View Full Version : Alternative map of Europe

24th April 2007, 16:56
Some more stereotypes... a little more serious now though.
You know how generally it's believed that south-Europeans are more lively and warm and people in Nordic countries are like ice..
Some of you maybe also know the table which says if you are phlegmatic, melancholic, choleric or sanguine. It goes something like this:

| Phlegmatic Melancholic
| Sanguine Choleric

x-axis is general outlook on life
y-axis is outgoingness

Now, let's put this diagram on the map of Europe and what this makes...
People in northwestern Europe are phlegmatic... well, phlegmatic is considered to be quite slow, I don't know if people in places like Ireland, UK, France, Germany are slow, I think they aren't, but they seem a little serious(forumers excluded of course :D )
People in northeast part of Europe should be melancholic, looking out of the window I find it quite true..
People in southeastern part of Europe should be choleric. Balkan, Chechenia, middle east just next to them don't leave much room for doubting in my mind.
People in southwestern part of Europe should then be sanguine. I think it's quite true.

So...what's the point? Well, there isn't any, but isn't it pretty fascinating? And I know, there are loads of exceptions everywhere, and I have no idea where I should put Iceland. :D

24th April 2007, 22:50
and I have no idea where I should put Iceland. :D
Where does "Barking Mad" fall on the graph? :D

25th April 2007, 01:25
and I have no idea where I should put Iceland. :D

Top of the World,Of Course :D

25th April 2007, 05:19
Some more stereotypes... a little more serious now though.
You know how generally it's believed that south-Europeans are more lively and warm and people in Nordic countries are like ice..

That's the opposite of my experience. In my experience, the Scandinavian and Baltic people I've known have been very warm and friendly.

25th April 2007, 14:18
If you apply this graph to the whole world, then Australia which lies below the line means that I'm systematic, I'm hyrdomatic... I''m Grease Lightning!

Mark in Oshawa
28th April 2007, 22:30
I wonder us Canucks would end up. We are too damned modest as a society to brag about anything, usually are known by Americans for being "polite" and nothing else, and we have a massive inferiority complex at times. I shudder to think where we fit in.....

30th April 2007, 18:37
I dunno Mark. Let's head on down to Timmy's and discuss what we think our government should do about it eh?

30th April 2007, 19:13
I think Canada is cool. I'll definitely come one day. If for nothing else then just because Mark promised to buy me a :beer: :)