View Full Version : Stewart likens NA$CAR to Wrestling !!!

25th April 2007, 20:48
Tony Stewart likened NA$CAR to professional wrestling and accused it of using bogus caution flags to shape races in biting comments on his radio show.

The article appears on todays web site @ Fox Sports-NASCAR....

Tony Stewart... " I guess NA$CAR thinks... 'Hey wrestling worked, and it was for the most part, staged, so I guess it's going to work in racing too.

I can't understand how long the fans are going to let NA$CAR treat them like they're stupid, before the fans finally turn on NA$CAR !'

I don't think they have run a fair race all year."

:p : Hhmmmm... I bet they are NOT happy @ NA$CAR's boardroom.... today.

25th April 2007, 21:20
Tony to the big red truck...

25th April 2007, 21:37
Tony to the big red truck...

Oh yeah! I don't think they can fine him for what he said, but they're going to have a looong talk.

If Nascar was smart they would have another table, near that table they have in tech where they line up all the illegal parts for drivers and crew to see. On this table would have sections labeled: 1st caution, 2nd caution, etc. On the obvious stuff they just need to post a note "Go see cars A, B & C". On the not so obvious stuff the debris picked up is there, and on the suspiciously driver caused ones; the glove, or roll bar padding is in a sealed evidence bag marked to go for DNA lab testing. Doing this would remove the suspicion that Nascar throws cautions for drama and drivers do when they need service or are about to go a lap down.

25th April 2007, 21:39
:dozey: This could get UGLY... fast !!!

Tony says what the press has been printing but...

Tony's an "insider" and his voice carries a message to the fans...

that has to scare NA$CAR's owners & top executves!!!

Tony really questions the credibility of NA$CAR...

25th April 2007, 21:50
Mwhahahahaa! Go get'em Smoke! :D

Link: http://www.nascar.com/2007/news/headlines/cup/04/25/tstewart.radio.show.ap/index.html

25th April 2007, 21:51

:p :

25th April 2007, 23:33


pauli heinonen
25th April 2007, 23:45
tony funy guy nasacars perfct unles he ressler fan an think it mean nasacar is do good he is jokeing or he dum in head i think so that nasacars good.

Hoss Ghoul
26th April 2007, 00:03
Glad that Stewart said this, now maybe more drivers will speak up. The BS cautions are getting ridiculous, I don't think it is as bad as some conspiracy theorists believe, but with just 1 or 2 shadey yellow flags it casts doubt on every call they make.

Get your s___ together NASCAR and keep everything above board and let the racers settle it on the track.

26th April 2007, 00:50
;) ESPN just replayed Tony's broadcast. The ESPN commentators agreed with Tony... the NA$CAR debris flags are out of control !

:dozey: Some NA$CAR Stooge tried to explain it away, saying...

NA$CAR only throws the yellow flag when debris is on the track and it's...

" Strictly for Safety ".

The ESPN guys almost fell out of their chairs, laughing.

Everyone is waiting for NA$CAR's official response, Tony's broadcast was aired yesterday, Tuesday night. So far, no official comments from NA$CAR.

Lee Roy
26th April 2007, 03:36
NASCAR really needs to address this percerption that people have.

26th April 2007, 03:44
Tony has every right to express himself,if he feels that Nascar is effing up then he has to say something about it.Nascar cant say much about it because they do not have a policy in place like the NBA and NFL for critical remarks about the management.I do wonder had it been anyone else though,say one of the Busch brothers,would it have made a big deal?

26th April 2007, 04:13
;) ESPN just replayed Tony's broadcast. The ESPN commentators agreed with Tony... the NA$CAR debris flags are out of control !

:dozey: Some NA$CAR Stooge tried to explain it away, saying...

NA$CAR only throws the yellow flag when debris is on the track and it's...

" Strictly for Safety ".

The ESPN guys almost fell out of their chairs, laughing.

Everyone is waiting for NA$CAR's official response, Tony's broadcast was aired yesterday, Tuesday night. So far, no official comments from NA$CAR.

Too funny. NASCAR must think we're all stupid. When even the booth guys feel the need to state that they'll show the debris when they can find it you have to know there's a problem. How hard is it for one of those several cameras at the track to follow the clean-up crew to see where they stop and what they pick up?

Tony will definitely be warming the seat of his personalized chair in the Phone Booth this weekend. :D

26th April 2007, 04:17
Is this really much of a surprise that someone would come out about this? Not at all. We watch the races and we know that they throw many bogus cautions for no reason at all.

26th April 2007, 04:29
Does anyone who is a serious NASCAR fan, give any credit to Tony Stewart when he has been in the mood he is in? how anyone complains about Gordon's whining is beyond me...

26th April 2007, 06:42
Does anyone who is a serious NASCAR fan, give any credit to Tony Stewart when he has been in the mood he is in?

Probably, when those same fans share Tony's opinion about bogus yellows...

26th April 2007, 13:16
I wouldn't want to be Zippy & try to get the 20 car through inspection this week ! :eek:

26th April 2007, 18:34
All this argument about Tony just proves my point,had it been anyone else this would not be news,at least not to the extent its playing out.

26th April 2007, 18:45
You all realize had this been one of the Busch brothers that said this, we’d all be ripping him?

26th April 2007, 18:49
Tony is fearsome talented driver but we have often seen comments,which are not that clever.But I personally like that type personalities. Not like these F1 dulls. You should think difficulties for those various Nascar observers to figure out quickly if these debris are nothing or lifethreating. Just look how quickly a Nascar car having flat tire hits the wall. Now you as Nascar official have to make the decision very,very quickly what to call. I would go safe side. What about you?

26th April 2007, 18:51
You all realize had this been one of the Busch brothers that said this, we’d all be ripping him?

I wouldn't. :) At least I hope so. :p :

At least it's good that some insider said it out loud.

26th April 2007, 18:59
I wouldn't want to be Zippy & try to get the 20 car through inspection this week ! :eek:

Boy! Isn't that the truth. Yikes! :eek:

26th April 2007, 19:28
There have been several cases where they haven't even sent the trucks on the track to pick the debris up. Or I really haven't noticed them or they have done their work so quickly and left before Dale Jr passes them. ;)

The thing with safety is that they can always hide behind it, but then they should also go and pick it up and resume the race as soon as possible, not wait until DW comes back from toilet. And what's with that pits closed-pits open thingy? Sure I see, makes the pit crews work to gain places and everything, but it's not even close to a green flag pitstop - if something goes bust under green, the time loss is much bigger, caution gives a soft silky cushion to fall back on.

26th April 2007, 20:35
this isn't really new ground is it?? Indy Car (both varieties) has been known to do this as well and I witnessed it at a particularly boring BTCC race at Brands Hatch back in the late 90's- the race was a yawn and they bunched up the field behind a suspect pace car period and made it an interesting race again...

that said Pheonix did seem a little OTT especially when the TV crew couldn't actually see the debris..on the other hand NASCAR could argue that they would rather be over cautious than leave something that could cause a big accident (especially at the faster tracks)

it's errm Talladega this week?? well any caution flags will likely be as a result of a big wreck anyway so we shouldn't see many debris cautions- is this a COT event??

27th April 2007, 06:06
I wouldn't want to be Zippy & try to get the 20 car through inspection this week ! :eek:

I know some of those inspectors are not the sharpest pencils in the group. But I would be worried about the #20 car not passing inspection at Charlotte for the 600. :eek:

27th April 2007, 13:11
Nascar has been using debris yellows for years to bunch the field and improve the "show"

I do believe that Nascar uses the "call" to help selected teams run up front. They can't pick the winner, but they can help some run up front - keep sponsors happy and spread the wealth - tv exposure - around.

These guys make more money selling t- shirts and simulated leather jackets in the parking lot than they do on the race track - so it's all about the show and getting in on the pay out from the cash cow. It is the WWF on wheels and gasoline.

27th April 2007, 21:37
I know some of those inspectors are not the sharpest pencils in the group. But I would be worried about the #20 car not passing inspection at Charlotte for the 600. :eek:

;) Friday morning @ Talladega: NA$CAR wouldn't let Gibbs unload the # 20 from the trailer until after Stewart was summoned to a 6:00 am meeting and then came out to a prepared press conference.

Stewart now sez... he was told that NA$CAR ONLY throws the debis caution flag when debri is on the track... and Tont believes them. :p :

:dozey: NA$CAR is playing the " SAFETY CARD "... but I don't think this issue will go away as quickly as NA$CAR would like.

28th April 2007, 05:34
I dont have the link but Nascar did fine Tony $10,000 for basically his not showing up for the after race interviews with the press,Felix Sabates wants him out for the year,Jeffypoo wants him suspended bnut likes that Tony has character enough to speak his mind.