The Great Gazoo of Flintstones fame...

20th March 2016, 15:31
Hard to pick one really. Most of the race was fairly clean, with a couple racing incidents but no real donkey. Listening to Max cry on the radio was fun, but he was obviously frustrated.

I guess I'd have to say Ferrari strategy. I'm not sure why they waited for Mercedes to blink first, which hurt both drivers. Combined with the tire choice, they were almost lucky to finish where they did.

20th March 2016, 15:40
My Donkey: F1 - even an unpredictable race can produce no other winner than Mercedes. If anyone, ever, whines about 'Red Bull four years dominance' again, I'll smack him upside the head and make him watch the 2014 and 2015 seasons in their entirety.

Of course that wouldn't work with a Hamilton fanboi, he would just start doing something naughty down the front of his britches...

The Black Knight
21st March 2016, 08:23
I don't know who to nominate now that Maldonkeyado is gone.

I guess I'll go for Ferrari for having Kimi's car break down again. Toro Rosso for botching Max's pit stop.

Donkey of the year has been sorted already and that goes to F1 bosses for the new qualifying format which resulted in the exact farce that the Engineers predicted. They never thought about the detail, the absolute morons. A few minor changes to the rules would have resulted in Ferrari having to put Vettel out again and some sort of a show down. F1 truly does lack direction. The sooner Bernie goes the better.

21st March 2016, 13:59
Donkey of the year has been sorted already and that goes to F1 bosses for the new qualifying format which resulted in the exact farce that the Engineers predicted. They never thought about the detail, the absolute morons.

Can you believe that I clean forgot about this as a donkey candidate. I have the attention span of a gnat.

That qualifying change was without doubt the biggest donkey move in F1 since the introduction of KERS, the DRS, rev limits lower than a road going sports car, fuel limits and V6 engines. Hopeless.

21st March 2016, 16:47
I haven't had time to read about the cause yet, but I'm going with Lewis for donking the start.

The FIA and the teams that voted for the change in qualifying are certainly the donkeys of the weekend. The rumors of Zak Brown being Bernie's successor are picking up again. I think it's time. And while we're at it, Jean Todt is an even bigger goof than Bernie, IMO. When is his term up?

21st March 2016, 23:22
Donkey of the year has been sorted already and that goes to F1 bosses for the new qualifying format which resulted in the exact farce that the Engineers predicted. They never thought about the detail, the absolute morons. A few minor changes to the rules would have resulted in Ferrari having to put Vettel out again and some sort of a show down. F1 truly does lack direction. The sooner Bernie goes the better.

I read a quote from , I believe , Horner , who said they only had two choices , the stupid idea we got , and a reverse grid thing .
He said they picked the least worst idea , being the old way wasn't on offer .

22nd March 2016, 03:02
I want to say Max for being such a snivel-butt, however he drove a decent race and was just a bit unlucky!

30th March 2016, 03:52
I miss Pastor. Without his inane driving it is far to quiet in F1.

Ferrari have to get the donkey jacket, why oh why did they insist on staying away from the medium tyres? I found Arrivabene's comments after the race quite bizzare, he was asked if the team had made a mistake - the only answer was "yes we did", but he firstly refused to blame the team, or the red flag for interrupting their strategy, then blamed the red flag anyway - confusing.

Max gets close. He is a great prospect and future champion, but his moaning and swearing about Carlos in front of him was pathetic. We all remember his tantrum last season when he was asked to move aside and let Carlos through. He is starting to look like a spoiled brat - he has too much talent for this nonsense and needs a good slap around the ears from the team.

As to the Alonso incident - more bad luck than anything else. It appeared that Fred had dummied to the inside, expecting Guitirrez to block, then he aimed for the out side line, Guitierrez seemed to see the move to his right, and was giving up the place, by moving left. Oops!

30th March 2016, 05:59
Interesting that many people seem to be struggling to find a donkey of the race in the absence of Pastor Maldonado. Oh Well...

My vote: Bernie. Partly for still insisting on a quali system that optimizes for randomness over a fair result, and partly for trash-talking the sport to the press. The race itself was pretty damn good; one of the best races for quite a while and portends well for an exciting, competitive season. For a change. No reason to be constantly screwing around with the goddamn rules.

30th March 2016, 06:10
Update: see this to get an idea of the sort of damage that Bernie is doing/has done to the sport:


"James Hunt's short but epic life -- the British racing driver died of a heart attack in 1993 aged 45 -- is a million miles away from the modern image of Formula One which even its boss Bernie Ecclestone thinks is a bit boring.
Speaking in February, the F1 supremo said the sport is "the worst it has ever been" and that he wouldn't pay to take his own family to watch a race."

This, appearing now as one of the very few times F1 even gets a mention by a major news network in one of the world's largest sports entertainment markets. I can't even describe how much this pisses me off. The man is a disgrace.