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22nd January 2016, 00:04
They say he is a different man going into this season with something to prove.

It would be nice if all these nobodies neverbeens prove the things they want to prove on time and not after they waste their chances.

22nd January 2016, 00:11
"They say he is a different man going into this season with something to prove.[/QUOTE]

I get that impression and I really think Evans will benefit from running in WRC2 this year. I would not be surprised at all if he wins rallys in the future.

To be fair, MW has made the best of a bad situation with regards to Tanak and Evans' (not so great) performances last year... He has replaced them with a safe banker (Mads) and a potential hot shot (Eric), whilst allowing Evans and Tanak to drive his cars, gaining experience and getting someone else to pay for it. If they start to shine then he can simply bring them back into the main team whenever he wants.

I know a lot of people moan that 'he's in it for the money' etc. etc. but, the championship is much better with his cars/ teams in it.

22nd January 2016, 00:16
R5 Evans beat the WRC's of Camilli and Tanak on SS2 .. bet that felt sweet !

They say he is a different man going into this season with something to prove.

I hope he will be indeed a 'different man' this year in WRC2. But it's early to judge, we'll see the reliability of the new Fiesta R5, but it won't be easy to beat the Skoda works cars for the championship anyway...

22nd January 2016, 00:19
Don't think we can make any conclusions based on these two stages..two scared drivers in the dark ;)

OK sure only 2 stages in the dark in new cars in lousy conditions in new season...

BUT WAIT! that seems to be enough to have hours of deep, meaningful discussion.

For example what color were Meeke's shoes?

And Paddon's?

Why it it so hush-hush about this? Lousy TV coverage of this is only getting worse!
And those commentators! GRRRRRRRRR! did you hear one word about any of the driver's OR co-driver's shoe color?

See? plenty to discussion, so YOU'RE WRONG!!!!:arrows:

22nd January 2016, 00:31
It would be nice if all these NOTbodies neverbeens prove the things they want to prove on time and not after they waste their chances.


22nd January 2016, 03:36
Paddon's time makes no sense, it's 10sec out surely, how can he make up that time between the last split and end in the slowest icey section with no studs
This is strange, but if I'm not mistaken it looks that Paddon had studs on the 2nd stage. Camilli was without though.

22nd January 2016, 09:02


22nd January 2016, 09:02
"They say he is a different man going into this season with something to prove.

I get that impression and I really think Evans will benefit from running in WRC2 this year. I would not be surprised at all if he wins rallys in the future.

To be fair, MW has made the best of a bad situation with regards to Tanak and Evans' (not so great) performances last year... He has replaced them with a safe banker (Mads) and a potential hot shot (Eric), whilst allowing Evans and Tanak to drive his cars, gaining experience and getting someone else to pay for it. If they start to shine then he can simply bring them back into the main team whenever he wants.

I know a lot of people moan that 'he's in it for the money' etc. etc. but, the championship is much better with his cars/ teams in it.[/QUOTE]

Yes Evans will probably win WRC 2 this year and everybody will be of the opinion that he should be in a WRC Rally car ...yet what people forget is the R5 car will do max speed of maybe 110 to 120 mph - it would probably only reach the 120 MPH downhill and the proper WRC car will do what 135 mph ??? anybody know for sure ? and Evans cannot do the top speed that is why he is not a top line driver - the same as alot of the others -and i have even heard his father say this a few years ago in a conversation that he was worried that he would not have the nerve for the high speed .

22nd January 2016, 09:10
Meeke's spin

22nd January 2016, 09:14

22nd January 2016, 09:44
Tyre Information:
VWs / Meeke / Hyundais / Camilli / Bouffier : 5 x Pilot Sport Super Soft 5c (SS5)
Lefebvre: 4 x SS5 + 2 studded
Ostberg: 5 Soft

22nd January 2016, 09:44
Good rally for everyone!


22nd January 2016, 09:54
Good Morning Everybody.

Let the battle begin !!!!!!!!

22nd January 2016, 09:54
Why is it spanish at the rallyradio?

Edit: why did my wrc-app changed to spanish?

22nd January 2016, 09:56
You can switch to english, click the flag. It is on now

22nd January 2016, 09:57
Why is it spanish at the rallyradio?

Edit: why did my wrc-app changed to spanish?

Click on the UK flag.

22nd January 2016, 10:07
1km of snow/ice in middle of SS3.

22nd January 2016, 10:15
Does rally radio work for you?

22nd January 2016, 10:17
Does rally radio work for you?

Perfect for me ! ( With Firefox )

22nd January 2016, 10:18
me too !

22nd January 2016, 10:21
Option in Spanish or English

22nd January 2016, 10:27
Latvala at the end of SS3 "Good. I'm happy with my time. Seb is very fast here. I'm not out to beat him. My target here is top five."

What happened to the plan of podiums? How he wants to fight for title with top5 finish?

22nd January 2016, 10:30
Latvala at the end of SS3 "Good. I'm happy with my time. Seb is very fast here. I'm not out to beat him. My target here is top five."

What happened to the plan of podiums? How he wants to fight for title with top5 finish?

wise move by Latvala if he aims the championship.

22nd January 2016, 10:31
Meeke only 0.9 sec slower as Ogier:)

22nd January 2016, 10:31
Neuville +10, reason: "chassis moving a lot"

22nd January 2016, 10:32
wise move by Latvala if he aims the championship.

Not so wise if the your main competition is Ogier.

Btw is wrc+ GPS tracking working for you guys?

22nd January 2016, 10:33
Latvala at the end of SS3 "Good. I'm happy with my time. Seb is very fast here. I'm not out to beat him. My target here is top five."

What happened to the plan of podiums? How he wants to fight for title with top5 finish?

I think he realizes that he has little to no chance at this year's RMC. The way Ogier, Meeke and Mikkelsen have started is just sublime, and he's been struggling a bit with his confidence since SS1 last night. The Monte has never really been kind to Latvala, either, which is why his 2nd place finish last year was so special.

I'd want him to push harder, though. Even a three-way fight for second between Meeke, Mikkelsen and Latvala could get really interesting (assuming Ogier grabs the lead from Meeke and doesn't look back).

22nd January 2016, 10:33
Not so wise if the your main competition is Ogier.

Btw is wrc+ GPS tracking working for you guys?

Fine for me?

22nd January 2016, 10:34
The gravel specialists are playing a wait and see game. Waiting for the asphalt specialists to hit ice and retire, so they driving at 90% can move up the leaderboard.

Monte gives them that opportunity!

22nd January 2016, 10:34
Kubica off

22nd January 2016, 10:35
Seems like Paddon has stopped in the stage.....

22nd January 2016, 10:35
Paddon stopped too, passed by Tanak in the stage

22nd January 2016, 10:35
Btw is wrc+ GPS tracking working for you guys?

Works fine for me, but WRC Radio doesn't... :p

22nd January 2016, 10:36
Kubica off

Really? What a surprise....

22nd January 2016, 10:36
There goes Kubica's rally career

22nd January 2016, 10:37
Fine for me?

For me the indicators are moving on the map, but on the driver's panel everyone is "not started".

22nd January 2016, 10:37
There goes Kubica's rally career

it was over for some time now.

22nd January 2016, 10:37
Btw is wrc+ GPS tracking working for you guys?

I cant get split times from wrc+:mad:

22nd January 2016, 10:38

22nd January 2016, 10:41
WRC+ on Chrome: everything working

22nd January 2016, 10:42
For me the indicators are moving on the map, but on the driver's panel everyone is "not started".

same for me and without split times too.
PS: I'm on Chrome too

22nd January 2016, 10:43
I cant get split times from wrc+:mad:

is your Adobe Flash updated??

22nd January 2016, 10:43
Kubica (https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xft1/v/t1.0-9/12541081_972721386133170_9194112449392983903_n.jpg ?oh=25dfa9969a5af48ba02164fc2826461b&oe=57049EB6&__gda__=1463576636_b4ff07cda785c39d6b845ceee51a3fd c) into a tree...

22nd January 2016, 10:45
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xft1/v/t1.0-9/12541081_972721386133170_9194112449392983903_n.jpg ?oh=25dfa9969a5af48ba02164fc2826461b&oe=57049EB6&__gda__=1463576636_b4ff07cda785c39d6b845ceee51a3fd c

22nd January 2016, 10:45
Kubica (https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xft1/v/t1.0-9/12541081_972721386133170_9194112449392983903_n.jpg ?oh=25dfa9969a5af48ba02164fc2826461b&oe=57049EB6&__gda__=1463576636_b4ff07cda785c39d6b845ceee51a3fd c)

lets hope he does not continue anymore with this joke.

22nd January 2016, 10:47
Really strange times from the new Hyundai at the moment as Sordo is slower than Mads and Thierry is also close to him and Ostberg is far from a tarmac specialist.

22nd January 2016, 10:48
The new Hyundai doesnt look good at the moment.

22nd January 2016, 10:51
I didn't catch what they said at the live radio but it looks like something happened to Sordo and that's why his time was bad. Above photo of a Hyundai with a bent wheel maybe supports that (if it wasn't paddon)

22nd January 2016, 10:51
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xft1/v/t1.0-9/12541081_972721386133170_9194112449392983903_n.jpg ?oh=25dfa9969a5af48ba02164fc2826461b&oe=57049EB6&__gda__=1463576636_b4ff07cda785c39d6b845ceee51a3fd c

Think that was the last time we saw him in international rallying. Wish him more luck in circuit racing, where maybe his handicap isn´t such a disadvantage for him.

22nd January 2016, 10:54
I didn't catch what they said at the live radio but it looks like something happened to Sordo and that's why his time was bad. Above photo of a Hyundai with a bent wheel maybe supports that (if it wasn't paddon)
Both Sordo and Neuville complaining about the car moving a lot, Sordo says he has no confidence. Above photo is Paddon after hitting a tree.

22nd January 2016, 10:54

22nd January 2016, 10:55
Think that was the last time we saw him in international rallying. Wish him more luck in circuit racing, where maybe his handicap isn´t such a disadvantage for him.

could you explain me how a handicap can be disadvantage?

anyway he should quit professional rallying

22nd January 2016, 10:55
Wish him more luck in circuit racing, where maybe his handicap isn´t such a disadvantage for him.

Perhaps, but he has previously stated (Rally Poland interview for instance) that he has a very difficult time mentally with circuit racing because he knows exactly where he does things differently now compared to before his accident. He had no real experience behind the wheel of a rally car before his accident, so in rallies he is able to live in blissful ignorance on that front, so to speak.

22nd January 2016, 10:55
is your Adobe Flash updated??

Yes, it did work yesterday, map still works but i cant get any split or stage times. Thanks anyway:)

22nd January 2016, 10:58
Car is just one meter from the road, yes? Infos about long way from the road are wrong I think


I'm not sure if BRC will be able to repair this car today

22nd January 2016, 11:00
lets hope he does not continue anymore with this joke.

Some guys simply are not smart enough, that MC can not be won after two-three stages. It is so simple rule, but for somebody so hard to understand.......if the circumstances require to drive 10-15 km/h, than for god sake drive this speed and not try with double the speed....

If this is a farewell Robert, than I wish you with all my heart more successful engagement in other discipline.....

22nd January 2016, 11:03
Good time by Camili here.

Evans is much faster than anyone in WRC2.

22nd January 2016, 11:05
Video of Kubica crash

22nd January 2016, 11:05
Good time by Camili here.

Evans is much faster than anyone in WRC2.

I do not think "good" means what you think it means

22nd January 2016, 11:05
Good time by Camili here.
Evans is much faster than anyone in WRC2.

Lacking of high class opponents in WRC2 for Evans to be honest. But very strong stage from routinier Armin Kremer again.

22nd January 2016, 11:06
Video Kubica Crash:


22nd January 2016, 11:08
could you explain me how a handicap can be disadvantage?

anyway he should quit professional rallying

Hi Paba - guessing English isn't your first language. The word 'handicap' has 2 meanings:
An artificial penalty applied to better performers in sport to produce an 'equal' contest (golf, horse racing etc.)
A synonym (not particularly PC) for a physical disability
So clearly a badly injured (i.e. actually non-existent) hand is a disadvantage which increases with the unpredictability of steering adjustment. So the OP was saying that circuit racing would involve less of a disadvantage than rallying for someone having a hand injury (or a prosthetic)

22nd January 2016, 11:09
I do not think "good" means what you think it means

Considering that it is his 3rd stage with a WRC car what would more you expect?

22nd January 2016, 11:11
Considering that it is his 3rd stage with a WRC car what would more you expect?

at least faster than Ostberg.

22nd January 2016, 11:14
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6nloDaSORI Paddon same place as RK

22nd January 2016, 11:16
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6nloDaSORI Paddon same place as RK

A bit unlucky and anyway a forgivable error for a kiwi.

22nd January 2016, 11:17
Neuville splits looking a bit better now.

22nd January 2016, 11:17
Fastest tome for Meeke in this one!!!

22nd January 2016, 11:18
Meeke 0,7s faster than Ogier

22nd January 2016, 11:23
Well looking how much faster the first 2 are than the remainder of the teams (VW cars included) it would seem we have a genuine fight going on. I am pleasingly surprised that Kris has found this pace - hopefully without being over his limit too much!

22nd January 2016, 11:25
I am pleasingly surprised that Kris has found this pace - hopefully without being over his limit too much!

My thoughts exactly. But this being Monte, I fear that one of them will end up kissing the mountain and cursing their luck.

22nd January 2016, 11:28
My thoughts exactly. But this being Monte, I fear that one of them will end up kissing the mountain and cursing their luck.

Let's guess who will be of the two...

22nd January 2016, 11:28
Camilli coming very good this stage.

22nd January 2016, 11:31
Camilli is on it.

22nd January 2016, 11:31
Sordo with a new car and Michelin tyres just 20 seconds away from Tänak. GoOtt! :p

22nd January 2016, 11:31

22nd January 2016, 11:33
Trivino from SS3

22nd January 2016, 11:35
Let's guess who will be of the two...

Well the obvious rally predictions have already happened by SS3 (JML hits stone, Kubi hits a tree) so perhaps we will now experience something unusual.
We could still have:
Thierry has a big roll
Ostberg - electrical problem
Bertelli - Mislaid his moisturising face balm

22nd January 2016, 11:36
3-rd fastest for Camilli now that's a very good time!
My bad it's 5-th fastest but nonetheless impressive

22nd January 2016, 11:37
3-rd fastest for Camilli now that's a very good time!

22nd January 2016, 11:41
Damn wrc.com shut down SS4 results as SS5 started...

22nd January 2016, 11:42
Did Camilli pip Lefebvre in overall?

22nd January 2016, 11:42
at least faster than Ostberg.

He is in SS4. Lets see if he can keep improving

22nd January 2016, 11:43
Are splits working for you guys and gals?

22nd January 2016, 11:44
Yes (for SS5)

22nd January 2016, 11:44
Are splits working for you guys and gals?

Perfectly working if Mikkelsen and Ostberg have found a way to be as fast as light.

22nd January 2016, 11:44
No, only for Ogier and JML.

22nd January 2016, 11:48
Meeke losing quite a lot now.

22nd January 2016, 11:50
Ogier goes into lead it seems

22nd January 2016, 11:51
Aw crap

22nd January 2016, 11:51
Only by 1.5 seconds though

22nd January 2016, 11:58
And Evans already in the lead in WRC2. Faster than Maurin by 21 s. on SS4. No competition for him.

22nd January 2016, 11:59
Come on Meeke..... Focus for all myths, religions, agnostics, atheists sake!!!

22nd January 2016, 12:00
what a stupid question by Colin Clark to Tänak, do they really think that the tyres are as good as michelins?

22nd January 2016, 12:00
The question is if Evans is in another league in RC2 or the Fiesta RS Evo is in another league compare to others R5 and all the guys who run to buy Skoda R5 have now second thoughts about it

22nd January 2016, 12:07
The question is if Evans is in another league in RC2 or the Fiesta RS Evo is in another league compare to others R5 and all the guys who run to buy Skoda R5 have now second thoughts about it


22nd January 2016, 12:08
The question is if Evans is in another league in RC2 or the Fiesta RS Evo is in another league compare to others R5 and all the guys who run to buy Skoda R5 have now second thoughts about it

This is the Monte, its the driver that makes the difference. Look at the difference between the Citroëns.
Look at Camilli, starting very carefully, now challenging Østberg. The car is the same.
Evans should win this Monte easily if he is as good as he says, and it looks very good. I think putting him in an R5 is the smartest thing Wilson has done in a long time (that and hiring Camilli), and it will light a needed fire in Evans body. He needs to be a little angry ;)

22nd January 2016, 12:09
The question is if Evans is in another league in RC2 or the Fiesta RS Evo is in another league compare to others R5 and all the guys who run to buy Skoda R5 have now second thoughts about it

Evans is doing well but there aren't many top draw WRC2 drivers here.. Lappi is the only one but he is out of road position so it is difficult to learn much from his times. I am again surprised by old man Kremer!

22nd January 2016, 12:09
The question is if Evans is in another league in RC2 or the Fiesta RS Evo is in another league compare to others R5 and all the guys who run to buy Skoda R5 have now second thoughts about it

This is a very good question but I think we will have an answer in some months and not in these days.

22nd January 2016, 12:10
Pleasantly surprised by Camilli so far.

22nd January 2016, 12:11
Nice to hear from Camilli at the stage ends. Seems like a good guy. I'm not about to start bowing at his feet like some but I'm really happy to see him right in the mix. So many people seemingly wishing a fresh WRC talent to fall flat on his face. Not sure how that's good for the sport - no matter what nationality you are?

22nd January 2016, 12:12
The question is if Evans is in another league in RC2 or the Fiesta RS Evo is in another league compare to others R5 and all the guys who run to buy Skoda R5 have now second thoughts about it
Or the fiesta of evans is a genuie factory-car, while all the others aren't.

22nd January 2016, 12:16
Nice to hear from Camilli at the stage ends. Seems like a good guy. I'm not about to start bowing at his feet like some but I'm really happy to see him right in the mix. So many people seemingly wishing a fresh WRC talent to fall flat on his face. Not sure how that's good for the sport - no matter what nationality you are?

yes, it is to soon to bow but he is doing very good so far.

22nd January 2016, 12:24
Are Lappi and Suninen just on an extended reccy of the event? Okay not really any fight for them to be in as they aren't registered for WRC2. But still expected more of their times. And Lappi might be the only guy who could put Elfyn's performance into some kind of perspective. WRC2 field is thinner in quality here than I first realised.

22nd January 2016, 12:25
Or the fiesta of evans is a genuie factory-car, while all the others aren't.

Well it is Lappi with the Skoda and even with the road position he is already 2:30 minutes behind after SS 4

22nd January 2016, 12:25
Are Lappi and Suninen just on an extended reccy of the event? Okay not really any fight for them to be in as they aren't registered for WRC2. But still expected more of their times. And Lappi might be the only guy who could put Elfyn's performance into some kind of perspective. WRC2 field is thinner in quality here than I first realised.

For sure. Their aim is to learn the stages for the future and to drive all of them. No Need to push and Crash for nothing.

22nd January 2016, 12:30
The question is if Evans is in another league in RC2 or the Fiesta RS Evo is in another league compare to others R5 and all the guys who run to buy Skoda R5 have now second thoughts about it

Does anybody know what tires the competitors are on in WRC 2? And I don`t mean tyre brand but studded, super softs or studdless and whatever options there are, Evans is much faster so he could be on completely different tyres than the others? Or he is just much faster :)

22nd January 2016, 12:47
Nice to hear from Camilli at the stage ends. Seems like a good guy. I'm not about to start bowing at his feet like some but I'm really happy to see him right in the mix. So many people seemingly wishing a fresh WRC talent to fall flat on his face. Not sure how that's good for the sport - no matter what nationality you are?

Completely agree with You. Even if he shows great promise (I personally have a great belief in him from what I have seen so far) Its early days for Camilli, and two good stages doesn't do a career. But the WRC needs new faces, even if its another "Frog" ;)
I also think people are way too hard on Kubica. He tries his best, and he ads colour to the championship. Would much rather have him in rallying than circuit racing (but would even more have him adjusting his driving style a little, but thats another story).

22nd January 2016, 13:04
Does anybody know what tires the competitors are on in WRC 2? And I don`t mean tyre brand but studded, super softs or studdless and whatever options there are, Evans is much faster so he could be on completely different tyres than the others? Or he is just much faster :)

I have seen this info in the morning. I will try to find out and post it.

That's all they shared

MICHELIN Motorsport ‏@michelin_sport 3h3 hours ago
#tyre information - WRC2
Evans: 5 soft
Bonato/Maurin: 5 SS5 + 2 studded #RallyeMonteCarlo

22nd January 2016, 13:05
Completely agree with You. Even if he shows great promise (I personally have a great belief in him from what I have seen so far) Its early days for Camilli, and two good stages doesn't do a career. But the WRC needs new faces, even if its another "Frog" ;)
I also think people are way too hard on Kubica. He tries his best, and he ads colour to the championship. Would much rather have him in rallying than circuit racing (but would even more have him adjusting his driving style a little, but thats another story).

I think that the point for Camilli is not his times today but the performance of last rallys of the year compared to the firsts ones

22nd January 2016, 13:12
Think that was the last time we saw him in international rallying. Wish him more luck in circuit racing, where maybe his handicap isn´t such a disadvantage for him.
Don't worry. He has at least two more days/chanses to retire on this rally if he doesn't bend it too badly.

22nd January 2016, 13:14
I think that the point for Camilli is not his times today but the performance of last rallys of the year compared to the firsts ones

Absolutely, we need to see steady progression, especially on gravel.

I am not 100% sure yet, but he could be a natural "nose end first" driver, and if he is he could go a very long way in a short time. But there are to many unanswered questions yet to say anything final, but I find this very exciting!

SS4, with a much worse starting position than Mads, and he also with a new co driver, and off course only his 4th stage in a WRC car ever, he beats the nr1 driver in the team. This is off course very impressive, also with his follow up on the next stage, but if he crashes on SS7 we are back to the start ;) But he ads huge excitement in the championship :) For me, I try to keep the enthusiasts wish for a new star at bay in analysing him, but its not easy to put Your feelings at bay when one are rally-mad, hehe ;)

22nd January 2016, 13:17
Are the Skoda R5's still the cars to beat in the WRC2 class? Or should we wait until the gravel stages this season?

22nd January 2016, 13:27
Are the Skoda R5's still the cars to beat in the WRC2 class? Or should we wait until the gravel stages this season?

Of course we have to wait. You can not say anything before Rally de Portugal, when all the best drivers and cars are competing in the WRC2 at the same time...

22nd January 2016, 14:06
Sort of blows ostbergs excuse of being slow down to new car and co driver. When camilli with much less experience of the rally only 30 seconds of him and faces the same new car/co driver scenario.

22nd January 2016, 14:20
Different camera of Paddon
and Kubica

22nd January 2016, 14:22
i was at work today,so just saw the times at stages,and read the posts here.Camilli nice surprise.Paddon just unlucky.
Surprised about Meeke too! Nice!


22nd January 2016, 14:22
Camilli is already 28 and i doubt many people can pull a Gronholm anymore, he is competing on home soil as well and he fights with Osteberg who is completely and utterly a joke on the surface.

If he is ahead by 1-2 mins by the end of the rally then we could start talking about a good performance.

22nd January 2016, 14:25
MICHELIN Motorsport ‏@michelin_sport 5 λεπτάΠριν από 5 λεπτά

#tyre information:
M-Sport/Hyundai: 5 Pilot Sport Soft 5 (S5)
Citroen: 5 SS5
Ogier: 4SS5 +1S5
Latvala: 4SS5 +2S5
Mikkelsen: 3SS5 +2S5 #wrc

22nd January 2016, 14:28


22nd January 2016, 14:32
Tempestini stucked at ss5


22nd January 2016, 14:39
i was at work today,so just saw the times at stages,and read the posts here.Camilli nice surprise.Paddon just unlucky.
Surprised about Meeke too! Nice!

The car looks more damaged than before and there are rumors that Evans was saved by Kubica's car here.

Rally Power
22nd January 2016, 14:44
Great to have WRC back! Amazing fight from Meeke. Hope he can put Ogier on pressure till the end. Evans flying, but big fight for WRC2 behind him. Also nice fights for WRC3 and even at Clio Cup! Latvala and the I20's on the down side.

Btw, the forum has been the best coverage!

22nd January 2016, 14:46
Different camera of Paddon
and Kubica

Why the right rear wheel of Kubica's car is out of place?

22nd January 2016, 14:51
Are the Skoda R5's still the cars to beat in the WRC2 class? Or should we wait until the gravel stages this season?

We have to wait, but I'm quite sure the Fabia is still the cat to beat. But even if the Fiesta would be marginally ahead now, as the Fabia was the later homologated car it will always Close the gap and be faster with the next update.

22nd January 2016, 14:51
Why the right rear wheel of Kubica's car is out of place?
some say ... that Evans hit Kubicas car

22nd January 2016, 14:52
Back on!

22nd January 2016, 14:55
I've heard that cars starting further back, bounced back from his Fiesta, instead of hitting the tree.

22nd January 2016, 14:57
Of course we have to wait. You can not say anything before Rally de Portugal, when all the best drivers and cars are competing in the WRC2 at the same time...
Well, quite good field in sweden too, just missing some useless french R5's on losse surfaces.

Fast Eddie WRC
22nd January 2016, 14:58
Might see some more incidents this afternoon with the road being dirtier after all the cars have been through once today.

Hope the top boys all stay on and keep it interesting...

22nd January 2016, 14:59
Lets hope Meeke keeps Seb honest here. Ogier doesnt seem as composed when pushed hard as Loeb did, and even this morning he was perhaps lucky to escape any real damage hitting that bridge.
I remember watching onboards from Ogier two years ago here in Monte, and he takes a lot of risks and has a lot more near misses (moments) compared to what youd see from Loeb, who was just unnaturally smooth all the time it seemed.

The problem the championship has had is that nobody has really been able to push Ogier hard in the last few years as Latvala has regressed since leaving Ford (imo). There was only really that spell a few years back when Jari had one run of good form towards the end of the season, and it appeared to "rattle" Seb and pushed him into mistakes in Germany and somewhere else iirc. So hopefully Meeke can keep up the pressure!

It's also worth remembering that the DS3 shouldn't be/isn't on a par with the VW or the new Hyundai. Both Meeke and Citreon have admitted that themselves but saying any real big developments on the car ceased 3-4yrs ago. So lovely driving by Meeke so far but he needs to keep his concentration up and his head clear

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk

Fast Eddie WRC
22nd January 2016, 15:00
Ogier a bit quicker than this morning.

Rally Power
22nd January 2016, 15:02
Nice to hear from Camilli at the stage ends. Seems like a good guy. I'm not about to start bowing at his feet like some but I'm really happy to see him right in the mix. So many people seemingly wishing a fresh WRC talent to fall flat on his face. Not sure how that's good for the sport - no matter what nationality you are?

Honestly I don't remember seeing anyone 'bowing at Camilli's feet', but it's true that some defended Wilson's choice and remark Camilli's driving potential (I hope those earlier shock waves about the french paying for the wheel should be now over)!

But there are other kids performing great, like Veiby, Berfa and Andolfi in WRC3 and many others (Suarez also not bad for a 1st MC) showing that WRC is in a real revival movement.

Fast Eddie WRC
22nd January 2016, 15:06
Sébastien Ogier ‏@SebOgier
"Conditions really similar to this morning. Not so much different, just a little bit more humidity and less ice, more dirt on the road"

22nd January 2016, 15:07

Fast Eddie WRC
22nd January 2016, 15:07
Meeke +3.5s :(

22nd January 2016, 15:09
Meeke +3.5s :(
Only +5.0 in general

Cmon Meeke Mouse... just do it

22nd January 2016, 15:12
Tanak stopped
and moving again

22nd January 2016, 15:16
Tänak slid off but back on the road again via @DMACK_Tyres

22nd January 2016, 15:18
can you listen wrc radio?

22nd January 2016, 15:18
The car looks more damaged than before and there are rumors that Evans was saved by Kubica's car here.


Fast Eddie WRC
22nd January 2016, 15:19
Evans vid clipping Kubica


22nd January 2016, 15:19
Camilli stopped

22nd January 2016, 15:19
can you listen wrc radio?

Yes works fine

22nd January 2016, 15:19
here you can see Evans crashing at Kubicas fiesta.

22nd January 2016, 15:20
can you listen wrc radio?

No, I find it too unbearable.

22nd January 2016, 15:20
and Brtelli stopped also on the same spot as Tänak was

22nd January 2016, 15:21
Well, quite good field in sweden too, just missing some useless french R5's on losse surfaces.

Yes, but you can not count Sweden, because it´s very special event just like Mexico and Argentina...

22nd January 2016, 15:24
Tanak rolled inside the stage and restart

22nd January 2016, 15:26
No, I find it too unbearable.

i was on mozilla and couldnt hear,i opened with chrome and is ok.

Fast Eddie WRC
22nd January 2016, 15:26
Camilli should have taken it more careful on that icy place that was well known.

22nd January 2016, 15:29
i was on mozilla and couldnt hear,i opened with chrome and is ok.

I meant: I get headache from inane primates of the WRC radio, it is utter rubbish, not fit for human consumption.

22nd January 2016, 15:29
i was on mozilla and couldnt hear,i opened with chrome and is ok.

I'm with Mozilla too and it was same for me this morning but I saw that the plug in Adobe Flash was blocked by firefox. I start it again and it working now perfectly

22nd January 2016, 15:30
The car looks more damaged than before and there are rumors that Evans was saved by Kubica's car here.

It's true..


22nd January 2016, 15:30

22nd January 2016, 15:31
M-Sport ‏@MSportLtd

Unfortunately, experience has played its part in SS6 as @EricCamilli is off the road. Both crew are okay but will go no further today #WRC

22nd January 2016, 15:34
ok cancel the stage, time for mama Prada to send the helicopter for her daughter... I mean look at all that snow she might catch a cold.

22nd January 2016, 15:38

22nd January 2016, 15:45

22nd January 2016, 15:46
Meeke faster at split1

22nd January 2016, 15:48

22nd January 2016, 15:49
Latvala -3.8 at 3rd split(maybe problem on Ogier?)

22nd January 2016, 15:50
Meeke still faster at split 2

22nd January 2016, 15:52

https://scontent-cdg2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtf1/v/t1.0-9/5457_1099282090090998_1006666545993647553_n.jpg?oh =caf06f99173263243041109f3bb3733b&oe=57003BE9

22nd January 2016, 15:53
Ogier almost 28 sec slower than ss4

22nd January 2016, 15:53
Ogier a lot slower than this morning...

22nd January 2016, 15:55
Ogier a lot slower than this morning...

Meeke 6 sec quicker at final split!

22nd January 2016, 15:58
I think Ogier was just overcautious maybe from the cuts the road was in bad condtion.

22nd January 2016, 15:59
Meeke leads once more by 0.8

22nd January 2016, 16:00
Super time for Meeke

22nd January 2016, 16:00
nice pace from Meeke till now! Hope he keeps it till the end.

22nd January 2016, 16:01
I really think not having the pressure of driving on a 12 month contract could be the best thing for Meeke. Hopefully, his performances will be good enough to persuade Citroen to do more rounds this year.

22nd January 2016, 16:03

22nd January 2016, 16:09

22nd January 2016, 16:12
I really think not having the pressure of driving on a 12 month contract could be the best thing for Meeke. Hopefully, his performances will be good enough to persuade Citroen to do more rounds this year.

Definitely. Not to mention that performances such as these would do wonders for his confidence when Citroën returns full-time in 2017.

22nd January 2016, 16:12
Fri 16:19 - SS7: Bouffier
He missed a junction and hit a tree - no serious damage. "It's a strong car"

Fri 16:16 - SS7: Tanak
49.4sec off the pace and his Fiesta is missing most of its rear spoiler. "We had a bit of a moment on the last one. It's fun out there..."

22nd January 2016, 16:12
who is in the last photo?

22nd January 2016, 16:13
who is in the last photo?

Lorenzo Bertelli

22nd January 2016, 16:13
I'm very happy to see meeke try to give ogier some pressure. I feel more of these drivers need to do it, especially those with the same car as ogier. Yes, i understand the need for a strategy adopted by a driver with the aim of becoming WDC at the end of the year, but it becomes a little bit unsettling when you look at how long some of same drivers have been in wrc at this level...some even longer than ogier.

i'm not sure if i can buy this logic from the seasoned drivers---you know the roads, you know the conditions, you have the experience, in some cases you have the same "best" car,....and apparently in some cases you use the same plan/approach that fails every year...i suppose its time to step up or really just be contented being runners up

for the new and newish wrc drivers like camili, paddon,etc i wish them well, as i'm sure they will have some crashes every now and then, but i want hope that they learn from them as progress

I hope meeke stays on the road till the end,,,at least he shows some fighting spirit from last year and does not seem too happy to settle for second place. That is the spirit of a champion there, regardless of the field/sport, you never feel comfortable until you are the pinnacle.

in some ways i suspect ogier is glad for a meeke too

22nd January 2016, 16:13

22nd January 2016, 16:14
Crashouts happen in a pattern in this rally so far and this pattern is simple - all FORD WRC's crash out one by one. Kubica, Bertelli, Camilli, Tanak (managed to get back). So next crashouts will be - Bouffier, Tanak again, an finaly Ostberg.

22nd January 2016, 16:16
Tänak slid off but back on the road again via @DMACK_Tyres

I see what you did not intentionally do there... very good.

22nd January 2016, 16:18
I see what you did not intentionally do there... very good.

Took a little while to get it but nice one :)

22nd January 2016, 16:18
I see what you did not intentionally do there... very good.


22nd January 2016, 16:19
That he went out via Dmack tyres

22nd January 2016, 16:19
stop of last stage for today


22nd January 2016, 16:19
Crashouts happen in a pattern in this rally so far and this pattern is simple - all FORD WRC's crash out one by one. Kubica, Bertelli, Camilli, Tanak (managed to get back). So next crashouts will be - Bouffier, Tanak again, an finaly Ostberg.

Bouffier hit a tree already. Not that I'm happy about.

22nd January 2016, 16:19
I see what you did not intentionally do there... very good.


22nd January 2016, 16:21
That he went out via Dmack tyres

ahahhaha now i got it.
Honestly i just copied it from twitter.

hahaha nice one noel!!!

22nd January 2016, 16:22
Someone lend some michelins for Tänak im really curious to see the difference :D

22nd January 2016, 16:23
Meeke faster at 1st split

22nd January 2016, 16:23
Someone lend some michelins for Tänak im really curious to see the difference :D

hahaha me too.

22nd January 2016, 16:23
Meeke has to increase the difference between him and Ogier, if it stays close, Ogier will beat him easily last day.

22nd January 2016, 16:24
@SLefebvreRallye took a 20s penalty after losing time while a setup change

22nd January 2016, 16:24
Someone lend some michelins for Tänak im really curious to see the difference :D

He'd be 2min 40sec faster.

22nd January 2016, 16:25
Ogier was a monster in second part of this stage

22nd January 2016, 16:28
Ogier 8 seconds slower than this morning.

22nd January 2016, 16:28
Meeke 10.4 slower

22nd January 2016, 16:31
Meeke 9.5 down after day 2. Mikelsen spun again

Tomorrow the monster stage will decide things early in the morning.

22nd January 2016, 16:34
Yep, I think the 55km x 2 will see how things shape up.

22nd January 2016, 16:34
Meeke Kris - Nagle Paul "There must me something in this stage that Seb knows! I think he lives about 3km from here, so I'm happy to give him this one. I have no answer to his time. Still a long way to go on this rally."

22nd January 2016, 16:36
Meeke Kris - Nagle Paul "There must me something in this stage that Seb knows! I think he lives about 3km from here, so I'm happy to give him this one. I have no answer to his time. Still a long way to go on this rally."

i like his honesty

22nd January 2016, 16:39
So, just finished last work stuff and packed up everything, soon I'm about to start a long journey that will bring me tomorrow at 12:00 at SS11 plus 13
Will be there on sunday too. Finger crossed they will survive first two stages tomorow, can't wait to see this piece of history for the first time!

Fast Eddie WRC
22nd January 2016, 16:40
Meeke still has a chance with just that small time gap. I think Ogier will still prefer the points for the Championship than risking them all for the win...

Go for it Kris !


22nd January 2016, 16:40

Photo credit please?

22nd January 2016, 16:42
Different camera of Paddon
and Kubica

Both of because too early entry (and maybe to high speed), typical Monte accidents. Very slow, but very painful - for the confidence, ego and result...

22nd January 2016, 16:43


22nd January 2016, 16:45
Photo credit please?

sorry i dont know.

SS8 Tänak:"On SS6,it happened after a high speed cut. I just lost the rear of the car. We spun,went into a ditch & rolled"


22nd January 2016, 16:47
Lets hope Meeke keeps Seb honest here. Ogier doesnt seem as composed when pushed hard as Loeb did, and even this morning he was perhaps lucky to escape any real damage hitting that bridge.
I remember watching onboards from Ogier two years ago here in Monte, and he takes a lot of risks and has a lot more near misses (moments) compared to what youd see from Loeb, who was just unnaturally smooth all the time it seemed.

The problem the championship has had is that nobody has really been able to push Ogier hard in the last few years as Latvala has regressed since leaving Ford (imo). There was only really that spell a few years back when Jari had one run of good form towards the end of the season, and it appeared to "rattle" Seb and pushed him into mistakes in Germany and somewhere else iirc. So hopefully Meeke can keep up the pressure!

It's also worth remembering that the DS3 shouldn't be/isn't on a par with the VW or the new Hyundai. Both Meeke and Citreon have admitted that themselves but saying any real big developments on the car ceased 3-4yrs ago. So lovely driving by Meeke so far but he needs to keep his concentration up and his head clear

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk

Ogier is not Loeb, You are completely right about that. So it would be very interesting to see how he table pressure over several events. He is much more emotional than Loeb, and is not so perfect in his driving style - could be exciting.

The DS3 WRC is a VERY good car, especially in these conditions, proven by both Loeb (last year) and Meeke (this year).

Fast Eddie WRC
22nd January 2016, 16:47
SS1 Onboards now on WRC+ incl. Meeke's spin ...

22nd January 2016, 16:51
Stéphane Lefebvre

I broke an anti-roll bar in the SS7 and a 20-sec penalty. I lost even more time in this stage as I went off into a field. #WRC #MonteCarlo

22nd January 2016, 16:52
So tomorrows stages are all dry ?

Fast Eddie WRC
22nd January 2016, 16:53
WRC ‏@OfficialWRC 4m4 minutes ago
SS7: Meeke snatches back Monte lead - http://bit.ly/1TcWqi6

What is the point of the WRC.com twitter feed ???

Fast Eddie WRC
22nd January 2016, 16:57

Silly boy, no excuse after the incidents there during the first run...

22nd January 2016, 16:57
Both of because too early entry (and maybe to high speed), typical Monte accidents. Very slow, but very painful - for the confidence, ego and result...

Reminds me of Breen at Jänner Rallye 2015 on first stage.

22nd January 2016, 17:12
Silly boy, no excuse after the incidents there during the first run...
Totally agree - to go off in this corner is not good.

22nd January 2016, 17:32
So tomorrows stages are all dry ?

No, with stages 10/12 probably the road with the most snow / ice in it.

22nd January 2016, 17:50

A ride on the #RallyeMonteCarlo :-) Orders have changed a little, but it's also nice !!


Arnold Triyudho Wardono
22nd January 2016, 17:52
SS1 Onboards now on WRC+ incl. Meeke's spin ...
And my free subscription is already over..

22nd January 2016, 17:52

Fast Eddie WRC
22nd January 2016, 18:00
Totally agree - to go off in this corner is not good.

The SS3/6 onboard of Ogier shows how slow and careful he was on this section ... Camilli should have been told not to try to push there.

On the first pass he was already straight on the gas, right after he saw Kubica off !

22nd January 2016, 18:10
close call for Lefebvre,but nice save.

22nd January 2016, 18:17

borl video

22nd January 2016, 18:19
DMACK Tyres ‏@DMACK_Tyres 34 sil y a 35 secondes Gap, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

The FIA have inspected the cage and repair work will begin soon.

22nd January 2016, 18:53
Now, for the past weather reported that during the night may be snowing. Road conditions does not yet know. It is a long damn the next stage is snowy share, so plenty of challenges, Latvala said.

22nd January 2016, 19:09
Both of because too early entry (and maybe to high speed), typical Monte accidents. Very slow, but very painful - for the confidence, ego and result...
You bet, he's very disappointed that it ended this way. They haven't decided yet whether they will restart tomorrow, but Robert looked very sad when explaining all the circumstances, so I'm not sure if he would have fun driving again.
Looks that Camilli's car is slowly moving now.

22nd January 2016, 19:30
WRC+ wasn't much to brag about this year so far, missing onboard (Non on Østberg or am i blind?) cracking sound or no sound on many drivers. Hopefully they managed to fix it for the 2nd loop today

22nd January 2016, 19:31
Stéphane Lefebvre ‏@SLefebvreRallye

Not my best memory of the day, but thank you @ALavadinho for this amazing picture #WRC #RallyeMonteCarlo #WorkHard


Bertelli will not start due to chassis damage.

22nd January 2016, 19:36
Camilli will not start due to roll cage damage.


22nd January 2016, 19:43

close call for Delecour

22nd January 2016, 20:03
will Kubica start ?

22nd January 2016, 20:12
will Kubica start ?

His car is on the way to service park and BRC said that they will do everything to repair it

22nd January 2016, 20:13

22nd January 2016, 20:19
Camilli will not start due to roll cage damage.


his early exit kind of reminds me of lukyanuk in a way though the former is in a wrc event, while the latter is in a test drive. They are given an opportunity, no need for anything impressive just yet, but they bin it.
i really hope he learns his lesson, yes i know he wants to badly impress and as i said beofre, they will be crashes, but really on specialised events like monte, sweden, mexico, there is no real need to got outside the comfort zone so much. I mean, even if he just drove reasonably, due to the high attrition rate he may get lucky and end up in the top 4 - 8 places anyways in monte.

hopefully it doesn't dampen his spirit too much and he bounces back and maybe someone speaks to him on his approach to the first few rallies in a new team with a new car
he needs to make the most of these chances. May be later in the season he can consider fighting for better places when the situation suits him

22nd January 2016, 20:20
Kubica off

from BRC fb site:
Robert Kubica è costretto al ritiro. I danni conseguenti all’incidente di questa mattina nella SS3 “Corps – La Salle en Beaumont” si sono rilevati più gravi del previsto. La vettura risulta seriamente danneggiata nella parte anteriore sinistra e la riparazione non è effettuabile nei tempi previsti dal regolamento.

22nd January 2016, 20:23
Kubica off

from BRC fb site:
Robert Kubica è costretto al ritiro. I danni conseguenti all’incidente di questa mattina nella SS3 “Corps – La Salle en Beaumont” si sono rilevati più gravi del previsto. La vettura risulta seriamente danneggiata nella parte anteriore sinistra e la riparazione non è effettuabile nei tempi previsti dal regolamento.


22nd January 2016, 20:26


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5Sy2st2uwA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e--QZwOY8lc)

22nd January 2016, 20:31
Camili off:

Curious that he can not drive tomorrow after that minor off

22nd January 2016, 20:32


22nd January 2016, 20:33
Maurin Close call:

22nd January 2016, 20:44
Camili off:

Curious that he can not drive tomorrow after that minor off
Yeah, it's a pity. For me it looked like he was rubbernecking.

22nd January 2016, 20:45
Maurin Close call:

watch where they have parked the cars/vans.....

22nd January 2016, 20:47
Camili off:

Curious that he can not drive tomorrow after that minor off

he is unlucky,the exit wasnt from pushing.

22nd January 2016, 20:50
Camili off:

Curious that he can not drive tomorrow after that minor off

very unlucky

22nd January 2016, 20:50


identical situation, ironically Tanak was lucky to have more speed and avoid that obstacle, more or less

22nd January 2016, 20:51
Camili off:

gravity has beaten the grip, unlucky Camilli....

22nd January 2016, 20:58

some small offs

Raux at same place as Tanak

22nd January 2016, 21:01
nice double jump

22nd January 2016, 21:04
Ogier in attack


22nd January 2016, 21:06
Camillis off was on the same place where the camper slid off? Look at the black lines. This is mistake in notes.