View Full Version : Ray's Friday Rant

29th January 2016, 10:57
A few people on here know me or of me, have done a few rallies over the years, just past 300 or so. Done everything from club level to WRC, even organised a few rallies and been an administrator of our great sport locally.

Well it's time for me to have a say about all the whingers.

We have people saying that guys like Ken Block, Robert Kubica and such are bad for our sport. That they are not competitive enough or whatever. Well I wreckon we need guys like this who can bring outsiders to our sport. We are in a situation where we are lacking mainstream coverage, we need to get coverage, we need to have the tail enders who are making up the numbers. We need to have the rich people who can buy the best cars and have youngsters in cheap cars cheering when they beat them.

Our sport is for everyone and for everyone to get what they want out of it. Every competitor has a goal, it may be to be less than 10secs per km slower than Ogier or to beat their personal best on a stage. Don't complain about them unless you can go out and try to do what they are doing. In this era of keyboard warriors who know more than the people who actually stump up their cash whether hard earned or not it's too easy to whine and complain about everything. Get out there and compete even if it's just at club level, you will gain more respect.

I enjoy putting back into the sport and am happy to answer questions on what you need to do to actually compete or even just to help out at a local event. I coach juniors locally and enjoy this, don't be afraid to ask for help if you are a newby.

Anyway we have to try and keep our sport alive, don't whinge about stuff get involved to help or improve.

Ray Baker

29th January 2016, 11:09
Well said Ray, we all need to consider what we can personally do to help grow rally - locally, nationally and internationally.