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oily oaf
23rd April 2007, 10:19
Are any of you Super Heroes with astonishing powers? I know I am.
I am finally lifting the lid on my alter ego as I've been coming in for some rather unwarranted and even salacious critism recently in this forum and I feel it's only fair to advise my tormentors. no names, no pack drill, Gannex, Mark In Location Doubtful, Curryhead etc, that they are not dealing with a mere mortal when they hurl their barbed "witticisms" and scornful jibes in my direction.
Oh no my friends because what these unwitting dolts fail to realise is that I'm no ordinary well hung mechanical love God but actually a crime busting super hero whose astounding powers defy human understanding.
For you see you snivelling wretches you are dealing with none other than Fashion Disaster Beef Stock Warrior!!!! :mad:
Jettisoned from my dying planet Mahstew (a crisp five pounds to the first genius to spot the anagram) in a heatproof condom (ribbed for my pleasure)
I landed in Finland where I was raised by a kindly old sub human couple called Eki and Hotbikerchic who schooled me in many foreign languages including textspeak and gave me my enduring and lifelong fascination with the private parts of Reindeer and Caribou.
When I reached puberty I became aware that I wasn't like the other boys at school in that whenever I found myself under stress I would seek out the nearest phone box and once inside change into hideously mismatched clothing and accessories before filling a powerful water pistol with scalding beef stock which I would conceal in my utility suspenders before going up to people and spraying them in the face with it.
After serving a number of custodial sentences in young offender's institutions I decided to use my powers only for the good of mankind and to fight crime in all its guises wherever I found it.
I moved to East London to be nearer the pie and mash shops and constructed a "Jelled Eel Restaurant Of Solitude" just off the Barking Road where I spent countless lonely hours honing my astonishing powers until at last I was faster than a speeding shopping trolley, more powerful than a Renault starter motor and was able to leap tall gibbons at a single bound.
Finally the call came that I had waited all my life for. A garbled text message from my surrogate mother in Serbo Croat and Ancient Swahili alerted me that a man in Oshawa had glued mirrors to his toecaps and was hanging around bus stops trying to look up men's trouser legs.
I knew there was no time to lose and rushed into a phone booth in Vallance Road where i quickly donned a sequined, pink, button down ladies blouse, matched with a pair of knee length khaki safari shorts accesorised with grey diamond socks and a pair of peep toed Jesus sandals. Filling my plastic weapon with boiling beef stock I brought my entire repertoire of powers to the fore by hailing a taxi to the airport before climbing aboard a budget Easyjet flight to Oshawa during which I ate 3 dodgy in flight shepherds pies with peas and carrots and 10 pints of fizzy lager for I knew that my foe was a cunning and powerful adversary with mighty powers of his own including the ability to scoff chunky chocolate bars in the cab of his 60 ton truck whilst listening to country music on his CB radio.
Within an incredible 10 hours 47 minutes which included 4 hours in baggage reclaim I reached my destination only to learn that my nemesis had foiled me by lying about his whereabouts and was actually in a Tibetan gay bar knocking back pink gin and canapes with the Dalai Llama.
In sheer frustration and rage I blasted a passing wheelchair bound invalid with skin blistering beef stock before slipping into a bright puce smoking jacket set off by a lime green sarong and fishnet cowboy boots before striding purposefully to the airport.

Next Week:

I do battle with my old arch enemy and raincoat wearing advocate Gannex in his other little known, terrifying guise of Dodgy Tie Wearing Vegetable Soup Man :eek:

Don't touch that dial :batman:

23rd April 2007, 10:51
I landed in Finland where I was raised by a kindly old sub human couple called Eki and Hotbikerchic who schooled me in many foreign languages including textspeak and gave me my enduring and lifelong fascination with the private parts of Reindeer and Caribou.
When I reached puberty I became aware that I wasn't like the other boys at school in that whenever I found myself under stress I would seek out the nearest phone box and once inside change into hideously mismatched clothing and accessories before filling a powerful water pistol with scalding beef stock which I would conceal in my utility suspenders before going up to people and spraying them in the face with it.
You were lucky to land before the advent of the mobile phone. Now there aren't any phone boxes left in Finland so you'd have to use public toilets instead. Funnily, the phone boxes were removed because the only function they had left was that they were sometimes used as public toilets.

23rd April 2007, 15:40
[quote="oily oaf"]Are any of you Super Heroes with astonishing powers?

Jettisoned from my dying planet Mahstew (a crisp five pounds to the first genius to spot the anagram) in a heatproof .......

Good ol` Alf Garrnet country. West`am?

race aficionado
23rd April 2007, 17:00
Next Week:

I do battle with my old arch enemy and raincoat wearing advocate Gannex in his other little known, terrifying guise of Dodgy Tie Wearing Vegetable Soup Man :eek:

Don't touch that dial :batman:

can't wait! :s mokin:

Glad to see that you are in true form Oily.
those so called tormentors of yours bring the best out of you.
They don't know what soups coming.

bring it on!

:s mokin:

oily oaf
23rd April 2007, 17:15
Are any of you Super Heroes with astonishing powers?

Jettisoned from my dying planet Mahstew (a crisp five pounds to the first genius to spot the anagram) in a heatproof .......

Good ol` Alf Garrnet country. West`am?

A crisp fiver and a selection of finest beef bones are winging their way to your drum as we speak sir :D

oily oaf
23rd April 2007, 17:21
You were lucky to land before the advent of the mobile phone. Now there aren't any phone boxes left in Finland so you'd have to use public toilets instead. Funnily, the phone boxes were removed because the only function they had left was that they were sometimes used as public toilets.

What's this!!!!!!!????????
You dare mention public lavatories in a family forum? :mad:
What manner of creature are you?
By all the beef bones in Bangalor I swear if you were'nt my adoptive parent I'd put on a stripey waistcoat over a string vest and give you a taste of beef stock that you'd never forget you cringing, lickspittle cur!

PS Love you Dad xxx

23rd April 2007, 17:28
Oh crikey, I'm going to feel the wrath of Oily, or worse, I'm going to get an Oily wrath.....(*shudders*)

where will I hide? :dozey:

24th April 2007, 00:27

Often I take on the Alter Ego of "Cranky WheelyBag Gran"

I have an old Cardie that smells foul and musty, a grey wig and a wheeled shopping bag, that I drag behind me through the local supermarket, bowling over anyone who gets in my way.

Impersonating an Octagenarian Grandmother, I take my week's frustrations out on unsuspecting store patrons by clubbing them with an umbrella reinforced with tinned Spam.

I randomly address strangers in the supermarket asking them "where's your lavatory paper?"

Kids get a kick to the shins and I bail the Store Manager up every Saturday to complain about the change of Bus Timetables.

I wouldn't exactly call it a Superhero of sorts, but to the Old Diggers at the Snappy Crabs local retirement villiage, I am a bit of a legend

24th April 2007, 02:19
OK, you called me out on this. I am actually a time-traveller.

I have often made posts from the future in this forum and a few odd posts from the past. In fact this post comes to you from Gallifrey over 900 years ago where I'm currently serving a sentence for a terrible crime.

This was perverting the course of history when for a time I became Khrushchev; and thus the only real Superpower that I've ever had was the Soviet Union... oh, you didn't actually mean that sort of superpower. Aw, well :D

oily oaf
24th April 2007, 07:19
OK, you called me out on this. I am actually a time-traveller.

I have often made posts from the future in this forum and a few odd posts from the past. In fact this post comes to you from Gallifrey over 900 years ago where I'm currently serving a sentence for a terrible crime.

This was perverting the course of history when for a time I became Khrushchev; and thus the only real Superpower that I've ever had was the Soviet Union... oh, you didn't actually mean that sort of superpower. Aw, well :D

By The Lord Harry sirrah!
I've half a mind (insert disparaging comment here.......) to don tragically mismatched clothing and blast a scalding jet of beef stock into your solar plexus for your insolence :mad:

However as you mention the BBC World Service in your signature, home of course to the saucy nautical emission that is The Shipping Forecast (rustle, grapple tweak) I am prepared to spare you by merely putting on a pair of shoes that are a bit too small and unwrapping a Chicken Oxo cube. :vader:
Consider yourself fortunate indeed :batman:

24th April 2007, 09:39
I have some powers: I can take up to an hour to get out of bed in the morning, I can take up to seven times longer to do an assignment than necessary. I'm not sure what to call myself, but it would have to include "lazy" in it...

Hazell B
25th April 2007, 21:55
I have superpowers. They include being really good at making cheese sauce, getting pork crackling crispy and just right, telling sales staff they're idiots when my change is wrong and keeping an aged Land Rover legal with just brown paper and string.

No tights are worn during these super hero moments :p :

25th April 2007, 21:59
No tights are worn during these super hero moments :p :
So, you go commando? Ooh...

26th April 2007, 00:15
Viking N 5 knots, North Utsire N 5 knots, South Utsire NNE 4 knots, Forties NNE 3.5, Cromarty NNW 2, Forth N 4, Tyne, NW 3, Dogger... in the Tesco's carpark at 11pm - just ask Stan Collymore for directions :D

Hazell B
26th April 2007, 11:53
I have superpowers. ......keeping an aged Land Rover legal with just brown paper and string.

Looks like my superpower on that front will need ducktape adding to it.

Some ******* broke the back window of my vehicle last night in an attempt to steal it, so I'm having to plug the hole with brown paper now :mark:

Even superheros have bad days :p :

oily oaf
26th April 2007, 15:41
Looks like my superpower on that front will need ducktape adding to it.

Some ******* broke the back window of my vehicle last night in an attempt to steal it, so I'm having to plug the hole with brown paper now :mark:

Even superheros have bad days :p :

Unfortunately an infamous act such as this is beyond the scope of even one such as Fashion Disaster Beef..... etc.
However don't despair as this very evening I am attending a Super Hero's convention at The Guild Hall where I am escorting Ms Lois Lane due to the fact that Superman had to cry off after singeing his custard rifle with his heat vision when glancing down in the gent's urinals whilst shaking the drips off :(
Once there I shall immediately inform my good friend and bridge partner Outrageously Drunk Informally Dressed Mudplugger Avenger who will quickly take matters in hand by putting on a Le Shark T shirt, jeans and moccasins before swilling down 12 pints of lager with Absinthe chasers and then making his way unsteadily to Kings Cross station before boarding a train to Plymouth and vomiting over a policeman's boots outside Marks and Spencers.

Thank me later :batman:

Azumanga Davo
26th April 2007, 16:00
My only real power is to impersonate Andy Pipkin very well. And I must say, I don't like it. I want to be a smurf... :D

Hazell B
26th April 2007, 21:42
.....swilling down 12 pints of lager with Absinthe chasers and then making his way unsteadily to Kings Cross station before boarding a train to Plymouth and vomiting over a policeman's boots outside Marks and Spencers.

AKA Tuesday in these parts :p :

Andy Pipkin - that name rings a bell. Little Britain, by chance? "I want that one" etc. I could think of worse things to impersonate :p :

oily oaf
27th April 2007, 07:03
Viking N 5 knots, North Utsire N 5 knots, South Utsire NNE 4 knots, Forties NNE 3.5, Cromarty NNW 2, Forth N 4, Tyne, NW 3, Dogger... in the Tesco's carpark at 11pm - just ask Stan Collymore for directions :D

You were doing very nicely until you mentioned Stan Collymore :mad:
Oddly enough I had a fight with him the other day.
Fortunately I came out on top relatively unscathed but Stan ended up nursing a very painful looking white eye.

Hazell B
27th April 2007, 19:50
You came out on top, eh?

Showing your best side to the onlookers, I guess :p :

Having put some thought in to being a career superhero this afternoon, I've decided to become Chainsaw Woman. The wiff of two stroke, the roar of a throbbing chopper and the spangly teflon suit all appeal to me. Can I interest Oily in to becoming Snap On Man to help keep my chainsaw, er, sawing?

27th April 2007, 21:40
It's time to reveal that I am in fact the Masked Pasta Avenger. I seek out wrongdoers and throw spaghetti at them, while distributing delicious Italian goodies to those who are good. I am indistinguishable from a normal person except for having a special hat to wear when I am avenging.

27th April 2007, 23:11
Ok... I'll let you into the secret... I'm really.....

drum roll please...


And I'll prove it...

knock knock

who's there?


Darren who?

Darren darren darrendarrendarren darrendarreeeeeen.....
the pink panther!

29th April 2007, 08:05
It's time to reveal that I am in fact the Masked Pasta Avenger. I seek out wrongdoers and throw spaghetti at them, while distributing delicious Italian goodies to those who are good. I am indistinguishable from a normal person except for having a special hat to wear when I am avenging.

:D :D Do I count as someone who is good? Do I get nicely-cooked food? :D :D

oily oaf
30th April 2007, 17:23
You came out on top, eh?

Showing your best side to the onlookers, I guess :p :

Having put some thought in to being a career superhero this afternoon, I've decided to become Chainsaw Woman. The wiff of two stroke, the roar of a throbbing chopper and the spangly teflon suit all appeal to me. Can I interest Oily in to becoming Snap On Man to help keep my chainsaw, er, sawing?

Now look here. I'm most dreadfully sorry but what you suggest is absolutely out of the question.
You see I am The General Secretary of S.H.I.T.E. The Super Hero's Integrated Trades Executive and as such would never dream of breaking strict demarcation regulations by taking on a task clearly suited to another hero.
For without doubt this is clearly a job for Sexually Ambivalent Nazi Garden Maintenance Man who will I'm sure be absolutely delighted to dress up as Reichmarshall Herman Goering before filing the teeth on your chainsaw to the correct angle and pitch whilst debating whether to cop a feel of your ar$e or have a little nibble of your fella's earoles.

Thank me next Tuesday :batman:

(lights cat and places pipe in front of saucer of milk)

30th April 2007, 18:15
:s hock:

Hazell, you best heed Oily's advice... You wouldn't want to be a S-H-I-T-E disturber now would you?

race aficionado
30th April 2007, 18:27
yep, when S-H-I-T-E hits the fan, it can get pretty messy.