View Full Version : I Want A Plastic Bag!

25th April 2007, 18:45
I want a plastic bag bag. I really do. I've bored my other half about them for ages.

For the non-fashionistas among you its this summers MUST have bag. Everyone who's anyone has one, and the best thing about it, they were available in Sainsbury's for just £5. Trouble is, they were sending only 30 bags to a number of selected stores across the country.

I was all prepared, I got to the store at 7.15 and joined the queue for when they went on sale at 8am. When it came to giving tickets out for the 30 bags available, I ended up being number 32. :bigcry: :bigcry: :bigcry:

I get home tonight and to rub salt in the wound there are pictures of people lucky enough to get the bag splashed across the front page. Turns out people across the country started queueing as early as 4.30am.

It was also blatently obvious that the men in the queue, that had been dragged there at some stupid time by their girlfriends only took at ticket becuase they know they can sell them on ebay for as much as £100.

Am I just a complete saddo really REALLY really wanting one or just stupid for not getting up early enough and being dedicated enough to either fashion or making a quick buck?

25th April 2007, 19:05
For 50 pounds, i can send you an Alko plastic bag, they're all the rage here. :)

25th April 2007, 19:19
Ummm No I think i'll pass Janneppi. :p

I forgot to say the bag is supposed to be ethical and environmentally friendly.

I looked them up on ebay, just to make myself more miserable about missing out, and there are now over 800 of them listed, while there were only about 10 listed before today.

25th April 2007, 20:19
:eek: crikey going for over 100 quid on ebay

25th April 2007, 20:27
It's not very "eco" to ship canvas bags from china is it, my Alko bag is propably more eco friendly. :)

Ian McC
25th April 2007, 22:15
I want a plastic bag bag. I really do. I've bored my other half about them for ages

You're easily pleased! :p :

26th April 2007, 08:19
I want a plastic bag bag. I really do. I've bored my other half about them for ages.

For the non-fashionistas among you its this summers MUST have bag. Everyone who's anyone has one, and the best thing about it, they were available in Sainsbury's for just £5. Trouble is, they were sending only 30 bags to a number of selected stores across the country.

I was all prepared, I got to the store at 7.15 and joined the queue for when they went on sale at 8am. When it came to giving tickets out for the 30 bags available, I ended up being number 32. :bigcry: :bigcry: :bigcry:

I get home tonight and to rub salt in the wound there are pictures of people lucky enough to get the bag splashed across the front page. Turns out people across the country started queueing as early as 4.30am.

It was also blatently obvious that the men in the queue, that had been dragged there at some stupid time by their girlfriends only took at ticket becuase they know they can sell them on ebay for as much as £100.

Am I just a complete saddo really REALLY really wanting one or just stupid for not getting up early enough and being dedicated enough to either fashion or making a quick buck?

If you want a plastic bag I could send you one, but it would cost a bit. Maybe not 50 quid, I'd say 45 at the most :D

Ha! I undercut you all!

26th April 2007, 09:44
Plastic bag? Eh? You mean the little bag that NA$CAR thinks is big debris?

Brown, Jon Brow
26th April 2007, 10:16
Working in a super market as I do, I have to say that customers get very strange when it comes to plastic bags.

I say - "would you like a plastic bag?"
Customer- " no, I'm in the car" :confused:
Customer- " can I have two so it's lighter" :\

Sometimes the stupidity continues.

I say - " would you like cash back? "


I say - "that £14.86 "

Customer - "£14.86! "

I say - " is there an echo in here" :o

So by all means grid girl. Get a bag.

26th April 2007, 13:31
Working in a super market as I do, I have to say that customers get very strange when it comes to plastic bags.

I say - "would you like a plastic bag?"
Customer- " no, I'm in the car" :confused:
Customer- " can I have two so it's lighter" :\

Sometimes the stupidity continues.

I say - " would you like cash back? "


I say - "that £14.86 "

Customer - "£14.86! "

I say - " is there an echo in here" :o

So by all means grid girl. Get a bag.

aahh that brings back memories from when i worked at the checkout at a supermarket. like the time a customer approached with some groceries and i said "hello sir how are you today" and he said "shut up you c*#t"... so i called store security and had the prick kicked out :p :

never mess with the check out boys!!!

26th April 2007, 15:49
Customer- " can I have two so it's lighter" :\

Well, if s/he has two bags instead of one then obviously each bag would be lighter and overall it would be lighter for him/her to carry them because s/he would carry one bag in one hand and the other one in the other hand.

Brown, Jon Brow
26th April 2007, 16:46
Quiet YOU ! :mad:

Azumanga Davo
26th April 2007, 16:47
Think we found your silly customer, John... ;)

26th April 2007, 16:56
And he cant spell his name right :laugh: :D

Brown, Jon Brow
26th April 2007, 17:05
EH?? :confused: :dozey:

:s mokin:

26th April 2007, 18:29
Technically its not a plastic bag, its made out of cotton and has the words I'm not a plastic bag written on it. :p

There are now over 1000 of them listed on ebay, and its really pushed the price down. Hopefully I might be able to get one for as little as £30, not bag compared to the £207 I saw one go for last week.

I do agree that shopper's are mad. Queueing at 4.30am is a tad excessive, I thought I was being quite sad going along at 7.15. :s

26th April 2007, 18:33
How much would you be willing to fork out for a white canvas bag with "i'm not the "i'm not a canvas bag"" written on it? :p :

oily oaf
26th April 2007, 18:37
A London radio phone-in had this topic on the agenda today and to my utter amazement one woman described how obtaining one of these deeply uninspiring and dowdy objects was one of the highlights of her entire life and droned on in almost orgasmic terms about her feelings of estacy as she took possesion of her prize.
Yet another rather odd lady bemoaned the fact that she had narrowly missed out on her objective and had "cried all day" due to her misfortune. :eek:

Don't get me wrong ladies, I love you all more than you'll ever know but I will never, EVER, understand you :D

Dave B
27th April 2007, 11:35
It's a bag.

Erm, that probably is as much as I can be arsed to say about the non-story of the year. Are the people buying these the same people who are phoning GMTV quiz lines? :confused:

Good publicity, however, for a supermarket chain that has thus far done bog-all to rival Tesco's green clubcard points for bag re-use.

27th April 2007, 12:31
you know you can buy canvas bags here in our supermarkets instead of plastic bags for $1... and they fit about 4 plastic bags worth of stock...

27th April 2007, 15:14
The fuss about these ordinary looking bags is the last evidence we 're living in a crazy world.

28th April 2007, 20:44
You should all be going to Devon to do your shopping...


29th April 2007, 09:01
That's a bit far for me... :p :

Valve Bounce
29th April 2007, 11:47
I want a plastic bag bag. I really do. I've bored my other half about them for ages.

For the non-fashionistas among you its this summers MUST have bag. Everyone who's anyone has one, and the best thing about it, they were available in Sainsbury's for just £5. Trouble is, they were sending only 30 bags to a number of selected stores across the country.

I was all prepared, I got to the store at 7.15 and joined the queue for when they went on sale at 8am. When it came to giving tickets out for the 30 bags available, I ended up being number 32. :bigcry: :bigcry: :bigcry:

I get home tonight and to rub salt in the wound there are pictures of people lucky enough to get the bag splashed across the front page. Turns out people across the country started queueing as early as 4.30am.

It was also blatently obvious that the men in the queue, that had been dragged there at some stupid time by their girlfriends only took at ticket becuase they know they can sell them on ebay for as much as £100.

Am I just a complete saddo really REALLY really wanting one or just stupid for not getting up early enough and being dedicated enough to either fashion or making a quick buck?

Well, Galleries Lafayette has this beautiful orange bag with leather handles that would kill the Sainsbury's bag for dead. Cost me around 15 or so euros.
It really begs the question: who would want a sainsbury bag when they can have one from Galleries Lafayette?

Then, of course, if its only a shopping bag you are after, LEADER has a great bag for 1.5 euros, and Leader also has a magnificent Meiter Champagne going for around 11 euros - it's quite like Laurent Perier Champagne.

29th April 2007, 22:16
I managed to bag myself a bag on Saturday for the bargain price of £40.50. I picked it today. I am now happy. :D

29th April 2007, 23:00
£40.50 is a bargain? :eek: 40 pounds for a bag. :crazy:
But if you are happy then I am too. :)

29th April 2007, 23:22
This bag has been sold for over £200 and even now the average price of the bag is about £60, £40 was a bargain.

I would spent alot more on a bag, I could easily spend a small fortune on Radley bags if I allowed myself. Everyone has their vices, mine just happens to be shopping and chocolate.

Valve Bounce
30th April 2007, 05:04
I managed to bag myself a bag on Saturday for the bargain price of £40.50. I picked it today. I am now happy. :D

I don't believe I am reading this. :eek:

30th April 2007, 07:20
I managed to bag myself a bag on Saturday for the bargain price of £40.50. I picked it today. I am now happy. :D

I've got lots of bags around the place - most of them plastic, a few paper. I'll post them all to you for 35 quid. That would make me very happy :devil:

Valve Bounce
30th April 2007, 07:50
Let's face it - wandering into Harrods with a Sainsbury bag over your shoulder ain't going to place you very high on the chic stakes. With a Galleries Lafayette bag, now you've got something that sends out the right message: the discerning shopper. You can also tell them abbout the fabulous heritage dome there. http://www.galerieslafayette.com/international/goFolder.do?f=home_en&lang=en&fontLang=latin
There's a great cafe bar at the entrance to the Gourmet Food section which you can get two Long Black's (called Cafe Americano) for 4.3 euros.

30th April 2007, 08:02
This bag has been sold for over £200 and even now the average price of the bag is about £60, £40 was a bargain.

I would spent alot more on a bag, I could easily spend a small fortune on Radley bags if I allowed myself. Everyone has their vices, mine just happens to be shopping and chocolate.

You're right. :D With me, it's high heeled shoes I go crazy about. :crazy:

30th April 2007, 11:27
So lets get this right, it's called a 'Plastic Bag' because it isn't a plastic bag? :dozey:

I see you have one now :p

30th April 2007, 13:48
I already have three canvas shopping bags, purchased in Germany where they are pretty much de rigeur and no-one moans about having to pay a few cents for a plastic carrier if need be. The trouble is that I always forget to take one with me, hence my impressive collection of plastic bags.

30th April 2007, 18:30
Got to love the irony of this. The bags were supposedly created to save issuing placcy bags thus helping the environment. As a result lots of dippy people got in their cars, mpvs and 4*4s and made hundreds of needless journeys just to get hold of one of these bags thus creating far more C02 in the process than could ever possibly be saved by not issuing carrier bags. Serious own goal or invaluable publicity for Sainsbury's..you decide. Now if the bags had been by Mulberry than I know my missus would have had me visiting every Sainsbury's in the UK to get one...

1st May 2007, 08:48
Got to love the irony of this. The bags were supposedly created to save issuing placcy bags thus helping the environment.

Most (all?) supermarkets have been doing a "bag for life" thing for many years. But I suppose them costing 15p isn't fashionable ;)

1st May 2007, 08:52
I think the bag is emblazoned with the words I'm not a plastic bag. For those who can't easily tell. I really don't understand the craze at all, the bags are hideous, imho. :D

1st May 2007, 08:59

1st May 2007, 09:56
Hey thats my bag!!!!!! The poor thing was put on the grass without my knowledge, wasnt happy, it could have got dirty.

Anyway, I can fit loads of stuff in it and it made all the girls I work with jealous. I love it.

Valve Bounce
1st May 2007, 14:29
Would you guys like me to show you a pic of my Galleries Lafayette bag? Just send me a pm with your e-mail, as somehow my pic file is too large to be posted here :(