View Full Version : Donnelly joins Reid Motorsport team

26th April 2007, 14:04
Tarmac champion Eugene Donnelly teams up with Reid Motorsport ......


26th April 2007, 15:16
Its Kinda sad to see Donnelly Motorsport gone its exactely whats said on that page they were on such a small budget and achieved great things lets see what can be achieved now Long live the Donnelly's,
But still this gives Eugene a great oppertunity that he really deserves, I bet the Impreza will look awesome in the Reid Motorsport colours cant wait to see it in Killarney. Hope this change in tyres wont effect eugene to much and he can prove it was'nt an advantage he had useing kumho tyres, it should be an intresting rally in killarney.

26th April 2007, 15:37
The tyre change will certainly be interesting.Nice to see Genie getting more support.

26th April 2007, 20:36
I would hope that all his sponsors he has **** on after them supporting him for many years will all join up and support someone else inc Kumho.

26th April 2007, 22:31
I would hope that all his sponsors he has **** on after them supporting him for many years will all join up and support someone else inc Kumho.

Are you giving out to donnelly for takeing his oppertunity anyone would take this oppertunity, everyone moves on but i do hope all his sponsers back someone else like
KRIS MEEKE would love to see it

26th April 2007, 23:48
yeh me 2

29th April 2007, 05:21
I'm sure that everything will be well above board as far as the changes are concerned. I very much doubt that the Donnelly's would deal with this in any other way...

30th April 2007, 21:48
surely his sponsors will continue sponsoring him or is he in a pully paid drive now?

Think that the comment about ****ting on his sponsors is one of the most ignorant and arrogant things I have ever seen on a forum. Suspect he will have discussed this with his sponsors and a good number of other people before commiting

30th April 2007, 23:12
Well you cant have read the press release very well as the simple fact is he HAS **** on his long term sponsors of many years and joined the Reid team!!!

cut the b.s.
30th April 2007, 23:47
Well you cant have read the press release very well as the simple fact is he HAS **** on his long term sponsors of many years and joined the Reid team!!!

can you link us to the press release where you read this please?

1st May 2007, 15:11
On a sadder note the Donnelly brothers will be losing long time sponsors, some of whom they have been working with for many years like Kumho Tyres, Modern Tyre Services, Esker Bus & Coach, KVC Manufacturing Ltd and Shanette Shed Centre, all of whom have provided financial support and assistance over the years resulting in many rally and championship wins which was and is very much appreciated. Also we would like to thank all our tried and trusted fans for there continued support and encouragement over the years and ask them "to continue by putting all that belief and energy behind us as we move forward to a new era and look forward to a long and successful winning relationship with the Reid Motorsport Team."

Last paragraph of the press release that is on teh front page of donnelly motorsport and ried motorsport websites.

Judging from the release I would say that I read it pretty well and stand by my earlier comments with one minor amendment. Insert the word stupid just prior to "ignorant and arrogant"

1st May 2007, 17:38
Last paragraph of the press release that is on teh front page of donnelly motorsport and ried motorsport websites.

Judging from the release I would say that I read it pretty well and stand by my earlier comments with one minor amendment. Insert the word stupid just prior to "ignorant and arrogant"

its true he thanked his sponsors, and of course he would have talked with them its ver ignorant what was said

1st May 2007, 21:23
so he thanked his sponsors big deal..

He still basically tolfd them I dont need you now I have something better....the £££££ dazzled him.

Oh and one other point say what I think is neither stupid ignorant arrogant I think to people on here that are those!!!!!

cut the b.s.
1st May 2007, 22:35
Oh and one other point say what I think is neither stupid ignorant arrogant I think to people on here that are those!!!!!

can anyone translate this please, I recognise the words but cant make any sense of them :-/

1st May 2007, 22:56
It should say.............

Oh and one other point. In saying what I think DOES'NT MAKE ME 'stupid ignorant OR arrogant' but there is people on here that are those!!!!!

2nd May 2007, 00:09
I never realised until 2nite that Reid Transport are actually one of Eugene and Paul's sponsors for this year - pride of place on both front wings.

Does anyone actually know what deals the teams had with their long-term sponsors this year and what "buy out" clauses there may have been or even if he had sufficient sponsorship for the whole year....

....unless anyone has this knowledge is it fair to make some of the comments that have been made above... Only the team, their sponsors and the Reid Transport team will know all the information on this....

farquar wrc
2nd May 2007, 10:10
From what i heard,Jones was about to get his marching orders,he was nowhere near the pace the Reid boys had hoped for,the Focus WRC was actually offered to an other driver after the Easter Stages,but he turned them down,but said if they would change the Focus for a newer Subaru,then he would be interested,and as he left it the Reid boys were considering it,next thing he knows,Donnelly has signed,as it has already been said,there is no way the Donnelly's have s*** on there sponsers,his car or himself is suppost to still carry some of his old sponsers

2nd May 2007, 15:15
New press release on http://www.reidmotorsport.com/news_detail.asp?id=16&area=1&aName= about the deal